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Summary and Conclusion

The present study included the determination of the extractability

percentage of the aqueous seeds extract of Brassica nigra, in vitro anthelmintic
studies of aqueous seeds extract of B. nigra and Albendazole, in vivo anthelmintic
studies of aqueous seeds extract(10gm/day/animal) and aqueous seed oil
(4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra and Albendazole @ 5-7.5/kg body wt on naturally
helminth infested goats. The investigations were also undertaken to understand
the influence of the aqueous seed extract and seed oil of B. nigra on certain
haematological and biochemical parameters of the helminth infested goats. The
qualitative phytochemicals analysis of the aqueous seed extract was conducted to
determine the phytochemicals present in the seed extract. The total thirty goats
were used for the in vivo anthelmintic studies and they were divided into five
groups viz T1, T2, T3 T4 and T5. During the in vivo anthelmintic trials the goats
from the Groups T1 and T2 served as the normal control and untreated control
respectively. The groupT1 was treated with distilled water only while, the Group
T2 constituted of heavily helminth infested goats which were left untreated. The
groups T3 andT4 received the treatment with the aqueous seed extract (10
gm/day/animal) and seed oil (4ml/day/animal) of Brassica nigra


while the Group T5 was treated with the standard drug Albendazole @ 5-7.5/kg
body wt. During the in vitro anthelmintic investigations the number of worms died
at different time intervals by the 5, 10 and 15 percent of the aqueous seed extract
of B. nigra and 10 percent of Albendazole were recorded.
During the present studies the extractability, consistency and colour of
the aqueous seed extract of B. nigra was found to be 14.1%, semisolid and dark
brown respectively. The in vitro antihelmintic investigations were carried out as per
petridish method (Agarwal et al., 1979 for the determination of the time taken by
the different concentrations of 5, 10 and 15%. of the aqueous seed extract of B.
nigra. The results were compared with control Tyrode solution and the
Albendazole 10 gm/100ml concentration prepared in Tyrode solution. The
aqueous seed extract of 5, 10 and 15% concentrations required 21,18 and 15 hrs

to kill all the ten Haemonchos contortus worms placed in the petridish. While, the
Albendazole 10 gm/100ml concentration prepared in Tyrode solution required 12
hrs to kill all ten out of ten worms in the petridish. However, all the ten out of ten
H. contortus worms remained alive for 21 hrs of the experimental period. The
studies revealed that the efficacy of the Albendazole 10 gm/100ml concentration
prepared in Tyrode solution was higher than all the different concentrations of
aqueous seed extract used for the experiment. The in vivo anthelmintic trials
indicated that the EPG of faecal samples from the groups T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5
on 0th day were 25042.81, 1883.347.72, 1933.3333.33, 2033.3355.77 and
2016.6654.26 respectively and on the 10th day the EPG of the T1,T2,T3,T4 and



116.6616.66 respectively



up to the 10


day of



the treatment with the

Albendazole at the single dose of 5-7.5mg/kg bd wt exhibited the appreciable

antihelmintic effect and the magnitude of the effect was significantly greater than
that of the aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal) and seed oil (4ml/day/animal)
of B. nigra. However, the anthelmintic effect of the aqueous seed extract was
observed to be significantly higher than that of seed oil of B. nigra. The studies
reveals that both the Aqueous seed extract and seed oil of B. nigra bears the
good anthelmintic properties. The phytochemical analysis of aqueous seeds
extract of B. nigra revealed the presence of sterols, alkaloids, saponins, tannins,
glycosides, flavonoids, resin and reducing sugar.
The daily treatment of the heavily helminth infested goats with the
aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal) and seeds of oil of B. nigra
(4ml/day/animal) for 10 days and Albendazole single dose at 5-7.5mg/kg bd wt on
0th day are found to cause increase in blood glucose levels up to normal from the
7th day onwards till the end of the experiment. These effects caused by the
aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal) and seeds of oil of B. nigra
(4ml/day/animal) and Albendazole single dose at 5-7.5mg/kg bd wt may be
because of their antihelmintic activity. The helminth infested goats when treated







the seed


(4ml/day/animal) of the B. nigra up to 10 days and Albendazole at the single dose

