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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Early attempts of classification of


Dobereinerss Triads: Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner was a

German chemist. His effort is considered as one of the earliest attempts to
classify the elements into groups.
He found that when elements are arranged into groups of three in the order
of their increasing atomic mass, the atomic mass of the element; which
comes in the middle; is the arithmetic mean of rest of the two. On this
basis, he arranged three elements in one group which is known as Triad.
This arrangement of elements is known as Dobereinerss Triads.
Dobereiner s Triads
Elements and their Atomic Mass
Lithium (Li) 7.0

Sodium (Na) 23.0

Potassium (K) 39.0

Calcium (Ca) 40.0

Strontium (Sr) 87.5

Barium (Ba) 137.0

Chlorine (Cl) 35.0

Bromine (Br) 80.0

Iodine (I) 127.0

In this table, atomic mass of sodium is equal to arithmetic mean of atomic

masses of lithium and potassium. Similarly, atomic mass of strontium is
equal to arithmetic mean of atomic masses of calcium and barium.
Limitation of Dobereinerss Triads: Dobereiner could find only three such
triads (group of three elements) and he could not even put all the elements
known at that time in his triads.The rules of Dobereiner s triads could not
be applied to the elements which had very low or high atomic mass. Such
as; if F, Cl and Br are put together in a triad, in increasing order of their
atomic masses, the atomic mass of Cl is not an arithmetic mean of atomic
masses of F and Br.
After the advancement of techniques of measuring atomic mass more
correctly Dobereinerss Law became obsolete.

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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Newlands Law of Octaves:

Newlands found that every eighth element has similar physical and
chemical properties when they are arranged in increasing order of their
relative masses. This law is known as Newlands Law of Octaves which
states that "any given element will exhibit analogous behaviour to the
eighth element following it in the table". This means every eight element
has the similar chemical and physical properties. For example; Sodium is
the eighth element from Lithium and both have similar properties.
The arrangement of elements in Newlands Octave resembles the musical
notes. In musical notes, every eighth note produces similar sound.
Because of this; Newlands classification of elements was popularly known
as just Octaves.

Limitation of Newlands Octaves:

Newlands Octaves could be valid up to calcium only; as beyond

calcium, elements do not obey the rules of Octaves.

Newlands Octaves was valid for lighter elements only.

It appears that Newlands did not expect the discovery of more

elements than 56 which were discovered till his time.

More than one element had to be placed in some of the groups; in

order to place the elements having similar properties in one group.
But in order to do so, he also put some dissimilar elements in same

Iron; which has similar property as cobalt and nickel, was placed far
from them.

Cobalt and nickel were placed in the group with chlorine and fluorine
in spite of having different properties.

In spite of above limitations; Newlands was the first scientist who

arranged the elements in order of their increasing relative atomic

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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Mendeleev's Periodic
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, a Russian scientist arranged the elements in
increasing order of their relative atomic masses. He was honoured with
Noble prize in 1906 for his Periodic Table.
Mendeleevs Periodic Law states that the properties of elements are the
periodic function of their relative atomic masses.
Mendeleev arranged all 63 elements; which were discovered till his time; in
the order of their increasing relative atomic masses in a tabular form. It is
known as Mendeleevs Periodic Table. He divided the table in eight
columns and seven rows. The columns are known as groups and rows are
known as periods.

Explanation of Mendeleevs Periodic Table:

Elements are arranged in the periodic table in the increasing order of

their relative atomic masses.

Mendeleev divided his periodic table in eight groups and seven


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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Groups from I to VII are meant for normal elements and group VIII is
for transition elements.

Groups from I to VII have been divided in two sub groups, while
group VIII is meant for three elements.

Periods from 4th to 7th have been divided in two series: 1st series
and 2nd series.

Elements having similar properties have been kept in the same

group. For example; lithium, potassium, rubidium, etc. are in 1st

Two general formulae; one for oxides and second for hydrides; have been
given for the elements of each group in the periodic table. For example:
R2O for oxides and RH for hydrides, of the elements; of 1st group.
Using the given general formulae; the formula of oxides and hydrides can
be written for the elements of each group. For example; hydrogen, sodium,
potassium, etc. belong to the first group. The general formula of oxides for
the elements of 1st group is R2O. Accordingly they form H2O, Na2O, K2O,
Merits of Mendeleevs Periodic Table:
Mendeleev left some blank spaces in his periodic table in order to place the
elements having similar properties in the same group.
For example; titanium has been placed in IV group, leaving a blank space
adjacent to it in III group. Similarly, arsenic has been placed in V group;
leaving two adjacent spaces blank. These spaces have been occupied by
scandium, gallium and germanium after their subsequent discovery.
Prediction for the elements to be discovered in future:
Mendeleev predicted the discovery of some elements and named them as
eka-boron, eka-aluminium and eka-silicon. He gave the name of these
elements prefixing the word eka to the name of the preceding elements.

