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Chapter 3: Navigating Drawing


Command: NAVBAR turns on Navigation Bar in right side of the drawings panel.
Hold Shift + MMB : Orbit Tool
View Cube in the top right corner can be used for changing views (e.g. front, side, top, isometric, etc)
Orientation of Drawings can be changed with the arrows on the top right corner of view cube
Top view cant show the 3D information of details in drawings
Corners in view cube lead to isometric views
Views can be changed from the view control in the top left corner of drawing space
Layout1 is a drawings sheet. A paper sheet exactly that you get in print
Dotted line in layour1 : Printer Limit. Anything outside that limit line will not get printed out whether that is pdf, dwf or
physical paper plot
10. 2nd (Continuous line) after dotted line in layout 1: Viewport
11. You can an many layouts as you want. But you can have only one model.
12. You can add & save views from view manager in view control in top right corner of the drawing pane.
Chapter 4: Drawing Objects


1. Command: Line
2. Hold Shift + Right Click (After entering in line command) pops up context menu which includes options (e.g. Line
between midpoint between 2 points)
3. F8 turns on/off Ortho command
Selecting Objects
1. Window Selection: Selects when all the object is covered
2. Cross Selection: Selects what is crossed

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