WWW - Unitoperation Heat1

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1.Fouriers Law described heat transfer by
(d)all (a), (b) and (c)

2.The equation
is known as

(a)Reynolds equation
(b)Prandtl equation
(c)Vant Hoffs general equation
(d)Fouriers general equation

3.InSIsystem the unit of thermal conductivity is

(a)W/ m2. K

(b)W/ m. K


(d)W/ m2.

4. Flow is proportional to
(a)potential X resistance
(c)potential X conductance
(d)none of the above

5.Heat flows by conduction through a rod 1 m long and having a crosssectional

area of 10 cm2. The thermal conductivity of the rod material is K W/m.K. The
thermal resistance for the process is
(c)1000 * K
(d)none of the above

6.Thermal conductivity of a material is defined as

(a)the resistance to heat transfer for a quantity of material 1 m thick with




heat flow area 1m2, time unit 1 hr and temperature difference 1K

(b)the conductance for a quantity of material 1 m thick with heat flow area
1m2, time unit 1 sec and temperature difference 1 K

(c)the resistance to heat transfer for a quantity of material 1 m thick with

heat flow area 100 me, time unit 1 sec and temperature difference 100 K.

(d)none of the above

7.For heat transfer through a composite wall, overall resistance to heat transfer is
(a)sum of the resistance
(b)product of the resistance
(c)a ratio of (sum of the resistances)/(product of the resistances)
(d)(sum of the resistances) + (product of the resistances)

8.For a body with very high thermal conductivity,

(a)heat transfer will be very rapid
(b)heat transfer will be very slow
(c)there will be no heat transfer at all
(d)none of the above is true

9.An insulator should have

(a)very high thermal conductivity
(b)very high thermal diffusivity
(c)very low thermal conductivity
(d)none of the above
10.Air is
(a)an excellent heat conductor
(b)a poor heat conductor
(c)is a better heat conductor than steel
(d)none of these
11.Thermal diffusivity is defined as
(a)K Cp/
(c)K /Cp





12. The unit of thermal diffusivity is





13.Fouriers law of heat conduction

(a)Ficks law for mass diffusion

This equation is very similar to

(b)Newtons law of viscosity

(c)Both (a) and (b)
(d)Neither (a) nor (b)

14.A pipe having an outside diameter do and an inside diameter di is used to

transport a hot fluid. Heat transfer occurs radially outwards. The area for heat
transfer per unit length of the pipe in given by




(d)none of the above

15.For heat transfer by conduction through a uniformly tapered rod, which of the
following is true ?

(c)none of the above

16.A hot fluid is stored in a spherical container which has an outside diameter do and
an inside diameter di. Heat flows through the wall of the container radially outwards.




The area for heat transfer is




17. The wall of an oven consists of two layers of insulating bricks. In between the
layers there is an air gap. The presence of air gap will

(a)cause an increase in heat transfer rate through the composite wall

(b)cause a decrease in heat transfer rate through the composite wall
(c)have no influence on the rate of heat transfer

18.Consider the composite wall with an air gap described in problem (17). Heat
transfer through the composite wall occurs by (assume that radiative heat transfer is
not important)
(a)conduction only
(b)convection only
(c)both conduction and convection

19.A steel pipe having an outside diameter of 1.32 inch and an inside diameter of
1.049 inch is used to transport a hot fluid. Heat transfer occurs radially outwards.
The area for heat transfer per unit length of the pipe is
20.Thermal conductivity of a solid varies with temperature according to the relation
K=a + bT. Between 30oC and 60oC mean thermal conductivity of the solid is equal
(a)a + 30 b
(b)a + 45 b
(c)a + 60b
(d)a + 90 b
21.Consider a composite wall consisting of three layers of insulation of length L1, L2
and L3, and thermal conductivities k1, k2 and k3respectively. The insulating layers
are placed in sequence 1, 2 and 3 and a certain rate of heat transfer results. If the
order in now reversed to 3, 2, 1, rate of heat transfer through the wall under
otherwise uniform conditions.
(a)will decrease




(b)will increase
(c)will remain unchanged
(d)cannot be predicted, more information required

22.The thermal resistance of a single sheet of glass (thermal conductivity = 0.63

Btu/(ft) (hr) (oF)) of thickness 1/8 inch and area 1 ft2is





(c)0.0379 (Btu/hr,oF)1
(d)none of the above

23.Consider a uniformly tapered steel rod of circular crosssection of 1 m length.

