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Essa lista a lista 3 Grammar Mix Se der, caderno, ok?

1. (Ufsc 2013) Read the text and answer.
Introducing Cordel

Brazil's "literatura de cordel" is a kind of folk-popular poetry ______ involves both the oral and
written traditions and is very popular in northeastern Brazil. After a hiatus of ______ years when
its production fell ______ because of economic and social change in Brazil, it is ______ a
revival due primarily to the personal computer and printer which allow poets to ______ the high
cost of typographies and printing shops. In addition, there is a large ______ of "cordel" type
poetry on the internet.
Adapted from: <>. Accessed on
August 17th, 2012.
Choose the CORRECT proposition(s) to complete the text above.
01) what many chiefly transforming refuse occurrence
02) which some significantly experiencing avoid presence
04) there various largely renovating decline attendance
08) who few extensively increasing change existence
16) that several considerably undergoing escape incidence
2. (Ufsc 2013) Read the text and answer.
Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon

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Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon is a Brazilian modernist novel. It was written by Jorge Amado in
1958 and it is widely considered one of his finest works. The action of the novel begins in 1925
in the provincial port of Ilhus in Brazil's northeastern state of Bahia.
The book tells two separate but related tales: first, the romance between Nacib Saad and
Gabriela. Second, it describes the political struggle between the old guard of Cacao growers
and the forces of modernization, in the person of Mundinho Falco. It can be read
simultaneously as an unusual, charming love story, a description of the political and social
forces at work in 1920s Brazil, a somewhat satirical depiction of Latin American aspirations to
"modernity", and a celebration of the local culture and pleasures of Bahia.
Adapted from: <, cravo_e_canela>.
< top>. Accessed on August 17th, 2012.
According to the review of the novel Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon, it is
01) an attractive love story and a portrayal of the political and social forces interacting in Brazil
in the twentieth century.
02) a typical and common love story which combines regional society customs with a satirical
depiction of Latin America aspirations to "modernity".
04) an account to some extent satirical of Latin American aspirations to "modernity".
08) a book that is composed of two different stories which are interconnected.
16) one of Jorge Amados best novels which takes place in the second decade of the twentieth
century in Brazil.
32) a book which should be read concurrently with any other Jorge Amados modernist novel.
64) a story which combines love, enjoyment, political and social aspects focused on a provincial
region in the northeast of Brazil.
3. (Ufsc 2013) Read the text and answer.
O Auto da Compadecida

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O Auto da Compadecida is a 2000 Brazilian comedy film, directed by Guel Arraes, with a
screenplay by Arraes and Adriana Falco. It is based on the 1955 play of almost the same name
by Ariano Suassuna.
The plot concerns the adventures of Joo Grilo (Matheus Natchergaele) and Chic (Selton
Mello), the most cowardly of men. The lively Joo Grilo and the tricky Chic are poor guys who
cheat a bunch of people in a small northeast Brazilian town. But when they die, they have to be
judged by Christ, the Devil and the Virgin Mary, before they are admitted to paradise.
The film was a critical and commercial success in Brazil and in some South American countries
like Chile and Venezuela. It was not as well-received in English-speaking countries.
Adapted from: <>.
<>. Accessed on August 17th, 2012.
Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT answers for the following
questions, according to the text above.
01) Do the film and the play have the same name? Yes, they do.
02) Which came first, the movie or the play? The play did.
04) Were Joo Grilo and Chic brave guys? No, they werent.
08) Where does the action take place? In the northeast of Brazil.
16) What happens at the end of the film? Joo Grilo and Chic go to hell.
32) Was the film a success everywhere? Yes, it was.
4. (Uem 2013) Gabby Douglas: I was called a slave
The two gold medals star gymnast Gabby Douglas took home from the London Olympics almost
never happened. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Douglas revealed that the bullying she
received from her teammates at her training gym in Virginia Beach was at one point so
unbearable that she considered quitting the sport. She said the other girls ostracized her and
told racist jokes, and at one point suggested that she should clean the equipment: Why doesnt
Gabby do it? Shes our slave. Douglas said she would come home at night and just cry my
eyes out.
(Texto adaptado. Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em 29/8/2012)
According to text, Gabby Douglas
01) has won gold medals for the second time.
02) was constantly bullied by the girls who trained with her.
04) became a champion in spite of unhappy moments earlier in her career.
08) does not like cleaning the equipment as part of her activities as a gymnast.
16) usually cries when she wins at important competitions.

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Eye on tsunamis
Tsunamis aren't moon-driven tides or wind-driven waves at the sea surface. They're
caused by violent movements of rocks seafloor earthquakes usually that can put a whole
ocean in motion. Since the first one on record along Syria's coast in about 2000 B.C., a few
thousand tsunamis have collectively killed more than five hundred thousand people. Nearly half
those deaths occurred in a single catastrophe in the Indian Ocean in 2004; as coastal
populations have boomed, tsunamis have grown more lethal. Their Japanese name it means
"harbor wave" is perhaps a bit too quiet.
Most large tsunamis arise around the rim of the Pacific and Indian oceans, along
seafloor faults called subduction zones, where colliding tectonic plates trigger large
earthquakes. Waves spread in opposite directions from the fault. Within minutes the first waves
crash onto nearby land, as in Japan in 2011; within hours they cross the ocean. Even thousands
of miles away, a harbor may not be safe. Tsunamis remain dangerous after they've crossed a
whole ocean, barreling at the speed of a jetliner. The one that savaged Japan swept a man in
California out to sea.
Some sixteen thousand people died in Japan last March 11, most of them along
hundreds of miles of coast in the Tohoku region, and nearly four thousand are still missing. The
tsunami eradicated several towns and villages in Tohoku and left hundreds of thousands
Adaptado de: National Geographic, February 2012.

5. (Uepg 2013) Quanto ao termo "nearly", presente no primeiro e terceiro pargrafos, assinale
o que for correto.
01) Em ambos os casos ele tem a funo de advrbio.
02) Em ambos os casos ele poderia ser substitudo por "almost".
04) Em ambos os casos ele tem a funo de adjetivo.
08) Em ambos os casos ele poderia ser substitudo por "every".
6. (Uepg 2013) Baseado no que diz o texto como um todo, assinale o que for correto.
01) A maioria dos grandes tsunamis ocorrem nas orlas dos oceanos Pacfico e Atlntico.
02) Os tsunamis no so causados pelo vento ou por mars na superfcie dos mares.
04) H notcia de um homem ser arrastado para o mar nos EUA, em consequncia da mesma
catstrofe que atingiu o Japo.
08) A traduo para a expresso "harbor wave" "suave onda".
7. (Uepg 2013) Ainda baseado no texto todo, assinale o que for correto.
01) Os tsunamis podem ser perigosos mesmo aps terem cruzado um oceano inteiro.
02) "Subduction zone" o nome dado a uma rea costeira que foi atingida por um tsunami.
04) Os tsunamis tornaram-se mais letais devido ao aumento das populaes nas reas
08) Tsunamis percorrem os oceanos a velocidades muito superiores as dos avies a jato.
8. (Uepg 2013) De acordo com o ltimo pargrafo do texto, assinale o que for correto.
01) Em Tohoku, o tsunami destruiu vrias cidades e vilas.
02) Cerca de seis mil pessoas esto desaparecidas no Japo.
04) A maioria dos dezesseis mil mortos moravam ao longo de centenas de milhas da costa na
regio de Tohoku.
08) O Japo sofreu o mais terrvel maremoto seguido de tsunami de sua histria em 2011.
9. (Uepg 2013) Aps a leitura do texto, assinale o que for correto.
01) As rochas submarinas movem-se inesperadamente, causando pnico nas populaes.
02) Centenas de milhares de japoneses ficaram sem teto aps o tsunami de 11 de maro de
04) Um oceano inteiro pode ser afetado por deslocamentos violentos das placas tectnicas.
08) O primeiro registro de um tsunami data de 2000 a.C.

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10. (Uepg 2013) Com base nas informaes contidas no primeiro e segundo pargrafos,
assinale o que for correto.
01) Durante um maremoto, gigantescas ondas surgem e se deslocam em direes opostas.
02) Coletivamente, os tsunamis j mataram mais de quinhentas mil pessoas.
04) Quase a metade do total estimado de mortes causadas por tsunamis ocorreu em uma nica
08) O primeiro tsunami de que se tem registro tambm ocorreu no Japo.
11. (Uepg 2013) Nas opes abaixo, assinale o que for correto quanto ao sentido equivalente
ao do ltimo segmento do primeiro pargrafo: "... is perhaps a bit too quiet. "
01) ... is maybe a little too quiet.
02) is maybe a bit too hard.
04) ... is perhaps a little too strong.
08) ... is perhaps a bit too soft.

Key to career success is confidence, not talent

Although workers with big egos will often perform poorly and make more mistakes, their
colleagues consistently 1fail to spot their errors and continue to believe they are terrific or
Their personality means they are often promoted over those who are more competent, as
colleagues 2mistake their confidence for talent.
A study of more than 500 students, academics and workers, published in the Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, showed that 3those who appeared more confident achieved
a higher social status than their peers. Within a work environment, higher-status individuals
tended to be more admired, listened to, and had more sway over group decisions.
Prof Cameron Anderson of the University of California, who 5led the research, said that those
who were overconfident often 6sought power, fame or success and that overconfidence was
encouraged by 8the prospect of increased social status, respect and esteem.
The researchers 7found that many of their subjects believed sincerely that they were more
physically talented, socially adept and skilled at their jobs than reality reflected. Although we
may seek to choose wisely, we are often forced to rely on proxies for ability, such as
individuals confidence. In so doing we, as a society, create incentives for those who would
seek status to display more confidence than their actual ability merits.
(Texto adaptado. Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em 28/08/2012)

12. (Uem 2013) According to text, choose the correct alternative(s).

