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Regional Conven,on
09 - 11 September, 2016

Dear Brothers,
We would just like to remind you of a few things that would contribute to the quality of the
program at the REMAIN LOYAL TO JEHOVAH! District Conven,on, 2016. Please take note of the
following points listed below and promptly aWend to these; if you have not already done so, so
as to avoid puYng pressure on various Conven,on Departments.

For those who have demonstra,ons and interviews, rehearsals will be held at the
following venues:
Venue: Katlehong Sign Language Kh
Date & Time: 2 September @ 18:00 - 19:30
Venue: Midrand Assembly Hall
Date & Time: 7 September, 2015 @ 17:00 19:30.

Speakers and / or par,cipants that cannot aWend the rehearsal due to distance
(immaterial how far you are from each other), must send all recorded video
demonstra,ons, soliloquies and interviews via email or whatsapp NO LATER THAN 22
Please discuss with those taking part in demos or interviews, the Publica,on references
as regards to dress and grooming. Distrac,ng jewellery should not be worn. It is best
solid colour clothing contras,ng to your skin colour should be worn. Dark brothers in
light clothing, light brothers in dark clothing. PaWerns should be avoided. (See leWer
June 11, 2007)
If using any pictures, please make sure the Video Department has them and knows your
order. Please use only pictures found in our publica,ons. If you plan to use pictures
found elsewhere, please email them to me at least a month before the conven,on for
Please send all pictures and scriptures in order to AV Department
( before 21 August, 2016. Please send the Link via google drive
or drop box. Late submissions will not be accepted! Because of streaming the set-up has
changed and all videos and pictures need to be sent earlier.
NOTE: Since we have DVD publica,ons available, we are encouraging all speakers to use
the scriptures already signed on the DVDs in your talks. These will be played for you on
Please give par,cular aWen,on to how you sign all other scriptures our teaching is
based on Gods Word.
We also have facility to display pictures, but please use these sparingly, in accord with
the leWer from the Branch dated July 2, 2007.

As directed from the Branch, in general, a brother giving a talk should look directly into
the camera.
As we know this conven,on will be streaming for Durban and delayed streaming for
Cape Town and PE. Please dear brothers we know the are popular signs at our areas
where we live that we might want to use but for showing concedare,on for our dear
brothers and sisters who will aWend this conven,on in other places men,oned above.
Please refer to the South African Sign Language DVDs to use signs that are commonly
Please note there will be a make-up team behind the stage this year. It's not compulsory
but does help with the quality.
All must check in (1) on the rst day of the conven,on, (2) 30 minutes prior to the start
of the program on the day of your assignment, and (3) 30 minutes before you are due to
appear on the plalorm. However, if you a visi,ng speaker assigned to par,cipate in the
program only on one of the days, you may check in on the day of your assignment.
Please report any problems, e.g. Par,cipants arriving late, no shows etc. promptly.

We are looking forward to your oering and appreciate the hard work and prepara,on thus far.
Warm Chris,an Love and Gree,ngs
Your brother
Daniel Mothobi
Conven,on Chairman

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