The diameter of the rod at one end is 5 cm and that at the other and is 2.5 cm. If the
heat flux at the end of larger crosssection is 2500Kcal/m2. hr the heat flux at the
other end is equal to

(a)2500 kcal/m2.h
(b)5000 kcal/m2.h
(c)7500 kcal/m2.h

24.Heat transfer by convection may be of two kinds : free and forced.When the fluid
motion is mechanically produced, the convection is said to be

(a)free convention
(b)forced convection

25.Forced convection is unimportant when

(a)(Re. Pr)>> 1
(b)(Re. Pr)<< 1
(c)(Re. Pr)1
(d)none of the above

26.Natural convection is negligible when

(a)(Ra. Pr)>>
(b)(Ra. Pr)1/4>> 1




(c)(Ra. Pr)1/4<< 1
(d)none of the above

27.Consider an isolated, isothermal solid sphere suspended in an infinite medium. In

the limit of negligible forced or natural covection

(a)Nusselt number, Nu=0


28.Consider heat loss through pipe insulation. At the critical radius r=rc, heat loss
(d)none of the above

29.The critical radius of insulation is given by the equation



( Ki: thermal conductivity of insulation ha: film resistance at the external surface of

30.Consider a pipe which has to be insulated. The inside diameter of the pipe is di
and the outside diameter is do. The insulation should be so designed that
(a)2 rc< do
(b)2 rc>


(c)2 rc=


(d)either (b) or (c)





31.For calculation of heat flow through a pipe wall, area based on logarithmic mean
diameter is used as heat transfer area. However if the inside diameter of a pipe is
greater than 0.75 of the outside diameter, area based on arithmetic mean diameter
may be used without any significant error. Consider now the following problem. A
steel pipe having an outside diameter of 2.38 inch and an inside diameter of 2.067
inch is used to transport a hot fluid.The inside wall temperature is 100oC and the
outside wall temperature is 95oC. The thermal conductivity of steel is 26
Btu/ft.hr.oF. Under these conditions the heatflow rate for heat transfer radically
outwards, based on logarithmic mean area, is 10435 Btu/(lin ft)(hr). The heat flow
rate based on arithmetic mean area is

(a)10435Btu/(lin.ft.) (hr.)
(c)10500Btu/(lin.ft.) (hr.)
(d)10970Btu/(lin.ft.) (hr.)

32.A steel pipe, 2.38 inch O.D. and 2.067 inch I.D., is being used to transport a cold
fluid. The pipe is insulated with inch Kapok. The outer wall temperature of the pipe
is O.C. If the heat transfer rate per linear ft. of the pipe is 19.35 Btu/hr, what will be
the outer surface temperature of Kapok. The thermal conductivity of Kapok is 0.020

33.Prandtl number is defined as

(a)/k Cp

34.Prandtl number is a ratio of

(a)molecular diffusivity to thermal diffusivity
(b)molecular diffusivity to momentum diffusivity
(c)momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity
(d)none of the above





35.When Prandtl number is greater than one,

(a)the thermal boundary layer will be outside the momentum B.L.
(b)the thermal and momentum B.L.s will merge together
(c)the momentum B.L. will be outside the thermal B.L.
(d)the momentum and concentration B.L.s will merge together.