01) Overconfident workers tend to have a bad performance at work.
02) Fame can destroy peoples life if they are not emotionally prepared for success.
04) Competent individuals usually have clear objectives in life and achieve top careers.
08) People with big egos deserve respect and admiration.
16) Having a successful career depends mainly on the belief that you have the ability
to do things well.
13. (Uem 2013) Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words extracted
from text is correct.
01) The words fail (ref. 1) and mistake (ref. 2) refer to something that has a good result.
02) The extracts those who appeared more confident achieved a higher social status than their
peers (ref. 3) and The researchers found that many of their subjects believed sincerely that
they were more physically talented (ref. 4) are examples of passive voice.
04) The verbs led (ref. 5), sought (ref. 6) and found (ref. 7) are irregular and are used in the
past tense in the text.
08) In the extracts the prospect of increased social status, respect and esteem (ref. 8) and
physically talented, socially adept and skilled at their jobs (ref. 9), the underlined words
have a positive meaning.

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16) The apostrophe is used in individuals confidence (ref. 10) to show that something belongs
to someone or is connected with them.

The Dictionary of American Regional English

Joan Houston Hall, a lexicographer, is concerned about the use of regionalisms throughout the
country. She works in one of Americas most ambitious lexicographical projects, which
culminates with the publication of a dictionary by Harvard University Press, 50 years after the
project was inaugurated by Frederic G. Cassidy.
Mr. Cassidy, who died in 2000, did not make it to the end of the alphabet. But to scholars and
language lovers the work he set in motion is an invaluable guide to the way Americans 1not only
speak but also live. The dictionary includes 2nearly 60,000 terms, many of them reflecting the
countrys rural and agricultural past. But among the pages and pages of names for wildflowers
and farm implements, DARE, as the dictionary is commonly known, includes enough newer
terms to suggest that the state of regional English isnt quite as bad as may suggest the laments
about the homogenizing forces of urbanization, mass media and the Internet.
Ms. Hall recognizes that the extremes of regional speech are disappearing; however, she is
pleased to find out that there are still lots of regional words. If it has become harder to find many
different terms for outdated expressions, thats partly because people today are 3more likely to
be talking about fast food or traffic. 4In fact, in the age of Twitter and Facebook, linguists say, the
interactions that most powerfully shape our speech are still local and face to face. 5In sum,
American English 6actually has more words for the same things than ever before.
Adapted from: <>. Accessed on August 14th, 2012.

14. (Ufsc 2013) Select the proposition(s) which presents (present) CORRECT explanations for
the expressions below, as they are used in the text.
01) not only but also (ref. 1): adding information
02) nearly (ref. 2): indicating distance
04) more likely to (ref. 3): expressing probability
08) in fact (ref. 4): emphasizing information
16) in sum (ref. 5): providing additional ideas
32) actually (ref. 6): reinforcing ideas
15. (Ufsc 2013) Regarding the dictionary mentioned in the text, it is correct to state that:
01) the Dictionary of American Regional English is a result of one of Americas most ambitious
lexicographical projects.
02) Joan Houston Hall is the only lexicographer responsible for the dictionary published by
Harvard University.
04) the dictionary which is a product of a group of students from Harvard consists of almost
60,000 terms.
08) the Dictionary of American Regional English is also known as DARE.
16) the inclusion of newer terms in the Dictionary of American Regional English suggests that
the state of regional English isnt so bad.
16. (Ufsc 2013) Select the CORRECT proposition(s) about the text.

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01) The Dictionary of American Regional English is a scientific article about a scientific
02) The text adapted from The New York Times was released originally in February 25th, 2012.
04) The text is about a dictionary whose project was started by Frederic G. Cassidy.
08) The text was written by Joan Houston Hall, a lexicographer who works with dictionaries.
16) The Dictionary of American Regional English is a text printed in the mass media about
people who like dictionaries.

Churrasco: a typical food in the south of Brazil

Brazilian food is varied and interesting. As it happens with every country, the cuisine of Brazil is
strongly related to the history and culture of the country and varies from one region to another,
sometimes in such a way that visitors might feel like they are in different countries. One of the
most common foods in the southern region of Brazil is churrasco. A recipe of this popular food
follows below:
Recipe of Churrasco Gacho
fine quality cuts of beef, lamb, veal, ribs, etc.
mashed cloves of garlic
Set the fire and be sure the coals are bright before putting on the meat. Assemble meat cuts on
metallic skewers and set on the grill. Turn skewers frequently. When the meat begins to brown,
make a salty liquid dissolving the salt in the water with the garlic and baste the meat with it.
Cuts with more fat are the best for charcoal grilling.
It takes about 1 hour above the fire.
Cut slices from outside and serve. Keep meat warm on the grill while not serving. Always baste
the meat waiting on the grill with the salty liquid to keep it juicy and fresh.
Adapted from: <>. <>.
Accessed on August 22nd, 2012.

17. (Ufsc 2013) The text Churrasco Gacho gives information about:
01) the kinds of meat that can be used.
02) the price of the ingredients.
04) the quantities for each person.
08) the time the meat should stay on the grill.
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16) the right size of the cuts.
32) the way to serve the churrasco gacho.
18. (Ufsc 2013) Consider the following situation: Peter, who is visiting the south of Brazil,
prepared a churrasco gacho as described below. Did he follow the recipe in the text? Select
the CORRECT proposition(s), according to the text.
01) He set the fire and immediately put the meat over it.
02) He turned the skewers only when the meat was almost ready.
04) He mixed the water, the salt and the garlic together.
08) He took out all the fat from the meat.
16) He returned the meat to the grill after cutting some slices.
32) He covered the meat kept on the grill with the salty liquid.
Latin America is becoming the hottest new market for Russian arms and Washington seems
to be the unwitting facilitator. According to a new report by the International Institute for Strategic
Studies, Russia has signed deals with Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia worth a
total of $5.8 billion in 2008 in exchange 5 for access to oil and gas reserves, and is actively
negotiating with Bolivia, Uruguay, and Ecuador. Though Latin American defense spending is
modest, and U.S. allies Mexico and Colombia have the biggest defense budgets, Russia is
making big inroads in a region that Washington thinks of as its backyard. Venezuela has
emerged as Russias preferred client, buying four billion dollars in tanks, fighter jets, and assault
rifles since 2007. Last year Moscow extended about two billion in credit to Caracas for the
purchase of Russian weapons. In turn, Russian oil companies will be given ample access to
Venezuelan oilfields.
The U.S. is at least partly to blame for Russias recent upsurge. Since 2006 Washington has
aggressively cut back weapons sales to countries judged unstable 15 or soft on terror (read:
Venezuela). Thats just fine with Moscow, which seems more than happy to rush in to fill the
MARGOLIS, Mac. Russian arms flood latin market. Newsweek, New York, Mar. 1, 2010. p. 9.
So perguntas cujas respostas esto contidas no texto:
01) What role has Washington seemed to play in the Russian arms market?
02) How often did Russia use to negotiate with Latin American countries?
04) Why has Moscow succeeded in selling arms to Latin America?
08) What advantages did Russia have in signing deals with Latin American countries?
16) Which Latin American country has bought the fewest weapons from Russia?
32) Whats Washingtons view of Latin America?
64) Whose oil reserves will be negotiated with the American government?

Space hotel to give rich a thrill thats out of this world

Russian engineers have announced 15the ultimate get-away-from-it-all holiday, revealing
plans to put a hotel into orbit 200 miles above Earth by 2016. The 17four-room Hotel in the
Heavens would 6house up to seven guests 1who would be able to dance happily in zero-gravity
while watching as our planet turns.
The out-of-this-world experience will not come 7cheaply, however. Space tourists will
have to pay 500,000 to travel on a Soyuz rocket to get to the hotel before struggling to pay a
further 100,000 for a 18five-day stay.
The hotel will be aimed at 8wealthy individuals and people working for private
companies who want to do research in space, said Sergei Kostenko, chief executive of Orbital
Technologies, 2which will construct the orbiting guest house. A hotel should be comfortable, and
this one will be.
The news that Russia plans to launch a hotel into outer space is the latest example in a
series of extreme holidaymaking projects. As the world accumulates more and more billionaires,
entrepreneurs are seeking 10newer and more demanding ways to provide 3them with the
ultimate in hi-tech thrills. Apart from space hotels, which have also been touted recently by US
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and European aerospace companies, proposals to fly 19thrill-seekers on rocket flights to the
edge of space are now being finalised by Richard Bransons Virgin Galactic as well as by US
In the case of the space hotels, hedonism will be limited. Orbital Technologies have
made it 11clear that guests will be restricted to consuming 20iced tea and fruit juices for 4their
liquid intake. 13Alcohol will be banned. In addition, 21waste water will be recycled while air will be
filtered to remove odour and bacteria and then returned to cabins.
Tourists, accompanied by experienced crew, will also have to dine on food prepared on
Earth and reheated in microwave ovens, while showers will be carefully sealed affairs to prevent
water escaping as globules that otherwise would float around the hotels interior.
It is scarcely five-star 9luxury. On the other hand, there will be many compensations.
Views of the Earth from the space hotels special observation windows should be 22breathtaking
as the craft fastly moves round our planet every 90 minutes providing guests with 16 sunsets
and 16 sunrises a day. Visitors will also be able to choose to have their beds vertically or
horizontally inclined to their line of flight. Indeed, the prospect of weightlessness offers all sorts
of zero-gravity activities that, on Earth, can only be dreamt of.
By contrast, the pleasures offered for 5those who go on suborbital flights offered by
Virgin Galactic will be over far more quickly. Launched on craft pioneered by aviation designer
Burt Rutan, this craft will allow passengers to slip the bonds of the gravitational field for only a
few minutes before their rocket-powered craft descends back to Earth. On the other hand, the
companys plans are far 12more advanced than those put forward by most other space tourism
entrepreneurs. Branson says Virgin Galactics first flights should begin next year. Tickets will
cost a mere $200,000, with celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Tom Hanks and Stephen Hawking
signing up for early flights. A billionaires dream venture, in other words.
(Texto adaptado. Disponvel em <>. Acesso em
31/8/2011 s 10h50min)

