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Effectiveness of Meeting Management In

Banking Sector

Based on a study conducted on techniques of meeting

Effectiveness of Meeting Management In
Banking Sector

Based on a study conducted on techniques of meeting


Prepared for
Dr.Deepa Sethi

Prepared by
Vishawanath Pratap Tiwari (JIML-09-181)
Tripuersh Nath Tiwari (JIML-09-173)
Urvashi Bisht (JIML-09-176)
Swati Rastogi (JIML-09-R019)
Varun Kumar Dubey (JIML-09-R021)

09 march 2010
09 march 2010

Dr.Deepa Sethi
Jaipuria Institute of Management
Lucknow, U.P

Mrs. Deepa Sethi

This report is based on observational study of banking sector. In our study

we included senior managers and other line managers of some reputed banks
for getting their views about the way they manage their different meetings in
their organization.

You will find that our study is pointing out some very critical issues
regarding meeting management in an organization, through this study we
tried to find out the effectiveness of managing the meeting in an
organization on their work culture, employee’s relationship, atmosphere
prevailing in the organization and the overall perception drawn by an
individual customer out of it.

It was a very nice experience for us as a whole group to work on this project,
if you need any further information regarding the report please contact any
of our group members.

Sincerely yours

Vishwanath Pratap Tiwari

Tripuresh Nath Tiwari
Urvashi Bisht
Swati Rastogi
Varun Kumar Dubey
Table of contents


Objective of study 7

Tools and techniques used 8

Organizations studied 9

Parameters of study 9

Analysis of data 10
- Most preferred kind of meeting 10
- Affectivity of venue of meeting 11
- Suggestion handling in meeting 12
- Creative and innovative ways 13
- Measuring effectiveness of meeting 14

Suggestions 15

Conclusion 16

Annexure: Questionnaire
List of figures

1. Kind of meetings (figure 1) 10

2. Effectivity of venue of meetings (figure 2) 11
3. Effectivity/success of meeting (figure 3) 12
4. Suggestions handling (figure 4) 13
5. Creativeness of meeting (figure 5) 14
Executive Summary

The recommendations that result from this study are to add the following
topics to meeting management of various companies:

1.) Proper communication of information upto lower level of managers.

2.) Adapting to other ways of conducting meeting
3.) Adapting other ways and mode of communication to make meetings
more effective.

The over all study that how organizations manage their meetings was totally
an observational study, The statistical tool that was adopted for the study
was measure of central tendency. We rested for this tool because our data
was basically scale based and we can easily find the frequency of occurrence
of any data and an easy applicability of it.

The organizations covered under the study are banking organizations

including both govt. banks as well as private ones. We did not try to classify
the branch and organization here, this can be taken as a draw back of our
Objective of study

Meetings are considered one of the very important strategic kinds of thing in
any organizations. The various purposes for which meetings are conducted
in any organization ranges from decision making related issues to general
discussion of daily operations. As time and resources are limited and
decisions are to be made, so it becomes very important for an organization to
manage its meetings and affectivity of meeting management comes into

The observational study that we conducted is totally based on questionnaire

format. Here we asked some set of twenty questions which were clearly
directed towards assessment of affectivity of meeting management for
improving functionality of organization as a whole.

Through this study we tried to conclude which are the basic kind of
meetings most of the companies go for, how do they take decisions in their
meeting? Whether they really feel that meeting management help them in
improving their decision making process and day to day functions of
Tools and techniques used

For our study of meeting management we decided to go observational study

based on questionnaire format. We decided to go for questionnaire based
format because factors responsible for the need of meeting management are
many. It was easy to collect data by using this mode rather than going for
another one.

During our study we divided our group into 2 -3 members. Instead of giving
the questionnaire directly to respondent we decided to go for interview mode
so that we can avoid any kind of perception problem regarding

After the collection of data, we restricted ourselves up to the study of central

tendency of the responses we got. We decided to adopt this way because the
structuring of our questionnaire was mostly scale based. By Adopting
central tendency measures we get better results as we can easily identify
what are the best ways and means respondents are inclined for or what is
best preferred way to conduct meetings in any organization.

We selected some crucial five criteria for our study like: most preferred kind
of meetings, affectivity of venues of meetings, suggestion handling process
in meetings etc. we analyzed these criteria on individual basis then went for
comparative analysis of those. By this we were able to decide which factor is
helping which other factor with what degree.
Organization studied

In this study of meeting management , we covered four important banks:

• ICICI Bank
• Central Bank of India
• State Bank of India

Parameters of study

we went for whole set of questionnaire, the pattern and set of questions for
all four organization was same. But for our study we decided to study only
those factors which were closely responsible for effective meeting
management like:

• Most preferred kind of meetings

• Affectivity of venue of meetings
• Suggestion handling in meeting
• Creativity and innovation in meeting
• Organization’s criteria for measuring the affectivity of meeting
Analysis of data

