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Gantry teaching is required for teaching the path in which the gantry can load the part in the machine in correct
orientation and without any interference with the machine and machine fixture. The path of the machine loading
and unloading is different for each and every operation. There are in total 2 axis for each Z-axis(For BLOCKLINE) . So
the combination of all those axis can be used to get the desired position and the orientation for the part to be
loaded in the machine or unloaded from the machine.
Teach pendent is the most important device used for teaching of any particular machine. It offers mobility and
proper access to the person for visibility while teaching a particular machine. It also helps the person to control the
speed of the axis and perform manual actions for the end of arm tooling (EOAT). The teaching of the machine is done
in SETUP MODE which is completely operator dependent as it disables all the axis movement interlocks which is very
much essential for the teaching process. The feeds of the gantry are reduced to less than half of the actual speed in
SETUP MODE which makes it more safer for the operator to teach the system to very fine.

Teach Pendent Overview:

Teach pendent is used for teaching. Teach pendent is used only in setup mode. Setup mode is selected by
selector switch on the HMI panel. Teach pendent enable/disable switch is also enabled for making teach pendent
active. For moving any axis or performing any manual action from teach pendent, a LIVE MAN SWITCH has to be
pressed . There are twoLIVE MAN SWITCH at the rear end of teach pendent on either sides.

All axis as well as manual action related to EOAT can be performed by teach pendent in setup mode .
NOTE: In SETUP MODE all axis feedholds and interlocks are DISABLED. The movement of the axis is completely
depends upon the user who is controlling the system. Some pics for teach pendent are below for reference.

OP40 Teaching Procedure:

OP40 is the most complicated gantry for teaching the positions as it has most number of moves to complete the
loading and unloading cycle.
1. OP40 Unloading:
Unloading of machine is done with Z2 axis gripper. Please do through the following pic for an overview of
OP40 Unload cycle path.


The detailed unload cycle teaching as follows,

Step-1 :
Take the X-axis at top of the machine with Z2 exactly on the top of the machine to be teached. (Say
OP40.1). This position is the same position for X axis which will be used for the final unloading of the part
inside the machine (Step- 7 X-position). The home position for the other axis will be,
X= (X at MC1 for Z2 axis), Z1=-20.0, Z2=-20.0, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take Z2 axis completely down inside the machine for step-2 points. Note that there is enough
space on both the sides of the EOAT. (Normally the position for Z2 axis down should be such that the center
grippers can go easily in the bores of the component which is clamped in the fixture. Also make sure that the
fixture can easily come forward to load/unload position.)
The fixture will have a part with it. So arrange the gripper and the pitch and the rotary axis such that it
properly accomadates the component.
X= (X at MC1 for Z2 axis), Z1=-20.0, Z2=(Z2 down step-1), A1=90.0, A2=90.0+fine adjustment, B1=0.0 and
B2=0.0 + fine adjustment.
Step 2 (A)

Step 2 (B)

Take Z2 axis up inside the machine for step-3 points. To clear the machine fixture. Z2 is taken up
only a little so that the component gets out of the clamps and the referencing blocks.
X= (X at MC1 for Z2 axis), Z1=-20.0, Z2= (Z2 up step-1), A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.


Take X axis right side inside the machine for step-4 points. To clear the machine fixture. Movement
of X in positive direction is just to clear the top and the bottom of the part from the fixture.
X= (X at MC1 for step-1), Z1=-20.0, Z2= (Z2 up step-1), A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.
Step 4 (A)

Step 4 (B)

Take Z2 axis up in the machine for step-5 points. To clear the machine fixture.
X= (X at MC1 for step-1), Z1=-20.0, Z2= (Z2 up step-2), A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take X axis right side inside the machine for step-6 points. Note that there is enough space for both
sides of EOAT to clear the machine fixture.
( NOTE: in order to clear the lower grove of the component the positions of the I5 and I4 differ. I5
position is more by 7 mm than the position for I4. Only after this change both the groves line up
properly with the fixture arrow. See pic. Step 6 (B)
X= (X at MC1 for step-2), Z1=-20.0, Z2= (Z2 up step-2), A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.
Step 6 (A)

