Notes From Correspondence With Philip K. Dick

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Collection of Notes from Philip K.

Dick's Correspondence with Claudia Krenz Bush

(personal notes occasionally contained in parentheses)

1st Batch

Cyclops retina did not have a pupil or retina and not light gathering. It saw in another way, not by
means of light. Vertical slots or bands which expanded sideways like spectroscopic bands at the
extreme ends. (later on, PKD likens the cyclops to his third eye)

(PKD admits being retroactively influenced by Zoroastrian Logos doctrine; Light God and Masters of
the Lie - unbeknown until later reflection, his story The Cosmic Puppets reflected this theme)

"You pull back so that you're not extended out all the way to the very tips of your fingers and toes, and
then you keep drawing back. The chronic pains in your extremities go away because you are not in
them any longer; they feel fine without you, too. Finally you're down into your heart and then you can
travel around inside your body all night."

"Christian dualism is unsuccessful because your choice is between (one) innocent being done in and
(two) guilty survival. If you live here you die there, if you die here you are raised up there. But you
can't have both; you must choose. However, this anti-world doctrine, which must of necessity lead us
away from this world and onto the next in preference, is not found in Zoroastrianism. There, one serves
the Lord of Light by defeating the Lie, and one of the lies, a basic lie, is that this world is not fit to live
in and should be despised."

"The peculiar power that people have exercised over me, which I could not comprehend nor cope with,
was based on (one) their willingness and capacity to tell the Lie and (two) my willingness and capacity
to accept it: a compact between us, in which we jointly and in unison, as if we were one party on one
side of the table, admired and nodded in agreement at the goddam thing."

"The greatest thing in the Persian system of course was its affirmation of life, the value of life, the joy
of life, the justice possible in this world and not the next, the value of trying. It put down passivity,
resignation, despair and I'm glad to say once released from the power of the Lie I saw passivity,
resignation and despair as intended byproducts of the Lie, and any system of thought or religion which
taught those as virtues (Christianity included) as a manifestation of the Lie."

(Was a friend of Bishop Jim Pike and believed his spirit helped him decipher his dream symbols during

(Books/Stories mentioned - If This Be Heresy - Jim Pike, Wordsworth "Ode", Apollonius of Tyana, The
Essenes, Qumran Scrolls/Dead Sea Scrolls, Asklepios, Ouspensky, John Allegro's The Sacred
Mushroom and the Cross, Paul Williams' Turning Upward)

(Believes that ancient knowledge was seeded 2600 years ago when the Age of Pisces began to
philosophers such as Pythagoras. His theory is that they had to spread the knowledge before it was
subsequently suppressed starting around 50 AD during the time of Nero)

"I don't think we're punished for sins, but I do feel that we can veer from assisting in and performing
our role in The Plan, at which point we're not punished; we're reprimanded in the sense of being
blocked in that path and maneuvered back into The Plan."
"We are not permitted simply to sink back to what we were. Evolution is the rule of life; grow. It is not
even grow or perish; it is grow. The goad, the pressure, the outright physical pain, forces us to become
what we weren't, more than that."

(Tessa was his current wife)

"Tessa's theory is the best I've heard, better than mine: this alternate reality is being or will be
superimposed on ours, not in the future but from outside time so that the superimposition takes place
throughout our entire time, throughout our total history, past present and future."

(had to include this)

Fourth Eclogue of Virgil

Now comes the final age announced in the Cumean Sibyl's chant;
The great succession of epochs is born anew.
Now the Virgin (Astrae, or Justice, the last immortal to leave the Earth in the legend of the Saturnian
age) returns; the reign of Saturn returns;
Now a new race descends from heaven on high.
O chaste Lucina (goddess of birth)! Smile upon the boy
Just born,
In whose time the race of iron shall first cease,
And a race of gold shall arise throughout the world.
Thine own Apollo is now king.

2nd Batch

Psychology Today (today meaning ~1974) - New Testament Decoded "Jesus taught a self-realization
beyond classical physics." - "Knowledge of the code was lost during the persecutions."