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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Scandium, Gallium and Germanium have been discovered later and took
the place of eka-carbon, eka-aluminium and eka-silicon, respectively in the
gap left in the Mendeleevs Periodic table; as their properties were exactly
similar to the predicted elements.
Position of Noble gases which were discovered later:
Noble gases were discovered much later after Mendeleev. After the
discovery of noble gas, they were placed in a separate group called Zero
Group, after VIII group, without making any disturbance to the arrangement
of any elements in the Mendeleevs Periodic Table. Noble gases are
chemically un-reactive and present in very low concentration in the
Limitation of Mendeleevs Periodic Table
Position of Hydrogen: Hydrogen has been placed in 1st group with alkali
metals, since hydrogen makes compound in the same way as alkali metals
On the other hand, hydrogen exists as diatomic molecule; similar to
halogen and hydrogen makes covalent compounds also as halogens do.
Thus, on the basis of properties of hydrogen similar to halogen, hydrogen
may be placed with halogens but Mendeleev did not explain about this
Position of Isotopes: Elements having same atomic number but different
atomic masses are known as isotopes. Although isotopes were discovered
after Mendeleev, but it became a challenge to accommodate those
isotopes in Mendeleevs Periodic Table without disturbing the order of
Wrong Order of Elements: Mendeleev placed many elements in wrong
order of their increasing atomic masses in order to place elements having
similar properties in similar group.

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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Example: The atomic mass of nickel is less than that of cobalt; in spite of
that cobalt is placed before nickel. The atomic mass of Chromium is 50.20
and the atomic mass of vanadium is 50.94. In spite of this, chromium is
placed after vanadium.
In spite of above limitations and anomalies, the Mendeleevs Periodic Table
was one of the wonderful discoveries.

Modern Periodic Classification

Law of Modern Periodic Table states that properties of elements are the
periodic function of their atomic numbers. In the modern periodic
table, elements are arranged in order of their increasing atomic
Explanation of Modern Periodic Table:

Elements are arranged in order of their increasing atomic numbers.

The vertical columns are known as groups and horizontal columns

are known as periods; in the modern periodic table.

There are 18 groups and 7 periods in the modern periodic table.

Elements having same number of valence electrons are placed in the same
group. For example; elements having valence electrons equal to 1 are
placed in the 1st group, elements having valence electrons equal to 3 are
placed in the 13th group, elements having valence electrons equal to 2 are
placed in 2nd group except helium which is placed in 18th group, since it is
an inert gas.
Elements having same number of shells are placed in the same period.

Groups in Modern Periodic Table:

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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

1st group: Alkali metals are placed in the 1st group in the modern periodic
table. Hydrogen is also placed in the 1st group although hydrogen is not an
alkali metal.
2nd group: Alkaline earth metals are placed in the 2nd group in the modern
periodic table.
Elements placed in 1st and 2nd groups in the modern periodic table are
collectively known as light metals.
3rd to 12th group: Transition elements are placed from 3rd to 12th group in
the modern periodic table.
13th group: Metals are placed in the 13th group; except boron which is a
14th group: Carbon, silicon, germanium, tin and lead are placed in this
group. Among them, carbon is a non-metal, silicon and germanium are
metalloids and tin and lead are metals.
15th group: Nitrogen, phosphorous, arsenic, antimony and bismuth are
place in the 15th group; among which nitrogen and phosphorous are nonmetals, arsenic and antimony are metalloids and bismuth is a metal.
16th group: Oxygen, sulphur, selenium, tellurium and polonium are placed
in this group, among which oxygen, sulphur and selenium are non-metals,
tellurium is metalloid and polonium is a metal.
17th group: Non-metals are placed in the 17th group. Since, halogens are
placed in this group hence this group is also known as group of halogen.
18th group: Noble gases are placed in the 18th group. This group is also
known as zero group.

Periods in Modern Periodic Table:

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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

At present there are seven periods in the Modern Periodic Table.

1st period: This is known as very short period as there are only two
elements, i.e. hydrogen and helium.
2nd and 3rd period: There are total 8 elements in each of the 2nd and 3rd
periods. These periods are known as short periods.
4th and 5th period: There are total 18 elements in each of the 4th and 5th
periods. These periods are known as long periods.
6th period: There are total 32 elements in 6th period. This period is known
as very long period.
7th period: This period is known as incomplete period. Blank spaces in this
period are supposed to be filled by the elements discovered in future.

Position of elements in the Modern Periodic

Elements are placed in groups according to their valence electrons and
placed in periods according to the number of shells present in them.
Helium has valence electrons equal to 2, but it is placed in group number
18 because it is a noble gas and has completely filled outermost shell.

