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15. Two-way communications where each

parry takes turns transmitting is referred to
as half duplex.

1. The three major fields of electronics are

computers, communications, control. The
largest is the computers field.

16. Voice and video signals are continuous

analog voltages.

2. Communication is defined as the process

of exchanging information.

17. On/off or coded signals are referred to

digital as signals.

3. Most human communication is oral even

though there is a glut of written

18. Voice and video signals may be

transmitted digitally if they are first passed
through a(n) analog-to-digital converter.

4. Two major barriers to human

communication are distance, language.

19. An original voice, video, or data voltage

is called the base band signal.

5. Electronic communications came into

being in the late nineteenth century.

20. To make the transmitted signal

compatible with the medium, the process of
modulation must be used where

6. The three main elements of any

communications system are transmitter,
receiver, channel or medium.

The base band signal is impressed upon a

higher-frequency signal called the carrier.

7. The three major types of communications

paths are wire, radio, fiber-optic cable.

21. Recovering the originally transmitted

signal is called demodulation or detection.

8. The transmitter converts the message

into a form compatible with the selected

22. The process of transmitting two or more

baseband signals simultaneously over a
common medium is called multiplexing.

9. The reciever converts the message from

the medium into a form understandable by a

23. Two methods of transmitting visual data

over the telephone network are facsimile,

10. Undesirable interference in

communications noise is which is added to
the signal in the communications channel.

24. A common household remote-control

unit is the garage door opener.

11. The communications media greatly

degrades and the information attenuates
12. Three common sources of interference
are the atmosphere, manufactured
equipment, thermal agitation in
13. One-way communications is called
simplex. An example is radio and TV
14. Simultaneous two-way communications
is called full duplex. An example is
telephone communications.

25. The signaling of individuals at remote

locations is called paging.
26. Performing, recording, and analyzing
measurements at a distance is done with
telemetry equipment.
27. Radio astronomy is based on the fact
that stars and other heavenly bodies emit
radio waves.
28. List four ways radio is used in the
telephone system microwave relay,
satellites, cordless phones, cellular phones.
29. Radar is based on the use of reflected
radio signals.

30. Underwater radar is called sonar


43. AM broadcast stations are in the MF


31. The two types of sonar are active,


44. HF signals are also called short waves.

32. The radio communications hobby is

called amateur or ham radio.

45. TV (channels 2 to 13) and FM

broadcasting is in the VHF part of the

33. Computers exchange digital data over

the telephone network by using devices
called modem.

46. List five major uses of the UHF band.

Land mobile, cellular telephones, military,
radar and navigation, amateur radio

34. Limited interconnections of PCs and

other computers in offices or buildings are
called local area networks.

47. A frequency of 1 GHz is the same as

1000 MHz.

35. Signals that travel through free space

for long distances are called
electromagnetic waves or radio-frequency
(RF) waves.

48. Frequencies above 1 GHz are called

49. The SHF and EHF ranges are primarily
used by radar, satellite communications.

36. Radio waves are made up of electric,

magnetic fields.

50. The frequencies just beyond the EHF

range are called millimeter waves.

37. A signal with a frequency of 18 MHz has

a wavelength of 16.67 (300/18 = 16.67) m.

51. One micron is the same as 1/1,000,000


38. Common power line frequencies of 50

and 60Hz are in the ELF range.

52. Infrared signals are usually derived from

heat sources.

39. Audio signals are not transmitted by

electromagnetic waves because

53.The spectrum range of infrared signals is

0.7 to 10 m.

a. Antennas would be too long.

54.One angstrom is equal to 1 / 10,000 m.

b. Audio signals do not radiate.

55.The visible light range is from 4000 to

8000 .

c. Simultaneous transmissions would

d. The frequency is too low.
(Choose all that apply.)
40. The human hearing range is
approximately 20 to 20,000 Hz.
41. The frequency range of the human voice
is 300 to 3,000 Hz.
42. True or false. Radio transmissions do
not occur in the VLF and LF ranges.

56. Light signals use two mediums in

electronic communications fiber-optic
cables, free space.
57. The spectrum space occupied by a
signal is called the bandwidth.
58. The new signals above and below the
carrier frequency produced by the
modulation process are called sidebands.
59.A signal occupies the frequency range
from 1.050 to 1.175 MHz. Its bandwidth is
125 (1.175 1.050 = 0.125 MHz = 125 kHz)

60. Wide-bandwidth signals must be

transmitted at higher frequencies.
61. Percentage wise, there is less spectrum
space at the lower frequencies.
62. Many communications electronics
techniques are designed in order to
conserve spectrum space.
63. Electronic communications in the United
States is regulated by a set of laws called
the Communications Act of 1934.
64. The regulatory body for electronic
communications in the United States is the
Federal Communications Commission.
65. Government and military
communications are coordinated by the
National Telecommunications and
Information Administration.
66. The electromagnetic spectrum is
managed worldwide by the International
Telecommunications Union organization.

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