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Institute of Socio Economy and Political Development

Mainstreaming Muslim Community: impacting Social and Economic and political condition

Concept Note
Secular vision- Fulfilling Constitutional aspirations

Indian Society, Economy and Polity is in state of transition which has an impact on all communities in
general and Muslim community in particular. There is an urgent and continuous need to understand social,
political and economic changes and its impacts on the community and device suitable solutions to
improve the different elements of the community.
The Constitution of India Article 38 (2), under Directive Principles of State Policy aspires to minimize
the inequalities in income and endeavors to eliminate inequalities in status, facilities and opportunities not
only amongst individuals but also amongst groups of people residing in different areas or engaged in
different vocations1. This Directive Principle under the Constitution which is the fundamental to the
guarantee of Fundamental Rights has to be carried forward in letter and spirit not only by the
governments but citizens and enlightened citizen groups of India who have bestowed upon themselves the
Constitutional responsibilities.

Muslims in India face deficit and deprivation in almost all facets of social and economic and political
development. Muslims have increasingly lost the trust in the governance system due to their own
vulnerability, sense of deprivation and lack of holistic effort from community side.
The spirit behind this initiative is to facilitate and develop projects, programs and platforms
Which facilitates development of social, business and political leaders at different level and helps to
create opportunities

Critical understanding of the ground realities through research in Socio, Economy and Political

Device vehicles to facilitate implementation of existing government policies programs and

schemes so that socio economic need of the community is taken care of.

Develop capabilities in term of Tools, Technologies, Processes, People and Capital

Develop information base to influence policy decisions

Social Development
Economy Development
Political Development
Mainstreaming Muslims Economy Development
Indian Economy is in the state of transition. In transition economies, small scale business and not so
organized sector has huge role to play in creating dynamic market environment and contributes in a big
way to economic and social development of the country. It is also realized that unorganized and small
scale entrepreneurs are the big drivers of economic growth, innovation, regional development and job
creation. However, despite international and national recognition of this fact, the small scale unorganized
entrepreneurs face major challenges in our country. The challenges of business entry, survival and growth
are often substantial. The availability of financial resources and lack of capacity to handle complex
business management issues as well as a complicated and bureaucratic environment present major
obstacles. As a result, there is an urgent and continuous need to improve the different elements that make
up a good entrepreneurial climate. ISEPD is a one such attempt in this direction.

Need for a Focus on developing entrepreneurship among Muslims:

Existing Business:
To provide unique networking opportunity for small scale Muslim business entrepreneurs and to
help promote business or organization to connect with other business and enterprises at the
national and international level.
To help small entrepreneurs interact with other businesses and professionals up and down the
country and exchange ideas.
To create business oriented resources to promote trade financing portfolios
Organize trade fairs and exhibitions for promoting goods and services.

Creating awareness of market needs and development requirements.

To give due attention to media industry jointly between Muslim and non-Muslim.
To give due attention to studies, research and to encourage innovations and inventions.
Access to information on policies, govt. schemes, trade fairs/exhibitions
Training Workshops
Facilitation in participation in national /International events
Business connectivity

New Business: Entrepreneurship and Incubation Centre

To develop entrepreneurship among Muslims with a focus on Muslim youth so as to help them
evolve into professional entrepreneurs.

Social Development
Holistic futuristic development of community enterprises such as Educational institutions, Health
Care, Media, Legal and other institutions
Political Development
Political research and information infrastructure Development

Opportunities in

Animal Husbandry
Fisheries Production
Fisheries Marketing
Social Forestry
Agro product Marketing

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