20. (Uem 2012) According to the text, choose the alternative(s) in which the information about
the compounds is correct.
01) In the extracts the ultimate get-away-from-it-all holiday (ref.15) and The out-of-this-world
experience (ref.16), the underlined parts are used to describe the nouns that follow them.
02) A four-room Hotel (ref.17) means a hotel with four rooms and a five-day stay (ref.18)
means a stay that lasts five days.
04) thrill-seekers (ref.19) refers to people who look for activities which make them excited and
08) iced tea, fruit juices (ref.20) and waste water (ref.21) are drinks that guests can have at
the space hotels.
16) breathtaking (ref.22) can be translated into Portuguese as emocionante or empolgante.
21. (Uem 2012) According to the text, choose the correct alternative(s).
01) who (ref.1) refers to Russian engineers.
02) which (ref.2) refers to Orbital Technologies.
04) them (ref.3) refers to entrepreneurs.
08) their (ref.4) refers to guests.
16) those (ref.5) refers to Virgin Galactics plans.
22. (Uem 2012) Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words/fragments
from the text is correct.
01) house up to seven guests (ref.6) means that more than seven guests can stay at the hotel
at the same time.
02) The words cheaply (ref.7), wealthy (ref.8) and luxury (ref.9) are usually used to talk
about large amounts of money.
04) newer (ref.10), clear (ref.11) and more advanced (ref.12) are comparative forms used to
show an increase in size or degree in relation to something else.
08) The extract Alcohol will be banned (ref.13) means the guests will not be allowed to drink
alcoholic drinks while staying at space hotels.
16) The expressions On the other hand (ref.9) and By contrast (ref.14) are used in the text to
present an opposite idea.
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23. (Uem 2012) Choose the correct alternative(s), according to the text.
01) Tourist companies want to offer more holiday possibilities for rich tourists.
02) There are three options of trips into space: a house to live for a month, a hotel to spend
some days, and a rocket to fly around the Earth for some minutes.
04) The space hotel project has been designed as a way to provide tourists with extreme
adventure holidays.
08) The space hotel will not have exactly the same benefits as those on Earth, but other
advantages will be offered.
16) Famous people such as Paris Hilton and Tom Hanks think the flights to space cost too
24. (Uem 2012) According to the information from the text, choose the correct alternative(s).
01) Space tourism also aims at non-governmental companies interested in studying more about
02) Tourists will not be allowed to do whatever they want to while staying at the space hotel.
04) Because of the position of the bed in the craft, visitors will have a restricted view of the
08) Tourists will have to have a strict training program to survive by themselves in the space.
16) Although the price for the space flight will be incredibly high, the trip will last only some

In 1927, Ernest Hemingway published a collection of short stories titled Men Without
Women. Today, 1less than a century later, it sums up the predicament of a rising proportion of
According to the United Nations, there are far more men than women on the planet. The
gender gap is especially pronounced in Asia, where there are a hundred million more guys than
girls. This may come as a surprise to people in the Western world, where women outnumber
men because other things being equal the mortality rate for women is lower than for men
in all age groups. Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen calls it the mystery of Asias
missing women.
The mystery is partly explicable in terms of economics. In many Asian societies, girls
are less well looked after than boys because they are economically undervalued. The kind of
domestic work they typically do is seen as less important than paid work done by men. And, of
course, early marriage and minimal birth control together expose them to the risks of multiple
When Sen first added up the missing women women who would exist today 2if it
were not 3for selective abortion, infanticide, and economic discrimination he put the number
at hundred million. It is surely higher now. For, even as living standards in Asian countries have
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soared, the gender gap has widened. Thats because a cultural preference for sons over
daughters leads to selective abortion of female fetuses, a practice made possible by ultrasound
scanning, and engaged in despite legal prohibitions. The American feminist Mary Anne Warren
called it gendercide. Notoriously common in northwestern India, its also rampant in the worlds
most populous country: China.
That has scary implications. Remember, most of Hemingways stories in Men Without
Women are about violence. They feature gangsters, bullfighters, and wounded soldiers 4as well.
The most famous story is called simply The Killers.
It may be that the coming generation of Asian men without women will find harmless
outlets for their inevitable frustrations, like team sports or videogames. But I doubt it. Either this
bachelor generation will be a source of domestic instability, 5whether Brazilian-style crime or
Arab-style revolution or, 6as happened in Europe, they and their testosterone will be
exported. Theres already enough shrill nationalism in Asia as it is. Dont be surprised if, in the
next generation, it takes the form of macho militarism and even imperialism. Lock up your
FERGUSON, Niall. Men without women. Newsweek, New York, March 14, 2011. p. 8.

25. (Ufba 2012) Correspondem circunstncia indicada ao lado as expresses transcritas em

01) less than (ref.1) comparao.
02) if (ref.2) dvida.
04) For (ref.3) explicao.
08) as well (ref.4) adio.
16) whether [...] or (ref.5) alternncia.
32) as happened (ref.6) finalidade.
26. (Ufba 2012) Quanto ao uso da linguagem no texto, correto afirmar:
01) people, women e men tm uma nica forma para o singular e o plural.
02) lower e The most famous esto no mesmo grau de comparao.
04) undervalued uma palavra formada por prefixao e sufixao.
08) coming est funcionando como adjetivo.
16) their refere-se a women.
32) Dont be e Lock up so formas verbais no imperativo.
27. (Ufba 2012) So afirmaes verdadeiras que se depreendem do texto:
01) Ao contrrio da sia, h mais mulheres do que homens no mundo ocidental.
02) Em todo o planeta, o nmero de homens supera o de mulheres em mais de 100 milhes.
04) Nas diferentes faixas etrias, o ndice de mortalidade dos homens no Ocidente maior do
que o das mulheres.
08) Em muitas sociedades orientais, as meninas so discriminadas tanto em seu trabalho como
16) A atual tendncia de casar cada vez mais tarde expe as mulheres asiticas a inmeros
riscos de parto.
32) A preferncia cultural dos orientais por filhos do sexo masculino leva as mulheres ao aborto
seletivo de fetos do sexo feminino.
28. (Ufba 2012) Sobre a publicao de Hemingway, Men Without Women, correto afirmar:
01) um documentrio sobre antigos problemas do mundo ocidental.
02) Proporcionou a seu autor o Prmio Nobel de Literatura.
04) Possui, como seus principais personagens, homens em busca de uma companheira.
08) uma coletnea de contos cujo ttulo sintetiza o dilema de uma proporo crescente do
gnero humano.
16) Apresenta a violncia como tema predominante na obra.
32) Defende a causa de toureiros e soldados desertores.


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War may indeed be hell, but hell, apparently, isnt all that bad for your health. According
to a new study, during most armed conflicts since the 1970s, mortality rates have 1actually
declined. Thats not to say that war, in and of itself, leads to longer life spans. Instead, a major
reason for the 2drop is that conflict has become an impetus for international humanitarian
groups to ramp up their efforts in poor countries, and theyve learned to work public-health
miracles in a short amount of time.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for instance, just twenty percent of children
were vaccinated for measles in 1997, at the start of a decade-long civil war. But by 2007 that
figure was eighty percent. The metrics on other health initiatives, from treating malnutrition to
distributing bed nets, tell a similar story. Its never any fun living in a refugee camp, says
Andrew Mack, a professor at Simon Fraser University and the studys 4lead author. But the
mortality 5rates are better in many of those camps than they were before the war. Thats no
reason to celebrate warfare. But it does suggest that its 6damage has become much cheaper.
SHERIDAN, Barrett. Modern warfares silver lining. Newsweek, New York, Febr. 1, 2010. p. 7.

29. (Ufba 2012) De acordo com as informaes contidas no texto, correto afirmar:
01) O srio problema de desnutrio no Congo agravou-se bastante, durante o perodo de
02) Os ndices de mortalidade, nas ltimas dcadas, tm diminudo na maior parte dos conflitos
04) A guerra civil na Repblica Democrtica do Congo, iniciada no final do sculo passado,
ainda continua at os dias atuais.
08) Graas aos esforos de grupos humanitrios, houve uma melhora considervel na sade
pblica dos pases pobres em guerra.
16) O percentual de crianas vacinadas contra sarampo, na Repblica Democrtica do Congo,
cresceu muito, em um perodo de dez anos.
32) O estudo mencionado no texto sugere que a maior razo para o fim dos conflitos armados
a falta de alimentos, de mdicos e de enfermeiros nos campos de refugiados.
30. (Ufba 2012) Os termos transcritos esquerda que, de acordo com o texto, correspondem
ao significado apresentado direita so os seguintes:
01) actually (ref.1) at present.
02) drop (ref.2) fall.
04) figure (ref.3) number.
08) lead (ref.4) main.
16) rates (ref.5) speed.
32) damage (ref.6) harm.

Stranger than fiction

By Hillel E. Silverman
When the Old and New Cities of Jerusalem were reunited in 1967, a recently widowed Arab
woman, who had been living in Old Jerusalem since 1948, wanted to see once more the house
in which she formerly lived. Now that the city was one, she searched for and found her old
home. She knocked on the door of the apartment, and a Jewish widow came to the door and
greeted her.
The Arab woman explained that she had lived there until 1948 and wanted to look around. She
was invited in and offered coffee. The Arab woman said, "When I lived here, I hid some
valuables. If they are still here, I will share them with you half and half."
The Jewish woman refused. "If they belonged to you and are still here, they are yours." After
much discussion back and forth, they entered the bathroom, loosened the floor planks, and
found a hoard of gold coins. The Jewish woman said, "I shall ask the government to let you
keep them." She did and permission was granted.
The two widows visited each other again and again, and one day the Arab woman told her new
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friend, "You know, in the 1948 fighting here, my husband and I were so frightened that we ran
away to escape. We grabbed our belongings, took the children, and each fled separately. We
had a three-month-old son. I thought my husband had taken 1him, and he thought I had.
Imagine our grief when we were reunited in Old Jerusalem to find that neither of us had taken
the child."
The Jewish woman turned pale, and asked the exact date. The Arab woman named the date
and the hour, and the Jewish widow told her: "My husband was one of the Israeli troops that
entered Jerusalem. He came into this house and found a baby on the floor. He asked if he could
keep the house and the baby, too. Permission was granted".
At that moment, a twenty-year-old Israeli soldier in uniform walked into the room, and the
Jewish woman broke down in tears. "This is your son," she cried.
This is one of those incredible tales we hear. And the aftermath? The two women liked each
other so much that the Jewish widow asked the Arab mother: "Look, we are both widows living
alone. Our children are grown up. This house has brought you luck. You have found your son
our son. Why dont we live together?" And they do.
Adaptado de: 196.html, acesso em maro/2011.