It is a matter of utmost importance, absolutely so, to discern why - or how - we happen to see Form
Two (Yang), this reflected mirror opposite universe, which is reversed or backward? Why this total
bounce-back of signals which give rise to mere phenomena (lets try out this: a green object is actually
every color but green, etc.). We are bouncing signals off objects and receiving these radar-like blips in
our head (eyes, ears). What we experience is what is bounced off, so to correctly apprehend our
universe we must correct by totally reversing the totality of incoming signals (left is right, forward is
actually backward, big is little, inner is outer, and time good heavens, time is moving backward in
relationship to our bounced-off Form Two reflected experience of it. We are sounding the depths with
many cat whiskers - and taking the whiskers for what they sound or plumb) (the whiskers are actually
art of the plumber, the sounder, not the what-is-sounded, the true Other; we merely encounter ourself
over and over again: the physiognomic ****up)

We are like children watching a merry-go-round and imagining that every single horse is a totally new
horse, rather than the same ones repeating themselves. If one takes a merry-go-round as paradigm for
the universe, then what is our mental age as we see only lineal time? And not the eternal repetitions?

However, it should also be realized that any person who viewed the merry-go-round for such a short
interval, was jerked away before he saw any element reoccur, could hardly be blamed for not noticing
the eternal reoccurrences. His time-span, range of attention, his life time, whatever, was too short. Also,
if some elements changed and did not repeat themselves (flux is real, in lineal time) he might fail to
note that beyond or behind them, others did reappear.

The left brain perceives lineal time. The right brain perceives rotary or cyclic or orthogonal time.

((Plotinus, Neoplatonism))

The Brit 3 says, I read in the article "Jesus Christ, His Message" in the macro, that it shouldn't read
"Kingdom of God," it should read Kingship; that is, a transformation in which we don't go anywhere
else, but God somehow assumes a different role than he assumes now.

The two categories of a priori, and empirical - they mislead us; they are Aristotle's "A or not A", a two-
value system view of the contents of man's mind. Throw it out.

All things begin from outside (a posteriori). They enter the mind through the senses.

Our mind soon subtracts qualities (eg. Time, space, geometric shape like "square,", number, etc.) And
subtracts them from every and all incoming sense-objects. These we know not to be the properties of
any given sense object, and these are the a priori categories.

We feel they are more real, but in fact they are just real about more things (more things are square than
are brown, for instance).

Now, here the error begins. We posit the one knowledge against the other, but the latter (a priori) is
taken from the former. What is more important, though, is that all sense objects (we do Gestalt, into
objects) go through an intermediate period as they pass from a posteriori (empirical) to a priori, totally
abstracted of particularity. This is a process of necessary introjecting of each sense object for the
purpose of identifying the sense-object when it is encountered again, because what must be kept
cardinal here (and has been overlooked) is that each sense-object arrives within the preview of our
percept system but then is gone. We must remember it because it may return. This requires that we
identify it when it so does. (hence memory and time, incorrect time are woven together) we must
recognize it in comparison to merely identifying it, which is to say, memory is to tie together sense
object A via the introjected idea-object which resembles it, to sense object B which is properly
identified as the same sense object as A; both are the same, but a little space has come between.

THIS MENTAL IMAGO (which is memory of form, etc.) AND THIS IS A THIRD CATEGORY OF

The last - "that it is not the same" - gets forgotten due to the automization of this process. We link the
sense object through a myriad of these imagi of itself, in our head, and never know it.

[The imago] is maintained by my mind through the utility horizontal time axis, and during that period
that imago is vulnerable to what I do with it; if I do not recognize this, then I may abstract and do other
other wrong processes with the imago whose purpose is to serve as a surrogate until the actual sense
object reappears. Thus sets in: mental illness, and a phony playing around with "reality", basically, a
denial of reality to fit the wishes or fears of the person; he does it during this third mode, the imago
mode. It lies halfway between percept system and cognition. No abstracting (into a priori) is desired
here; mostly, image integrity). Since this is what links all the sense objects which recognize as "that
one," then much of our reality consists of this, and in a state of heightened awareness, like I got into
last March, I can separate this as mere utility (while not being used, these imagi serve no purpose) and I
came into direct contact with the sense objects which serve to make up the myriad imagi. This is what
we can rightly call "absolute reality," or the "World as it truly is." This was my vision. The imagi are
also "the veil of maya."

