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Road Safety Patrol programs exist in schools throughout the world. In addition to
providing safe passage for their fellow students, the students who participate in
the Road Safety Patrol develop important qualities and personal skills, including
leadership and a sense of social responsibility.

Primary Functions
The primary functions of a Road Safety Patrol are described as below:
To instruct, direct, and control students in crossing the roadways at or near schools; and to
assist teachers and parents in the instruction of school children in safe pedestrian practices
at all times and places.
Patrollers guide children and prevent them from entering traffic when it is unsafe
to do so. Patrollers should not be charged with the responsibility of directing
vehicular traffic, nor should they be allowed to. Therefore, they do not need to be
recognized by city bylaw dealing with the control of vehicular traffic.

Organized either on a zonal basis or a combination of all zones, are an

important means of gaining public recognition &
appreciation of the
RSP. Such rallies help the public to realize the necessity for road safety
education. The contribution made
by the children to protect lives &
reduce accidents through RSP units is note worthy in this regard.
Traffic warden officers shall promote rallies, sport activities & drill
competitions. Drill competitions & sports activities should be
in their
own zones & also on inter-zonal basis.
Other competitions such as essay writing, quiz & safety games should
also be encouraged to create an awareness of the
road safety
These activities encourage more children & schools to join the RSP for
promotion of road safety education.
The cadets should be encouraged to learn first aid, which is an essential
qualification. The St. Johns Ambulance Association
can be approached
for teaching first aid to the cadets.
Camps may be organized by wardens subject to approval of the director.
These camps will be conducted to include re-fresher
courses, sports &
extra curricular activities.

Cadets detailed for mustering children on the pavements should stand

facing the children with their arms stretched
downwards at an angle of
45 degrees. They should glance occasionally at the Cadet-in-charge who
will take his/her position
in a conspicuous & safe place to co-ordinate
their duties. When the signal has been received to allow crossing, the
will drop their arms & move aside to muster the children to
cross together briskly but never to run across.
All children should be made to cross only at a pedestrian crossing.
When the signal to stop the children has been received from the cadetin-charge, the cadets will again resume their position
as stated before.

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