Dobroslav Jevđević

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Dobroslav Jevevi

1 Early life and political career

Dobroslav Jevevi (Serbian Cyrillic: , pronounced [dobrosla jdevit]; 28 December

1895 October 1962) was a Bosnian Serb politician and
self-appointed Chetnik commander (Serbo-Croatian: vojvoda, o) in the Herzegovina region of the Axisoccupied Kingdom of Yugoslavia during World War II.
He was a member of the interwar Chetnik Association and the Organisation of Yugoslav Nationalists, a
Yugoslav National Party member of the National Assembly, and a leader of the opposition to King Alexander between 1929 and 1934. The following year, he became the
propaganda chief for the Yugoslav government.

Dobroslav Jevevi was born in the hamlet of

Miloevac[1] in Praa, near the town of Rogatica[2]
on 28 December 1895 to Dimitrije and Angela Jevevi (ne Kosori).[1] Jevevi's father was a Serbian
Orthodox priest,[3] and the family was of Montenegrin
Serb origin.[4] Jevevi was raised in the Christian faith
and attended secondary school in Sarajevo.[1] There,
he joined the revolutionary organisation known as
Young Bosnia and became a friend of Gavrilo Princip,
the assassin who killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of
Austria on 28 June 1914.[5] The day of the assassination,
Jevevi's father was arrested by the Austro-Hungarian
police for his connections with the Serb revolutionary
organisation National Defence (Narodna Odbrana).[6]
He was charged with high treason, sentenced to death by
hanging in April 1916 and executed in Banja Luka.[7]

Following the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941,

he became a Chetnik leader in Herzegovina and joined
the Chetnik movement of Draa Mihailovi. Jevevi
collaborated with the Italians and later the Germans in actions against the Yugoslav Partisans. Although Jevevi
recognised the authority of Mihailovi, who was aware
of and approved of his collaboration with Axis forces,
a number of factors eectively rendered him independent of Mihailovi's command, except when he worked
closely with Ilija Trifunovi-Biranin, Mihailovi's designated commander in Dalmatia, Herzegovina, western
Bosnia and southwestern Croatia.

Jevevi was a successful writer and poet in his youth.

He studied law at the universities of Zagreb, Belgrade,
and Vienna and spoke Serbian, Italian, German and
French.[1] Jevevi's political career began in 1918.[4]
During the interwar period, he was one of the most inuential Serb politicians in Bosnia.[1] He was a member of the Chetnik Association, an aggressively Serbchauvinist political movement of over 500,000 members led by Kosta Peanac.[8][9] He was also one of the
leaders of the Independent Democratic Party of Yugoslavia (Samostalna demokratska stranka; NDS) and
headed the movements military wing, the Organisation
of Yugoslav Nationalists (Organizacija Jugoslovenskih
Nacionalista; ORJUNA), which terrorised those Serbs
in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Croatia who refused to join
the party.[1] Jevevi later became a parliamentary candidate of the opposition Yugoslav National Party (Jugoslovenska nacionalna stranka; JNS) in the Kingdom
of Yugoslavia.[10] He was elected to the Yugoslav Parliament a total of four times,[11] representing the district of Rogatica then Novi Sad,[2] and was an opposition leader during King Alexander's dictatorship of 1929
34.[11] His tendency to cooperate with various Yugoslav
political factions earned him the reputation of being
willing to sell himself to any political group in return for
personal favours or advancement. In 1935, he was appointed as the Yugoslav governments propaganda chief
by Prime Minister Bogoljub Jevti.[4] Jevevi approved
of the creation of the Banovina of Croatia in 1939 and
advocated a large Serb counterpart that would include
most of Bosnia and Herzegovina.[10] In 1941, his cousin,

