For Kinge and Parliament 0.2

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J. A.

Burnstone 2016
Version 1
Wargame rules for fighting the great battles of the
English Civil War using hexes
"Colonell Sands beinge in the front, the Prince asked him whom he was for; he answered, 'For Kinge and
Parliament.' He replyed, 'Not for the Kinge alone? ' He answered, ' No.' Then said the Prince, ' For the King
have at you.' The Colonell answered, ' For the Parliament have at you.' And so they discharged each at other. The
rest followed them and presently those in ambush fired upon them as also the musqetteers behind the hedges, the
horsemen charged not the second time but immediatly fell to their swords so that for the space of almost an hower
the skermish was excedinge hot"
The Battle of Powick Bridge, September 1642, recorded in the letters of Nehemiah Wharton

The Tools of Warre

This is a co-operative game of characters, combat

This is a co-operative game of characters,

and chance. Players choose a hero and then use that

hero to explore the Old World in a game of action
and adventure.

combat and chance. Players choose a hero

and then use that hero to explore the Old
World in a game of action and adventure.

It is a DM free system. The idea was to work out a

process by which the main work of the DM in
running the story, and playing the NPCs and
enemies, could be automated. This had been
achieved by adding a system of card mechanics and
adventure books to the game.


When its time to delve into dungeons and smite

hordes of chittering Skaven or fungus crazed
Goblins then the players use decks of cards to
generate semi-random environments and groups
of foes.
This game owes a lot to D&D, the rpg and the
boardgames, but Hold Fast! is very different from
those systems too. Lets just hope we have some

is a DM free system. The idea was to

work out a process by which the main
work of the DM in running the story, and
playing the NPCs and enemies, could be
automated. This had been achieved by
adding a system of card mechanics and
adventure books to the game.

When its time to delve into dungeons and

smite hordes of chittering Skaven or
fungus crazed Goblins then the players use
decks of cards to generate semi-random
environments and groups of foes.

This game owes a lot to D&D, the rpg and

the boardgames, but Hold Fast! is very
different from those systems too. Lets just
hope we have some fun!


Choosing an Adventurer
The time has come to make your mark in the Old World! Look through the Hero Sheets and
choose a Hero that suits you. Each Hero Sheet contains information on starting equipment as
well as a list of what skill pools they draw from. Take 1 skill from an available skill pool to

The Hero Sheet

On this area of the Hero Mat you will find


the your Name, Class, Base Armour Class,

and your Reaction Skill.

Speed (in squares) and how many Wounds

you recover when called upon to make a

are the slots for the items held in

Recover Action. Place your Second Wind

your hands and your two Active Skills.

token on the Recover icon.


These are

armour, accessories and consumables. See

your bonuses (or negatives) to

hit with Mele, Ranged and Spell attacks.


you will track your Wounds and

Surges. Place your tokens on the

are the slots for your helmet,

the page xx for more information on



box contains important information

appropriate spots.

about your character and his/her skills.

These are your core stats, if you are called

equipment to see whether your character

Refer to this box when you gain new

upon to make a check that involves any

can use it. Also note any special rules for

activity that is not an attack, you will be

your character, for example on the above

referred to these.

sheet Razgrut is noted as being able to

These are the slots for your Inventory and

your Exhausted cards.


are the slots for your Passive Skill

attack twice each time he takes an action.

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