31. (Uepg 2012) Com relao aos termos "three-month-old" e "twenty-year-old", no quarto e
sexto pargrafos, respectivamente, assinale o que for correto.
01) So adjetivos compostos.
02) Referem-se a duas pessoas diferentes.
04) So substantivos compostos.
08) Referem-se mesma pessoa.
32. (Uepg 2012) Com relao ao que se refere o pronome "him" (ref. 1), no quarto pargrafo,
assinale o que for correto.
01) A um dos filhos da mulher rabe.
02) A um dos filhos da mulher judia.
04) A um beb de trs meses de idade.
08) Ao marido da mulher rabe.
33. (Uepg 2012) Sobre o que fica evidente na primeira sentena do texto, assinale o que for
01) Em 1966, a mulher rabe j no morava mais na Antiga Jerusalm.
02) Em 1966, a mulher rabe ainda morava na Antiga Jerusalm.
04) A mulher rabe foi morar na Antiga Jerusalm em 1967.
08) A mulher rabe tinha ido morar na Antiga Jerusalm havia muito tempo.
34. (Uepg 2012) Com relao distino entre as duas mulheres, assinale o que for correto.
01) A mulher rabe foi obrigada a abandonar sua casa durante o conflito de 1948.
02) A mulher judia nunca foi privada da convivncia com o filho adotivo.
04) A mulher judia ficou viva durante o confronto de 1948.
08) A mulher rabe foi morar na Antiga Jerusalm em 1948.
35. (Uepg 2012) Sobre o que as duas mulheres tm em comum hoje, assinale o que for
01) Elas perderam seus maridos.
02) Ambas tm filhos j adultos.
04) Elas moram no mesmo endereo.
08) O jovem soldado de vinte anos amado por ambas as mulheres.
36. (Uepg 2012) Sobre o que se referem o segundo e o terceiro pargrafos do texto, assinale o
que for correto.
01) Um bem valioso outrora escondido pela mulher rabe.
02) Moedas de ouro escondidas sob o assoalho do banheiro.
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04) Joias de ouro outrora escondidas pela mulher judia.
08) Joias de ouro escondidas sob o assoalho do banheiro.
37. (Uepg 2012) Com relao ao segmento "permission was granted", que aparece no final do
terceiro e do quinto pargrafos, assinale o que for correto.
01) Em ambos os casos ele se refere a acontecimentos positivos.
02) No primeiro caso ele se refere a um bem material.
04) No segundo caso ele se refere a um bem material e a uma vida humana.
08) Em ambos os casos ele se refere apenas a bens materiais.

A deluxe room at the luxurious Snake River Lodge & Spa, in Jackson, typically goes for $385 a
night, but it can be reserved for $192 this fall. The agreement: in order to qualify for the
discount, travelers must agree to spend a portion of their vacation moving barbed wire fences
from one place to another so local wildlife can walk more freely.

These days, it seems that almost every travel organization from tour companies to luxury
resorts has a volunteer component, whether it is tracking iguanas on Grand Cayman or
distributing food at soup kitchens in Moscow. You can even customize your trip, making it
suitable for your interest, while staying at fashionable resorts. Hands Up Holidays combines
luxury travel with a taste of volunteering through specially programmed volunteer vacations in
26 countries according to your individual skills, ranging from building classrooms while staying
in Morocco to helping preserve birds in New Zealand.
Adapted from: <>
Accessed on July 17th., 2011.

38. (Ufsc 2012) According to text, it is CORRECT to state that:

01) it refers to one type of tourism that allows you traveling without paying anything.
02) it indicates ways of traveling cheaper, but you need to meet some requirements.
04) volunteer vacation programs decide on the best program for you.
08) your journey will be programmed according to your talents or preferences.
16) a taste of volunteering means taking part in a luxury trip while experiencing exotic food.
32) in programmed volunteer vacations you can do whatever you want with your time.
39. (Ufsc 2012) Select the appropriate title(s) for text.
01) Be a volunteer and travel for less
02) The best countries to track iguanas
04) Combining traveling with volunteering
08) Working for travel organizations in New Zealand
16) Why is it difficult to combine traveling and volunteering?

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40. (Ufsc 2012) According to the cartoon, it is CORRECT to state that:

01) it satirizes people who cannot live without using mobile phones.
02) it criticizes the fact that people need to be connected all the time.
04) the man is lost and he is trying to make contact with his wife through a shell.
08) the name BlackBerry is used in the cartoon as a synonym for mobile phone.
16) the mans wife doesnt allow him to be on vacation without a mobile phone.
41. (Ufsc 2012) Select the proposition(s) below that can be used to REPLACE the detached
expression in the sentence If you need to reach me, call my shellphone.
01) To get away from me.
02) To stop thinking about me.
04) To get in touch with me.
08) To communicate with me.
16) To contact me.

How to Feed a Growing Planet

Heres an uncomfortable math problem: by 2045 Earths population will likely have
swelled from seven to nine billion people. To fill all those stomachs while accounting for
shifting consumption patterns, climate change, and a finite amount of arable land and potable
water some experts say global food production will have to double. How can we make the
numbers add up?
Julian Cribb, author of The Coming Famine, says higher yielding crop varieties and
more efficient farming methods will be crucial. So will waste reduction. Cribb and other experts
urge cities to reclaim nutrients and water from waste streams and preserve farmland. Poor
countries, they say, can improve crop storage and packaging. And rich nations could cut back
on resource-intensive foods like meat. In fact, wherever there is easy access to cheap food,
people buy more than they consume. We could thus all start by shopping smarter and
cleaning our plates.
As Cribb notes, food security is increasingly a collective challenge. Its also a chance "to
pull together on something we can all agree about, share and enjoy".
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Adaptado de: Amanda Fiegl National Geographic Magazine, July 2011.

42. (Uepg 2012) Quanto aos termos higher yielding e more efficient, presentes na primeira
sentena do segundo pargrafo, assinale o que for correto.
01) Do um sentido positivo aos substantivos que os seguem.
02) So adjetivos no grau superlativo.
04) So advrbios de lugar.
08) So adjetivos no grau comparativo.
43. (Uepg 2012) Com relao ainda ao que dizem Cribb e outros especialistas, assinale o que
for correto.
01) Pases pobres devem melhorar seus sistemas de armazenamento de gneros alimentcios.
02) Pases ricos devem importar alimentos produzidos por pases em desenvolvimento.
04) Os preos dos alimentos em geral precisam ser reduzidos.
08) Pases ricos devem reduzir o consumo de alimentos que requerem muito investimento,
como carne.
44. (Uepg 2012) De acordo com o texto, ns, humanos, poderamos tomar algumas atitudes
para amenizar os problemas apontados. Com relao a essas atitudes, assinale o que for
01) Usar o bom senso ao fazer compras.
02) Nunca deixar restos de comida no prato.
04) Reduzir o nmero de refeies dirias.
08) Usar pratos menores.
45. (Uepg 2012) Com relao ao que se pode inferir do texto como um todo, assinale o que for
01) Estima-se que, em pouco mais de trinta anos, a populao mundial aumentar de sete para
nove bilhes de habitantes.
02) Quando tm acesso a alimentos baratos, as pessoas tendem a comprar mais do que
04) Ser necessrio reduzir o consumo de gua potvel.
08) Assegurar o sustento da humanidade , cada vez mais, um desafio da coletividade.

46. (Uepg 2012) Com relao aos motivos pelos quais, segundo alguns especialistas, a
produo de alimentos dever ser duplicada, assinale o que for correto.
01) Os eixos magnticos da Terra se alteraram.
02) As condies climticas esto mudando.
04) A quantidade de terra cultivvel finita.
08) Os padres de consumo esto mudando.
47. (Uepg 2012) Sobre as sugestes do autor Julian Cribb, assinale o que for correto.
01) preciso investir em culturas mais produtivas.
02) preciso reduzir as taxas de natalidade.
04) preciso reduzir o desperdcio de alimentos.
08) preciso investir em mtodos de cultivo mais eficientes.
48. (Uepg 2012) Com relao aos segmentos verbais will likely have swelled e will have to
double, ambos presentes no primeiro pargrafo do texto, assinale o que for correto.
01) O primeiro est no futuro do presente composto e o segundo no futuro do presente.
02) O primeiro se refere a um evento j ocorrido e o segundo a um evento ainda por ocorrer.
04) Ambos so tempos verbais equivalentes.
08) O primeiro se refere a um fato que, em 2045, j poder estar consumado e o segundo se
refere a um acontecimento que dever ocorrer no futuro.
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Extreme weather events increased over past decade

Extreme weather events over the past decade have increased and were very likely
caused by human-induced global warming, according to a study in the journal Nature Climate
Scientists used physics, statistical analysis and computer simulations to link extreme
rainfall and 2heatwaves to global warming. The link between warming and 3storms was less
It is very likely that 7several of the unprecedented extremes of the past decade would
not have occurred without anthropogenic global warming. The past decade was probably the
warmest globally for at least a millennium.
Extreme weather events were devastating in their impacts and affected nearly all
regions of the world. They included 8severe 4floods and record hot summers in Europe; a record
number of tropical storms and 5hurricanes in the Atlantic in 2005; the hottest Russian summer
since 1500 in 2010 and the worst flooding in Pakistans history. In 2011 alone, the United States
suffered 14 weather events which caused losses of over $1billion each.
The high amount of extremes is not normal, the study said. For some types of extreme
weather, there are physical reasons why they would 10increase in a warming climate. For
example, 12if average temperature 11rises, then so will the number of heat records. Natural
weather patterns like El Nino or La Nina can also cause highs in global temperature or
increased precipitation which leads to floods.
The link between storms and hurricanes and global warming is less conclusive, but at
least some of recent rainfall extremes can be attributed to human influences on the climate.
(Texto adaptado, disponvel em <>. Acesso em 28/3/2012)

