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Chapter 3 The Cellular Level of Organization Worksheet

1. Plasma membranes consist of what three components?

2. What are the nonpolar parts of a phospholipid?
3. This type of membrane protein will extend throughout the entire membrane touching both the
Intracellular fluid and the Extracellular fluid.
4. This portion of the cell membrane enables cell membranes to produce chemical products. .
5. Function of a membrane protein that binds with hormones and neurotransmitters?
6. This type of membrane protein helps to anchor proteins in the plasma membrane of neighboring cells to
one another.
7. The characteristic of plasma membranes allowing only some substances to move through is known as
8. What properties influence the rate of diffusion?
9. This is a measure of a solutions ability to change the volume of cells by altering their water content.
10. This is the transport process by which gases move through a membrane.
11. In this type of transport process a solute, like Glucose, binds to a specific transporter protein on one side
of the membrane and is released on the other side after the transporter protein undergoes a change in
12. In this transport process, the energy from hydrolysis of ATP is used to drive substances across the
membrane against their own concentration gradients.
13. If the solute concentration is greater in the solution on the inside of the cell, compared to the solute
concentration of the solution that is outside the cell, then what direction will water move?
14. In this transport process, the energy stored in Na+ or H+ concentration gradient is used to drive other
substances across the membrane against their own concentration gradients.

15. This is a transport process by which cells secrete materials, within vesicles, into the extracellular fluid.
16. This is a transport process by which cells take up extracellular substances within vesicles..
17. This is an extension of the plasma membrane that will surround a particle outside the cell forming a
18. The function of the cytosol is.
19. These perform special functions in cellular growth, maintenance and reproduction.
20. This organelle is comprised of microfilaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules.
21. One type of human cell (spermatozoa) is capable of movement because it has this type of microtubule.
22. This organelle contains ribosomes, which synthesis proteins
23. This is an organelle that modifies and stores proteins produced elsewhere.
24. These are small flattened curved membranous sacs with bulging edges.
25. Which organelle oxidizes organic molecules?
26. Which organelle recycles worn out organelles?
27. Proteasomes
28. Mitochondria
29. Protects the contents of the nucleus?
30. What is the major function of a histone protein?
31. This is a long molecule of DNA that contains genes-there are 46 in each body cell.

32. This is the set of rules that, relating the base triplet sequence of DNA to the corresponding codons of
RNA, specifies a sequence of amino acids.
33. This binds to an amino acid and holds it in place on a ribosome until it is incorporated into a protein
during translation.
34. This portion of a DNA segment does not code for a protein.
35. This process is division of the cytoplasm.
36. The function of mitosis is

37. In the diagram, which organelle is responsible for autophagy and autolysis?
38. In the diagram, which organelle is used to modify, sort and transport proteins?
39. In the diagram, which organelle aids movement of the cell?
40. In the diagram, this structure directs cellular activities.
41. In the diagram, what is used as a medium for chemical reactions?
42. In the diagram this organelle contains the enzyme oxidase which oxidizes organic substances.

43. Which of the above represents a carrier protein?

44. Which of the above represents a receptor?
45. Which of the above represents a linker?

46. In the diagram, which one represents facilitated diffusion?

47. In the diagram, which one represents a hypertonic solution

48. Compare and contrast primary and secondary active transport.

49. Compare mitosis to meiosis.

50. Briefly describe the two ways water molecules pass through a plasma membrane.

51. Briefly list the steps involved in receptor mediated endocytosis of ligands.

52. Briefly state the functions of the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

53. Briefly describe how proteins go through the Golgi body.

54. Briefly explain the difference between transcription and translation.

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