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1. Number the items in the picture. Use the words below.


2. Complete the sentences with the words below.

a. This programme is boring. Please change the channel.
b. You look tired. You should go to sleep.
c. Dont press that button. It doesnt work.
d. I cant tell you the contents of the box. Its a surprise.
e. The picture is clearer now. I can see the peoples faces.
f. I saw an interview on TV with my favourite singer.
3. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. What was different when Jordan arrived home from school?
He looked into the living room and saw a empty lace with no TV
2. What surprise did Jordan's father bring home?
A new TV
3. What happened with the remote control?
The button for Channel 4 doesn't work, so you have to change the channel
4. Why was Jordan frustrated?
Because he wanted to see his favourite programme but the screen went
5. What was strange about the football game on TV?
That the game which was issuing what they had to play the next day
6. Why was Jordan impatient with his father?
Because he wanted to see the end of the game.
4. Choose the correct answer.
a. when he came home, Jordan went to his room to watch tv.
b. Mr Connelly was late because he had a meeting at his office.

c. Mr Connelly opened the box before dinner.

d. At first, Channel 4 showed music show.
e. Later, Jordan saw a reporter interviewing a football player.
1. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in bold.
a. Fans often go to rocks concerts.
b. You can find an article in a newspaper or a magazine.
c. Its uncomfortable to sleep on the floor.
d. People usually applaud at the end of a concert.
e. If something sounds like a lie, you shouldnt believe it.
2. Match each sentence to a picture below. Pay attention to the
words in bold.
a. My sister is a talented gymnast. C .
b. There were thousands of shells on the beach. D.
c. That plant looks very unusual. B.
d. Please print the document. E.
e. Tom is acting strangely today. A
3. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. Jordan's friends didn't believe he saw the game. How did he plan to
convince them?
In the evening he would say the final goal before the end of the game
2. What happened at exactly 5.30? What did Jordan see next?
The TV went blank. He pressed the button again a picture applaned in the
screen. Jordan could see a famous rock group, Rakia, was playing in a big
3. What did Jordan want to find on the Internet?
He searched for entertainment news. He found a long article about the
4. How did the boys' reactions change as the game continued?
The boys couldn't believe it. They looked at Jordan with open mouths
5. What did Jordan do after he and his friends saw the interview?
Jordan took the Internet article out of his trouser pocket

4. Write T or F next to each sentence below.

a. The boys went to Johns house to study. F
b. The picture of the rock concert at Hyde Park gradually became clearer. T
c. Ace was an experience concert singer. F
d. At first, Jordans friends laughed at him. T
e. When the game began, Jordans friends knew about Newmans winning
goal. F
f. According to Jordan, only he could access the mysterious channel. T
1. Complete the puzzle.
2. He works on the top floor of that building.
5. she woke up very early. It was only 5.00 am.
6. The boy was busy in the accident.
1. You dont have to be so serious. Its good to laugh.
3. You look ill. Let me take your temperature.
4. Ive got a test today. I feel very nervous.
2.Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.

The policeman tried to save the woman from the criminal.

Dont stand on that chair. It s very unstable.
Ill organize the books in order of size.
They live on the first floor of a black of flats.
Its against the law to kill.

3. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.

1. What was Jordan's fantasy?
Jordan began to fantasy: " I can get a mountain bike and a new Play Station.
And a lot of students in my class haven't got money to buy a PC. I'll buy
computers for them. And the school needs a new computer room... I can do
so much with the money."
2. Why did Jordan want to buy two lottery tickets?
Because they listened well to the winning number and lacks a number of
the series, he not sure if it's 35 or 25

3. Why did it take time for Jordan to arrive at the second shopping centre?
Because the next shopping centre was a bit far away, and his house was
closer. He ran home to get his bicycle but it had a flat tyre.
4. What did Jordan see on the news? He saw a fire in a building of Bramley,
but an unsung hero warned the neighbors and no one was hurt
5. How did Jordan know he was the mysterious hero? Because a woman
describes and realizes that he is the hero
6. What was Jordan's plan? Traveling by train to Bramley and his friend
Bruce would tell the teacher who was sick.
4. Number the sentences in the correct order according to the
Jordan went to look for the train timetable. 4
Jordan ran home to get his bicycle. 5
The newsreader talked about a gas explosion in Bramley. 6
Jordan saw an advertisement about the national lottery. 1
The first shop assistant refused to sell Jordan tickets. 2
Jordan called Bruce to ask him a favour. 3
1. Use the words in the puzzle to complete the sentences. Then
circle the anwers in the puzzle and find the way Jordan went to May
a. Dont sit on that chair. Its unstable.
b. The passenger sat at the back of the train.
c. The house was on fire and I could see the flames.
d. The building was destroyed in the fire.
e. My brother played a trick on me.
f. I cant find my book. It is missing.
2. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. How did Jordan persuade the residents to leave the building?
He said to the neighbors: "There's a gas leak in the building"
2. Why did the two old woman finally leave the building?