49. (Uem 2012) Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words from text is
01) It is very likely (ref. 6) is the same as Its probably true.
02) several (ref. 7) is a quantifier which derives from the adjective severe (ref. 8).
04) In the extract Extreme weather events were devastating in their impacts... (ref. 9), the
underlined words are an example of the present progressive tense.
08) increase (ref. 10) and rises (ref. 11) both mean become larger in amount, number, or
16) The extract ... if average temperature rises, then so will the number of heat records. (ref.
12) is expressed in a conditional form.
50. (Uem 2012) Choose the alternative(s) in which the definition for the word related to the
weather is correct.
01) rainfall (ref. 1): a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and
animals to live.
02) heatwave (ref. 2): a period of time such as a few weeks when the weather is much hotter
than the usual.
04) storm (ref. 3): water frozen into soft white flakes (=pieces) that fall from the sky in cold
weather and cover the ground.
08) flood (ref. 4): a very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry.
16) hurricane (ref. 5): a powerful flash of light in the sky caused by electricity and usually
followed by thunder.
51. (Uem 2012) According to text, choose the correct alternative(s).
01) Several types of extreme weather the world has seen in the last ten years have had human
02) American scientists concluded that the world climate has basically changed due to natural
phenomena such as El Nino or La Nina.
04) The United States lost over 14 billion dollars last year because of weather events.

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08) Global warming affects most regions of the world causing record numbers of hurricanes in
all of them.
16) Not every weather extreme can be attributed to the increase in world temperatures.


Stress is your bodys response to the demands placed upon 1it. A little stress is a good
thing, but too much can have devastating consequences for your health and relationships.
Everyone needs a certain amount of stress to live well. Its what gets you out of bed in
the morning and gives you the vitality to do all sorts of things.
Stress becomes a problem when theres too much or too little. A lack of stress means
your body is 5understimulated, leaving you feeling 3bored and isolated. In an effort to find
stimulation, many people do things that are 4harmful to themselves (such as taking drugs) or
society (for instance, committing a crime).
However, too much stress, 7can result in a range of health problems including
headaches, stomach upsets, high blood pressure and even stroke or heart disease. It can also
cause 9feelings of distrust, anger, anxiety and fear.
People often feel 6over-stressed 8as a result of some event. This doesnt have to be
negative (such as the death of a loved one, redundancy or divorce); it can also be 10seemingly
positive (a new partner, new job or going on holiday).
Among the bad stressbusters, it is possible to mention drinking alcohol, 11denying the
problem, taking drugs, overeating and smoking cigarettes. On the other hand, the good
techniques to avoid stress are taking a nap; getting a massage; expressing yourself artistically;
having a laugh; being gentle to yourself; and making use of meditation and relaxation
(Texto adaptado, disponvel em
<>. Acesso em

52. (Uem 2012) Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words extracted
from text is correct.
01) The pronoun it (ref. 1) refers to stress (ref. 2).
02) The adjectives bored (ref. 3) and harmful (ref. 4) are used in a negative context.
04) The prefixes under, in understimulated (ref. 5), and over, in over-stressed (ref. 6),
express opposite meanings.
08) The word result in ... can result in a range of health problems... (ref. 7) and ... as a result
of some event. (ref. 8) is used in the first extract as a verb and in the second as a noun.
16) The ing form in feelings (ref. 9), seemingly (ref. 10) and denying (ref. 11) is added to
the noun to express the action or process of doing something.
53. (Uem 2012) Choose the correct alternative(s), according to text.
01) Stress, in certain circumstances, might bring benefits to people.
02) People can do dangerous things in order to find stimuli to live.
04) Losing ones job does not cause as much stress as getting divorced.
08) If you accept you have a problem, the stress will probably be higher.
16) One possible way to avoid stress is sleeping for a short time during the day.

Text 2
Music industry may seek salvation in all you can eat downloads
Things have moved on a little since the days when the 2greatest threat to the music
industry was teenagers furtively slipping blank tapes into ghetto blasters* to snatch the odd
song from the radiowaves.

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Todays young people, a new report suggests, are every bit as passionate about music
as their predecessors. But 3their love of a good tune is matched only by their proficiency at
obtaining it illegally and their reluctance to pay for 4it.
According to UK Music, the industry needs to fundamentally 5rethink the way it deals
with young music lovers ideally 1by offering them as much 6music as they can download for a
fixed fee.
* ghetto blaster: a large radio and tape recorder that can be carried around, and is often played
very loudly in public places.
(Adaptao do texto disponvel em
<>. Acesso em 10/08/2009).

54. (Uem 2010) Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words from the
text 2 is CORRECT.
01) The expression all you can eat (title) is explained in the extract by offering them as much
music as they can download (ref. 1).
02) The suffix est, as in greatest (ref. 2), is used in English to form the superlative of many
shorter adjectives and adverbs.
04) The pronoun their (ref. 3) refers to teenagers from the past and it (ref. 4) refers to a
good song.
08) The prefix re as in rethink (ref. 5) means too much.
16) The noun music (ref. 6) cannot be used in the plural form as it is an uncountable noun in
55. (Uem 2010) According to text 2, nowadays teenagers
01) are not as interested in music as they were in the past.
02) are prepared to pay for their passion for music.
04) show great ability to obtain the songs they want illegally.
08) love music as much as teenagers in the past.
16) find ghetto music more fun, unlikely their predecessors.

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Resposta da questo 1:
02 + 16 = 18.
A primeira lacuna deve ser completada pelos pronomes relativos that ou which, pois possuem a
funo sinttica de sujeito e se referem a poetry (poesia). A segunda lacuna pode ser
completada por quaisquer dos indefinites sugeridos. A terceira lacuna pode ser completada por
quaisquer dos advrbios sugeridos. A quarta lacuna deve ser completada pelos verbos
experiencing (experimentando) ou undergoing (passando por). A quinta lacuna deve ser
completada pelos verbos avoid (evitar) ou escape (escapar). A sexta lacuna deve ser
completada pelos substantivos occurrence (ocorrncia), presence (presena) ou incidence
(incidncia). Assim, as nicas duas opes que contemplam todas as possibilidades
corretamente so [02] e [16], perfazendo um total de 18.
Resposta da questo 2:
01 + 04 + 08 + 16 + 64 = 93.
01) Verdadeira. O texto fala que Gabriela, Cravo e Canela uma atraente histria de amor e
um retrato das foras polticas e sociais interagindo no Brasil durante o sculo XX. O
seguinte trecho funciona como justificativa para a escolha dessa alternativa: a description
of the political and social forces at work in 1920s Brazil.
02) Falsa. A afirmao est errada porque a histria descrita como incomum (unusual).
04) Verdadeira. O texto afirma que a histria um relato at certo ponto satrico das aspiraes
latino-americanas modernidade.
08) Verdadeira. A afirmao est errada porque o livro pode realmente ser entendido como
composto por duas histrias: uma de amor e outra que retrata a poltica e a sociedade da
poca. O seguinte trecho funciona como justificativa para a escolha dessa alternativa: It
can be read simultaneously as an unusual, charming love story, a description of the political
and social forces at work in 1920s Brazil.
16) Verdadeira. O texto fala que a obra uma das melhores de Jorge Amado (it is widely
considered one of his finest works) e que se passa nos anos 20 (1920s).
32) Falsa. O texto no fala que Gabriela, Cravo e Canela deva ser lido simultaneamente a
qualquer romance modernista de Jorge Amado.
64) Verdadeira. A afirmao sintetiza o texto e as demais alternativas corretas, pois ela afirma
que a obra combina amor, diverso, aspectos polticos e sociais focados em uma regio
provincial do nordeste do Brasil.
Resposta da questo 3:
02 + 04 + 08 = 14.
01) Falsa. Na verdade, o filme e a pea tm quase o mesmo nome (almost the same name).
02) Verdadeira. A pea (1955) surgiu primeiro que o filme (2000).
04) Verdadeira. As personagens citadas no eram corajosas. Eram os homens mais covardes
(the most cowardly).
08) Verdadeira. A ao ocorre em uma pequena cidade do nordeste do Brasil (in a small
northeast Brazilian town).
16) Falsa. O texto no fala que Grilo e Chic vo para o inferno. O texto apenas informa que
eles sero julgados pelo Diabo, por Cristo e pela Virgem Maria.
32) Falsa. O filme no foi to bem sucedido em pases de lngua inglesa (not as well-received
in English-speaking countries).
Resposta da questo 4:
02 + 04 = 06.
01) Incorreta. O texto no afirma que Gabby Douglas ganhou medalhas de ouro pela segunda
vez. Na verdade, Gabby ganhou duas medalhas de ouro nas Olimpadas de Londres.