During the joint ItalianChetnik Operation Alfa, Jevevi's Chetniks, along with other Chetnik forces, were
responsible for killing between 543 and 2,500 Bosnian
Muslim and Catholic civilians in the Prozor region in October 1942. They also participated in one of the largest
Axis anti-Partisan operations of the war, Case White, in
the winter of 1943. His Chetniks later merged with other
collaborationist forces that had withdrawn towards the
west, and were put under the command of the SS General
Odilo Globocnik of the Operational Zone of the Adriatic Littoral. Jevevi ed to Italy in the spring of 1945,
where he was arrested by Allied military authorities and
detained at a camp in Grottaglie. He was eventually set
free, having received considerable Allied support. Yugoslavias requests for extradition were ignored. Jevevi
moved to Rome and lived under an assumed name. In the
years following the war, he collected reports for various
western intelligence services and printed anti-communist
publications. He resided in Rome until his death in October 1962.


Colonel Duan Radovi, left Yugoslavia and joined the

Royal Air Force.[1]

World War II

Jevevi ed to Budva following the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941.[2] That month, the Germans and
Italians created a puppet state known as the Independent
State of Croatia (Nezavisna Drava Hrvatska; NDH),
which implemented genocidal policies against Serbs,
Jews and Romanis.[12] The Serb population began to
resist, and Jevevi became a prominent leader of the
Chetnik uprising against NDH authorities in Bosnia and
Herzegovina in 1941.[13]

Map showing the Axis occupation of Yugoslavia from 194143,

He was known for his pro-Italian sympathies prior to including the demarcation line between the German and Italian
the war, and Chetnik leader Draa Mihailovi jokingly zones
described him as an Italian who likes Serbs.[4] Jevevi and pre-war Chetnik leader Ilija Trifunovi-Biranin
Herzegovina claiming that:[19]
sought to work with the Italians in the belief that an Italian occupation of both Bosnia and Herzegovina would
Tito, the supreme military chief of the Parlimit the ability of the NDH to carry out its anti-Serb
is a Croat from Zagreb. Pijade, the
Jevevi reportedly hoped that the Italians
political chief of the Partisans, is a
would allow the formation of a Serbian state of Bosnia
of all armed Partisans were
and Herzegovina under their protection, but they were
Paveli's Croatian Army.
more interested in obtaining the practical assistance of
are former Croathis Chetniks in ghting the Partisans than helping him
their movement
achieve his political aims.
In the summer of 1941,
Jevevi established links with the Italians.
ists of Zagreb, Split, Sarajevo and Dubrovnik.
On 20 October 1941, Jevevi and Trifunovi-Biranin
Fifty percent of the Ustae responsible for the
met and agreed to collaborate with the head of the inmassacres of Serbs are now in their ranks.
formation division of the Italian 6th Army Corps.[15] In
late January 1942, Jevevi oered to assist the Italians Jevevi charged the Partisans with having destroyed
if they occupied Bosnia, and to organise Chetnik de- Serb churches and established mosques, synagogues and
tachments to work alongside Italian units in their ght Catholic temples.[19] In mid-1942, the Chetniks became
against the communist Partisans.[11] These contacts in- aware that the Italians were planning to largely withdraw
volved General Lorenzo Dalmazzo, commander of the from signicant parts of the NDH that they had been ocItalian 6th Corps, and Chetnik leaders Stevo Raenovi, cupying in force up to that time. Jevevi and TrifunoviTrifunovi-Biranin, Jezdimir Dangi and Jevevi.[15] In Biranin told the Italians that in response to this, Mithe spring and summer of 1942, Jevevi and Trifunovi- hailovi was considering evacuating Serb civilians from
Biranin regularly toured villages in Gorade, Kalinovik Herzegovina to Montenegro and moving Montenegrin
and Foa, encouraging the local civilians and Chetnik de- Chetniks north to meet the Ustae, who were expected to
tachments to behave loyally towards the Italians.[11] In unleash a new wave of violence on Serb civilians.[20] Over
May 1942, Jevevi met with German intelligence o- 2223 July 1942, Mihailovi chaired a conference with
cers in Dubrovnik and was asked whether he would co- Jevevi and Trifunovi-Biranin in Avtovac, Herzeoperate in the pacication of Bosnia.[16] Mihailovi was govina. On the second day of the conference, Jeveaware of and condoned the collaborationist arrangements vi and Trifunovi-Biranin traveled to nearby Trebinje
entered into by Jevevi and Trifunovi-Biranin.[17] where they conferred with Herzegovinian Chetnik leadJevevi and Trifunovi-Biranin frequently met with ers Radmilo Gri and Milan anti. The German conChetnik commander Momilo uji in Split, and the sulate in Sarajevo reported that this meeting established
three men quarreled over how to divide the nancial as- the ultimate goals and immediate strategy of the Herzesistance they were receiving from the Italians.[18]
govinian Chetniks as:[21]
In an internal Chetnik report of June 1942, Jevevi
claimed that the Partisan proletarian brigades contained
many Jews, Gypsies and Muslims. In July 1942, he issued a proclamation to the Serbs of eastern Bosnia and

