Death and The Parrot of Lord Indra

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Once all the gods were having a
conference in heaven. Lord Indra
was seated on his majestic throne.
On the arm of his throne sat his pet
parrot whom he loved dearly.
Soon, the arrival of the Lord of Death
was announced. As the Lord of Death
walked into the room, he looked at
the parrot and smiled. Seeing this,
the parrot began trembling with fear.
He knew that the Lord of Deaths
smile could not have been without
reasonit must have had some
meaning. When the gods saw the
parrot trembling with fear, they
requested the Lord of Death to spare

the parrots life as the parrot was very

dear to Lord Indra.
The Lord of Death replied, I do not
have any authority in such matters.
You will have to speak to Destiny
about it.
So the gods turned to Destiny and
requested her to spare the parrots
life. But Destiny said, Im afraid the
decision of the parrots life and death
does not lie with me. The final
judgement in this matter will be
passed by Death. You will have to
approach her with your request.
So, finally the gods referred the
matter to Death. As soon as Death

looked at the parrot, it died. All the

gods were very sad.
The Lord of Death spoke to them
consolingly, Death is the final destiny
of every living being. Be it a king or a
paupereveryone has to die
eventually. There can be no escape
from this universal truth.

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