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02) Correta. A afirmao [02] coloca que Gabby Douglas era constantemente alvo de bullying
realizado pelas garotas com quem ela treinava. O seguinte trecho funciona como
justificativa: Douglas revealed that the bullying she received from her teammates...
(Douglas revelou que o bullying que ela recebia de suas colegas de treinamento...).
04) Correta. A afirmao [04] coloca que Gabby Douglas se tornou uma campe apesar de
momentos tristes no incio de sua carreira. A afirmao est correta, pois Gabby superou o
bullying realizado por suas colegas de treinamento.
08) Incorreta. O texto no afirma que Gabby no gostava de limpar o equipamento como parte
de suas atividades como ginasta. Na verdade, as colegas de Gabby a consideravam com
uma escrava e queriam que ela limpasse o equipamento.
16) Incorreta. O texto no afirma que Gabby frequentemente chora quando vence competies
importantes. Na verdade, Gabby chorava muito quando chegava em casa devido ao bullying
realizado por suas colegas de treinamento.
Resposta da questo 5:
01 + 02 = 03.
01) Correta. Nearly (aproximadamente) um advrbio de intensidade que modifica o adjetivo
half (metade).
02) Correta. Almost e nearly so sinnimos (quase, aproximadamente).
04) Incorreta. Nearly um advrbio e no um adjetivo.
08) Incorreta. Every significa cada, todo.
Resposta da questo 6:
02 + 04 = 06.
01) Incorreta. A maioria dos grandes tsunamis ocorre nas orlas dos oceanos Pacfico e ndico
(most large tsunamis arise around the rim of the Pacific and Indian oceans).
02) Correta. Os tsunamis realmente no so causados pelos ventos ou mars (tsunamis aren't
moon-driven tides or wind-driven waves at the sea surface).
04) Correta. Um tsunami que surgiu no Japo foi capaz de arrastar um homem para o mar na
Califrnia (the one that savaged Japan swept a man in California out to sea).
08) Incorreta. A traduo literal de harbor wave seria onda do cais.
Resposta da questo 7:
01 + 04 = 05.
01) Correta. Os tsunamis realmente permanecem perigosos mesmo aps cruzar um oceano
inteiro (tsunamis remain dangerous after they've crossed a whole ocean).
02) Incorreta. Subduction Zone o nome dado s falhas no fundo do mar (seafloor faults).
04) Correta. O crescimento populacional das reas costeiras fez com que os tsunamis se
tornassem mais letais (as coastal populations have boomed, tsunamis have grown more
08) Incorreta. A velocidade de um tsunami prxima da de um avio a jato (barreling at the
speed of a jetliner).
Resposta da questo 8:
Gabarito Oficial: 01 + 04 + 08 = 13.
Gabarito SuperPro: 01 + 04 = 05.
01) Correta. O tsunami erradicou vrias cidades e vilas em Tohoku (the tsunami eradicated
several towns and villages in Tohoku).
02) No ltimo pargrafo colocado que o nmero de pessoas desaparecidas no Japo de
cerca de quatro mil, diferente de seis mil como afirmado na frase.
04) Correta. O texto fala que a maioria dos dezesseis mil mortos moravam ao longo da regio
de Tohoku (Some sixteen thousand people died in Japan last March 11, most of them along
hundreds of miles of coast in the Tohoku region).
08) Incorreta. O gabarito oficial informa que essa proposio est correta, porm o ltimo
pargrafo no afirma que o pior maremoto seguido de tsunami da histria do Japo ocorreu em
2011. Na verdade, nenhuma comparao feita entre tsunamis no ltimo pargrafo. Apesar de
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a grande mdia ter noticiado que o tsunami que afligiu o Japo em 2011 tenha sido o pior de
sua histria, o texto no traz essa informao em nenhuma ocasio, muito menos no ltimo
pargrafo. Em outras palavras, o texto realmente aborda o tsunami de 2011, mas no
encontrada a informao de que ele tenha sido o pior da histria japonesa (embora tal fato
poder ser considerado notrio). No entanto, uma vez que as respostas devem ser baseadas
nos textos, a proposio [08] seria incorreta.
Resposta da questo 9:
01 + 02 + 04 + 08 = 15.
01) Correta. O texto no fala que as rochas submarinas deslocam-se de modo inesperado. No
entanto, uma vez que seus movimentos possuem causas naturais, sensato pensar que
eles ocorram de modo sbito. O texto usa o adjetivo violent (violento) para se referir ao
movimento das rochas.
02) Correta. O texto fala que centenas de milhares de pessoas ficaram desabrigadas
(hundreds of thousands homeless).
04) Correta. Os tsunamis so capazes de afetar oceanos inteiros (tsunamis remain dangerous
after they've crossed a whole ocean).
08) Correta. O primeiro tsunami registrado ocorreu na costa da Sria em aproximadamente
2000 a.C.
Resposta da questo 10:
01 + 02 + 04 = 07.
01) Correta. O texto nos informa que as ondas se espalham em direes opostas a partir da
falha (Waves spread in opposite directions from the fault).
02) Correta. Desde o primeiro registro, milhares de tsunamis j mataram mais de cinco mil
pessoas (Since the first one on record along Syria's coast in about 2000 B.C., a few
thousand tsunamis have collectively killed more than five hundred thousand people).
04) Correta. Quase metade do total de cinco mil mortes foi causada em uma nica catstrofe
no oceano ndico em 2004 (Nearly half those deaths occurred in a single catastrophe in the
Indian Ocean in 2004).
08) Incorreta. O primeiro tsunami documentado foi na costa da Sria (Syrias coast).
Resposta da questo 11:
01 + 08 = 09.
A orao "... is perhaps a bit too quiet pode ser traduzida como ... talvez um pouco quieta
01) Correta. A orao pode ser traduzida como ... talvez um pouco quieta demais.
02) Incorreta. A orao pode ser traduzida como ... talvez um pouco dura demais.
04) Incorreta. A orao pode ser traduzida como ... talvez um pouco forte demais.
08) Correta. A orao pode ser traduzida como ... talvez um pouco suave demais.
Resposta da questo 12:
01 + 16 = 17.
01) Correta. A afirmao [01] coloca que os trabalhadores que confiam demais em si tendem a
ter uma performance ruim no trabalho. O seguinte trecho justifica tal afirmao: Although
workers with big egos will often perform poorly and make more mistakes... (embora os
trabalhadores com grandes egos frequentemente tero uma performance ruim e cometero
mais erros...).
02) Incorreta. O texto no afirma que a fama pode destruir a vida das pessoas se elas no
estiverem emocionalmente preparadas para o sucesso.
04) Incorreta. O texto no afirma que os indivduos competentes possuem objetivos claros na
vida e alcanam carreiras importantes.
08) Incorreta. O texto no afirma que pessoas com grandes egos merecem respeito e
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16) Correta. A afirmao [16] coloca que ter uma carreira de sucesso depende principalmente
da crena de que voc tem a habilidade de fazer as coisas bem. O seguinte trecho justifica tal
afirmao: The researchers found that many of their subjects believed sincerely that they were
more physically talented, socially adept and skilled at their jobs than reality reflected (os
pesquisadores descobriram que muitos dos indivduos acreditavam sinceramente que eles
eram mais talentosos fisicamente, socialmente adeptos e hbeis em seus empregos do que a
realidade refletia). Em outras palavras, acreditar que hbil fator importante na conquista do
sucesso. H um outro trecho que justifica a afirmao [16]: those who appeared more
confident achieved a higher social status than their peers (aqueles que pareciam mais
confiantes alcanaram um status social mais alto do que o status de seus pares).
Resposta da questo 13:
04 + 08 + 16 = 28.
01) Incorreta. O verbo fail significa fracassar e o substantivo mistake, erro.
02) Incorreta. Os trechos destacados esto na voz ativa e possuem, respectivamente, as
seguintes tradues: aqueles que pareciam mais confiantes alcanaram um status social
mais alto do que o status dos seus pares e os pesquisadores descobriram que muitos dos
indivduos acreditavam sinceramente que eles eram mais talentosos fisicamente.
04) Correta. Led o passado do verbo to lead (liderar), sought o passado de to seek
(procurar) e found o passado de to find (descobrir).
08) Correta. O substantivo prospect significa prospecto, esteem, estima e skilled, hbeis.
Sendo assim, as palavras destacadas possuem sentido positivo.
16) Correta. O apstrofo foi utilizado como exemplo do genitive case (caso possessivo). Em
outras palavras, a confiana pertence aos indivduos.
Resposta da questo 14:
01 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 45.
01) Verdadeira. A conjuno correlativa not only... but also (no s... mas tambm) aditiva.
02) Falsa. Nearly significa aproximadamente.
04) Verdadeira. A expresso more likely significa mais provvel. Portanto, ela expressa
08) Verdadeira. A expresso in fact transmite nfase, pois pode ser entendida como de fato,
na verdade.
16) Falsa. Apesar de sum pode significar soma, a expresso in sum significa em resumo,
pois derivada de in summary.
32) Verdadeira. A expresso actually pode ser usada como de fato, na verdade, transmitindo
a noo de nfase.
Resposta da questo 15:
01 + 08 + 16 = 25.
01) Verdadeira. O texto fala que o Dicionrio de Ingls Regional Americano resultado de um
dos projetos lexicogrficos mais ambiciosos dos Estados Unidos.
02) Falsa. O texto no fala que Joan Houston Hall a nica lexicgrafa trabalhando no projeto.
04) Falsa. O projeto no foi feito por alunos de Harvard, mas sim encabeado pelo professor
Frederic G. Cassidy.
08) Verdadeira. O texto fala que o Dicionrio de Ingls Regional Americano tambm
conhecido como DARE.
16) Verdadeira. O texto afirma que o estado do Ingls regional no est to mau quanto podem
sugerir os lamentos sobre as foras homogeneizantes da urbanizao, da grande mdia e da
Internet (the state of regional English isnt quite as bad as may suggest the laments about the
homogenizing forces of urbanization, mass media and the Internet).
Resposta da questo 16:
02 + 04 = 06.
01) Falsa. O texto no fala que o Dicionrio de Ingls Regional Americano um artigo cientfico
sobre um experimento cientfico.
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02) Verdadeira. A legenda no final do texto aponta que ele foi originalmente publicado em 25 de
fevereiro de 2012.
04) Verdadeira. O texto afirma que Frederic G. Cassidy foi a pessoa que iniciou o projeto (the
project was inaugurated by Frederic G. Cassidy).
08) Falsa. O texto no afirma que seu autor Joan Houston Hall.
16) Falsa. O texto no fala que o Dicionrio de Ingls Regional Americano um trabalho
impresso na grande mdia sobre pessoas que gostam de dicionrios.
Resposta da questo 17:
01 + 08 + 32 = 41.
01) Verdadeira. O texto fala sobre tipos de carne que podem ser usados, tais como cortes de
qualidade como os de boi, cordeiro, vitela e costelas (fine quality cuts of beef, lamb, veal,
02) Falsa. O texto no fala sobre o preo dos ingredientes.
04) Falsa. O texto no fala sobre a quantidade de carne para cada pessoa.
08) Verdadeira. O texto fala que a carne deve ficar por volta de uma hora sob o fogo (It takes
about 1 hour above the fire).
16) Falsa. O texto no fala sobre o tamanho certo dos cortes.
32) Verdadeira. O texto fala sobre os procedimentos ao se servir a carne.
Resposta da questo 18:
04 + 16 + 32 = 52.
01) Falsa. O texto fala que o carvo deve estar incandescente para que a carne seja colocada
(Set the fire and be sure the coals are bright before putting on the meat). Assim, a carne
no deve ser colocada imediatamente aps o fogo ser aceso.
02) Falsa. O texto no fala que a pessoa deve virar os espetos apenas quando a carne estiver
quase pronta. Os espetos devem ser virados frequentemente (turn skewers frequently).
04) Verdadeira. A afirmao est correta, pois a receita exige que a pessoa misture a gua, o
sal e o alho. O texto diz explicitamente que a pessoa deve preparar um lquido salgado,
dissolvendo o sal na gua com o alho (make a salty liquid dissolving the salt in the water
with the garlic).
08) Falsa. O texto no fala que a pessoa deve tirar toda a gordura da carne. Na verdade, cortes
de carne com mais gordura so os melhores para grelhas base de carvo (cuts with more
fat are the best for charcoal grilling)
16) Verdadeira. O texto fala que a pessoa deve devolver a carne grelha depois de cortar
algumas fatias e servi-las. Em outras palavras, a carne deve voltar grelha quando no
estiver sendo servida, a fim de que se mantenha quente (cut slices from outside and serve.
Keep meat warm on the grill while not serving).
32) Verdadeira. O texto fala que a carne na grelha deve ser coberta com um lquido salgado
(Always baste the meat waiting on the grill with the salty liquid).
Resposta da questo 19:
01 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 45.
Seguem as respostas para as perguntas corretas:
Washington seems to be the unwitting facilitator of the market for Russian arms in Latin
04) Because Washington has aggressively cut back weapons sales to countries judged
unstable or soft on terror.
08) Russia has signed deals with Latin American countries in exchange of having access to oil
and gas reserves of these countries.
32) Washington thinks of Latin America as its backyard.
Resposta da questo 20:
01 + 02 + 04 + 16 = 23.