(1) the creation of Greater Serbia; (2)

the destruction of the Partisans; (3) the removal of the Catholics and Muslims; (4) non-


Case White
recognition of Croatia; (5) no collaboration
with the Germans; and (6) temporary collaboration with the Italians for weapons, ammunition and food.

Under the auspices of the Italians, the Chetniks thoroughly ethnically cleansed eastern Herzegovina of its
Croats and Muslims in July and August 1942.[22] In response to a massacre of non-Serbs in Foa in August,
Jevevi issued a proclamation to the Muslims in eastern Herzegovina demanding that they join the Chetniks in
their struggle against the Ustae. He stated: I personally
believe that in a future state the Muslims have no other
choice but to nally and denitely accept Serb nationality
and renounce their speculative maneuvering between the
Serb and Croat nations, above all because all the lands in
which the Muslims live will indisputably and inviolably
become part of the Serb state entity.[23] That month,
General Mario Roatta, commander of the Italian 2nd
Army, contacted Jevevi and legalised 3,000 of his
Chetniks, formally authorising them to operate in eastern

tried to persuade the Italians to undertake a large operation against the Partisans in western Bosnia. TrifunoviBiranin met with Roatta on 10 and 21 September and
urged him to undertake this operation as soon as possible to clear the Partisans from the ProzorLivno area and
oered 7,500 Chetniks as aid on the condition they be
given the necessary arms and supplies. He was successful
in obtaining some arms and promises of action.[29] The
proposed operation, faced with opposition from Ustae
leader Ante Paveli and a cautious Italian high command,
was nearly cancelled, but after Jevevi and TrifunoviBiranin promised to cooperate with Croat and Muslim anti-Partisan units, it went ahead, with less Chetnik
In early October 1942, Jevevi and Baovi, with 3,000
Chetniks from Herzegovina and southeast Bosnia, participated in the Italian-led Operation Alfa.[31] This involved a two-pronged thrust towards the town of Prozor. German and NDH troops drove from the north,
and Italian and Chetnik forces pushed from the Neretva
River.[32] Prozor and some smaller towns were captured
by the combined ItalianChetnik force. Individual Chetnik bands, acting on their own, proceeded to burn a number of Muslim and Catholic villages, and killed between
543 and 2,500 non-Serbs in the Prozor area.[31][32][33][34]
Their behaviour angered the NDH government and the
Italians had to order the Chetniks to withdraw. Some
were discharged altogether while others were sent to
northern Dalmatia to aid uji's forces.[31] A month after
the massacre, Jevevi and Baovi wrote a self-critical
report on Prozor to Mihailovi, hoping to distance themselves from the actions of the troops.[33]

