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Introduction to the GP Trainee E-Portfolio & Assessments

Meet your Educational Supervisor

You should arrange an initial meeting with your educational supervisor as
soon as possible
Chat about what is expected from you and your e-Portfolio in the next six
months. This should be recorded by your ES under Educators Notes on your
e-Portfolio. Add a Learning Log entry reflecting your thoughts and actions
after the meeting. Put your learning objectives in your PDP
Make sure your ES has set the date of your six month review period*
* For trainees starting in August 2016, this will be in January 2017, even if
you are working LTFT
Completing Assessments
Use the college guide available on the RCGP and e-Portfolio website.
It is your responsibility to ensure assessments are completed, not for your
ES to chase you!
It looks complicated and somewhat daunting - it really is not.
Please ask if you are having problems - dont ignore it, it wont go away!
Workplace Based Assessments (WPBA):
MINIMUM requirements in ST1/2
6 CbD 3 per 6 month training post
6 mini-CEX or COTs 3 per 6 month training post
2 MSF Each MSF must have a minimum of 5 replies from clinical staff so ask
more than 5 people to complete this for you each time and you should get 5
back! (NB - If you are in a GP placement during your ST1 year, you must have a
minimum of 10 responses (5 clinicians and 5 non-clinicians) to your MSF)
You also need 2 MSF in ST3
Additional MINIMUM requirements per year (ST1/2)
1 PSQ if one or more of your posts in the year includes General Practice 40
questionnaires are needed; a member of staff at your practice enters these
onto your e-Portfolio.
1 Clinical Supervisors review at the end of each hospital post (3, 4 or 6 month)
2 Educational Supervisors reviews (1 for each 6 months)
Educational Supervisor (ES) reviews
Reviews occur at around the 6th and 11th month of your ST1 and ST2 years, to
look at the previous 6 month training period.
Reviews are completed one to one with your Educational Supervisor.
It is UP TO YOU to make contact with your ES to arrange review dates.
Before each review you MUST complete the evidence based self assessment,
(rating and comments) on each of the 13 competency areas documented in your
e-Portfolio. The review cannot take place until this is done. Your ES will then
make his/her ratings and comments on each competency area.

Produced by Plymouth VTS

Updated Aug 2016

Introduction to the GP Trainee E-Portfolio & Assessments

Mandatory CEPs
These need to be completed by the end of the 3 years of training. You can evidence these
using CEPs forms, through your learning logs and via COTs and Mini-CEX assessments. There
is no set number of CEPs to perform, but there needs to be enough to demonstrate your
competence in clinical examinations, and show progression over the course of your reviews.
There are some particular examinations that need to be specifically included. These are
breast examinations, rectal and prostate examinations, and the examinations of male and
female genitalia

Professional Skills Development/Leadership/Quality Improvement Project

Trainees in practice placements in ST1/2 are expected to carry out a Quality
Improvement activity, usually looking at an area of clinical practice. At ST3 level
the trainees will be expected to look at an area of practice activity that can be
improved. For full details see

Less than full time trainees

You have your full training year to complete the same amount of
assessments as full-time trainees complete in 12 months.
Therefore, if you are working at 60% you have 20 months to complete all the
minimum evidence. see
However, you do still need to have an ESR every 6 months. You will have an
additional one when you gateway from one training year to the next
Learning Log requirements within the e-Portfolio
The learning log contains your record of your experiences, thoughts, feelings
and reflections.
You should complete an average of 2 meaningful, reflective entries per week.
The Learning Log is used as additional evidence to support your
understanding of the GP curriculum and to demonstrate your development
to become a competent GP. (Use the competency word descriptors to guide
some of your evidence can you show that you are achieving these?).
Annual Review of Competency Progression Panel (ARCP)
These are annual, following the submission of your 11mo ES review; your
e-Portfolio is looked at by the Deanery. If your assessments, reviews,
learning logs, & PDP are all satisfactory you are automatically moved to
the next year of training. If your e-Portfolio is found to be unsatisfactory,
including missing evidence or lack of log entries, you will be expected to
attend the ARCP panel in person, and it could affect your training
progression. Attendance at a face-to-face ARCP may also be required if your
ES requests it or other issues have arisen in your training period.

Produced by Plymouth VTS

Updated Aug 2016

Introduction to the GP Trainee E-Portfolio & Assessments


Agree date for face-to-face review with your ES you should get in
touch with them!
Complete the self-rating for the review your ES will set up on the e-Po
(do it in good time, so your ES has time to look at it before your
Make sure all your evidence is in place.
Aim for a minimum 1-2 meaningful, reflective Learning Log entries per week
Try to log at least 2 Significant Event Analyses per year (events where, on
reflection, things could have been done differently to bring about an
improved outcome, and which have been discussed and reflected on with
Make sure there is a good balance of clinical encounters as well as other
types of log entries (see Peninsula PGME guidance re learning logs)
In advance of your ARCP, remember to submit your completed Form R to the
GP Programme Co-ordinator by the evidence submission deadline.
You need to complete two cycles of MSF in ST1.
When you are in hospital posts, you need 5 responses, but if you spend time in a GP
placement during your ST1 year, you need 10 responses (5 clinicians and 5 non-clinicians)
For each 6mo you spend in hospital posts you need to log:
Minimum 3 CbDs
Minimum 3 Mini-CEXs
And for each post (3, 4 or 6mo), you will need a CSR
(your Clinical Supervisor cannot be added to your e-Po; you need to
send them tickets o complete assessments)

PSQ (minimum 40 responses)

6 Out of Hours sessions*
Minimum 3 CbDs
Minimum 3 COTs
CEPs as appropriate (These need to be completed by the end of the 3 years of training; try
and get them signed up if you can. There is no set number of CEPs to perform, but there
needs to be enough to demonstrate your competence in clinical examinations, and show
progression over the course of your reviews. There are some particular examinations that
need to be specifically included. These are breast examinations, rectal and prostate
examinations, and the examinations of male and female genitalia)

Produced by Plymouth VTS

Updated Aug 2016

Introduction to the GP Trainee E-Portfolio & Assessments

Quality improvement activity (for more info see
ESR (you dont need a CSR if in GP)
*Out of Hours sessions should be tagged as such on your Learning Log, and dont forget to
upload the completed OOH record form to the log entry once its been signed by your
supervisor. Do not put in your personal library, as this is not visible to anyone other than you!
Blank forms can be found at
During or after your face-to-face review, your ES will write up your discussion. Once this
has been done, you should log into your e-Po and accept the review.
Before you can be signed off at your final ARCP as having gained all the required competences for
the completion of training, in addition to completing your required OOH shifts & WPBAs, you also
need to obtain:
Level 3 certification in Child Safeguarding
Valid CPR & AED certification

Form R
L3 Child

Produced by Plymouth VTS

Required over course of each year

Minimum 6
Minimum 12
Minimum 6
Minimum 12
2 during ST1
2 during ST3
1 if GP placement
1 during ST3
Each hospital placement
6 if in GP
1 x Change Management
1 x if in GP placement
Submit by final ARCP
evidence deadline

Submit by final ARCP

evidence deadline

Updated Aug 2016

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