Words are real - if coupled with something else. They are signals. Like when you see a red light along
the road. It is real, but it refers to something, a context. But to say, that red light is an illusion, is to
deny the reality of the context as well: and the power of that context to give or take life.

Jesus spoke of a coming "Kingship of God" which, He said, "Is among you/around you/within you." It
could arrive at any time. When it arrives, many men, most men, won't know. Since God created this
world in the first place, the angle of error may be slight, and the percentage which He must remove and
change may be relatively small. Is all this world, every thing and creature and idea and object in it,
objectionable to God and a produce of the Adversary? Obviously not. Suppose there were a subtle
seizing of power, behind the scenes as it were, by the Rightful King. He would retain the present order
by and large, disturb as little of it as possible, act in an economical way to take control. We might only
sense that some oppressive power had departed; some burden and fear had lifted.

It would be an error to say this mirror opposite universe is invisible, in another dimension - it is visible
to us, to our senses, but like a monochromatic person, we blend it with our forward-moving processes,
not discriminating it out. We must turn our monovectoral (unidirectional flow-perception) into two
perceptions showing both directions visually. We see these processes backwards; but we see them, and
they are all "gray", ie. the color of the picture universe: forward-linear.

Books/Articles mentioned - "The Decoded New Testament" by Gene Savoy, "The Lathe of Heaven" by
Ursula Le Guin, "Deautomatization and the Mystic Experience" by Arthur J Deikman, "Altered States
of Consciousness" by Charles Tart, "The Arts in the Doorway Between Two Worlds" in the LA Times,
February 23rd 1975, "Cosmic Consciousness" by Dr. Richard Bucke, "The King and the Corpse" by
Heinrich Zimmer, Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev's theories on time describe PKD's force "Ubik", "The Nature of
Human Consciousness" by Robert Ornstein

3rd Batch

And lying language creates at once in a single stroke a pseudo-reality, contaminating reality, until the
Lie is undone. As soon as one lies one becomes separated from reality. One has introduced the
falsification oneself. There is one thing no one can force you to do: to lie. One only lies for one's
advantage. It is based on an inner decision invisible to the world. No one ever says to you,"Lie to me."
The enemy says, You will do and believe certain things. It is your own decision to falsify, in the face of
his coercion. I am not sure this is what the enemy wants or anyone the usual enemy. Only a Greater
Enemy, so to speak, would want that, one with greater objectives, and a clearer idea of what the
ultimate purpose of all motion is.

One. The Other exists. Two. We can experience it. Three. It is found everywhere. Four. Therefore since
it exists, since we can experience it, and since it can be found everywhere, we can encounter it here.
The opportunity exists now.

What is needed is a tremendous increase in our brain efficiency. A vital improvement in set-ground
discrimination. Once we have done so and locked onto it we can probably continue to hold it in view.
We're talking here about a two hemisphere perception of reality, and then an information transfer from
one hemisphere to the other so that cognition, not just perception, is brain-total. The morphology is
already in place.

All encounters in the phenomenological world (time and space) are exterior encounters, with constructs
of our own mind - here and anywhere else we go. To experience truly, genuinely to encounter any other
living entity in itself, one would have to be in it, and have it in one. This would be an interior
experience; one would see nothing outside, no object, but suddenly one would experience all reality
through the vision of the Other, as if seeing out through its eyes. One would share and inhabit its world,
possess its perspective; at the same time the Other would possess what one had as a worldview. This
might be close to a sort of energy symbiosis, an exchange of plasmas. One would not see the Other;
one would see .as. The Other. Not possess it but possess its world. And this would not be so much an "I
am in your world and you are in mine" but both would share a world made up from both previously
separate worlds. A superimposition, greater than either had possessed: a total sharing within, and a total
shared view of what lies outside. This sudden, double, super-imposed, simultaneous view would be
experienced as gaining an additional depth: as if adding one more spatial dimension. Much as a
flatlander acquiring 3D space. Time, too, would be experienced differently; one could see ahead, in all
temporal directions. Two separate "mono" views when blended became a "stereo" view. Both entities,
surprised by the heightened perception, would probably attribute it to the other's ability, not realizing he
himself supplied half. "What a marvelous entity has taken me over," each would think, astonished.
"Look at what he can see that I never could." Each would be awed by the other - i.e. The Other.