Step 6 (B)

Take X axis left side inside the machine for step-7 points. To clear the interference between
machine and the gantry. Note that X at MC1 for step-3 is same as X at MC1 for Z2 axis
X= (X at MC1 for step-3), Z1=-20.0, Z2= (Z2 up step-3), A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take Z2 axis at home position for step-8 points.
X= (X at MC1 for step-3), Z1=-20.0, Z2= (Z2 home step-4), A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

2. OP40 Loading:
Loading of machine is done with Z1 axis gripper. Please do through the following pic for an overview of OP40
load cycle path.


The detailed load cycle teaching as follows,

Step-1 :
Take the X-axis at top of the machine with Z1 exactly on the top of the machine to be teached. (Say
OP40.1). This position is the same position for X axis which will be used for the final loading of the part inside
the machine (Step- 7 X-position). The home position for the other axis will be,
X= (X at MC1 for Z1 axis), Z1=-20.0, Z2=-20.0, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take Z1 axis half way down inside the machine for step-2 points. Note that there is enough space on
both the sides of the EOAT. (Normally the position for Z1 axis down should be such that the gripper can go in
as much as possible in right hand side of the machine with no interference with the machine in the next step
and also the machine fixture can easily come forward to load/unload position.)
X= (X at MC1 for Z1 axis), Z1= (Z1 down step-1), Z2= -20, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take X axis right side in the machine for step-3 points. Note that there is enough space on both the
sides of the EOAT. (Normally the position for Z1 axis down should be such that the gripper can go in as much
as possible in right hand side of the machine with no interference with the machine in the next step and also
the machine fixture can easily come forward to load/unload position.

( NOTE: in order to clear the lower grove of the component the positions of the I5 and I4 differ. I5
position is more by 7 mm than the position for I4. Only after this change both the groves line up
properly with the fixture arrow. See pic. Step 3 (C)
X= (X at MC1 for step-1), Z1= (Z1 down step-1), Z2=-20, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0
Step 3 (A)

Step 3 (B)

Step 3

Take X axis left hand side of the machine for step-4 points. To clear the machine fixture.
X= (X at MC1 for step-2), Z1= (Z1 down step-1), Z2=-20, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take Z1 axis down inside the machine for step-5 points. To clear the machine fixture.
X= (X at MC1 for step-2), Z1= (Z1 down step-2), Z2=-20, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take X axis left hand side of the machine for step-6 points. To clear the machine fixture.( Note that
X at MC1 for step-3 is the same value as X at MC1 for Z1 axis)
X= (X at MC1 for step-3), Z1= (Z1 down step-2), Z2=-20, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take Z1 axis down inside the machine for step-7 points. To the final position for the load. The part
should be properly rested on all four resting pads of the fixture. Also there are two referencing pads
which should have a clearence of 1-2mm between the pads and the part.
X= (X at MC1 for step-3), Z1= (Z1 down step-3), Z2=-20, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take Z1 axis at home position for step-8 points.
X= (X at MC1 for step-3), Z1= (Z1 home step4), Z2=-20, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=0.0 and B2=0.0.

Take the final loading or unloading position of the gantry (X axis and Z axis) as the reference for the other
positions in the machine (I,e Steps for Z axis and X axis). Try to keep the distance between two steps same in
all the machines which helps for proper and fast touch ups in case of accidents and crashes.(X axis right of
machine is 121 mm more for I5 and 114mm more for I4.)