In the autumn of 1942, Jevevi took a radically different approach than other Chetnik leaders and spoke in
favour of collaborating with the Muslims to form Muslim Chetnik units in the ght against the Ustae and the
Partisans.[24] He favoured such tolerance in areas where
the Muslims were protected by the Germans,[25] and considered it a tactical necessity while stressing that there
can be no true unity with them.[26] In late September or early October 1942, Jevevi and Chetnik commander Petar Baovi held talks with Muslim leader
Ismet Popovac and agreed to form a Muslim Chetnik
organisation.[27] Jevevi then urged the Italian military
to occupy all of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to end 2.2 Case White
Ustae rule and claimed the support of 80 percent of
the population, consisting of Serbs and Muslims. At the Main article: Case White
same time, he requested that the Germans grant auton- In a meeting with Roatta in November 1942, Jevevi
omy to Bosnia and Herzegovina until the end of the war,
citing that the Muslims were tested friends of the Germans both in the earlier and in the present era. Although
Jevevi attempted to recruit Muslims while making use
of the Bosnian desire for autonomy to support his alliance
with the occupying Axis powers, nothing developed from
these requests.[24]


Operation Alfa

Main article: Operation Alfa

Towards the end of August 1942, Mihailovi issued directives to Chetnik units, including those operating in the
NDH such as Jevevi's forces, ordering them to prepare
for a large scale anti-Partisan operation alongside Italian Jevevi conferring with Italian ocers in February 1943
and NDH troops.[28] In September 1942, aware that they
were unable to defeat the Partisans alone, the Chetniks obtained Italian agreement to legalise another 3,000

Chetniks and recognition of almost all of eastern Herzegovina as a Chetnik zone. In return, the Chetniks had
to promise not to attack Muslim and Croat civilians and
agreed to having an Italian liaison ocer embedded in
all their formations of regiment strength or more. On
15 November 1942, Jevevi agreed to support the Italian decision to start arming Muslim anti-Partisan groups.
This support almost cost him his life when several Chetniks, who strongly opposed the arming of Croat and Muslim anti-Partisan groups by the Italians, visited Mostar
with the intention of assassinating him.[35]
By the end of 1942, ChetnikItalian collaboration was
routine.[17] Chetnik forces were included in the Italian
planning for Case White, a major Axis anti-Partisan offensive which was to be launched on 20 January 1943.
On 3 January, Jevevi participated in an Axis planning conference for Case White in Rome, along with
senior German, Italian and NDH commanders.[36] The
plans included the 12,000 Chetniks under Jevevi's
command,[37] and on 23 February 1943 he concluded an
agreement with the Germans that they would not cross
the Neretva River and that contact between German and
Chetnik troops would be avoided.[38] Early in the operation, Jevevi concluded an agreement for cooperation
with the commander of NDH troops in Mostar.[39] Later
in the operation Jevevi requested, through the Italians,
the assistance of the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division
Prinz Eugen in defending Nevesinje, which faced severe
pressure from Partisan forces that had broken through the
Chetnik lines at the Battle of the Neretva River. Although
the Italians also made this request themselves, the Germans declined, stating that the division was reserved for
other tasks.[40]


port on the state of Chetnik forces there.[2] Jevevi began developing contacts with the Germans prior to the
Italian capitulation in September 1943.[45] On 3 September, he travelled to Rome via Rijeka and made contact
with German intelligence services.[2] This marked the beginning of his collaboration with the Germans.[46] Following the German occupation of NDH territory that
had previously been held by the Italians, Jevevi moved
to Trieste and stayed at the Hotel Continental.[1] There,
he helped organise displaced Chetniks and arranged for
them to be returned to the town of Opatija.[2] He stayed
in Trieste until January 1944,[1] when he relocated to
Opatija with Chetniks from Trieste who had been placed
under his command. He then moved his Chetniks to
Ilirska Bistrica,[2] and collaborated with the Germans until the end of the war.[46]