It's interesting that Jesus spoke of being born again as being "born of water and spirit," which is from
two sources; two coming together, in contrast to being "born from the womb," one source, one element.
He was indicating a fusion. Water, perhaps, indicated our own part, with the Other, the spirit, coming
down from above.

((The Kozyrev Dysfunction))

Zagreus is the ancient vine-root, which is cut back each year but then is reborn each each; which is
eternal. The name "Jesus" in the New Testament hides first the name Zagreus but most of all Zeus.

The reality which we experience can best be described as a portion of the universe which is elsewhere
moving forward, picking up elements (energy) as it goes. Basic components of our section must move
to occupy certain loci because they and we are involved in a temporary reverse flow; we invent
explanations - motives - for such elements to occupy such loci at such times, thus filling our reverse-
time section with forward moving verbal gabble - i.e. ideas. Our frequent strong sense of destiny or
inevitability is explained by this; we must do certain things; be certain places at a certain time; some
enormous force impels us (ananke). Evidently an enormously powerful explosion hurled us backward
in time, that explosion being represented in our view as lying ahead of us, toward which we are
moving. We will eventually all occupy the places we were in just before the explosion occurred.
Actually the explosion already took place, in the past of the total universe; its past, our future. For us it
lies at the end of things, toward which they move. But since there are two times, opposed fields, as the
explosion hurls us farther and farther away, its force - that particular time direction - weakens, and the
opposite-moving one, which drives us toward the explosion, takes over progressively more. It is asif I
hit a ball uphill; it rolls and rolls upward, then a point comes where the force I imparted balances
gravity and stasis occurred, then gravity causes it to begin to roll downward again, until finally it's back
where it began and I hit it once more. These are the expansion-contractions of the universe.

(following is my crude graphical representation of his original drawings for

the following concept)

1 line and 2 line being curved space and curved time - 3rd lines come in at
diagonal angles - teeth "we are in trouble/under attack" 4 - the cross (which
means "our defense" with the words uttered, Morte, omnia mala anima. 5 -
the final stroke, the mandala or circle at the intersection, which is the Savior;
the bright morning star, which is anamnesis, recollection of divine origin
from the star(s) - outsiders only saw a fish

The Christian fish, when viewed in this geometrical fashion, there was was
no way by which the Second Coming (together in time) could be averted. No
force, delusion, lies or guile or threats could prevent it eventually coming.

A Pre-Socratic said,"Man's failure to be immortal is that, unlike the planets,

he cannot connect his beginning to his end" - ie, make his timeline rotary
(orthagonal) rather than linear.

"Thy kingdom come" slightly misleading: "thy kingship come," but, "come to," that is, kingship enter
each temple/body of the flock, those who are his; he suddenly enters his temple and claims/becomes it.
This could remain invisible externally; yet some fundamental change, cause unknown, would rock the
established order of things.

((A God Within by Rene DuBos (Scribner's)))

The anamnesis phenomenon, especially because triggered off by an external disinhibiting stimulus,
suggests not only an entire "second stage" in the human being unsuspected, but held in reserve, but also
that the organism as model or paradigm may explain human existence; that the disinhibiting signal was
intentional suggests a transpersonal entity at work; and most of all, a hierarchy of functions leading
entirely out of the visible (ie space-time) universe, ala Plotinus. However accurate the Neoplatonistic
and Gnostic models might be, our concept of universe as organism (and universe of space-time within
larger universe also stages or levels within thinking organism) is a powerful view, here, to account for
these events; the human as microbearer of information ala DNA coding: the cell which can replicate the
entire organism... it must wonder what all that info in its head is for. Not only, Where does this info
come from? And How does it get into ones head, but What is it for? Certainly not to replicate the
individual. It's a sort of micro-Logos (Logos here as master blueprint or plan).

