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Review Questions

1. How do you open Microsoft PowerPoint ?

-One way you can open Microsoft PowerPoint by clicking Start -> (All) Programs
-> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
2. What are the steps to create a new presentation?

To launch Microsoft PowerPoint, click Start -> (All) Programs ->

Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

3. If this is the second time saving your presentation, how do you invoke the
Save As dialog?
If the presentation has already been saved, that is, if it has a recognizable
name, if you click File -> Save or press Ctrl + S, the presentation would be saved
behind the scenes. You can still save the presentation with a different name or at
another location. To do this, on the main menu, you can click File -> Save As...
4. What is the command sequence to reset all interface changes?

5. Where can you find the Format Painter command?

Under the menu bar, there is another bar made of various buttons. This is
called a toolbar. There are various toolbars used in Microsoft PowerPoint. Each
toolbar has a proper name and we will learn how to recognize them.
At times, there will be many toolbars that come and go while you are using
Microsoft PowerPoint. For this reason, we will refer to each toolbar by its name. To
know the name of a toolbar, you can right-click any word on the menu bar or any
button on the toolbar. If you have only one toolbar on your screen, its name will
have a check box. The other name(s) on the context menu is (are) the one (those)
you can add to the screen if you wish:

You could also create your own toolbar.

6. How do you change the size of the slides in your presentation?

In the lower left corner, click the Normal View button.

If necessary, scroll up completely.

On the left frame, click anywhere on slide 2 to make sure it is selected
On the right frame, right-click the title of the slide (slide 2) and click Slide

In the right side, under Text Layouts, click Title and Text


Save the presentation


Open the Web Site Design1 presentation


On the lower left corner, click the Slide Sorter View button


In the Slide Sorter View, double-click the slide 4 Web Languages


Right-click an empty area on the slide and click Slide Layout...


In the Slide Layout window, click Title and 2-Column Text


In the slide, click Active Web


Press and hold Shift. Then click SOAP and release Shift


Click and hold the mouse down on the selected text


Drag to the right section titled Click To Add Text


Release the mouse


Click just above Markup Language and press Delete


To save the presentation with an incremental name, press F12


Change the name of the presentation to Web Design1


Click Save
7. How do you perform a spell check?

To spell-check your show, go to the first slide in your presentation. Then go to the
menu bar and click [Tools Spelling]. You can also use the shortcut key [F7]. The

spell-checker will then go through your show, slide be slide, and check your spelling
for you.
8. What do the small buttons to the right of a chart do?

9. What happens when you create a photo album?

10.Which group and tab contains commands to change text direction, align text
horizontally and vertically, apply bullets and numbers, change line spacing,
and apply column formatting?

The Toolbars

Under the menu bar, there is another bar made of various buttons. This is called a
toolbar. There are various toolbars used in Microsoft PowerPoint. Each toolbar has a
proper name and we will learn how to recognize them.
At times, there will be many toolbars that come and go while you are using
Microsoft PowerPoint. For this reason, we will refer to each toolbar by its name. To
know the name of a toolbar, you can right-click any word on the menu bar or any
button on the toolbar. If you have only one toolbar on your screen, its name will
have a check box. The other name(s) on the context menu is (are) the one (those)
you can add to the screen if you wish:

You could also create your own toolbar.

11.How do you apply a basic transition?
Select the desired slide from the Slide Navigation pane. ...
Click the Transitions tab, then locate the Transition to This Slide group. ...
Click the More drop-down arrow to display all transitions. ...
Click a transition to apply it to the selected slide
12.How do you view a slide show from the beginning?

Considering basic Windows principles, where might you be able to open

Microsoft PowerPoint?
In the upper-left section, click the Slides tab
Press Ctrl + Home to move to the first slide
To change slides, in the left frame, click the button that displays 6.
Notice that the right frame displays the 6th slide
On the right side of the screen, click the down pointing arrow of the
vertical scroll bar 2 times. Notice that, in the left frame, the number 8 is gray,
indicating that the current slide in the right frame is the 8th slide
Click the up arrow button of the right vertical scroll bar 5 times
13.If you are using Windows 8 and you cant find the PowerPoint icon, what
should you do?
Click start button then click seach then search powerpoint and find the icon
14.What is Microsoft PowerPoint used for?
To easily present the presentation and to be more organize
15.If you delete a file in Windows, where can you retrieve it from?
In the recycle bin
16.What are the three basic text effects available in most programs?
Bold, Italic and underline
17.If you were asked to right-click something, what would you do?
Ask why then verify
18.What is the universal shortcut for help?

19.What Windows tool allows you to manage your files?

Menu bar
20.If youre working with PowerPoint and you realize that your mouse arm is
uncomfortably stretched out across your desk, what should you do?
Use the keyboards

21.What is the universal shortcut to print an object?

Ctrl + P

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