2.3 Withdrawal
In December 1944, Jevevi's 3,000 remaining
ghters[47] joined uji's Chetniks, Dimitrije Ljoti's
Serbian Volunteer Corps, and the remnants of Milan
Nedi's Serbian Shock Corps, which were under the
command of SS-Obergruppenfhrer und General der
Waen-SS (SS General) Odilo Globocnik, the Higher SS
and Police Leader of the Adriatic Littoral.[48] Despite
this, they attempted to contact the western Allies in Italy
in an eort to secure foreign aid for a proposed anticommunist oensive to restore royalist Yugoslavia.[49]
They were all blessed by Serbian Orthodox bishop
Nikolaj Velimirovi upon his arrival in Slovenia.[50][51]
On 11 April 1945, a detachment of Jevevi's Chetniks,
along with three regiments of the Serbian Volunteer
Corps, marched into south-western Croatia with the aim
of linking up with the Montenegrin Volunteer Corps of
Pavle urii, which was marching across Bosnia in an
attempt to reach Slovenia. The relief eort came too late,
because the Montenegrin Volunteer Corps had already
been defeated by NDH forces at the Battle of Lijeve
Field near Banja Luka, after which urii was captured
and killed. The relief force then marched north to
Slovenia, where it fought the Partisans before retreating
into Austria. These Chetniks were subsequently captured
by the Allies and repatriated to Yugoslavia, where they
were summarily executed by the Partisans.[48] Jevevi
remained highly inuential among the Chetniks until the
end of the war.[8]

After the death of Trifunovi-Biranin in February 1943,

Jevevi, along with uji, Baovi, and Radovan
Ivanievi, vowed to the Italians to carry on TrifunoviBiranins policies of closely collaborating with them
against the Partisans. The Italians were able to exert
pressure on Jevevi, as his brother and ance were interned in Italy.[41] Mihailovi apparently felt that Jevevi had exceeded his authority by attending the Case
White planning conference in Rome, and indeed, when
the Yugoslav government-in-exile awarded Jevevi the
Order of Karaores Star in early 1943 for his services
to the Serb population during the Ustae massacres of
1941, Mihailovi suppressed the announcement of the
award because of the nature of Jevevi's agreement with
the Italians, although the reason may also have been because he was aware of Chetnik revenge killings of Herzegovinian Catholics and Muslims in response to atroc- 3 Exile and death
ities committed by the Ustae in Croatia.[42] Tensions
between Mihailovi and Jevevi became so apparent
that Mihailovi reportedly threatened to string [him] up 3.1 Release from captivity
from the nearest tree.[43] In March, Jevevi publicly
demanded an end to the Chetnik killing of Croats in In the spring of 1945, Jevevi ed to Italy, where he
was arrested by Allied forces and detained at a camp
in Grottaglie.[52] An estimated 10,000 Chetniks reportIn June 1943, Mihailovi sent Jevevi to Slovenia to re- edly followed him and uji into the country.[1] Jevevi


Intelligence-gathering activities

was interned in Grottaglie for some time along with others, including the former Ustae commissioner for Banja
Luka, Viktor Guti.[52] During this time, an indictment
was issued against him in Sarajevo. It charged that under his command in the rst half of October 1942 in
and around Prozor [the Italians and Chetniks] butchered
and killed 1,716 persons of both sexes, of the Croatian and Muslim nations, and plundered and burnt about
500 households.[33] Jevevi received considerable Allied support in Italy despite being wanted by British authorities in connection with these allegations.[1] On paper,
the Chetniks in Italy were listed as surrendered enemy
personnel, but were largely viewed with sympathy by the
Allies, who considered them anti-German. Hence, many
Chetnik prisoners were handed British Army uniforms
and given non-combatant duties throughout Italy, such
as guarding munitions and supplies.[53] In August 1945,
Jevevi became the commander of a camp for disarmed
Chetniks in Cesena.[1] He was eventually set free and Yugoslavias requests for extradition were ignored.[33]