The distinction here between a special disinhibiting external stimulus for a special (unusual or even
unique) "Second stage or meta stage" system - versus breaking a limiting factor with the fish sign to
release a metasystem which everyone has - this is the difference between (one) a godlike divinity which
made me as entelechy different from other men versus (two) I was the same but He freed me; He could
- will - free them, too. Only special part was my release.

This distinction defines the difference between the purpose and meaning of the mystery religions, based
on the "orphic" discovery, and anamnesis within Christianity per se, uniquely; that He shall free the
world, not just certain men. Also, it assigns the role of freeing agent to Him, as "God's grace," not to
special knowledge on my part, etc., special gnosis or initiation, etc. If anything could be said to have
defined it happened to me it was His Presence and Reality, plus my need.

The tension view of bow and lyre would be a fine for structure-as-a-whole, but this treats every
subsystem as expendable. The oscillation interpretation would mean that imbalances within each
descending level of subsystem would be balanced; not left balanced by right, but balance within left;
balance within mid; balance within right. Within each subsystem is the balance or Tao. In each
segment, no matter how biasedly cut, or small, that segment (of a former whole) then becomes a whole,
and spreads out fan-wise (Rhipidon!) to give a left, middle, right section, space being infinitely
divisible. You could compare this to the regenerating by the two parts of the worm when cut in half;
soon you have, not two halves, but two wholes.

Entropy equals disorder. The universe is moving toward entropy. Therefore the universe is moving
toward disorder. Forms are order. That which is moving toward form, or completion of form, is moving
against disorder or entropy.

Therefore since the universe is moving toward disorder (away from form, in lineal time) then that
which is moving toward form is moving in an orthogonal or even possible opposite direction from the
universe - as such - and is picking up heat as well as form; ie moving toward less disorder, hence more

It cannot be that to move toward completion of form is to move toward disorder; hence movement
toward form means to gain life, or energy. (V. Kozyrev's theory of left spin as life or energy gaining,
right as losing, and that our universe is left spin hence must be moving, ala Bergson, toward energy
acquiring, not losing, toward form.)

"Growth time" (movement of an entelechy toward completion) must be orthogonal to "decay time", or
"wheel spinning time," even if our senses can't sort out these two times at work before us, in us and
around us. Some sections (subparts) of the universe are moving backward, then, despite our occluded
vision of a forward lineal stream. We have a monovision in a sense. Blending two signals which should
be discriminated.

The "Logos Effect," discovered about 1600 when explorers brought back to Europe information about
cultures and tribes which had never had contact with Christianity. Many of these cultures and tribes had
religious beliefs and rites so similar to Christianity that, astutely, the 17th century theologians saw the
possibility that the explanation lay in the long-abandoned idea of the Logos as Plan (Philo, et al),
printing out Salvation ideas for every culture, every race.

In his article, Dr. NK states that (1) Time is an energy which enters material systems; (2) it maintains
everything; (3) it is everywhere simultaneously and therefore (4) it can transmit information
everywhere telepathically; and (5) in this fashion it probably transmits instinctive knowledge to living
creatures, all biological entities and (6) it is even possible that it regulates and informs and harmonizes
"inanimate" entities such as stars.

This is a description of the Logos. Energy plus information which is everywhere.

We could put Hereclitus against Empedocles this way: H. Would maintain that,"Are you sure two light
sources are needed? Dark is only the absence of light; changes could be induced merely by decreasing
the amount of light, volume or intensity, anyhow, lowering it in terms of its intrinsic quantity. As when
a battery loses its charge gradually." Empedocles would posit "dark" as an actual Yin force. What I
myself saw were two players, in the Empedoclean sense, but above them the Logos or Plan - I think.
Also, I saw one player playing in lineal time, the other retrogressively - this was the main difference,
althought it was an antagonist two-person game all right. Maybe: "Nothing can exist without creating
its own opposite." But why?

