31N 7notes - Potential Energy and Energy Conservation

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Phys 31N Lecture Notes

Potential Energy and Energy Conservation

7.1 Gravitational Potential Energy

Energy associated to weight and height above the ground.

The gravitational potential energy of an object is given by = .

- An object located at the reference point has a zero gravitational potential energy since at the reference
point = 0.
- For an object moving upward, work is negative (F, s) and gravitational potential energy increases.
- For an object moving downward, work is positive (F, s) and gravitational potential energy decreases.
- For an object with no change in height, work is zero and gravitational potential energy remains the same.
The work done by gravity and the change of gravitational potential energy are related,

= = , ,
7.2 Elastic Potential Energy

Energy stored in an elastic material such as spring and rubber band.

The elastic potential energy of the spring is given by

= .

A spring in its equilibrium position (neither stretch nor compressed) has zero elastic potential energy.
For a stretched or compressed spring, work is negative (F, s or F, s) and elastic potential
energy increases.
- As the spring relaxes, work is positive (F, s or F, s) and elastic potential energy decreases.
The work done by the elastic force and the change of elastic potential energy are related,

= = , ,

7.3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Mechanical energy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy,

= + .

If only gravity does work:

If the work done is only by the force of gravity, then

= , there is conservation of mechanical

energy, which means that the initial and final mechanical energies are the same, =
+ , = + ,

+ = +

Conservation of mechanical energy also means that at any point the mechanical energy is constant.

If there are other forces:

If there are other forces aside from gravity, then these forces also do work on the object, . Hence

the total work done is given by = +

The work done by other forces equals the change in the mechanical energy of the system, that is given by

= = .

When is positive, mechanical energy increases; + , is greater than + , .

When is negative, mechanical energy decreases; + , is lesser than + , .
When is zero, mechanical energy is conserved; + , is equal to + , .

If only the elastic force does work:

If the work done is only by the elastic force, then

= ,

there is conservation of mechanical

energy, which means that the initial and final mechanical energies are the same,

= or

+ , = + ,

+ = +

Conservation of mechanical energy also means that at any point the mechanical energy is constant.

In general (all forces are present, elastic, gravity and others):

The work done on an object

= + + , then gives
+ , + , + = + , + ,
+ + = +

The potential energy is the sum of gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy,

= + .
7.4 Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces

Conservative forces allow the conversion of kinetic energy to potential energy or vice versa such as the
gravitational force and elastic or spring force.
The total work done by conservative forces is zero if the ending point is the same as starting point.
When only conservative forces are present, the total mechanical energy is constant.
Non-conservative forces cause mechanical energy to be lost or dissipated.

Prepared by:
Arlyn D. Macasero M.S.
Physics Instructor
Date Prepared: August 31, 2014
Updated: September 3, 2014

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