Soal IMO Bandung

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Soal IMO (Bandung) 2000

1. Segitiga ABC lancip, F kaki garis tinggi dari C, M tengah2 AB. Sudut MBC = sudut
ACF. BM = CF. Buktikan ABC sama sisi --> medium
2. Adakah bilangan asli m dan n yg memenuhi m^2 + (m+1)^2 = n^4 + (n+1)^4 -->
3. Buktikan (ab+cd)^2 <= (a^2 + c^2)(b^2 + d^2)... kapan tanda kesamaan berlaku ? -->
Soal latihan
1. Point P is in square ABCD such that AP = 3, BP = 2, CP = 1. Calculate sudut BPC !-->
2. A square of size 441 square units is inscribed in the right triangle ABC (siku2 di C)
with sides parallel to AC and BC. A square of size 440 square untis is inscribed in the
same triangle with sides parallel to hypotenuse. Find AC + CB --> hard
3. Prove that for any set of n postive integers, one can choose one or several of these
numbers such that their sum is divisible by n. --> easy
4. 41 rooks are placed on a 10 x 10 cehssboard. Prove that you can choose 5 of them,
such that no two attack each other. --> hard
5. Determine f, if for all real x and y, f(x)f(y) - f(xy) = x+y --> easy
6. Prove that sin^2(a+c) + sin^2(b+c) - 2 cos(a-b)sin(a+c)sin(b+c) is independent of c -->
7. If x^5 = 1 and x tidak sama dengan 1, calculate (1-x)(1-x^2)(1-x^3)(1-x^4) --> easy
8. The sum of three numbers in geometric progression is 39 and the sum of their squares
is 741. Find them. --> easy
9. Let S1 be the sequence 1,2,3,4,5,6,... S2 the sequence 2,3,4,5,6,... and S3 the sequence
In general, S(n+1) is obtained by taking Sn and adding 1 to each integer that is divisible
by n. Find all n such taht the first n-1 integers of Sn are n. --> hard

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