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[01] Tanto get-away-from-it quanto out-of-this-world so adjetivos e qualificam os
substantivos que vm depois deles.
[02] Um hotel de quatro quartos tanto pode ser traduzido como four-room Hotel ou a hotel
with four rooms; uma estadia de cinco dias pode ser traduzido como five-day stay ou a
stay that lasts five days.
[04] thrill-seekers so aqueles que procuram aventura e adrenalina.
[16] breathtaking tem como equivalents, em portugus: emocionante ou empolgante.
Resposta da questo 21:
02 + 08 = 10.
[02] [] chief executive of Orbital Technologies, 2which will construct []. o termo which se
refere ao termo anterior.
[08] [] guests will be restricted to consuming 20iced tea and fruit juices for 4their liquid intake.
[...] os hspedes estaro restritos a consumir ch gelado e suco de frutas para sua ingesto de
lquidos. (traduo livre)
Resposta da questo 22:
08 + 16 = 24.
[08] Dizer que bebidas alcolicas sero banidas (Alcohol will be banned) o mesmo que dizer
que os hspedes no tero permisso de beber bebidas alcolicas (the guests will not be
allowed to drink alcoholic drinks).
[16] As duas expresses On the other hand (por outro lado) e By contrast (em contraste)
introduzem ideias opostas.
Resposta da questo 23:
01 + 04 + 08 = 13.
[01] As the world accumulates more and more billionaires, entrepreneurs are seeking 10newer
and more demanding ways to provide 3them with the ultimate in hi-tech thrills.
[04] [] to provide 3them with the ultimate in hi-tech thrills.
[08] It is scarcely five-star 9luxury. On the other hand, there will be much compensation.
Resposta da questo 24:
01 + 02 + 16 = 19.
[01] The hotel will be aimed at 8wealthy individuals and people working for private
companies who want to do research in space, [].
[02] In the case of the space hotels, hedonism will be limited. (no caso dos hotis espaciais, o
prazer a qualquer custo ser limitado).
[16] [...] this craft will allow passengers to slip the bonds of the gravitational field for only a few
minutes () Tickets will cost a mere $200,000.
Resposta da questo 25:
01 + 04 + 08 + 16 = 29.
02) if condio
32) as happened explicao
Resposta da questo 26:
04 + 08 + 32 = 44.
04) O radical value teve o acrscimo do prefixo under e do sufixo ed.
08) O sufixo ing usado para alterar a classe gramatical da palavra, e coming usado como
adjetivo do substantivo generation.
32) O Imperativo Negativo formado por: dont + base form of the verb , enquanto o
Imperativo Afirmativo formado por: base form of the verb.