OP45 Teaching Procedure:

OP45 Loading:


Above is the overview of OP45 loading path. The OP45 loading path has 5 steps in all.
Step :1
X axis for Z1 down position at machine.
X= (X at MC1 load Step-1), Z1=-28, Z2=-28, A1=56.0, A2=56.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 2:
This is a combine movement of Z1 down and A1 axis.
X= (X at MC1 Ld Step-1), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 step-1), Z2=-28, A1=(A1 for MC1 Ld), A2=56.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

Step 3:
X axis moves left of machine for final load position for load.
X= (X at MC1 Ld ), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 step-1), Z2=-28, A1=(A1 for MC1 Ld), A2=56.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 4:
Z1 axis down at final position for machine for loading.
X= (X at MC1 Ld ), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 ), Z2=-28, A1=(A1 for MC1 Ld), A2=56.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 5:
Z1 axis and A1 axis home.
X= (X at MC1 Ld), Z1=-28.0, Z2=-28.0, A1=56.0, A2=56.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP45 Unloading Procedure:


Above is the overview of OP45 loading path. The OP45 loading path has 5 steps in all.
Step :1
X axis for Z2 down position at machine.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=-28, Z2=-28, A1=56.0, A2=56.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 2:
This is a combine movement of Z2 down and A2 axis.

X= (X at MC1 UnLd ), Z1=-28.0, Z2=(Z2 dn in MC1),, A1=56.0, A2=(A2 for MC1 UnLd), B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 3:
Z1 axis up at Step-1 position for clearing the machine fixture.

X= (X at MC1 UnLd), Z1=-28.0, Z2=(Z2 Up Step-1 in MC1),, A1=56.0, A2=(A2 for MC1 UnLd), B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 4:
X axis moves right of machine for step-1 position for X axis to clear the machine fixture
X= (X at MC1 UnLd Step-1), Z1=-28.0, Z2=(Z2 Up Step-1 in MC1),, A1=56.0, A2=(A2 for MC1 UnLd), B1=0.0,
Step 5:
Z2 axis and A2 axis home.
X= (X at MC1 UnLd Step-1), Z1=-28.0, Z2=-28.0, A1=56.0, A2=56.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP50 Teaching Procedure:

OP50 Loading:



Above is the overview of OP50 loading path. The OP50 loading path has 5 steps in all.
X axis at machine load position.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

Its a combine movement of Z1 axis down Step-1 and A1 axis at machine load position.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 dn step-1), Z2=0.0, A1=(A1 MC Load), A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z1 axis down at loading position for machine.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 down at MC Ld), Z2=0.0, A1=(A1 MC Load), A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 4:
X axis moves towads right of machine to clear the fixture.
X= (X at MC1 Step-1 ), Z1=(Z1 down at MC Ld), Z2=0.0, A1=(A1 MC Load), A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 5:
Combine movement of Z1 axis and A1 axis to home position.
X= (X at MC1 Step-1 ), Z1=0.0, Z2=-0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP50 Unloading:


Above is the overview of OP50 Unloading path. The OP50 Unloading path has 5 steps in all.
X axis at machine Step-1 Unload position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload Step-1 ), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

Its a combine movement of Z2 axis down at unload position and A2 axis at machineUnload position.
X= (X at MC1 UnloadStep-1 ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 down at MC),, A1=0.0, A2=(A2 MC Unload), B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
X axis moves towards left of machine fixture.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 down at MC),, A1=0.0, A2=(A2 MC Unload), B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 4:
Z2 axis Up at Unloading position for machine.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 Up at MC Step-1),, A1=0.0, A2=(A2 MC Unload), B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 5:
Combine movement of Z2 axis and A2 axis to home position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload), Z1=0.0, Z2=-0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP55 Teaching Procedure:

OP55 Loading:

Above is the overview of OP55 loading path. The OP55 loading path has 3 steps in all.
X axis at machine load position.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

Z1 axis down in the machine.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 down in MC), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z1 axis home.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP55 Unloading:

Above is the overview of OP55 Unloading path. The OP55 Unloading path has 3 steps in all.
X axis at machine Unload position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z2 axis down in the machine.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 down in MC),, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z2 axis home.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP60 Teaching Procedure:

OP60 Loading:


Above is the overview of OP60 loading path. The OP60 loading path has 3 steps in all.
X axis at machine load position.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

Simultanious movement of A1 axis and Z1 axis down in the machine.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 down in MC), Z2=0.0, A1=(A1 for Loading in MC),, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Simultanious movement of A1 axis and Z1 axis home.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP60 Unloading:


Above is the overview of OP60 Unloading path. The OP60 Unloading path has 3 steps in all.
X axis at machine Unload position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Simultanious movement of A2 axis and Z2 axis down in the machine.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 down in MC),, A1=0.0, A2=(A2 for Unloading in MC), B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Simultanious movement of A2 axis and Z2 axis home.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP70 Teaching Procedure:

OP70 Loading:




Above is the overview of OP70 loading path. The OP70 loading path has 8 steps in all.
Step :1
X axis for Z1 down position at machine.
X= (X at MC1 load Step-1), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Step 2:
A1 axis moves to close to 0.0 degrees for final loading position.
X= (X at MC1 Ld Step-1), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0 ,A1 =(A1 for MC1 Ld), A2=90.0, B1=90.0, B2=90.0.

Step 3:
Z1 axis moves down at step-1 position.
X= (X at MC1 Ld Step-1), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 step-1),, Z2=0.0 ,A1 =(A1 for MC1 Ld), A2=90.0, B1=90.0,

Step 4:
X axis moves right of the machine.(The approximate distanceis 300mm in positive direction. For proper
reference take X axis final load position as reference and calculate X axis step -1 position. For Mc-1 the
difference is 100mm)
X= (X at MC1 Ld ), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 step-1),, Z2=0.0 ,A1 =(A1 for MC1 Ld), A2=90.0, B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Step 5:
Take Z1 axis down at final loading position.
X= (X at MC1 Ld ), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 at Ld ), Z2=0.0 ,A1 =(A1 for MC1 Ld), A2=90.0, B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Take X axis again to the step-1 position left of the machine by 300mm.
X= (X at MC1 Ld Step-1), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 at Ld ), Z2=0.0 ,A1 =(A1 for MC1 Ld), A2=90.0, B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Take Z1 axis Home.
X= (X at MC1 Ld Step-1), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0 ,A1 =(A1 for MC1 Ld), A2=90.0, B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Take A1 axis Home.
X= (X at MC1 Ld Step-1), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0 ,A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=90.0, B2=90.0.

OP70 Unloading:




Above is the overview of OP70 Unloading path. The OP70 Unloading path has 8 steps in all.
Step :1
X axis for Z2 down position at machine.
X= (X at MC1 Unload Step-1), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Step 2:
A2 axis moves to close to 0.0 degrees for final Unloading position.
X= (X at MC1 Unld Step-1), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=90.0, A2 =(A2 for MC1 Unld), B1=90.0, B2=90.0.

Step 3:
Z1 axis moves down at final unloading position.
X= (X at MC1 Unld Step-1), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 dn in MC1), A1=90.0 A2=(A2 for MC1 Unld), B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Step 4:
X axis moves right of the machine.(The approximate distanceis 300mm in positive direction. For proper
reference take X axis final load position as reference and calculate X axis step -1 position. For Mc-1 the
difference is 100mm)
X= (X at MC1 Unld ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 dn in MC1),, A1=90.0, A2 =(A2 for MC1 Unld), B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Step 5:
Take Z1 axis Up at Step-1 Unloading position.
X= (X at MC1 Unld ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 Up Step-1 in MC1),, A1=90.0, A2 =(A2 for MC1 Unld), B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Take X axis again to the step-1 position left of the machine by 300mm.
X= (X at MC1 Unld Step-1 ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 Up Step-1 in MC1),, A1=90.0, A2 =(A2 for MC1 Unld), B1=90.0,
Take Z2 axis Home.
X= (X at MC1 Unld Step-1 ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=90.0, A2 =(A2 for MC1 Unld), B1=90.0, B2=90.0.
Take A2 axis Home.
X= (X at MC1 Unld Step-1 ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=90.0, A2=90.0, B1=90.0, B2=90.0.

