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Part A (2marks)
1. Define Human Resource Management.
2. Name at least Six HRM Gurus.
3. List out the functions of HRM.
4. Mention the objectives of HRM.
5. What is the role of HR manager?
6. Write the types of Human resource policies.
7. Differentiate policies and procedures.
8. What do you mean by HR Audit?
9. Write the advantages of HRIS.
10. What do you mean by HR Accounting?
11. Write the objectives of HRIS.
12. Mention the scope of HRM.
13. Mention the various types of Human Resource Audit?
14. Differentiate between Personnel Management and HRM
15. State the importance of Human factor
16. Outline the scope of Human Resource Management
17. What are the obstacles in administering HR Policies
18. List the method of collecting information for HR Audit
19. List the HR Audit Process
20. List the nature of HRM

Part B (16Marks)
1. Describe about the evolution of HRM.
2. Explain the objectives and functions of HRM.
3. Enumerate the roles and responsibilities of HR Manager in an organization.
4. What do you mean by Human Resource Policies? Explain it.
5. Describe the importance and application of HRIS in any organization.
Dr.J.Padmini Prof & Head, Mr.K.Suresh AP(OG)

Department of Management Studies
6. Write a detailed note on the various methods of Human Resource Accounting
7. Explain various challenges faced by HR Managers
8. Discuss the HR functions in detail
9. Explain the evolution of HRM
10. Elucidate the factors affecting HR Policy. Explain the process of formulating HR Policies.

Dr.J.Padmini Prof & Head, Mr.K.Suresh AP(OG)

Department of Management Studies
Part A (2 Marks)
1. Define Human Resource Planning
2. What do you mean by HR forecasting?
3. List some methods of forecasting.
4. Write the objectives of HR planning
5. Define recruitment
6. What is called selection?
7. List down various tests which are conducted during the selection process.
8. What do you mean by induction/ orientation?
9. Write the objectives of medical examination?
10. What do you mean by Interview?
11. Write some socialization benefits.
12. Mention the sources of forecasting.
13. List the various sources of recruitment.
14. What is meant by employee referrals?
15. What is meant by head hunting?
16. Selection is a negative process comment
17. Define Job Analysis
18. What is the need for Human Resource Planning?
19. Differentiate between recruitment and selection
20. What is socialization?

Part B (16 Marks)

1. Explain the concept of HR planning and its process.
2. Write detailed notes on sources and methods of HR forecasting.
3. Describe about recruitment and its sources.
4. Enumerate the various types of tests in selection process.
5. Explain about socialization and its benefits.
6. What is the importance of undertaking human resource planning in organisational context
7. Describe selection process and the barriers to effective selection
8. Enumerate steps involved in selection process
9. Suggest the factors affecting recruitment
10. What are the various sources of recruitment and explain its merits and demerits
Dr.J.Padmini Prof & Head, Mr.K.Suresh AP(OG)

Department of Management Studies
Part A (2 Marks)
1. What is meant by employee training?
2. Write the benefits of training.
3. Why employees resist training?
4. What do you mean by TNA
5. What is called on-the-job training?
6. What is meant by off-the-job training?
7. What do you mean by executive/management development?
8. Write the objectives of EDP
9. List various skills need in self development.
10. Define knowledge management
11. Write some of methods of EDP
12. What is sensitivity training?
13. What is role playing?
14. What do you mean by self-management?
15. Write the benefits of knowledge management.
16. Differentiate between Training and Development
17. Outline various types of training
18. Define Knowledge Management
19. What do you understand by the term Self Development?
20. Training is not a expense but a long term investment comment

Part B (16 Marks)

1. Explain about various methods of training in detail
2. Describe the needs, resistance and importance of training
3. Explain about Executive Development programme.
4. Elaborate the concept of self-development
5. Enumerate the various steps in knowledge management process
6. Describe the steps involved in Training Process
7. Elaborate the need and importance of executive development
8. Elucidate the features and objectives of knowledge management
9. Discuss various on-the-job and off-the-job training methods
10. Suggest some application of knowledge management in todays world
Dr.J.Padmini Prof & Head, Mr.K.Suresh AP(OG)

Department of Management Studies
Part A (2 Marks)
1. Define compensation
2. Write the objectives of compensation
3. Differentiate wage and salary.
4. What is called ESOP?
5. Mention the types of employee benefits
6. What do you mean by reward?
7. Write the types of reward.
8. Define career management
9. What do you mean by career planning?
10. Write about career development.
11. Define motivation
12. Who is called as mentor and protg?
13. Write the objectives of career management.
14. List down the advantages of mentoring.
15. Write the stages in career development
16. What is a compensation plan?
17. Outline the limitations of a non-financial compensation.
18. Why do organizations reward seniority
19. What do you understand by mentoring?
20. Discuss the process of motivation.
Part B (16 Marks)
1. Describe various forms of compensation system
2. Explain about rewards and benefits with suitable examples.
3. What is called motivation? Explain it with their theories
4. Describe the career development stages in detail.
5. Explain the stages in mentor-protg relationship
6. Elaborate different types of incentives
7. Give a detailed description of different career stages through which an individual passes in his
8. Discuss various areas of non financial compensation
9. Define Career Management. State the importance of career management
10. Describe in detail various types of motivation
Dr.J.Padmini Prof & Head, Mr.K.Suresh AP(OG)

Department of Management Studies
Part A (2 Marks)
1. Define performance appraisal.
2. List down the performance appraisal methods.
3. Write the purpose of performance appraisal.
4. What do you mean by MBO?
5. What is meant by promotion?
6. What is meant by demotion?
7. What is meant by transfer?
8. What is meant by separation
9. What do you mean by controlling?
10. Explain grievances
11. What do you mean by feedback?
12. Write the purpose of feedback.
13. What is meant by 360 degree appraisal?
14. What is called assessment center?
15. Compare grievances with complaint
16. Define Performance Evaluation
17. Define the term Grievance
18. Outline various forms of grievances
19. Differentiate between Transfer and Promotion
20. What are the purposes of Promotions?
Part B (16 Marks)
1. Describe about performance appraisal and its methods in detail
2. Write a detailed note on promotion, demotion, transfer and separation
3. Explain about the concept of control process.
4. Enumerate the grievance - redressal procedure in detail.
5. Explain the importance and nature of feedback system in an organization.
6. Explain in details various steps involved in Performance Evaluation Process
7. Enumerate the features and importance of Performance Feedback
8. What are the various causes and implications of grievances?
9. What could be the basis to identify the criteria for Promotion? Also outline their merits and
10. State the requirements of a effective control system
Dr.J.Padmini Prof & Head, Mr.K.Suresh AP(OG)

Department of Management Studies

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