36.Prandtl number for dry gases is of the order of


37.Fourier number is defined as


38.Stanton number is defined as

(a)Pr/ (Nu. Re)
(b)Nu. Re/ Pr
(c)Nu. Pr/ Re
(d)Nu/Re. Pr

39.Reynolds analogy, St = f/2, holds for

(a)Pr <<1
(d)all (a), (b), (c)

40.Grashof number is important in

(a)heat conduction
(b)forced convection
(c)natural convection
(d)radiative heat transfer
(e)all (a), (b), (c), (d)

41.For free convection heat transfer, Nusselt number depends on

(a)Reynolds number and Prandtl number




(b)Reynolds number, Prandtl number and Grashof number

(c)Reynolds number and Grashof number
(d)Grashof number and Prandtl number

42.Brinkman number is important in problems related to

(a)heat conduction with a nuclear heat source
(b)heat conduction with a viscous heat source
(c)heat conduction with a chemical heat source
(d)heat conduction with an electric heat source

43.Nusselt number for forced convection heat transfer in pipe of diameter D is defined
(a)h D/K
(b)h K/D
(c)K D/h
(d)K D/h2

44.When the ratio of Grashof number to the square of the Reynolds number is unity,
the dominant mechanism for heat transfer is
(a)Free convection
(b) Entry length problem in laminar forced convection ( developing thermal
boundary layer)
(c)Mixed convection( both free and forced)
(d)Forced convection

45.A small metal ball at 30oC is placed in a hot liquid (taken in a vessel) at 150oC.
The liquid is stirred slowly and liquid volume is much larger compared to the ball
volume. Without any other numerical data what can you say about the Biot number ?
(a)Biot number will be large
(b)Biot number will be small
(c)Nothing can be said about the Biot number data required for even crude

46.Colburn J. factor for heat transfer is given by

(a)St. Pr (w/)0.14
(b)St2/3. Pr
(c)St. Pr2/3(w/)0.14


47.Greatz number is defined by the equation







48.Greatz number is important in problem related to

(a)heat transfer in a wellagitated vessel
(b)heat transfer in laminar tube flow
(c)heat transfer in turbulent flow in pipes
(d)both (a) and (c)

49.For heat transfer in tube flow Graetz number and Fourier number are related by
(b)NGZ. NFO=

50. Brinkman number is a ratio of

(a)inertial forces to gravity forces
(b)buoyancy forces to inertial forces
(c)heat transport by convection to heat transport by conduction
(d)heat production by viscous dissipation to heat transport by conduction

51. Grashof number is a ratio of

(a)buoyancy force to viscous force

(b)buoyancy force to gravity force
(c)inertial force to gravity force
(d)none of these

52. Biot number is a ratio of

(a)inertial forces to gravity forces





(b)heat transport by convection to heat production by viscous dissipation

(c) internal thermal resistance to heat transfer to the external (fluid film)
resistance to heat transfer
(d)none of the above

53. In fintube heat exchanger fins are provided on the tubes to increase heat
transfer area. Now large fin effectiveness results from

(a)large values of heat transfer coefficient

(b)long fins (length measured in the direction of heat flow)
(c)high values of thermal conductivity
(d)all (a), (b), (c)

54.Prandtl numbers for liquid metals are

(a)higher than those for gases
(b)higher than those for liquids
(c)much lower than those for gases
(d)in between those for gases and liquids

55.Eckert number is given by the ratio of

(a)Brinkman number / Prandtl number

(b)Reynolds number/ Grashof number
(c)Froude number/Grashof number
(d)Peclet number/Stanton number

56.In order to get large fin effectiveness, fins are so designed that

(a)most of the fin operates at a surface temperature very different from the
fin root temperature
(b)most of the fin operates at a surface temperature not very different from
the fin root temperature
(c) they provide large surface area for heat transfer, the operating
temperature mentioned in part (a) and (b) in not important.

57.Fin effectiveness is defined by equation

. Now for a fin to operate at
above 90 % efficiency, conditions should be so arranged that




(d)none of these are satisfied
58.In a fintube heat exchanger, fins are placed on the side having
(a)maximum heat conductance
(b)minimum thermal resistance
(c)minimum heat conductance
(d)either (a) or (b)

59.The rate of diffusion of momentum relative to the rate of diffusion of heat is

(a)proportional to Prandtl number
(b)inversely proportional to Prandtl number
(c)proportional to Fourier number
(d)proportional to Graetz number

60.In a fin tube heat exchanger,

(a)only heat transfer area is augmented
(b)only heat transfer coefficient is augmented
(c)both heat transfer area and heat transfer coefficient are augmented
(d)none of the above



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