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In April 2013, much to the chagrin of Lakers fans, Kobe Bryant suffered a torn Achilles
tendon and was sidelined for the rest of the season. The Achilles tendon attaches all of the
following muscles to the calcaneus bone except for the:
A) gastrocnemius m.
B) soleus m.
C) tibialis posterior m.
D) plantaris m.

2. In January 2015, Bryant suffered a rotator cuff tear while driving for a two-handed drunk
against the New Orleans Pelicans. All of the rotator cuff muscles attach on the greater tubercle of
the humerus except for the:
A) teres minor m.
B) infraspinatus m.
C) supraspinatus m.
D) subscapularis m.

3. A doctor is observing her patient and notices that when her patient stands on her left leg, her
right hip drops. The doctor should investigate further to determine if there is a lesion in which of
the following nerves:
A) right superior gluteal n.
B) right inferior gluteal n.
C) left superior gluteal n.
D) right inferior gluteal n.

4. In the 2012 NBA Playoffs, Derrick Rose fell to the ground while driving toward the basket. A
doctor performed a drawer test on Roses left leg and noticed an increased amount of anterior
tibial translation, relative to his right leg. Which ligament did the doctor determine was affected:
A) anterior cruciate ligament
B) tibial collateral ligament
C) fibular collateral ligament
D) posterior cruciate ligament

5. A surgical resident tells you that during the procedure he was observing, the surgeon
accidentally cut the wrong muscle. He forgot what the muscle is called, but he tells you he
remembers that it is innervated by more than one nerve. Which of the following muscles could
this mystery muscle possibly be?
A) adductor brevis m.
B) adductor magnus m.
C) adductor longus m.
D) piriformis m.

6. A woman is hospitalized for after experiencing muscle damage, swelling, and nerve
blockages. She cannot feel any sensation in the area labeled by the arrow in the image below.
What nerve is affected?

A) tibial nerve
B) superficial fibular nerve
C) deep fibular nerve
D) sural nerve

7. A doctor is examining his patients stab wound and notes that the knife has damaged the
structure that passes through the femoral triangle most laterally. This structure is the:
A) Femoral a.
B) Femoral v.
C) Lymphatic vessels
D) Femoral n.

8. Which muscle-function pairing is incorrect?

A) gluteus maximus m. thigh extension
B) tensor fasciae latae m. thigh adduction
C) popliteus m. unlocks knee to allow flexion
D) plantaris m. plantar flexes foot
E) gluteus minimus m. hip abduction

9. Which anastomosis is incorrect?

A) superior ulnar collateral a. posterior ulnar recurrent a.
B) middle collateral a. recurrent interosseous a.
C) ascending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral a. superior gluteal a.
D) descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral a. medial circumflex femoral a.
E) anterior tibial a. dorsalis pedis a.

10. A ballerina is practicing balancing on one toe, but falls and lands on an outstretched hand.
She feels pain when gripping, so she heads to the doctor. Her doctor tells her that she broke the
most frequently broken carpal bone and that if she hadnt come in to be treated, it could have
healed with a deformity and become necrotic. Which carpal bone did she break?
A) Scaphoid
B) Triquetrum
C) Lunate
D) Pisiform
E) Trapezium

11. A surgeon is trying to identify the superficial palmar arch. In order to help him out, you
remind him that the superficial palmar arch is formed predominantly by the:
A) radial a.
B) ulnar a.
C) anterior interosseous a.
D) posterior interosseous a.
E) brachial a.

12. A doctor tells you that his patient accidentally damaged the distal phalanx of his middle
finger. Which tendon could be affected:
A) tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris m.
B) tendon of the flexor digitorum superficialis m.
C) tendon of the flexor digitorum profundus m.
D) tendon of flexor pollicis longus m.

13. Lumbricals flex __ 1 ___ joints and extend __2___ joints.

A) 1) carpometacarpal; 2) metacarpophalangeal
B) 1) interphalangeal; 2) interphalangeal
C) 1) metacarpophalangeal; 2) interphalangeal
D) 1) interphalangeal; 2) metacarpophalangeal

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