Intelligence-gathering activities

Germans.[1] He became a member of the Association of
Free Journalists of Central-Eastern Europe, and served
as an informant for the Italian intelligence services between 1946 and 1947. During this period, he published a
condential periodical called the Royal Yugoslav Intelligence Bulletin which he shared with the Italians. Jevevi
also contributed to a number of newspapers, including
the Serb nationalist Srbobran. In 1946, he helped form
the Serbian National Committee in Rome and, with help
from Achille Marazza, published a pan-Serb and antiCroat newspaper, Srpske Novine, in Eboli. He also established contacts with Italian neo-fascist groups and with an
anti-communist group called the Committee of Nations
Oppressed by Russia.[4]
Disagreement over who would lead the 10,000 Chetnik
exiles in Italy escalated into a feud between Jevevi,
uji and General Miodrag Damjanovi in mid-1947.[1]
Damjanovi had been appointed by Mihailovi in March
1945 to lead the Chetniks into northwestern Italy.[54]
Jevevi and uji refused to accept this and claimed that
they were Mihailovi's only successors as leaders of the
Chetnik movement.[1]
By 1949, the CIA claimed that Jevevi's intelligence
material was being used by the Italian Ministry of Interior, the United States Counterintelligence Corps, British
Forensic Science Service in Trieste, and French intelligence services in Rome and Paris. His intelligence correspondents included uji, who disseminated his intelligence reports to the CIA, Konstantin Foti, the former Yugoslav ambassador to the United States, and Miro
Didek, Croat politician Vladko Maek's self-styled intelligence representative in Rome. The intelligence reports were mostly collected from refugees eeing Yugoslavia and arriving in Italy via Trieste and from migr
groups in Italy and Greece. By 1949, Jevevi claimed
to have formed a large network of anti-communist propagandists in Italy and intelligence collection centres in
Albania, Bulgaria and Greece. The CIA believed that
these claims were exaggerated, if not entirely ctitious.[4]
In 1951, Jevevi began printing an anti-communist, proChetnik publication from an unidentied religious institution in Italy. Issues were regularly mailed to Yugoslav
exiles and former Chetniks living in the United States,
Canada, Australia and various European countries.[1]

A Central Intelligence Agency chart illustrating the ow of the

information generated by Jevevi.

According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),

Jevevi lived in Rome under the aliases Giovanni St.
Angelo[1] and Enrico Serrao.[4] He spent most of his
time and money quarrelling with migr Yugoslav politicians, trying to prove that his collaboration with the
Italians was necessary in order to protect the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Partisans and

In May and June 1952, Jevevi visited Canada and addressed the Congress of the Serbian National Defense
(Srpska Narodna Odbrana) in Niagara Falls regarding developments within Italys Serb migr community. The
following year, he and uji issued a proclamation in
Chicago declaring their intention to organize Chetnik
groups against Damjanovi, who had since emigrated
to Germany. Jevevi later received threatening letters
warning him not to go through with such a plan for fear
of disuniting the Yugoslav diaspora. Little is known of
his activities after 1953.[1] He continued to live in Rome
until his death in October 1962.[52]


[1] Central Intelligence Agency 16 June 1955.

[2] Dizdar 1997, p. 172.
[3] orovi 1996, p. 60.
[4] Central Intelligence Agency February 1952.
[5] Hoare 2007, p. 88.
[6] orovi 1996, pp. 6062.
[7] orovi 1996, p. 175.
[8] Tomasevich 1975, p. 158.
[9] Singleton 1985, p. 188.
[10] Pavlowitch 2007, p. 46.
[11] Milazzo 1975, p. 71.
[12] Hoare 2007, pp. 2024.
[13] Redi 2005, p. 20.


[37] Redi 2005, p. 36.