Because the two old women were frightened and they decided to follow
3. How did the residents discover the truth about Jordan?
Because the two old women were listening to the conversation and they
said: "Excuse me. Did I hear you speak about a grandson? I've got two
beautiful granddaughters, but no grandson!
4. Why did Jordan have to be at school before 3.30?
Because his mother picks up at this time.
5. Why couldn't Jordan watch the Channel to the Future at 5.30?
Because he went with his mother to the shopping centre
6. There was a tsunami at a holiday resort. What happened to the people?
Most people can save but a few died.
3.What happened next? Choose the correct answer.
1. Jordan went to school.
2. Jordan ran up the stairs to the first floor.
3. The residents heard a loud explosion.
4. There was a mechanical problem with the train.
5. The screen went blank.
1. Find the words in the puzzle to complete the sentences.
a. Please contact me if you need more information.
b. The police brought somebody to identify the criminal.
c. I often use the Internet for information.
d. The location of the holiday resort is very central.
e. The psychic helped the detective solve the crime.
2.Tick T or F.
a. Its worse to kill than to steal. T
b. A hurricane is an act of nature. T
c. People can survive without food or water. F
d. It s very difficult to watch TV. F
e. You can travel to Hawaii with an international airline. T

3. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.

1. Why was Mrs Connelly worried about Jordan?
Because he had come home from his friend Bruce and I was taking too long
to arrive.
2. According to Bruce, what could the boys do about the tsunami?
They tried to find where the battery of Karumba group went on holiday
vacation to know where would be the tsunami but did not find. Then they
went to explain to the police, they find the fate of the battery and could
save the most people.
3. What information did Jordan remember and why was it important?
He remembered that the battery of the group Karumba was going to go to
the place of the tsunami of vacations, if they were verifying the place could
save the persons.
4. What were the results of the Internet search?
They didn't find anything.
5. How did the sergeant react at first to the boys' story? He didnt believe it
6. How could the airline help? The air line said to them where the battery of
vacations was going to go.
4.Match A and B to make sentences about the story.
a. Jordan went to Bruces house to meet his friends.
b. The boys looked on the internet to confirm Jordans story.
c. Jordans solution was to ask the police for help.
d. Jordan told the sergeant about the explosion to persuade him that his
story was true.
e. Sergeant Morrison called the Bramley police for information about Jed
f. The sergeant took a photo of Jordan for a witness to identify him.
1.Complete the sentences with the words below.
a. He paid the salesman and left the shop.
b. The tornado caused a lot of destruction.
c. He was responsible for the mess in the kitchen.
d. Youre very quiet. I didnt notice you.

e. The teacher is separating the boys because they are fighting.

f. I put money in the machine to buy a drink.
2.Match the words to their definitions.
a. convince-persuade
b.lie-not tell the truth
c.race-a competition of speed
recycle-use again
3.Who said it?
a. Thanks for you help. Ill keep you informed. d
b. You cant be serious. You watch too much TV! c
c. Can you save those people from the tsunami? a
d. I dont believe it. The 4 isnt here any more. e
e. Dont be ridiculous. Hell laugh in my face. b
4. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1. Why did Sergeant O'Neil call Sergeant Morrison?
Because tape-worm important information for the case.
2. Jordan's parents were really home, but he didn't tell Sergeant Morrison
the truth about it. Why do you think he did this?
Because the parents would not believe themselves it it preferred coming to
house and telling it to him in person.
3. How did Jordan's parents react to his story?
They didn't believe it, they think that Jordan was tired.
4. What did Jordan's father do with the old remote control?
It took it to the shop of electronics to change it.
5. What happened to the remote control after it left the electronics shop?
A man who looks for damaged remote controls took it to him and put it in a
machine that does it bits.
6. What did Bruce see when he stopped the car? Why was it important?
In the button 4 it was possible to read FUTURE. It is important because it
confirms that it was the Channel of the Future.

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