Shekhawati Public School, Dundload SA-1 2016-17 Class-Iv MM-80 TIME-3 Hrs. Subject-EVS Q.1 Multiple Choice Question: - (1x10 10)

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Shekhawati Public School, Dundload

SA-1 2016-17
Class- Iv
TIME-3 Hrs.
Q.1 Multiple choice Question:(1x10=10)
1. A flower blooms when a bud
(a) Reproduce
(b) opens
2. For his food and shelter, early man was totally depend on:(a) forest
(b) rain
3.The seed from of rice is called:
(b) Paddy
4. The festival 0f Onam is celebrated in:
(a) Kerala
(b) Karnataka
5. A banyan tree has:(a) Top roots (b) aerial roots
6. Animals like to live in families because they are
(a) Social
(b) Beast
7. Who makes pots on a moving wheel ?
(a) Tailor
(b) Polter
8. Football is a kind of :(a) Gymnastic
(b) Outdoor games
9. Whose touch is the most soft and sweet
(a) Mother (b) Aunt
10. A baby growes in a mothers womb for about:
(a) 6 months (b) 9 Months
Q 2. Fill in the blanks:(1x10=10)
1. In villages ,people still live in _________ families.
2. Skin is the largest ___________ organ.
3. Cricket is an __________ game.
4. A _________ drives a vehicle.
5. Flowers make a sweet juice called __________ .
6. The food making process of plants is called ____________.
7. Women decorate their houses by making floral patterns called ___________.
8. In forest, __________ takes care of the plants.
9. _________ is the person who works hard in the fields to grow food.
10. on 14th January, ___________ is celebrated.
Q 2. Write The Answer yes or No
1. The regular eating of food at home is called community eating.
2. We neend to eat everyday.
3. Neem is used as a natural frush in villages.
4. All the flowers blooms in the same season.
5. Plants do not need water.
6. Ants and termites live in huge colonies.
7. A Polter makes beautiful pots.
8. We should always give priority to our studies.
9. We feel the touch with the help of nose.
10. On 14th January __________ is celebrated.

Q 2. Write Answere in Yes or No

1. The regular eating of food at home is called community eating.
2. We need to eat everyday.
3. Neem is used as a natural brush in villages.
4. All the flowers blooms in the same season.
5. Plants do not need water.
6. Ants and termites live in huge colonies.
7. A Potter makes beautiful pots.
8. We should always give priority to our studies.
9. We feel the touch with the help of noise.
10. We should be kind to animals and plants.
Q.4 Match these
1. Goat
(a) Sty
2. Pig
(b) Den
3. Rabbit
(c) Shed
4. Dog
(d) Hole
5. Lion
(e) Kennel
6. Owl
(f) Stable
7. Horse
(g) Burrow
8. Bird
(h) Nest
9. Bee
(i) Colonies
10. Ant
(j) Honey Comb
Q.5 Answer the following Question in short
1. Which is the most beautiful insect ?
2. Name the main types of roots.
3. Who is a florist ?
4. Who are tribols ?
5. Why do we need to eat food everyday ?
6. On which festival do women of Rajasthan distribute ghevar ?
7. Who waters the fields regularly ?
8. Which tree is a complete medicinal plant ?
9. Name two roots which we eat as vegetables.
10. Who stitches our clothes ?
Q. 6 Answer the following question long.
3x5 = 15
1. Why do we need a family ?
2. Name few animals and birds which can be kept as pet and domestic animals ?
3. What are the function of roots.
4. Write a short note on Neem tree.
5. Why are vegetables important for us ? Name a few popular vegetables.
Q. 7 Draw a diagram your favourate flower with its plant.

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