[38] Tomasevich 1975, p. 241.
[39] Redi 2005, p. 99.
[40] Tomasevich 1975, p. 248.
[41] Tomasevich 1975, p. 218.
[42] Roberts 1973, p. 68.
[43] Pavlowitch 2007, p. 125.
[44] Redi 2005, p. 146.
[45] Tomasevich 2001, p. 146.
[46] Tomasevich 1975, p. 428.
[47] Tomasevich 1975, p. 442.
[48] Tomasevich 1975, p. 449.
[49] Tomasevich 1969, p. 111.
[50] Byford 2004, p. 11.

[14] Milazzo 1975, pp. 7071.

[51] Cohen 1996, p. 60.

[15] Ramet 2006, p. 147.

[52] Dizdar 1997, pp. 172173.

[16] Milazzo 1975, p. 80.

[53] Judah 2000, p. 124.

[17] Ramet 2006, p. 148.

[54] Tomasevich 2001, p. 191.

[18] Central Intelligence Agency 19 April 1950.

[19] Hoare 2006, pp. 159160.
[20] Milazzo 1975, p. 95.

5 References

[21] Milazzo 1975, pp. 9495.

[22] Goldstein 19 October 2012.
[23] Hoare 2013, p. 48.
[24] Hoare 2006, p. 308.
[25] Redi 2005, p. 174.
[26] Malcolm 1996, p. 187.
[27] Hoare 2013, p. 49.
[28] Milazzo 1975, p. 97.
[29] Tomasevich 1975, pp. 232233.
[30] Milazzo 1975, pp. 97100.
[31] Tomasevich 1975, pp. 23233.
[32] Milazzo 1975, p. 100.
[33] Goldstein 7 November 2012.
[34] Dedijer & Mileti 1990, p. 581.
[35] Milazzo 1975, pp. 10608.
[36] Roberts 1973, pp. 10304.

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Primary documents

Byford, Jovan (2004). From Traitor to Saint":

Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovi in Serbian Public Memory (PDF). Analysis of Current Trends in Antisemitism. 22: 141. ISSN 0792-9269.
Goldstein, Ivo (19 October 2012). "etniki zloin
u Rami u listopadu 1942. godine (I dio)" (in SerboCroatian). Prometej. Archived from the original on
8 January 2013.
Goldstein, Ivo (7 November 2012). "etniki zloin
u Rami u listopadu 1942. godine (III dio)" (in
Serbo-Croatian). Prometej. Archived from the
original on 22 November 2012.


Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



Dobroslav Jevevi Source: Contributors: Joy,

Rsloch, Bender235, Lectonar, Hohum, Woohookitty, Thewanderer, Ground Zero,, Garion96, Srnec, Ian Rose,
Ser Amantio di Nicolao, Harryboyles, Khazar, Iridescent, Neelix, Cydebot, DumbBOT, Bongwarrior, DrKay, Paulcicero, Dawn Bard,
Monegasque, Maralia, Piledhigheranddeeper, Sun Creator, Another Believer, 1ForTheMoney, Dank, Good Olfactory, Kbdankbot, Lightbot, Malcomz~enwiki, Citation bot, Potonik, Wstenfuchs, Jean-Jacques Georges, AustralianRupert, NSH002, Jonesey95, Juanr2099,
Gerda Arendt, RjwilmsiBot, EmausBot, Zawed, GermanJoe, Zoupan, Blackmane, Delusion23, Thurgate, Helpful Pixie Bot, Lowercase
sigmabot, Peacemaker67, SD5bot, Khazar2, 23 editor, Br'er Rabbit, Webclient101, HuHu22, Koo88, PidgeCopetti, Hyper obese guy,
Derpedia, La cucaracha 753896412, OccultZone, BjeliRabac, Spiderjerky, KasparBot, BD2412bot, SSTyer and Anonymous: 10



