Importance of Philosophical Analysis

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Philo 1 Sir Baares

Importance of Philosophical Analysis

Philosophical analysis is a general term for techniques typically used by philosophers in

the analytic tradition that involve "breaking down" philosophical issues. Arguably the most
prominent of these techniques is the analysis of concepts.1
Do we have to know this? Do we have to learn how to apply philosophical analysis? How
does this help us at all?
Philosophical analysis is the most accurate way of providing a very precise meaning or
analysis of a concept. It is applied by breaking down the concept into different parts and
analyzing it in order to have an easier understanding. Applying the said method, the concept or
idea is thoroughly explained with little to no flaw.
In my opinion, I think philosophical analysis is essential to us thinking human beings.
Philosophical analysis helps us entail those terms from one another. This will help us think better
and study those fundamental problems about life, mind and body, society, etc. The definitions,
views, ideas, and impressions became easier to grasp.
Philosophical analysis can help in the advancement in every single aspect in life. Let us
take scientists for example. Every specie in this world needs to be singled out from one another
or else, its hard to determine which is which. How do scientists do it? They use taxonomy. They

classify species by their kingdoms, phylums, classes, orders, etc. Taxonomy requires
philosophical analysis for them to determine which is a hummingbird and which is an ostrich.
Philosophical analysis gives us clarity. Clarity is very important especially for
communication. In communication, two people must have the same understanding in an idea.
There will be times where an idea may mean 2 or more things. For example, the sentence, The
lady hit the man with a bag. can mean two or more ideas. It can mean that the lady hit the man
using an umbrella or the lady hit the man holding/wearing a bag. These kind of sentences are
really confusing. With philosophical analysis, common misunderstandings can be prevented and
that common misunderstanding can be the line between life and death. This can actually save
your life!
Philosophical analysis is so underused. Maybe its because it wasnt taught in schools
until college. I believe everybody should use and utilize this. It helps settle arguments, giving
clarity in speeches and communication, distinguishing one thing from another, breaking down
philosophical issues, etc. This helps you think critically and analyze things better. With this, I
think we are one step towards a brighter and more advanced future.

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