SRISHTI 2016: Preliminary Stage

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1. .... was an Act of Parliament passed in the
United Kingdom by the labour government of Clemend Attlee. It was
passed with the intention of safeguarding the health of workers. It
extended the age limits for the medical examination of persons
entering factory employment, while also including male workers in the
regulations for providing seats and issuing extensive new building
regulations for providing seats and issuing extensive new building
2. What is HRPD?
3. The process o determining the skills, abilities, and other attributes a
person needs to perform a particular job is referred to as
4. Human Resource Management is also known as
5. According to Flippo, is a process of
searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging
them to apply for jobs in an organization.
6. Candidates of present employees are a internal source/external source
of recruitment?
7. is a Government set up for
bringing together the employment seekers and the employers who are
looking forworkers.
8. a classroom training which
is often imparted with the help of the equipment and machines which
are identical with those in use in the workplace.

9. Rate of Absenteeism =

No . of total man shift scheduled


Write any two methods of Performance Appraisal.

These are all strategic activities involved in HRM, except which
a. Employee engagement
b. Work force planning
c. Inventory Management
d. Recruitment and selection
Which of these is likely to be a feature of a Hard HR strategy?
a. Flat organizational structure
b. Competitive pay structure
c. Close monitoring of staff performance
d. Strong two- way communication
Which of the following may be related to forecasting manpower
a. Mathematical projections
b. Job Vacancy Advertisements
c. Staffing
d. Hiring
One of the fastest growing approaches to recruiting today is,
a. Social Media
b. News paper
c. Internet
d. Television
An HRM objective for all firms, particularly those in man-powerintensive industries, will be to?
a. Minimize cash flow
b. Maximize customer loyalty
c. Increase product innovation
d. Minimize labour cost

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