File:Axis_occupation_of_Yugoslavia_1941-43.png Source:

of_Yugoslavia_1941-43.png License: Public domain Contributors: modied version of this map:
Fascist_occupation_of_yugoslavia.png Info in the map is veriable at: Tomasevich, Jozo (1975). War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941
1945: The Chetniks. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 978-0-8047-0857-9., p.90, Map 3. Partition of 1941 Original
artist: DIREKTOR (derived from PANONIAN's work)
File:Chetniks_Flag.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: vector version of Cetnik ag.jpg, which was sourced from the Ministry of Education, Yugoslavia, according to that le page
Original artist: Voytek s
File:Dobroslav_Jevevi_CIA_intelligence_chart.png Source:
Jev%C4%91evi%C4%87_CIA_intelligence_chart.png License: Public domain Contributors: The JEVDJEVIC Case in (February 1952)
Paper Mills and Fabrication, Central Intelligence Agency Original artist: Central Intelligence Agency
File:Dobroslav_Jevevi_in_ceremonial_uniform.jpg Source:
C4%91evi%C4%87_in_ceremonial_uniform.jpg License: Fair use Contributors: Original publication: In the now-defunct Independent
State of Croatia, but how published is unknown
Immediate source: Serbo-Croatian WP
Original artist: Unknown
File:Flag_IMARO.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Image:IMARO-flag.png Original artist: Sebastian Walderich
%281943-1944%29.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Eng-Wikipedia Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_German_Reich_(19351945).svg Source:
Reich_%281935%E2%80%931945%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Fornax
Independent_State_of_Croatia.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Zakonska odredba o dravnom grbu, dravnoj zastavi,
Poglavnikovoj zastavi, dravnom peatu, peatima dravnih i samoupravnih ureda, 28. travnja 1941, Nr.XXXVII-53-Z.p.1941 30.
travnja 1941. Original artist: public domain by User:Zscout370
File:Flag_of_Italy_(1861-1946)_crowned.svg Source:
%281861-1946%29_crowned.svg License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors:
Original artist: F l a n k e r
File:Flag_of_Montenegro_(1905-1918_&_1941-1944).svg Source:
Montenegro_%281905-1918_%26_1941-1944%29.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Guilherme Paula
File:Flag_of_Montenegro_(1941-1944).svg Source:
%281905-1918_%26_1941-1944%29.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Guilherme Paula
File:Flag_of_the_Government_of_National_Salvation_(occupied_Yugoslavia).svg Source:
commons/a/ac/Flag_of_the_Government_of_National_Salvation_%28occupied_Yugoslavia%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='Flag of serbia 1941
1944.JPG' src='
1941_1944.JPG' width='100' height='67' srcset='
1944.JPG/150px-Flag_of_serbia_1941_1944.JPG 1.5x,
1941_1944.JPG/200px-Flag_of_serbia_1941_1944.JPG 2x' data-le-width='471' data-le-height='315' /></a>
Original image taken from: Nenad M. Jovanovi, Grbovi, zastave i himne u istoriji Srbije, Belgrade 2010 Original artist:
File:Flag of serbia 1941 1944.JPG
File:Flag_of_the_Slovene_Home_Guard.svg Source:
Home_Guard.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Emblem created by Tadej5553, colour pattern and tricolour ag
by R-41
File:Jevdjevic_and_Italians.jpg Source: License: ? Contributors: Immediate source: Original artist:
Unknown, it is assumed that an Italian soldier or Chetnik took the photograph


Content license

File:Order_of_the_Karaore{}s_Star_with_Swords_rib.png Source:
Order_of_the_Kara%C4%91or%C4%91e%27s_Star_with_Swords_rib.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original
artist: Snake bgd
File:S_Flag.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Flag_of_serbia_1941_1944.JPG (Original source image taken from here: Nenad M. Jovanovi, Grbovi, zastave i himne
u istoriji Srbije, Beograd, 2010.)
Original artist: File:Flag of serbia 1941 1944.JPG: ocial ag of the Serbia under German occupation
File:Yugoslav_Partisans_flag_1945.svg Source:
Federal_Yugoslavia.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: The original
uploader was Zscout370 at English Wikipedia


Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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