You get enough darkness and it turns spontaneously to light. You get enough light, etc.

4th Batch

Shall He -- Wilt Thou

Shall my dog praise me!

-- Let him love instead:
Beloved then is he,
And cherished.

Wilt thou praise God!

-- Do not so foolishly --
Mere love, and so shall He,
And cherish thee.

--James Stephens

Reality must be regarded as a process. However, although there is acute suffering by living creatures
who must undergo this process, without understanding why, there is occasional merciful intervention
by the Urgrund ((actual God, Brahman, Christ)) overruling or overriding the cause-and-effect chains of
the artifact. Perhaps this salvific intervention results from a birth of the Urgrund in the person. One
should note that the actual historic meaning of the term "salvation" is "liberation," and that of "sinful"
or "fallen" is enslaved. It is a priori possible, given this model, to imagine a freeing of a human from
the control of the artifact, however good, useful and purposeful the activity of the artifact may be it is
obviously capable of error, as well as imperfection. An override is obviously sometimes essential, given
this model. Just as obviously, it would be the primal maker or ground of being which would possess the
wisdom and power to do so. Nothing within, or stemming from, the artifact or the projected world,
would suffice.

The artifact would probably regard the intrusions by the Urgrund into its own world-projection as an
uncanny invasion, to be combated... There is evidence that the Urgrund does in fact sometimes make
such a revelation to human beings, in order to further the dialectical process toward its desired goal. On
the other hand, the artifact would counter this by inducing as much blindness or occlusion as possible;
viewed this way, darkness and light seem to be at war, or, more accurately, knowing versus non-
knowing, with the human beings correctly aligning themselves with the entity of knowing (called Holy

The capacity of a merely projected world, lacking ontological substance, to maintain itself in the face
of a withdrawal of assent is a major flaw in such a spurious system. Human beings, without realizing it,
have the option of denying the existence of the spurious reality, although they must then take the
consequences for what remains, if anything.
The authentic substratum disclosed by disobedience and denial of the spurious world is the reality of
Christ Himself, the space-time of the First Advent, in other words, that portion of the spurious
framework already transmuted by the penetration of the Urgrund. Since the First Advent was the initial
stage of that penetration, it is not surprising that it would still constitute the segment of pure and
authentic reality, bipolarized against the projected counterfeit. Situated outside of linear time, standing
outside all the limitations of the artifact's projected world, it is eternal and perfect, and theoretically
always available literally within reach. But withdrawal of assent to the projected world is a
precondition for a perception of and experience with this supreme reality, and this must be externally
induced. It is the act of absolute faith: to deny the empirical world and affirm the living reality of
Christ, which is to say, Christ with us, hidden by the pseudo-world. This disclosure is the ultimate goal
of authentic Christianity, and is accomplished by none other than the Savior Himself.

The artifact, if disobeyed, will insist that it is God, the legitimate God, and that disobedience is a fault
against the Creator of man and of the world. It is indeed the Creator of the world, but not of man. The
Urgrund and man, being isomorphic, stand together in opposition to the world. This is the condition
which must be achieved. Alliance with the world is the formation of an alliance against the Urgrund.
God and man belong together, pitted against the projected world.

Now, to refer back to my original description of the artifact as a teaching machine. What is it teaching
us? There is a puzzle here, in the sense of a game; we are to learn step by step either a series of
gradually more difficult lessons or perhaps one specific lesson. During our lifetimes we are presented
with various forms of the puzzles or puzzle; if we solve the puzzle we go on to the next step, but if we
do not then we remain where we are.

Therefore the series of lessons by the artifact are intended to lead to a revolt against the tyranny of the
artifact itself, a paradox. It is serving the Urgrund by ultimately bringing us to the Urgrund. This is
what is called in theological terminology "the secret partnership", which is found in the religions of
Egypt and India. Gods who appear to combat each other are, on the trans-mundane plane, colluding for
the same goal. I believe this to be the case here. The artifact enslaves us, but on the other hand it is
attempting to teach us to throw off its enslavement. It will never tell us to disobey it. You cannot order
someone to disobey you; that is both semantically and functionally impossible.