OP80 Teaching Procedure:

OP80 Loading:




Above is the overview of OP80 loading path. The OP80 loading path has 7 steps in all.
Step :1
X axis for Z1 down position at machine.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 2:
Z1 axis moves down at step-1 position for loading.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 step-1), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

Step 3:
B1 axis rotates inside the machine for final loading position.
X= (X at MC1 Load), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 step-1), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=(B1 for MC1 Ld), B2=0.0.
Step 4:
Z1 moves down for final loading position.
X= (X at MC1 Load), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 Ld), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=(B1 for MC1 Ld), B2=0.0.
Step 5:
Z1 axis moves up for step-1 loading position.
X= (X at MC1 Load), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 step-1), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=(B1 for MC1 Ld), B2=0.0.
B1 axis rotates to home position.

X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 dn in MC1 step-1), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Take Z1 axis Home.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP80 Unloading:




Above is the overview of OP80 Unloading path. The OP80 Unloading path has 7 steps in all.
Step :1
X axis for Z2 down position at machine.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 2:
Z2 axis moves down at step-1 position for Unloading.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ),Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 dn in MC1 step-1), A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

Step 3:
B2 axis rotates inside the machine for final Unloading position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 dn in MC1 step-1), A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=(B2 for MC1 Unld).
Step 4:
Z2 moves down for final loading position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 dn in MC1 Unld), A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=(B2 for MC1 Unld).
Step 5:

Z2 axis moves up for step-1 loading position.

X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 dn in MC1 step-1), A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=(B2 for MC1 Unld).
B2 axis rotates to home position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ),Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 dn in MC1 step-1), A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Take Z2 axis Home.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP140 Teaching Procedure:

OP140 Loading:

Above is the overview of OP140 loading path. The OP140 loading path has 4 steps in all.
X axis at machine load position.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z1 axis down Step-1 at machine load position.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 dn step-1), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z1 axis down at loading position for machine.

X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 down at MC Ld), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 4:
Z1 axis to home position.
X= (X at MC1 load), Z1=0.0, Z2=-0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP140 Unloading:

Above is the overview of OP140 Unloading path. The OP140 Unloading path has 4 steps in all.
X axis at machine Step-1 Unload position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z2 axis down a machine Unload position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 down at MC),, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z2 axis Up at Step-1 Unloading position for machine.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 Up at MC Step-1),, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 4:
Z2 axis to home position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload), Z1=0.0, Z2=-0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP160 Teaching Procedure:

OP160 Loading:

Above is the overview of OP160 loading path. The OP160 loading path has 4 steps in all.
X axis at machine load position.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z1 axis down Step-1 at machine load position.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 dn step-1), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z1 axis down at loading position for machine.
X= (X at MC1 load ), Z1=(Z1 down at MC Ld), Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 4:
Z1 axis to home position.
X= (X at MC1 load), Z1=0.0, Z2=-0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

OP160 Unloading:

Above is the overview of OP160 Unloading path. The OP160 Unloading path has 4 steps in all.
X axis at machine Step-1 Unload position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload), Z1=-0.0, Z2=0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z2 axis down a machine Unload position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 down at MC),, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Z2 axis Up at Step-1 Unloading position for machine.
X= (X at MC1 Unload ), Z1=0.0, Z2=(Z2 Up at MC Step-1),, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.
Step 4:
Z2 axis to home position.
X= (X at MC1 Unload), Z1=0.0, Z2=-0.0, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, B1=0.0, B2=0.0.

Touch ups is a process in which a person can make quick arrangements in the teach points of the
gantry for proper loading and unloading. For a minor crash a person can just verify one machine with with
the old teach points and do necessary adjustments in the teach points. Once the new teach points are
generated, a small calculation is done in order to new teach points for other machines.
Firstly the difference between the previous working teach points and the newly generated teach points
is calculated. The difference can be in positive or negative. If the difference is positive, it means that the

difference has to be added to the old teach points of the other machines to get the new teach points. And if
the difference is negative then it has to be subtracted from the old teach points of the other machines to
get the new teach points. In this way without teaching each and every individual machine we can still get
the new teach points. This also shows how much the gripper is bent and in which direction and orientation.
In case of serious damage which cannot be compensated with touch ups, it is recommended to take out
the complete gripper assembly off the gantry and check it on a machined table with the help of reference
drawing provided for checking the proper integrity of the gripper and how much is it damaged. The damages
can be fixed by resetting the gripper to the given reference dimensions.

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