1) Most preferred kind of meeting

Kinds of meeting selected for study

a) Quick business meetings i) Board meetings

b) Stand up meetings j) Team building
c) Business meetings k) Project team meetings
d) Staff meetings l) Creative product
e) Management team meetings development
f) Inter-departmental meetings m) Community meeting
g) Coordinating meetings n) Conference & retreats
h) Sales promotion meetings o) Target-check meetings
K in d s o f m e e tin g s

no of times

S e rie s
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
k i n d o f m e e ti n g s o r g n i z e d
Figure 1

Analysis : Among the whole set of kind of meetings that are conducted
most of time in the organization is staff meeting which has got an overall
score off nearly 13, then second most preferred kind of meeting is inter-
departmental meetings. Leaving aside the meetings of high scores if we
concentrate the meetings between score 5 to 10 we will find the nature of
these meeting is same, they all are related to target based meeting i.e core
business centric. If we give a close view, banks belongs to service sector
therefore staff meeting and inter-departmental meeting scores are high 10 or
above 10.

Second notable point is that meetings like board meeting, conference and
retreats, stand up meeting scored very low, the reason may be that, data was
collected from branches of banks (SBU), it was not at head office or zonal
level, otherwise results would have been different

2) Affectivity of venue of meeting

a) remain well organized
b) easy to conduct
c) ambience of the place plays a role in meeting
d) concentration in the meeting is high
e) accessibility of meeting get increased

venue afectivity

30% a
13% b
12% 19%

Figure 2
Analysis: The options like “remain well organized” & “accessibility of
meeting” get increased are of same nature and have got high percentage
of 30% and 26%. Both are related to comfortability of attendees, one
increases the accessibility of meeting and the other is making it well
organized, so the percentage score of these option is high in respect to
other options. The option “ambience role in meetings” has scored low of
12%, it’s surprising but the reason can be attributed to repetition of
meeting venue.

3) Effectiveness of meeting

a) The way its is conducted

b) Objective of the meetings are met
c) Flow of the meeting was accurate
d) If there is any plan specific
e) Meeting was well attended
effectiveness of meeting

e a
23% 19%

d d
14% b e


Figure 3

Analysis: As expected, the result of affectivity of meeting is clearly showing

that large importance is given to “meeting the objective of the meeting” and
second most is given to the no of “attendees attending the meeting”, the
percentage is as high as 27% and 23% respectively. If we observe the data
separately organization wise we will find that most of the organization say
that attendees normally don’t miss their meeting scheduled especially daily
meeting or target based meetings.

4) Suggestions handling

a) Instantly agrees
b) Opt for consensus
c) Opt for full discussions
d) Neglect the suggestions
e) Reject the suggestion
s u g g e s tio n s h a n d lin g

frequency of occurance

6 S eries 1
a b c d e
w a ys to h a n d le
figure 4

Analysis: The results regarding suggestions handling was most

surprising. Above than this, this is was the point where our questionnaire
was questioned for not being clear about situation in which such decision
one should take. Every body was here agreed to same point that they will
prefer handling it by consensus at large.

5) Creativeness of meeting

a) change in presentation style

b) change in meeting venue
c) start meeting with an icebreaker
d) create leadership opportunity and allow a staff member to run a
e) hold up stand meeting
c re a tiv e n e s s o f m e e tin g

frquency of adoption

6 S e rie s 1
a b c d e
w a y s a d o p te d

Analysis: Most of the organization was of the view that by changing the
presentation style they can make their meetings more creative and
innovative. The one notable point we observed here was that the option of
providing an opportunity to lead a meeting by an staff member was ranked
low by every organization, many reasons can be attributed to this, like
hierarchal setup, knowledge barrier, expertiseness and many more.
According to us this can be another area of research to find out why it is so?

Suggestion to improve meeting management in banking

Suggestions that we will like to give on the basis of our findings by
thorough analysis of our questionnaire and results are as follows.

1. There is a need to include staff or line managers in upper level

of meetings, so that they can have a better understanding of their
organization in terms of product follow up, customer handling,
better acquaintance with organization etc.

2. There is need to include options like ,luncheon meeting,

informal gathering , stand up meeting at branch level, so that we
can increase the participation of employees and easy access to their

3. The way of communication of meeting in most of the

organization is still very formal they are still relying on traditional
ways of communication, so it’s very important that they change
their mode, especially govt. organization.


As per the findings of our study with various banking organization, we can
conclude that the various types of meetings that most of them follows is
basically staff level and target completion related meetings.
The ways they adopt for conducting the meeting whether it is the venue, the
mode of communication, the way they arrange the meeting is very
traditional in approach. They are still sticking to the old ways. The reason
for this conclusion may be that the whole study was done at the branch level.

In our study we find that some of the organization basically the private ones
are moving towards more innovative approaches and new ideas for
organizing their meetings. They now consider as one of the most strategic
tool for decision making.

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