The Urgrund has dispatched a Champion to assist us. The Advocate. He is here now. When he came
here the first time, almost two thousand years ago, the artifact detected him and ejected him. But this
time it will not detect him. He is invisible, except for those whom he rescues. The artifact does not
know that the Advocate is here again; the rescue is being done in stealth. He is everywhere and

"The coming of the Son of Man will be like lightning striking in the east and flashing far into the west."
(Matthew 24:27)

He is in our midst, but in no one place. And as St. Teresa said,"Christ has no body now but yours," i.e.
ours. We are being transmuted into him. He looks out of our eyes. The power of delusion wanes. Did
the artifact accomplish its task? Perhaps unintentionally.

"Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me
meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed
me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous
answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick,
or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire,
prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and
ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in
prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an
hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then
shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of
these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into
life eternal."
Matthew 25:34-46

What is there to object to in this? Is the basis of decision faulty? Simply put, Christ will come among
us disguised, see how we treat him when we do not recognize him, and then treat us accordingly.
Knowledge of this should instill the most lofty ethics possible. He has identified himself with the least
of us. What more can be asked of the deity who will determine our final disposition by his judgment?

"...He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to
captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free..." Isaiah 61:1/2

The proto-narrative of this is found in Euripides' The Bacchae. A stranger enters the kingdom of the
"King of Tears," who has him imprisoned for no cause. The stranger turns out to be the high priest of
Dionysos, which is equal to being the god himself. The stranger bursts the prison (a symbol of this
enslaving world) and then systematically destroys the king by driving him insane, and in a public way
which not only abolishes him but turns the king into a laughingstock for the multitude which his reign
has oppressed. If the prison represents this word, what does the "King of Tears" represent? Nothing less
than the creator of this world: the mechanical, ruthless, unheeding artifact itself, which is to say, the
king or god of this world. "The King of Tears" does not suspect the existence of the true nature of the
stranger whom he has imprisoned. Nor whom the stranger can call on.

According to the cosmological model presented in this paper, the Urgrund, the ultimate noös and
maker, is secretly present in this cruel and spurious world. Being unaware of this, the artifact projecting
this counterfeit world will continue heedlessly to inflict the needless suffering engendered by the
mindless machinery (i.e. the causal processes) it customarily employs and has always employed. In my
opinion the Urgrund has differentiated itself from being the One into plurality. Some fragments or
"images" of it are certainly conscious of their identity; others perhaps are not. But as the level of
pointless pain continues (and even increases) these separated "images" of the Urgrund will recollect
themselves into conscious rebirth -- equal to a sentence of death for the artifact or "regent".

This provides us with another application of Paul's statement that the universe "is in birthpangs". Pain
is a prelude to birth; birth, in this case, is not a birth of man but a birth of God. Since it is man who
undergoes the pain, it can be reasoned that the birth of God (Urgrund) will occur in man himself.
Mankind, then, as a species, is a Mater Dei: a Mother of God -- an extraordinary concept, which would
then regard biological evolution on this planet as a means of bringing into existence a host or womb
from which God Himself is at last born. Interestingly, there is Scriptural support for this: the Holy
Spirit is regarded in the NT as an impregnating divinity; it was the Holy Spirit which engendered Christ
-- and which Christ is transmuted back into, upon his resurrection. The human race assumes a Yin
nature, or female nature, with the Holy Spirit as the Yang or male principle. Man, then, does not evolve
into God; he evolves into a womb or host for God; this is crucially different. Anamnesis is the birth, in
essence the offspring of two parents: a human being and the Holy Spirit. Without the entry into the
human being of the Holy Spirit, the event cannot occur. The Holy Spirit is, of course, the Pons Dei, it is
the link between the two realms.

