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Script for Social Studies Project

Issues on Population: RH Bill and Rapid Urbanization

Selah propose (RH Bill)
CJ amend (Rapid Urbanization or RU)
Nikki Delegate1
Bea propose (Rapid Urbanization or RU)
Allysa amend (RH), paragraph 3 sa lessons learned
Neeloc Delegate2
Alex movie (intro, pro and con)
Loise delegate, paragraph 2 sa lessons learned
Paul secretary general
Jaycee delegate, paragraph 1 sa lessons learned
Melissa movie (intro, pro and con)
Scene: UN General Assembly
Attire: Corporate attire
This is the script:
Secretary General (Paul): The table is now open for a proposed resolution in the Senate.
RU proponent (Bea): Mr. Secretary General, may I be recognized?
Secretary General (Paul): You may now speak.
RU proponent (Bea): As the population of the Philippines continues to increase each year, rapid
urbanization has increase wherein people choose to live in urban areas where they can find wider
economic opportunities, easy access to safe and primary needs and proper lifestyle and
education. If the rate of urbanization will be higher, the country will greatly benefit due to a
stronger work-force that help increase mass production. Thank you, Mr. Secretary General.
Amendment (CJ): Point of clarification, Mr. Secretary General!
Secretary General (Paul): Yes, youre recognized.
Amendment (CJ): If rapid urbanization continues to increase, more harm it can cause, especially
to he environment. More people means higher population means higher wastes produced by
people and the manufacturing companies. The rural areas where most of the people in
industrialized cities came from, did not receive the same amount of fund for their own needs
because the focus of the government are those places have a thicker population. The best way to
treat this problem is for the government to provide enough opportunities to rural areas so that
people will no longer go to other places to work and that the government to prioritize the poor
sectors in our community by providing enough funds for their needs. Thank you, Secretary
Secretary General (Paul): The resolution has now been amended. Those who are in favor of the
amended resolution, raise their hands (counts, lists). Those who are against it (counts, lists).
Abstain (counts, lists). (read the summary of votes)
: The resolution has been (approved or rejected, depends upon the number of
votes) (ipupukpok ung gamit na props)
RH proponent (Selah): Mr. Secretary General, may I be recognized?
Secretary General (Paul): Recognized.
RH proponent (Selah): In line with this, the Congress had drafted a bill wherein it stats that
population can be controlled and lessened. The Reproductive Health bill can be a solution to the
rapid population growth by using contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Delegate1 (Nikki): (raises hand and was recognized) RH bill states that abortion is still a crime
and is punishable by law. Therefore, it is not what others think that it is killing.
Delegate2 (Neeloc): (raises hand and was recognized) RH bill provides health and sexuality
education which is the best way of family planning.

Amendment (Allysa): RH bill is not killing. It prevents unexpected pregnancy that will arise from
an intercourse. What is worse is that people keep on having sex without being mindful of the
possible things that might happen unexpectedly. They should know their responsibilities as well.
This lack of knowledge urges them to commit abortion which is considered a sin. The children will
be the ones to suffer because their parents cannot give them their needs because they are not
prepared. Whats the point is that most people misinterpret the real meaning of contraception.
The bill is about how to control and not to kill which was the conceptualization of some. What is
needed is a clear and simplified bill with provisions easily understood by the majority for better
comprehension and understanding. Let us join hands in making our country a better place. Thats
all, thank you Mr. Secretary General.
Secretary General (Paul): Thank you. The resolution has been modified. Those who are in favor,
may raise their hands (counts, lists). Those who are against it (counts, lists). Abstain (counts,
lists). (read the summary of votes)
: The resolution has been (approved or rejected, depends upon the number of
votes) (ipupukpok ung gamit na props)
Lessons or morals learned
Filipinos should be aware of the impending issues our country is facing. These
problems involve the people and their environment that greatly affects their way of living.
Urbanization can be achieved if the government and the people join hands in promoting quality
life without resorting to migration leading to overpopulation in some areas that might cause
more serious dangers.
Loise: With the increase in population, methods of contraception are made in order to control
population growth. But most people think that these ways are considered a sin. The best way to
address such problems is to be mindful of our action so as not to fall into temptation and sin.
Having in mind what a true Christian and Lasallian is by valuing our faith and contributing to the
society, we can perform our part in fighting against less population growth.
Population is a major problem in most highly industrialized countries. The best
solution we can found is within our selves. We can make a difference by just being aware and
that small difference and can be a giant leap to save mankind.

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