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Mythology associated with Thiruvidanthai

+91-99625 10986
Bank Details:
Acc.Name: Nachiaar Sath Kainkarya Sabha a/c Nithya kalyana Perumal Temple
Car Account
Account No. 717176765
Bank: Indian Bank,Mylapore Branch

The temple is rich is puranic lore. Once

upon a time, there lived a sage, Kalava by
name, who had 360 daughters. In those
days, this temple town was so huge that it
had 360 agraharams (main streets). Out of
respect for the sage, residents in each
street took up the task of bringing up each
of the 360 daughters of the sage. When
they grew up, the sage thought that it
would be a Herculean task to get them all
married suitably; praying fervently, he took
refuge at the feet of Lord Adi Varaha. The
most compassionate Lord Maha Vishnu
assumed the form of a Brahmachari
(bachelor), appeared in the first agraharam, proposed marriage with the first
daughter and then married her. When the
newly-weds visited the temple of Lord Adi
Varaha, they vanished mysteriously in the
sanctum sanctorum. This was repeated to
the rest of sage Kalava's daughters, day
after day. The bewildered Maharshi wanted
to know from God Himself the whereabouts
of his daughters and sons-in-law. When he
entered the sanctum sanctorum, Lord
Varaha appeared before him, holding all
the 360 daughters on His lap. The Lord
merged all the 360 souls into the single
soul of Goddess Lakshmi, making Her sit on
His raised left thigh. The sage was greatly
elated to be the father of Goddess Lakshmi
Herself. As the marriage ceremony continued day after day for 360 days, the place
came to be known as "Nithya Kalyana Puri"
and the lord as "Nirthya Kalyana Perumal".
Vaishnavite philosophy speaks of the whole
mankind as female and Lord Maha Vishnu
as the only male "Purushothama". Eternal
union of the souls with the God brings salvation (Jeevatma merging with Paramatma). A great truth is driven home symbolically as the merger of the brides and
the bridegroom. On the earthly level, it is
believed that worship of this Lord confers
bliss of marriage faster.



Historically renowned temple
of Thiruvidanthai is dedicated to Sri Adi
Varaha Perumal (Lord Vishnu in the form of
Wild Boar). Thiruvidanthai is the 62nd temple of 108 Divya Desam vishnu Temples.
Mangalasasanam (Praised as a holy Shrine)
to this temple was done by Thirumangai
Alwar (One of the 12 Alwars Saints). This
Sthalam (Temple) is one of the 22 Diya
Desam Temples in Thondai Nadu. The temple is more than 1000 Years Old. This temple well known to locals as Nithya Kalyana
Perumal Temple.

Nithya kalyana perumal,

There are numerous Vishnu temples in our country and all over the world. Amongst these, those
which are quite ancient are countable. Even
amongst these ancient temples only 106 temples
(and 2 more outside of earth) are hailed as great
as those were mentioned in the holy hymns of
azhwars. Even amongst these 106 temples there
are only a few in which Lord Sriman Narayana
gives us darshan in the form of Sri Bhuvaraha
Swamy. One such
divyadesam is
As the name says
it all, the lord during his Varaha
avatar, uplifted
mother earth from
the turmoil and as
He kept her in His
left lap, the snapshot of that very
scene has beOur illustrious
Vedic tradition has given us the liberty of adoring
our Gods in ways as our child, parent, guru,
companion, ruler etc. In temples, in palanquins,
we carry our master and Lord, in cradle (Dolai)
we foster our child, in car (ratham) we celebrate
our ruler, who is indeed our complete protector
and bestower of all pleasures.
Temples are energized remote control models of
global mechanism and the Lord in sanctum Sanctorum is verily the immanent all pervading Supreme. In this sense, the four madaveedhis
around the temple represent the peripheral energy field of the world.

Needless to say, that the significance of the temple deity in the car visiting the processional
streets, is equal to a global round trip and on that
car festival day the participants act as representatives and mediators for the entire denizens of this

Rathastham Keshavam Drishtva Punarjanma

Na vidyathe
(Darshan of the Lord in a Ratha (temple car) frees
us from the cycle of Births) is an authentic statement in our religious literature that marks the
greatness of just the sight of Lord in His car.
Even the omniscient Almighty cannot evaluate the
pride, privilege and benefits of those who contribute the car itself, uniting craving, deserving and
dedicated souls.
As mortals engrossed in the mundane cycle of
existence, we have all become creatures of limited
identity. By performing tasks of worldly significance, we gain a
limited identity
within a specific
era. By performing
tasks of Divine Significance, we gain a
place in the diary of
the Time itself!!
In olden days, it
was only the kings
and the emperors
who had the opportunity and capacity of contributing solid offerings
to the Divine. It is indeed a god given gift that we
have been ordained by Perumal Himself, to offer a
temple car for such a glorious Divya Desam.
It is well known that our lives are controlled by the
motion of nine planets that are embedded in our
solar system. A deed that grants us divine affilia-

Just as we have shortcuts in routes in

material life, a humble and meager participation in the Divine kainkaryam (a minimum of 1000 Rs towards 1/5th of a cft of
teakwood, inclusive of its cutting, shaping, transportation and woodwork and
maximum 5000 Rs towards 1cft of the
same) entitles us a punya (positive karma)
which will enable our future generations to
reap the reward of a kingly life!!

About the Trust

Nachiaar Sath Kainkarya Sabha is a Chennai based Registered charitable trust engaged in religious activities for more than
a decade.
Considering the significance and spiritual
splendor of the kainkarya, many financially affluent individuals are more than keen
to offer the same individually. However,
as our religion preaches ,(koodi irunthu
kulirnthelor embavai), it is more appropriate that we include as many participants
as possible. For this reason, we have
strictly restricted contributions to Rs.
5000/- per family and a minimum of
Rs.1000/- per head.

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