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Murat Cem Ertrk
SITA Environment Waste Services Co.

Healthy development of integrated waste management at national level is inn principal dependent on adequacy of
the waste sector and a systematic interaction between the regulations and implementations. Within this framework,
analysis of reflection and effects of implementations in waste management is highly significant. The aim of this
study is analysis of the reflection of implementation of the regulation foreseeing decrease of biodegradable wastes to
be landfilled and making forecasts for the future by using existing data.
With the purpose of determination of needs, the total and biodegradable waste amounts in Turkey have been
calculated according to current and future conditions. It has been queried to what extent the data acquired in this
direction meet the goals of the regulation, predictions were made for need of investments.
A significant part of the existing facilities aimed at processing and recycling of biodegradable wastes is of pilot size
or at testing stage and existing total capacity can be disposed only 10% of the total biodegradable wastes. It is
required to establish biological preprocessing facilities with a total capacity of 8 million tons until year 2025 in order
to meet the targets of the regulations. Additional measures are needed for meeting these needs. It is necessary to
implement arrangements and renovations in implementation plans, structuring of regulations and financial policies
for harmonization of goals of the regulation with the implementations.
Keywords: Biodegradable Waste, Organic Waste, Waste Legislation, Waste Reduction


Waste management in Turkey is progressing within the framework of the national regulations, which is
under continuous development since 1990s. Healthy development of integrated waste management at
national level is inn principal dependent on adequacy of the waste sector and a systematic interaction
between the regulations and implementations.
The goal of disposal of biodegradable wastes, which have the largest share of municipal wastes in our
country, with methods other than landfill require a significant change of strategy for implementations. In
this context, analysis of reflection and effects of implementations in waste management is highly
significant. Within this framework, monitoring the determining goals of the regulation in the waste
management sector and assessments to be made from their consequences is required to establish a
realistic working platform.
The aim of this study is analysis of the reflection of implementation of the regulation foreseeing decrease
of biodegradable wastes to be landfilled and making forecasts for the future by using existing data. It is
aimed that with this aspect, the study serves the purpose of providing an updated definition of the need for
development of Turkey in the field of waste management and to create awareness about the matter.

In this study, total and biodegradable waste formation on country basis was calculated by using official
data. Then, landfill quotas and quantities foreseen for biodegradable wastes as per the regulations in effect
were determined. The content that needs to be kept subject to biological process in the contents of
biodegradable wastes were classified and calculated separately.
The quantity of wastes that need to be kept subject to biological preprocessing on a year basis in the
future in order to conform to landfill quotas were determined. The total capacity need of the biological
preprocessing facilities were determined by taking as basis year 2025, which is the ultimate target in the
regulations. This need was distributed to the municipality groups in the scale of their populations. As a
result, estimations were made for total capacity needs and the number of necessary facilities of different
capacities. It was aimed that this estimate gives an idea and create awareness about investment needs.


The annual capacity need of 8 million tons can be met with almost 200 additional facilities with different
capacities. The number and capacities of facilities referred to here were calculated only with the purpose
of giving an idea to determine investment needs and it is considered that ultimate planning will be made
by taking local conditions and needs into consideration.
According to updated data, 46% of municipal wastes in Turkey are disposed in landfill facilities, 51% in
wild dump sites, 1% in the compost facility and the remaining by biogas and other disposal methods. [1].
A significant part of the existing facilities aimed at processing and recycling of biodegradable wastes is of
pilot size or at testing stage and existing total capacity can be disposed only 10% of the total
biodegradable wastes. In order to meet the goals of the regulations, it is necessary to establish biological
preprocessing facilities of total capacity of 8 million tons until year 2025. When the facilities planned and
under construction are assessed together, it is observed that additional measures are needed for meeting
these ratios. On one side, these measures are related with planning new facilities and on the other side
they will be related with increasing the quantity of biodegradable wastes that can be collected separately
as input of these facilities. It is foreseen that the referred findings and needs will be reflected in the
investment plans by taking into consideration the local conditions.


With this study, the present situation of Turkey about biodegradable waste management has been
analyzed and situation-goal analyses were made for the future. It is necessary to implement arrangements
and renovations in implementation plans, structuring of regulations and financial policies for
harmonization of goals of the regulation with the implementations.


Turkish Statistics Institute, (2012). Statistics of Municipal Waste 2010, Ankara Turkey
(Abolished) Ministry of Environment and Forestry, (2010), Regulation on Landfill of Wastes (Official
Gazette No: 27533, dated 26.03.2010), Istanbul Turkey.
(Abolished) Ministry of Environment and Forestry, (2006). Solid Waste Master Plan Final Report,
Prepared by Mimko A.. stanbul Turkey
T.R. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, (2012). Draft Notification on Collection of Wastes, Annex
Scheduling Table, Ankara Turkey
T.C. Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Local Authorities, (2012). Annual Report of Local
Authorities 2011, Ankara Turkey

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