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ALVAREZ, Ronilyn A.

La Vie en rose by Edith Piaf is a French song which can be translated to "Life in
Rosy Hues" or "Life through Rose-Colored Glasses"; its literal meaning is "Life in
Pink". The term "rose colored glasses" means that you see life in a positive way
even though it could be negative. If someone said to you, "you're wearing rose
colored glasses", they probably mean that you're either the type of person who puts
a positive spin on negative things in the world, or you're naive and you ignore
negativity. La Vie en rose does not have the foolishly optimistic sense that seeing
the world through rosy glasses has. Instead, it just refers to a state of bliss where
the viewer sees things in positive light. Its my favorite song ever since I heard it
last year and I listen to it whenever Im sad. I heard this song in a TV show called
How I Met Your Mother. I listened to it first without a thought of what the song really
means then I searched for the meaning and I loved it ever since.
I think this song really speaks to me. Growing up, I have always had
complaints about life and why I was made this way. I literally hated myself for the
past 16 years. I had the lowest self-esteem and I only speak to few people because I
was afraid of criticism, how society sees me. I was loved by my parents and they
never had expectations. They always say that I dont need to reach for things I
cant, that I am okay just the way I am now but I do not want to settle for just being
a person whos okay. I have this feeling inside me that I need to try harder in
everything to be accepted in this generation. In our time, you dont really matter if
youre not pretty, rich or has talents you can show off, which I do not even have.
That is why I have always hated myself and ask why I was not born like others? I
have nothing to show off and I feel so worthless. I was always thinking like that but I
decided to change my way of thinking. I decided to change my attitude and view
things through rose colored glasses. I changed things I did not like about myself and
if I had no chance of changing it, I just let it be and see it as a signature of myself. I
still have my moments where I feel the same as I did but changing takes time and I
am trying my best to see things in a positive light even though its a bad moment.
Why do I need to see bright sides in negative things? Because If I dont, who will? I
decided that I am my own happiness and I am trying live life as positive as I can.

492 words

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