Confirmation Final Exam

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Confirmation 2nd Year Final


Aaron and Maidas Class



Carefully read the following questions and answer each to your best knowledge.

1. What are the three sacraments of initiation?

a. Baptism, Reconciliation, Marriage
b. Baptism, Communion, Confirmation
c. Marriage, Communion, Confirmation
2. The Ten Commandments can be summed up in two, what are they?
a. Love God above all things, Love your neighbor as you love yourself
b. Honor your father and your mother, Respect one another
c. Thou shalt not lie, Thou shalt not steal

What is the name of the season that starts on Ash Wednesday, and end on the Sunday
of Resurrection?
a. Advent
b. Lent
c. Ordinary Time


How many weeks are there in Advent?

a. 2 weeks
b. 6 weeks
c. 4 weeks


How many sacraments are there?

a. 8
b. 6
c. 7


Where was Jesus baptized?

a. Jordan River
b. Nile River

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c. Rio Grande

Who baptized Jesus?

a. John
b. Matthew
c. John the Baptist


Which disciple betrayed Jesus?

a. John
b. Matthew
c. Judas


How many fruits of the Holy Spirit are there?

a. 10
b. 7
c. 8

10. In how many parts is Mass divided?

a. 4
b. 7
c. 5
11. How many Deadly Sins are there?
a. A lot
b. 7
c. none
12. Which of the following verses is a part of the Our Father?
a. Hallowed be thy name
b. The Lord is with thee
c. Like it was in the beginning
13. Which of the following verses is a part of the Creed?
a. Thy will be done
b. I believe in one God
c. Pray for us sinners

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14. What is the name of the sacred book?

a. Testament
b. Quran
c. Bible
15. How many stations is there is the Via Crucis
a. 14
b. 21
c. 7
Carefully read the following True or False questions and answer them to the best of your
16. Jesus had five temptations in the desert.
a. T
b. F
17. To make a good confession, you must truly regret your sins
a. T
b. F
18. John turned Jesus in to be sacrificed.
a. T
b. F
19. The Creed is a profession of faith.
a. T
b. F
20. King Herod sentenced Jesus to be crucified
a. T
b. F
Fill in the blanks.
Our Father

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21. Our Father, who art in _ _ _ _ _ _,

Hallowed be Thy name;
22. Thy kingdom come; Thy _ _ _ _ be done
23. On _ _ _ _ _ as it is in heaven.
24. Give us this day our daily _ _ _ _ _ and
25. Forgive us our _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
26. As we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ those who
Trespass against us,
27. And lead us not into _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
28. But deliver us from _ _ _ _.
Hail Mary
29. Hail Mary, full of _ _ _ _ _
30. The _ _ _ _ is with thee;
31. blessed art thou among _ _ _ _ _,
32. and blessed is the _ _ _ _ _ of thy womb, Jesus.
33. Holy _ _ _ _, Mother of God,
34. pray for us _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
35. now and at the _ _ _ _ of our death. Amen.
Penitential Rite

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36. I confess to almighty _____

37. and to you, my __________ and __________,
38. that I have greatly ________,
39. in my __________ and in my ________,
40. in what I have ______ ,
41. and in what I have ________ to do,
42. through my fault, through my ______,
43. through my most __________ fault;
44. therefore I ask blessed ______ ever-______,
45. all the ________ and ________,
46. and you, ____ brothers and sisters,
47. to ______ for me to the ______ our God.
48. I believe in ___ ___,
49. the ______, the Almighty,
50. maker of heaven and _____
51. of all that is visible and ______.
52. We believe in one Lord, _____ ______,

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53. the only begotten ___ of God

54. ________ of the Father,
born of the father before all ages.
55. God from God, Light from _____,
56. ____ God from true God,
57. begotten, not made, _____ with the Father.
58. Through him, all things were ____.
59. For us men and for our __________
60. he came down from ______:
61. by the power of the ____ ______
62. he was born of the ______ ____
63. and became ___.
64. For our sake he was crucified under _______ ______
65. he suffered, died, and was ______.
66. On the _____ day he rose again in accordance with the scriptures;
67. he ________ into heaven
68. and is seated at the _____ ____ of the Father.
69. He will come again in _____

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70. to judge the ______ and the dead,

71. and his _______ will have no end.
72. We believe in the Holy _____,
73. the Lord, the giver of ____
74. who _________ from the Father and the Son.
75. Who with the Father and the Son is adored and _________.
76. He has spoken through the ________.
77. I believe in one holy catholic and _________ church.
78. I confess one _______ for the forgiveness of sins.
79. I look for the ____________ of the dead,
80. and the life of the _____ to come. Amen.

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