Books:: Female Voice. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2002

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Here are some guidelines for formatting your term paper:

Use an easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman. The main body of the text and the
bibliography should be 12 point, footnotes or endnotes in 10 point. Indented passages can be
11 point. In-text citations need to mention author surname(s) and page number(s) in
parenthesis. Example (Anderson 7), which means that you have quoted from page 7 of a
work by an author whose surname is Anderson.
Ensure that the main text of your paper is double spaced. Bibliography, footnotes/endnotes,
and indented passages can be single spaced.
Keep a 1 inch margin all around (top, bottom, left, and right).
The bibliography must be organized alphabetically by surname. Sample bibliographic entries:
Single author:
Harbord, Janet. The Evolution of Film: Rethinking Film Studies. Cambridge: Polity, 2007.
Multiple authors:
Broer, Lawrence R., and Gloria Holland. Hemingway and Women: Female Critics and the
Female Voice. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2002.
Edited volume:
Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar, eds. The Female Imagination and the Modernist
Aesthetic. New York: Gordon, 1986.
Journal article:
Piper, Andrew. Rethinking the Print Object: Goethe and the Book of Everything. PMLA
121.1 (2006): 124-38.
Newspaper article:
Jeromack, Paul. This Once, a David of the Art World Does Goliath a Favor. New York
Times 13 July 2002, late ed.: B7.
Citing web publications:
Eaves, Morris, Robert Essick, and Joseph Viscomi, eds. The William Blake Archive. Lib. of
Congress., 28 Sept. 2007. Web. 20 Nov. 2007.
Scholarly Journal:
Ouellette, Marc. Theories, Memories, Bodies, and Artists. Editorial. Reconstruction 7.4
(2007): n.pag. Web. 5 June 2008. [Give URL]
Periodical in an online database:
Chan, Evans. Postmodernism and Hong Kong Cinema. Postmodern Culture 10. 3 (2000):
n. pag. Project Muse. Web. 5 June 2008. [Give URL]
For further details please refer to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers,
Seventh Edition. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2009.

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