Position of Elements


No. of



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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties





Example: Hydrogen: Atomic Number = 1


Electronic configuration of hydrogen: 1

Valence electron = 1
Number of shell = 1
Position in periodic table: 1st group 1st period
Example: Sodium: Atomic number = 11
Electronic configuration of sodium: K2L8M1
Valence electron = 1
Number of shell = 3
Position in periodic table: 1st group 3rd period.
Example: Carbon: Atomic number = 6
Electronic configuration of carbon:

2 4

Valence electron = 4
Number of shell = 2
Position in periodic table: 14th group 2nd period.
Example: Neon: Atomic number = 10
Electronic configuration of neon:

2 8

Valence electron = 8 i.e. equal to 0 (zero)

Number of shell = 2
Position in periodic table: 18th group 2nd period.
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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Trends in Modern Periodic Table:

Valence electrons:

Number of valence electron remains the same while moving from top
to bottom in a group.

Number of valence electron increases while moving from left to right

in a period.


Valency remains the same on moving from top to bottom in a group.

Valency first increases upto 4 on moving from left to right in a group

and then decreases upto zero.
Trend of valency of elements in 3rd Period
Group Number















Atomic size:
Atomic size increases on moving from top to bottom in a group and
decreases on moving from left to right in a period.

Atomic size in first group

Period Number







Atomic size







Atomic radii: Atomic radius increases on moving from top to bottom in a

group and decreases on moving from left to right in a period.
Atomic size in third period
Group Number














Atomic Size









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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Metallic character of elements: Metallic character decreases on moving

from left to right in a period.
Tendency to lose electron: Tendency to lose electrons decreases on
moving from left to right in a period and tendency to lose electrons
increases on moving from top to bottom in a group.
Tendency to lose electron is also known as electropositive character, thus
electropositive character decreases on moving from left to right in a period
and increases on moving from top to bottom in a group.
Tendency to gain electron: Tendency to gain electrons increases on moving
from left to right in a period. Tendency to gain electron is called electronegativity, thus electro-negativity of elements increases on moving from left
to right in a period.

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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Consisting of the first two groups, S-block elements have quite similar
physical and chemical properties. The valence electrons of the elements
in this block occupy s-orbitals.Group 1 is known as alkali metals. It
includes Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Rubidium (Ru),
Caesium (Cs), and Francium (Fr).
Mnemonic for Group 1: LiNa Ki Ruby Cse Friendship hai.
Group 2 is known as alkaline earth metals. It includes Beryllium (Be),
Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Br), and Radium
Mnemonic for Group 2: Beta Mange Car Scooter Baap rone se Raazi
P-Block Elements
Consisting of last six groups of the periodic table (Groups 13 to 18), Pblock elements have their valence electrons occupying p-orbitals. This
block consists of non-metals, semi-metals and poor metals.
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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Group 13 is known as Boron group or the group of Icosagens or Triels. It

includes Boron (B), Aluminium (Al), Gallium (Ga), Indium (In), and
Thallium (Tl).
Mnemonic for Group 13: B A G I T.
Group 14 is known as Carbon group or the group of Crystallogens,
Tetragens or Tetrels. It includes Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge),
Tin (Sn), and Lead (Pb).
Mnemonic for Group 14: Chemistry Sir Gives Sanki Problems.
Group 15 is known as the group of Pnictogens or Nitrogen group. It
includes Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb), and
Bismuth (Bi).
Mnemonic for Group 15: Nahi Pasand Aise Sab Bhai.
Group 16 is known as the group of Chalcogens or Oxygen group. It
includes Oxygen (O), Sulphur (S), Selenium (Se), Tellurium (Te), and the
radioactive element Polonium (Po).
Mnemonic for Group 16: Oh! Style Se Tel Polish.
Group 17 is known as the group of Halogens. It includes Fluorine (F),
Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), Iodine (I), and Astatine (At).
Mnemonic for Group 17: Fir Call kar Bahaar AayI Aunty.
Group 18 is known as the group of Noble gases, excluding Helium.
Normally, they are all odorless and colorless gases with very low
chemical reactivity. The group includes Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon
(Ar), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe), and the radioactive Radon (Rn).
Mnemonic for Group 18: He Never Arrived; Kara Xero Run pe out.
D-Block Elements
D-Block elements consist of element groups 3 to 12 that correspond to
the filling of the d-orbital subshell of the second outermost shell. Groups
3 to 11 are also known as transitional metals. Group 12 elements, which
have its d subshell completely filled, are also known as post-transition
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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

