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The Basic Requirements of a Good Plan

The basic requirements for a good plan are that it be accessible, clear,
specific, precise, and accurate.
Is it Accessible?
To be accessible, a plan must provide the needed information so that you
can find it. It must be in the proper format. You need to know what is in
the plan and where it is.
Is It Clear?
If data is not complete and clear, it cannot be used with confidence. A
good plan is one which is well understood by those who have to execute
Is It Specific?
A specific plan identifies what will be done, when, by whom, and at what
costs. If these items are not clear, the plan is not specific.
It should be flexible.
Means management should be able to change an existing plan
because of change in environment without undue extra cost and
delay. Thus a good plan should be flexible to accommodate future
Is It Accurate?
Although the other points are all important, accuracy is crucial. A principal
concern of the planning process is producing plans with predictable
It should be stable.
Means the basic features of plan should not be modified because of
changes in external factors such as population trends, technological
developments or un-employments.
It should be Economical
A plan is said to be good if it is as economical as possible, depending
upon the resources available with the organization.

Planning is a process, not just a plan

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