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Resposta da questo 27:
01 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 45.
Justificativa das opes corretas:
01) [] pronounced in Asia, where there are a hundred million more guys than girls. This may
come as a surprise to people in the Western world, where women outnumber men. []
pronunciado na sia, onde existem centenas de milhes a mais de homens do que de
mulheres. Isto pode ser uma surpresa para o mundo ocidental, onde o nmero de mulheres
supera os homens. (traduo livre)
04) [] the mortality rate for women is lower than for men in all age groups. [] a taxa de
mortalidade para mulheres mais baixa do que para homens em todas as faixas etrias
(traduo livre)
08) In many Asian societies, girls are less well looked after than boys because they are
economically undervalued. The kind of domestic work they typically do is seen as less
important than paid work done by men.
Em muitas sociedades da sia, as garotas recebem menos cuidados que os garotos
porque elas so economicamente desvalorizadas. O tipo de trabalho domstico que elas
tipicamente fazem visto como menos importante do que o trabalho pago feito pelos
homens (traduo livre)
32) Thats because a cultural preference for sons over daughters leads to selective abortion of
female fetuses, [].
por isso que uma preferncia cultural por filhos homens ao invs de mulheres leva a abortos
seletivos de fetos do sexo feminino, []. (traduo livre)
Resposta da questo 28:
08 + 16 = 24.
Justificativa das opes corretas:
08) It is a collection of short stories titled Men Without Women which sums up the predicament
of a rising proportion of mankind.
16) [] most of Hemingways stories in Men Without Women are about violence.
Resposta da questo 29:
02 + 08 + 16 = 26.
Traduo Livre das alternativas corretas:
02) According to a new study, during most armed conflicts since the 1970s, mortality rates have
actually declined.
08) Conflict has become an impetus for international humanitarian groups to ramp up their
efforts in poor countries, and theyve learned to work public-health miracles in a short
amount of time.
16) In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for instance, just twenty percent of children were
vaccinated for measles in 1997, at the start of a decade-long civil war. But by 2007 that figure
was eighty percent.
Resposta da questo 30:
02 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 46.
Traduo Livre das alternativas corretas:
02) queda
04) nmero
08) principal
32) dano, estrago
Resposta da questo 31:
01 + 08 = 09.
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01) CORRETA. So adjetivos compostos, pois qualificam o substantivo son: (...) three-monthold son (...) e o substantivo soldier: (...) twenty-year-old Israeli soldier (...).
02) INCORRETA. O beb esquecido tornou-se um soldado israelense, logo so a mesma
04) INCORRETA. De acordo com a justificativa da primeira alternativa, fica claro que so
adjetivos compostos.
08) CORRETA. Ao beb esquecido que se tornou um soldado israelense.
Resposta da questo 32:
01 + 04 = 05.
01) CORRETA. () the Arab woman told her new friend, "You know, in the 1948 fighting here,
my husband and I were so frightened that we ran away to escape. We grabbed our
belongings, took the children, and each fled separately. We had a three-month-old son ().
Enquanto a mulher rabe contava para a amiga sobre a fuga de 1948, falou de seu beb
de trs meses de idade.
02) INCORRETA. () the Jewish widow told her: "My husband was one of the Israeli troops that
entered Jerusalem. He came into this house and found a baby on the floor. He asked if he
could keep the house and the baby(). O filho no era da mulher judia. Seu marido tinha
encontrado o beb.
04) CORRETA (...) We had a three-month-old son ().
08) INCORRETA De acordo com as justificativas acima, o pronome refere-se ao beb de trs
meses de idade, filho da mulher rabe.
Resposta da questo 33:
02 + 08 = 10.
01) INCORRETA. () When the Old and New Cities of Jerusalem were reunited in 1967, a
recently widowed Arab woman, who had been living in Old Jerusalem since 1948 (). Em
1967, a mulher rabe ainda morava na Antiga Jerusalm.
02) CORRETA. () When the Old and New Cities of Jerusalem were reunited in 1967, a
recently widowed Arab woman, who had been living in Old Jerusalem since 1948 ().
04) INCORRETA. () When the Old and New Cities of Jerusalem were reunited in 1967, a
recently widowed Arab woman, who had been living in Old Jerusalem since 1948, wanted to
see once more the house in which she formerly lived ().
08) CORRETA. () When the Old and New Cities of Jerusalem were reunited in 1967, a
recently widowed Arab woman, who had been living in Old Jerusalem since 1948(). A
mulher rabe morava na Velha Jerusalm desde 1948.
Resposta da questo 34:
01 + 02 + 08 = 11.
01) CORRETA. (...) the Arab woman told her new friend, "You know, in the 1948 fighting here,
my husband and I were so frightened that we ran away to escape(). A mulher rabe
contou sua nova amiga que durante as lutas de 1948, ela e o marido fugiram por medo.
02) CORRETA. (...) You have found your son our son. Why dont we live together?" And they
do(...). O fato de elas decidirem morar juntas justifica a alternativa.
04) INCORRETA. (...) No est de acordo com o texto.
08) CORRETA. (...) a recently widowed Arab woman, who had been living in Old Jerusalem
since 1948 (). Uma mulher rabe que ficou viva recentemente e que vivia na Antiga
Jerusalm desde 1948.
Resposta da questo 35:
01 + 02 + 04 + 08 = 15.
01) CORRETA. (...) we are both widow () Ns duas somos vivas.
02) CORRETA. (...) Our children are grown up () Nossos filhos esto crescidos.
04) CORRETA. (...) Why dont we live together?" And they do (...). Porque no moramos
juntas? E elas moram.
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08) CORRETA. (...) This house has brought you luck. You have found your son our son ().
Esta casa trouxe-lhe sorte. Voc encontrou seu filho nosso filho.
Resposta da questo 36:
01 + 02 = 03.
01) CORRETA. () The Arab woman said, "When I lived here, I hid some valuables ().
02) CORRETA. () found a hoard of gold coins ().
04) INCORRETA. A mulher rabe tinha escondido moedas de ouro. (gold coins).
08) INCORRETA. Moedas de ouro escondidas sob o assoalho do banheiro. (gold coins).
Resposta da questo 37:
01 + 02 + 04 = 07.
01) CORRETA. ()"I shall ask the government to let you keep them." She did and permission
was granted()/() He asked if he could keep the house and the baby, too. Permission
was granted"(). O pedido feito ao governo foi concedido e a permisso para ficar com a
casa e com o beb foi concedida. (acontecimentos positivos).
02) CORRETA. (), and found a hoard of gold coins. The Jewish woman said, "I shall ask the
government to let you keep them." She did and permission was granted(). A mulher teve
permisso para ficar com as moedas de ouro.
04) CORRETA. (). He asked if he could keep the house and the baby, too. Permission was
granted". Ele recebeu permisso para ficar com a casa e o beb.
08) INCORRETA. Conforme justificativa das alternativas acima, esta no est de acordo com o
Resposta da questo 38:
02 + 08 = 10.
01) INCORRETA. Refere-se a um tipo de turismo que permite que voc viaje sem pagar nada.
02) CORRETA. Indica modos mais baratos de viajar, mas voc precisa cumprir alguns
requerimentos (... The agreement: in order to qualify for the discount, travelers must agree
to spend a portion of their vacation moving barbed wire fences from one place to another so
local wildlife can walk more freely).
04) INCORRETA. Os programas de frias de voluntariado decide qual o melhor programa
para voc.
08) CORRETA. Sua jornada ser programada de acordo com seus talentos ou preferncias
(... You can even customize your trip, making it suitable for your interest, while staying at
fashionable resorts. Hands Up Holidays combines luxury travel with a taste of volunteering
through specially programmed volunteer vacations in 26 countries according to your
individual skills).
16) INCORRETA. O gosto do voluntariado significa participar de uma viagem luxuosa e
experimentar comidas exticas.
32) INCORRETA. Em frias de voluntariado programado voc pode fazer o que quiser com
seu tempo.
Resposta da questo 39:
01 + 04 = 05.
01) CORRETA. Seja um voluntrio e viaje por menos (... to qualify for the discount, travelers
must agree to spend a portion of their vacation moving barbed wire fences from one place
to another so local wildlife can walk more freely).
02) INCORRETA. Os melhores pases para seguir pistas de iguanas.
04) CORRETA. Combine viagem com voluntariado (... Hands Up Holidays combines luxury
travel with a taste of volunteering through specially programmed volunteer vacations).
08) INCORRETA. Trabalhar para organizaes de viagens na Nova Zelndia.
16) INCORRETA. Por que to difcil combinar viagem e voluntariado?.
Resposta da questo 40:
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01 + 02 + 08 = 11.
01) CORRETA. Ele pretende transformar uma concha em telefone, satirizando as pessoas que
no podem viver sem celulares.
02) CORRETA. Ele tenta usar de qualquer artifcio para se comunicar porque ele precisa estar
conectado o tempo todo.
04) INCORRETA. Afirma que o homem est perdido e est tentado entrar em contato com sua
esposa atravs de uma concha.
08) CORRETA. O nome Blackberry usado na tirinha como sinnimo de celular.
16) INCORRETA. Afirma que a esposa do homem no permite que ele esteja em frias sem um
Resposta da questo 41:
04 + 08 + 16 = 28.
to reach me = falar comigo.
01) INCORRETA. Ficar longe de mim.
02) INCORRETA. Parar de pensar em mim.
04) CORRETA. Entrar em contato comigo.
08) CORRETA. Comunicar-se comigo.
16) CORRETA. Contatar-me.
Resposta da questo 42:
01 + 08 = 09.
[01] e [08] higher e more efficient do sentido positivo aos substantivos que os seguem
porque esto na forma comparativa de superioridade.
Resposta da questo 43:
01 + 08 = 09.
[01] Poor countries, they say, can improve crop storage and packaging.
[08] [] rich nations could cut back on resource-intensive foods like meat.
Resposta da questo 44:
01 + 02 = 03.
[01] We could thus all start by shopping smarter [].
[02] [] and cleaning our plates.
Resposta da questo 45:
01 + 02 + 04 + 08 = 15.
[01] [] by 2045 Earths population will likely have swelled from seven to nine billion people.
[02] [] wherever there is easy access to cheap food, people buy more than they consume.
[04] [] while accounting for shifting consumption patterns, climate change, and a finite amount
of arable land and potable water [].
[08] [] food security is increasingly a collective challenge.
Resposta da questo 46:
02 + 04 + 08 = 14.
[02] [] climate change [].
[04] [] a finite amount of arable land [].
[08] [] shifting consumption patterns [].
Resposta da questo 47:
01 + 04 + 08 = 13.
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[01] [...] higher yielding crop varieties [].

[04] [] So will waste reduction [].
[08] [] more efficient farming methods [].
Resposta da questo 48:
01 + 08 = 09.
[01] will have swelled est no Future Perfect, que tem como equivalente, em portugus, o
futuro do presente composto, e will have to double est no Simple Future que tem como
equivalente, em portugus, o futuro do presente.
[08] O Future Perfect usado para uma ao que ter acontecido em determinado momento do
futuro, j o Simple Future usado para um acontecimento que dever ocorrer no futuro.
Resposta da questo 49:
01 + 08 + 16 = 25.
01) muito provvel (ref. 6) o mesmo que provavelmente verdade.
08) aumentar (ref. 10) e subir (ref. 11) significam ficar maior em quantidade, nmero ou
16) O trecho ... se a temperatura mdia aumenta, tambm aumentar o nmero de recordes
de calor. (ref. 12) est escrito na forma condicional.
Resposta da questo 50:
02 + 08 = 10.
02) Onda de calor (ref. 2): Um perodo de tempo, como algumas semanas, quando a
temperatura muito mais alta que o normal.
08) enchente (ref. 4): uma quantidade muito grande de gua que cobre uma rea que
geralmente seca.
(traduo livre)
Resposta da questo 51:
01 + 04 + 16 = 21.
01) Vrios tipos de temperaturas extremas que o mundo tem visto nos ltimos dez anos tm
tido influncia humana.
04) Os Estados Unidos perderam mais de 14 bilhes de dlares ano passado devido ao tempo.
16) Nem toda temperatura extrema pode ser atribuda ao aumento das temperaturas do
(traduo livre)
Resposta da questo 52:
02 + 04 + 08 = 14.
02) A lack of stress means your body is 5understimulated, leaving you feeling 3bored and
isolated. In an effort to find stimulation, many people do things that are 4harmful to
themselves A falta de estresse significa que seu corpo no est estimulado, fazendo voc
se sentir chateado e isolado. Em um esforo para encontrar estmulo, muitas pessoas
fazem coisas que lhes so prejudiciais. Logo, os adjetivos bored (ref. 3) and harmful (ref.
4) so usados em um contexto negativo.
04) Os prefixos under, em understimulated (ref. 5), e over, em over-stressed (ref. 6)
expressam significados opostos, j que under indica que algo est abaixo do esperado e
over indica que algo est acima do esperado.
08) can result in a range of health problems... (ref. 7) pode resultar em uma variedade de
problemas de sade (result = verbo) e ... as a result of some event. (ref. 8) como
resultado de algum evento (result = substantivo).

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(trad. livre)
Resposta da questo 53:
01 + 02 + 16 = 19.
01) Estresse, em certas circunstancias, pode trazer benefcios s pessoas. [...] A little stress is
a good thing [] um pouco de estresse uma coisa boa.
02) Pessoas podem fazer coisas perigosas para encontrar estmulo para viver. [...] In an effort
to find stimulation, many people do things that are 4harmful to themselves [] Em um
esforo para encontrar estmulo, muitas pessoas fazem coisas que so prejudiciais para si
16) Um jeito possvel de evitar estresse dormir um pouco durante o dia. [...] the good
techniques to avoid stress are taking a nap;[] boas tcnicas para evitar estresse so tirar
um cochilo.
Resposta da questo 54:
01 + 02 + 16 = 19
Espera-se que o candidato compreenda o uso da expresso em 01) e reconhea as regras
gramaticais em 02) e 16).
Resposta da questo 55:
04 + 08 = 12
As respostas encontram-se nos trechos:
04) "their love of a good tune is matched only by their proficiency at obtaining it illegally"
08) " Todays young people are every bit as passionate about music as their predecessors."

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Resumo das questes selecionadas nesta atividade

Data de elaborao:
Nome do arquivo:

02/03/2014 s 17:26
mix grammar 2014 1

Q/Prova = nmero da questo na prova
Q/DB = nmero da questo no banco de dados do SuperPro
Q/prova Q/DB





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