If we regard evil as simply earlier stages of a god in process, which he is working to overcome -- well,
that does fit my own personal revelations, and is syntonic to me. I was shown how the whole thing
works but I did not comprehend what I was seeing; they were showing it to Mortimer Snerd. I did have
the feeling that I was witnessing a cosmic two-person board game, with our world as the board, and
that one side (the winning side) was benign, and the other was neither winning nor was it benign; it was
just very powerful, but hindered by the fact that it was blind. The good side possessed absolute
wisdom, could therefore absolutely foresee the future, and could lay down moves long in advance of
payoffs which the evil, blind, dark counterplayer could not anticipate. It was an encouraging vision. In
every trick the good won; it beat the dark antagonist unerringly. What more could I ask from a Ultimate
Vision of Absolute Total Reality? What more do I need to know? The score reads: Evil zero; Good
infinity. Let me stop there, satisfied; the final tally is explicit.

5th Batch

The Maze of Death

The birth of life is irrational, a denial of reason. It is purposeless, doomed to failure without having any
success in mind. It is the expression of blind will, of unaware doing, not understanding, the product of
darkness and feeling over and above knowing.

This is not the same world that it was fifty years ago. In one generation the entire fabric of world
society has changed; currents that lay dormant, in potentium beneath the surface, have boiled up and
flowed along into familiar rivers. The streams of our life are now filled with waters that seem newly
come; they are newly on the surface, but they have existed for a long time. The streams rise up to the
surface, forcing their way through the cracks and weak places, breaking through here, forcing up into
the open there; underneath everything lies the power and source of this energy, and now it is coming up
to us.

The Pre-Persons
Human abortion clinics for kids up to 12 years old ONLY IF they can't perform algebra. They're
considered beyond hope. The story is about a dad sticking up to them and pointing out the
ridiculousness of the whole deal.

The Name of the Game is Death

Strange board-reality game where each square is under the effects of a certain mushroom. Groupsexers
living in a communal reality from 2017 are transported to 2118 where this experiment is being
conducted. In 2118, everyone is hyper-individualized and can't connect with people. Earth is
punishment in both cases, for crimes you have to stay longer on Earth. Immortality is the worst

Joe Protagoras Is Alive and Living on Earth

There is a dictator who runs a totalitarian socialist state and the upandcomer is Arthur Self who says he
can do it better than the dictator. A company has a device to travel to alternate universes and they
realize most all of them are worse, until they stumble upon a capitalist one which is way better. Joe
ends up making amusement parks for this company without knowing why and they won't tell him,
which they use to plant fake fakes in these socialist alternate realities to confuse the dictator. The
corporate owner knows she will be killed and plans for a message to be sent out when she dies that Self
made her make these fake fakes. Self is hunted down but tries to kill all the employees, who are all
escaping to the alternate capitalist dimension. This dimension ends up being fake as well, and Joe ends
up alone in his amusement park dimension, which is unfinished. He decides to make it work and
designs people as well - the question of the novel is not if real/fake is better, but "Will it sustain life?"
Thus Joe is free to work creatively rather than bureaucratically.

Deus Irae - "God of Wrath"

I am part of a network that whips and quivers with the whole chain, shivered from above. And we
believe-as you know- that the final motion is given from that Elsewhere that we receive the dim
emanations out of, data which we strive honestly to understand and fulfill because we believe-we
know- that what it wants is not only strong but correct.

Cancer turned out to be a virus and schizophrenia an overproduction of serotonin

Listen," Pete said. "God - the authentic God, He of the Bible, whom we worship, not that Carleton
Lufteufel - is searching for us; the Bible is a chronicle of God's search for man. Not man's search for
God. Do you understand? And I want to go as far toward Him, to meet Him, as I can."

Man voluntarily gave up that relationship because he thought he had found something better.

Eric Bell,"All creeds tend to split into two, each of which in turn splits into two more, and so on, until
after a certain finite number of generations there are fewer human beings in any given region, no matter
how large, than there are creeds, and further attenuations of the original dogma embodied in the first
creed dilute it to a transparent gas too subtle to sustain faith in any human being, no matter how small.

The false god cannot survive exposure. He must always be concealed. We have lured him out and
frozen his visage. And he is doomed.

Omnia vitae ad Deum ducent. All lives lead to God.

Eve as a helper, Eve the Ego - not a ruler or dictator, a helper. God put Adam to sleep to form Eve and
never awakened Adam.

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