Decalogo Del Abogado

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Study. The law is changing continuously.

If you do not follow these steps

you will be getting worse lawyer.
Think. The law is studied every day but thinking exercises.
He works. The law is always at the service of justice.
Fight. You must fight for the law, but if at any time you see that there is a
conflict of law with justice, you always have to look after the interests of

Leal. You must be loyal to your client, you should never leave unless you
understand that he is unworthy of your service. You have to be loyal to
your opponent, even if it is unfair to you, it will. Loyal to the judge, who
must rely on what you say to him in court. Try to be fair with everyone
and the world will be loyal to you.
Tolerated. Always tolerate the truth of others (including opponents) in
the same way that you want your truth to be tolerated.
Patience. Be patient at all times and that time is coming from the things
that are done without him.
Faith. Have faith in the law as it is the best instrument to humans. Have
faith in the courts as a result of the law. Have faith in peace as a
substitute for Justice and most of all must have faith in freedom, without
which there are none of the other things.
Forget. Forget as soon as you defeat your victory in your career, and if
you're increasing your anger in every defeat did not get anywhere.

He loves the right. As a last commandment of the Decalogue Lawyer

keep in good esteem abodago your profession so you consider it an
honor to propose that lawyer becomes your future child.
Every lawyer worth his salt should serve the public with every effort
using the weapons granted by the constitution.
It must fight for the freedom of the individual and that the laws are
enforced at all times. Another axiom is not mentioned in the
commandments is the independence that every lawyer should have
against the case to occupy him, he should keep out of the case, not to
belong to any party.
But you have to tell the truth , the Ten Commandments are utopian
attorney and is complicated to implement , a fact that does not mean
that we should try and meet them, it is the benchmark that every lawyer
should continue in its commitment to justice.

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