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Industrial Revolution Project due 1/27/16

You must do any 3 of the 9 projects. You will present 1 project to the class. (You choose which
one.) The scoring rubric is on the back of this page.
Find pictures (or create your own) of
working conditions during the
industrial revolution (1800s) and
photos of current time. Photos
should show child labor, factories,
housing, etc. Each photo must have a
one-sentence caption underneath
(explaining the photo). You must
have at least 20 photos. You can put
them in a PowerPoint, in a scrapbook,
photo album, etc.

Write and produce a movie based on
the life of someone living during the
industrial revolution. The character
can be a member of the working
poor, a wealthy capitalist, a middle
class person, a child laborer, etc.
You can act out the movie or use
software to produce it. Include the
screenplay (typed copy of the
dialogue). Must be at least 3 minutes

Poor and crowded living conditions
during the Industrial Revolution led
to the spread of many illnesses,
including cholera, typhoid, typhus,
tuberculosis, and smallpox. Choose 1
illness and research the causes,
symptoms, and treatment for it.
Create a public service ad to
educate the public about that illness
(poster, brochure, commercial, etc.).
Make sure to include the causes,
symptoms, and treatment for the
illness in your ad.

Research current labor laws in the
U.S. or in Washington. Find out
what the laws are and then consider:
should there be tougher legislation?
Should there be more careful
monitoring of childrens work by
parents and employers? What should
the rules be about work hours and
responsibilities? Should there be
rules about interference with
schoolwork? What about punishment
for employers that violate the
Write a letter to Congress or an
editor expressing your opinions,
based on your research. (3
paragraphs of 5 sentences each)
Economics/Working conditions
Working conditions still vary widely
depending on the work being done
and where its being done. Research
global companies that have a great
reputation for excellent working
conditions. Create a top 10 list of
modern companies explain the
criteria you used to make your
selections and explain why you chose
each company. Then choose one of
your companies and make a
recruitment ad for them (poster,
commercial, website, etc.).
Technical/Instruction manuals
The seed drill, the spinning jenny,
cotton gin, steam engines, sewing
machine, railroads, and Morse Code
were invented during the Industrial
Revolution. Choose 3 inventions and
create instruction manuals for each
one. They can be hand created or
computer generated. They must
include illustrations of the item
itself, as well as instructions on how
to use the item and how it helped
improve or speed up the work being

Create an album of at least 10 songs
that show the working/living
conditions of the industrial
revolution and/or songs about
conditions today. Themes you could
include: sickness, stress, pollution,
low pay, dangerous conditions, etc.
Design a cover for your CD. Give the
title/artist for each song as well as
a one-sentence explanation of why
you chose that particular song.
Include a copy of the lyrics to each
song. (A copy of the actual
song/music is optional.)

Choose 2 cities from the industrial
revolution (American or British) and
make charts showing: population,
productivity, average life span, and
pollution. Then choose 2 modern
cities (anywhere in the world
China, India, etc.) that show rapid
urban growth and make charts
showing the same criteria
(population, productivity, average
life span, and pollution).

Imagine you are living during the
Industrial Revolution. You can be a
child laborer, factory worker, or a
working class mother. Write a
series of diary entries in the role of
your character. Include specific
details of your life: activities,
observations, and feelings. Include
at least 5 entries that are at least 5
sentences long (each).

Please save a tree and turn this sheet in with your project so I can use the
rubrics on the back
Industrial Revolution Rubric (due 1/27/16)
5 superior content, solid
understanding of subject chosen,
shows broad research and critical
thinking. Goes above and beyond
what was asked.
4 states main idea, emphasizes
main points in logical, coherent
manner. Includes all required
elements plus introduction and
3 includes almost all required
elements. Moves from one idea to the
next, but unclear or in wrong order.
Has introduction and conclusion.
2 missing important required
elements, either no main idea or
ideas are in an order that makes it
difficult to understand.

5 superior content, solid
understanding of subject chosen,
shows broad research and critical
thinking. Goes above and beyond
what was asked.
4 states main idea, emphasizes
main points in logical, coherent
manner. Includes all required
elements plus introduction and
3 includes almost all required
elements. Moves from one idea to the
next, but unclear or in wrong order.
Has introduction and conclusion.
2 missing important required
elements, either no main idea or
ideas are in an order that makes it
difficult to understand.

5 superior content, solid
understanding of subject chosen,
shows broad research and critical
thinking. Goes above and beyond
what was asked.
4 states main idea, emphasizes
main points in logical, coherent
manner. Includes all required
elements plus introduction and
3 includes almost all required
elements. Moves from one idea to the
next, but unclear or in wrong order.
Has introduction and conclusion.
2 missing important required

5 uses relevant, well-chosen
descriptions, facts, details, and
examples that support the topic
extremely well.
4 uses some descriptions, facts,
details, and examples, but not

Presentation (only 1)
5 great eye contact. Clear, succinct
voice that is neither too loud nor too
quiet. No fidgeting. Timing is neither
too fast nor too slow. No filler words
(umm, like, ya know)
4 some eye contact. Speaks
clearly, but too quickly or slowly. Uses
occasional filler words. No fidgeting.

3 uses some descriptions, facts,

detail, and examples, but some are

3 infrequent eye contact. Speaks in

a monotone. Too many filler words.

2 uses too few, inappropriate, or

irrelevant descriptions, facts, details,
or examples to support the topic.

2 races through presentation or

drags too slowly. Mumbles, hard to
Disorganized, confusing presentation.

5 uses relevant, well-chosen
descriptions, facts, details, and
examples that support the topic
extremely well.
4 uses some descriptions, facts,
details, and examples, but not
3 uses some descriptions, facts,
detail, and examples, but some are
2 uses too few, inappropriate, or
irrelevant descriptions, facts, details,
or examples to support the topic.

5 uses relevant, well-chosen
descriptions, facts, details, and
examples that support the topic
extremely well.
4 uses some descriptions, facts,
details, and examples, but not
3 uses some descriptions, facts,
detail, and examples, but some are
2 uses too few, inappropriate, or

elements, either no main idea or

ideas are in an order that makes it
difficult to understand.

irrelevant descriptions, facts, details,

or examples to support the topic.

Please save a tree and turn this sheet in with

your project so I can use these rubrics

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