D-block elements and F-block elements show considerable similarities

across the periods too.
We can memorize these elements across the periods:
Period 4 elements are quite stable and many of them are very common
in earths crust or core or both. D-block elements it includes are
Scandium (Sc), Titanium (Ti), Vanadium (V), Chromium (Cr), Manganese
(Mn), Iron (Fe), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn).
Mnemonic for Period 4: Science Ti(ea)cher Vineeta Criplani Man Fenko
(FeCo) Ni Kyun(Cu) Zaan hai?
Read as: Science Teacher Vineeta Kriplani manfenko ni kyun zaan hai?
Period 5 elements are known to fill their 5s shell first, then 4d shells and
then 5p shells, with rhodium being the exception. The elements of this
period show many exceptions to Maledung rule. D-block elements it
includes are Yttrium (Y), Zirconium (Zr), Niobium (Nb), Molybdenum
(Mo), Technetium (Tc), Ruthenium (Ru), Rhodium (Rh), Pd (Palladium),
Silver (Ag) and Cadmium (Cd).
Mnemonic for Period 5: Yeh Zarra Nabi bana Mohabaat mein T(c)eri,
R(u)o R(h)o P(d)ukarogi Aaj(g) iseChandni
Read as: Yeh Zarra Nabi bana Mohabbat mein Teri, Ro Ro Pukarogi Aaj ise
Period 6 includes the lanthanides or rare earths. Some of these transition
metals are very valuable such as gold. D-block elements it includes are
Lutetium (Lu), Hafnium (Hf), Tantalum (Ta), Tungsten (W), Rhenium (Re),
Osmium (Os), Iridium (Ir), Platinum (Pt), Gold (Au) and Mercury (Hg).
Mnemonic for Period
6: L(u)a HafTa Warna Reh Us(Os) Irritating Popat ke saath Aur Hoj(g)a
Read as: La Hafta Warna Reh Us Irritating Popat ke saath Aur Hoja pagal.
Period 7 contains the radioactive elements only. It includes actinides
which include the heaviest naturally occurring element Californium. All
other elements are synthesized artificially. D-block elements
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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

it includes are Actinium (Ac), Rutherfordium (Rf), Dubnium (Db),

Seaborgium (Sg), Bohrium (Bh), Hassium (Hs), Meitnerium (Mt), and
Darmstadtium (Ds).
Mnemonic for Period 7: Ak(c)ele R(f) D(b) S(g)harma ki B(h)ook
mein H(s)ain Maths ke Difficult sawaal.
Read as: Akele R D Sharma ki Book mein Hain Maths ke Difficult sawaal.
F-Block Elements
F-block elements have their valence electrons in f-orbitals. They are also
known as inner transition elements. They can be divided into
Lanthanides (also known as rare earth elements) and Actinides that are
highly reactive to halogens and chalcogens like lanthanides but they
react more easily.
Lanthanides include Cerium (Ce), Praseodymium (Pr), Neodymium (Nd),
Promethium (Pm), Samarium (Sm), Europium (Eu), Gadolinium (Gd),
Terbium (Tb), Dysprosium (Dy), Holmium (Ho), Erbium (Er), Thulium
(Tm), Ytterbium (Yb) and Lutetium (Lu).
We can learn all these in three parts:

Cerium (Ce), Praseodymium (Pr), Neodymium (Nd),

Promethium (Pm), and Samarium (Sm)

Mnemonic for Lanthanides Part 1: Celina aur Priety Ne dande se Pammy
aur Simmy ko mara.

Europium (Eu), Gadolinium (Gd), Terbium (Tb), Dysprosium

(Dy), and Holmium (Ho)

Mnemonic for Lanthanides Part 2: Europe G(d)aya to TB(b)
aur Di(y)arrohoea Ho gaya.
Read as: Europe Gaya to TB aur Diarrohoea Ho gaya.

Erbium (Er), Thulium (Tm), Ytterbium (Yb) and Lutetium

Mnemonic for Lanthanides Part 3: E re, dekh Tamatar Yellow aur bLue
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CLASSIFICATION Of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Actinides include these f-block elements Thorium (Th), Protactinium

(Pa), Uranium (U), Neptunium (Np), Plutonium (Pu), Americium (Am),
Curium (Cm), Berkelium (Bk), Fermium (Fm), Mendelevium (Md),
Nobelium (No), and Lawrencium (Lr).
We can learn all these in three parts too:
1.Thorium (Th), Protactinium (Pa), Uranium (U), and Neptunium
Mnemonic for Actinides Part 1: Thode Pehelwan Unse Niptengey.
2.Plutonium (Pu), Americium (Am), Curium (Cm), Berkelium (Bk)
Mnemonic for Actinides Part 2: Purane Aam K(C)am Bikenge.
Read as: Purane Aam Kam Bikenge.
3. Fermium (Fm), Mendelevium (Md), Nobelium (No), and
Lawrencium (Lr)
Mnemonic for Actinides Part 3: Itni Family aMdani mein No Ladki rajee.

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