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The University Career Center

& the Presidents Promise

Carnival Allows Adulting like a Kid
Step right up!

The PCEs understand that getting an internship/job offcampus is not always the answer, so Terportunity offers
The Terportunity Carnival is the one-stop shop to
plenty of opportunities on-campus for students to gain
everything on-campus employment related. This fall, the experience, whether its a job, internship or research. The
Peer Career Educators (PCE), will hold the second annual PCEs also wanted to find a way to reach out to freshmen
Terportunity Carnival, sponsoed by a PepsiCo grant.
and sophomores and show that its never too early to start
gaining valuable experience in their fields.
Terportunity is an event by students for students.
Terportunity was the first event that the PCEs got a
Last years event was an afternoon filled with plenty of
chance to tackle on their own, from start to finish, said food and useful giveaway items, like a new iPad. Outreach
Patrick Shan, sophomore math and finance double major. coordinator Joel Vazquez, senior American studies and
government and politics double major, thinks that a lot of
the events success is due to its light-hearted nature and
how interactive it is.
Terportunity is an excellent opportunity for students who
are unsure about how to expand themselves professionally
while getting involved on campus.

Table of Contents
PCE Spotlight: Page 2
Career the Turtle: Page 3
Kate Juhl: Page 3
Mock Interviews: Page 4
Students mingle around the Atrium, talking to on-campus
departments about potential opportunities.
Photo source: University Career Center Twitter

3100 Hornbake Library, South Wing


Career the Turtle

PCE Spotlight: Hannah Chi

PCE Spotlight on Hannah Chi; talks about one of her favorite places on campus to work

Hannah Chi met and told us a little bit about her daily routine and
what she enjoys about being a Peer Career Educator, to give a better
idea of what the role of a PCE at the University Career Center & the
Presidents Promise entails.
Stop by the Resource Room in 3100 Hornbake, South Wing to have
your resume critiqued or your career questions answered.
PCE Walk-In Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Cierra: What made you want to be a Peer Career Educator?

Hannah: I knew I wanted to gain networking skills and find out
about more opportunities, so I thought the perfect place would be at
the University Career Center. I also knew people talked about how
much they enjoyed either working at the Career Center or receiving
help from the Career Center, because the people were always very
welcoming and friendly.
Cierra: Prior to working there, had you used the services that the
University Career Center & the Presidents Promise offered?
When Hannah isnt at the career center, she enjoys traveling and
Hannah: Yes, I had been in before to do a walk-in resume
getting cupcakes in D.C.
Cierra: What do you enjoy most about being a Peer Career
Photo source: Hannah Chi
Hannah: I enjoy getting to work with the whole team of PCEs;
there are about 15 of us and we all bring different strengths to the table and were able to collaborate and form the
bigger picture.
Cierra: Of all the services that the University Career Center & the
Presidents Promise offers, which is your favorite to help students
Hannah: Definitely resumes. When students comes in theyre usually
stressed about finding a job/internship, but when I sit down with
them and show them that they actually have a ton of experience, it
Major: Government and
can be really empowering for them. Our job is mainly just to help
them format and present it in a way that is easily read by an employer.
Cierra: What part of the University Career Center & the Presidents
Year: Junior
Promise do you think is a hidden gem?
Hannah: Mock Interviews. Interviewing is a big anxiety for students,
Favorite cupcake: Cookies & so being able to receive feedback on your interview and seeing how
you come off, can be very beneficial.
Cierra: What has been your favorite event/project that youve done as
a Peer Career Educator?
Favorite movie: up
Hannah: Terportunity Carnival, because it was the first event that the
PCEs got to plan completely on our own from start to finish. We were
Favorite Song: ten
able to use the money from our PepsiCo grant to raffle off really cool
thousand hours by
prizes and make it a fun event for students to come to. It was nice to
macklemore & Ryan lewis
see how well all our hard work paid off; students really learned a lot at
the event.

The University Career Center & the Presidents Promise outlines the Five Steps to Making the Right Career Decision

1. Assess Yourself!

Start with identifying your interests,

skills, values and personality. Stop by the
University Career Center to use services,
like Focus2, to help identify these traits.

3. Gain Experience

Internships and part-time jobs are

a great chance to apply classroom
learning to real-life.

2. Explore Your Career Options

Learn as much as possible about

the career field youre interested in.
Informational interviews are an excellent
place to start.

5. Search for a Job

4. Consider Graduate/Professional

Create a resume that is tailored to

your field, and take advantage of the
databases, networking events and
employer connections the University
Career Center provides.

Research areas that are highly of interest

to you. There are plenty of resources at
the University Career Center that help
you through the application process.

Data Source: The University Career Center & the Presidents Promise Terp Guide
Graphic: Cierra Belin

ARHU and Careers with Kate Juhl

Visit Kate Juhl during her walk-in

hours, Mondays, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., and
Thursdays, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., in 1118
Francis Scott Key Hall
Photo source: Kate Juhls LinkedIn

On a campus surrounded by STEM students,

many Arts & Humanities (ARHU) students
may question what to do with their degree.
This is where Kate Juhl, ARHU program
director, comes in. Her office, located at 1118
Francis Scott Key Hall, is open to students
seeking assistance in searching for jobs/
internships and figuring out what exactly to
do with their degree.
She reassures students that events, like the
fall and spring career fairs, typically driven
toward STEM and business students, are not
the only ways to find the perfect job. She
mentions that Career Center services like
Career Shuttles, Access2Alumni and career
panels are all excellent ways for ARHU
students to make lasting connections and
learn more about the perfect job for them.

Juhl mentions the biggest tip for students

studying public relations is, Intern as
much as possible! Theyre super important
in PR. She also suggested heavily using
social media outlets, both professionally
and personally.
Kate Juhl is a great resource for all ARHU
students, she can help to guide you in the
right direction when the career path gets
too tough.

Photo source:

Career the Turtle...

Take the Stress Out of Interviewing

The University Career Center & the Presidents Promise offers many programs, including one to help students through the interview process.

Any part of the job hunting process

can be stressful and anxiety filled,
but the one universally scary part is
interviewing. The University Career
Center & the Presidents Promise offers
two free services, Mock Interviews and
On-Campus Interviews, to help alleviate
some anxiety.
Mock Interviews
Before you walk into that big interview,
make sure you are prepared! On, you can access
Interview Stream; once you log in
with your Careers4Terps account, you
will be brought to a portal that allows
you to choose from a list of questions or

a general interview for your focus. Once you

choose your set of questions, it is time to sit
down in front of your webcam and conduct
your interview.
Interview Stream will record you during
the mock interview, allowing you to play
back the interview and make note of what
you did right or wrong. There is also a
feature that allows you to send the video to
a career center program director or graduate
assistant, and they will be able to critique the
On-Campus Interviews
After you nail your mock interview, its
time to find out which employers are
coming to campus and set up an interview

Good Luck, Seniors!

time. While on-campus

interviews are not practice
interviews, they are beneficial
to students, because it brings
the employer to them, relieving
students of any stress they had
about travel time and being out
of their element.
Both Interview Stream and
On-Campus interviews are
great free tools for improving
students interviewing skills
and getting them one step
closer to their dream job.

Social Media

Follow @UMDCareerCenter to stay

up-to-date with careers-related news

Good Luck to the Peer Career Educator seniors as

they embark into the real world!
Left to Right: Emily Weiss, Isabel Yu, Joel Vazquez
and Andrew Lebowitz.
-Photo by: Cierra Belin

...Because s

ess starts here

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