Complex Variables Homework 11

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In the problems below, C is such that Im( ) > 0. Let q = ei .

(1) Let h C be a nonzero complex number so that ph 6= m + n for any three integers
p, m, n Z, p 6= 0. Assume that f (z) is a triplyperiodic meromorphic function:
f (z + 1) = f (z)

f (z + ) = f (z)

f (z + h) = f (z)

Prove that f (z) has to be holomorphic and hence a constant.

(2) Recall that we defined 3 (z; ) = z + + ; . Prove the following properties of
2 2
3 (z; ).
(a) 3 (z + 1; ) = 3 (z; ) and 3 (z + ; ) = q 1 e2iz 3 (z; ).
(b) 3 (z; ) = 3 (z; ).
(c) 3 (z; ) has zeroes with multiplicity one at
m, n Z.

+ m + n for every pair of integers

(3) Consider the following function, for any three complex numbers a, A, B C:
f (z) = e2iz

A3 (z a)3 (z + a) + B3 (z)2

(a) Prove that f (z) is elliptic.

(b) Find the values of A, B which make f (z) holomorphic.
(c) For these values of A, B the function f (z) has to be constant. Determine the value of
this constant.
(see the following bonus problem for a hint).
(4) Bonus. The problem above gives a proof of the following identity (called addition formula
for theta functions):

e2iz 3 (0)2 3 (z a)3 (z + a) 3 (a)2 3 (z)2 = qe2ia (a)2 (z)2
Deduce this identity from Fays trisecant identity proved in class.

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