5-7.5 mg/kg bd wt has prevented further damage to abomasal mucosa resulting in

making improvement in their serum total protein, serum albumin and serum
globulin levels of the goats heavily infested with Haemonchus contortus. The daily
treatment of aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal) and the seed oil
(4ml/day/animal) of the B. nigra and the Albendazole at the single dose 5-7.5
mg/kg bd wt has shown the same magnitude of effect to cause the improvement
of the globulin levels of the helminth infested goats. The daily treatment with the
aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal) and seed oil(4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra
were effective as that of the reference standard anthhelmintic drug Albendazole at
the dose 5-7.5mg/kg bd .wt. to elevate the significantly declined creatinine levels
of helminth infested goats. The daily treatment with the aqueous seed extract
(10gm/day/animal) and seeds of oil of B. nigra (4ml/day/animal) for 10 days and
Albendazole single dose at 5-7.5mg/kg bd wt has the ameliorative effect on the
haemopoietic system and therefore there was improvement in the haemoglobin
levels of the heavily helminth infested goats of all the treatment groups.
The daily treatment with the aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal)
and the aqueous seed oil (4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra and the standard drug
Albendazole at the single dose 5-7.5mg/kg bd wt were found to be effective for
significantly increasing the TEC of the heavily H. contortus infested goats when
treated for ten days. While, there was no improvement in the TEC of the goats
from the group T2 as they did not received any treatment. The daily treatment with
the aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal) and the aqueous seed oil
(4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra and the standard drug Albendazole at the single dose
5-7.5mg/kg bd wt were found to treat the helminth infestations up to 11 th day as
there was no elevation in the neutrophil counts of the goats from the groups T3,
T4 and T5. The daily treatment with the aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal)
and the aqueous seed oil (4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra and the standard drug
Albendazole at the single dose 5-7.5mg/kg bd wt were found to treat the helminth
infestations up to 11th day as from the 7th day onwards there was no increase in
the eosinophil counts of the goats from the groups T3,T4 and T5.The daily
treatment with the aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal) and the aqueous
seed oil (4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra and the standard drug Albendazole at the
single dose 5-7.5mg/kg bd wt were found effective to significantly decrease the

lymphocyte counts of the heavily H. contortus infested goats after treatment of ten
days. While, there was no decrease in the lymphocyte counts of the goats from
the group T2 as they did not received any treatment. The daily treatment with the









(4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra and the standard drug Albendazole at the single dose
5-7.5mg/kg bd wt were found effective to significantly decrease the monocyte
counts of the heavily H. contortus infested goats after treatment of ten days.
While, there was no decrease in the monocyte counts of the goats from the group
T2 as they did not received any treatment.
From the investigations it is concluded that :
1. The extractability, consistency and colour of the aqueous seed extract of
B. nigra is 14.1%, semisolid and dark brown respectively.
2. The in vitro anthelmintic efficacy of the Albendazole 10 gm/100ml
concentration prepared in Tyrode solution was higher than the aqueous
seed extract with 5, 10 and 15% concentrations.
3. The in vivo anthelmintic efficacy of the standard drug Albendazole at the
single dose 5-7.5mg/kg bd wt is greater than the aqueous seed extract
(10gm/day/animal) and the aqueous seed oil (4ml/day/animal) of aqueous








(4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra. While, the in vivo anthelmintic efficacy of the

aqueous seed extract and the seed oil of aqueous seed extract
(10gm/day/animal) and the aqueous seed oil (4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra
is almost same.
4. The phytochemical viz sterols, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, glycosides,
flavonoids, resin and reducing sugar are present in the aqueous extract.
5. The daily treatment with the aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal) and
the aqueous seed oil (4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra for ten days and the
standard drug Albendazole at the single dose 5-7.5mg/kg bd. wt is capable
to improve the serum glucose, serum total proteins, serum albumin and
serum globulin levels of the heavily helminth infested goats.
6. The daily treatment with the aqueous seed extract (10gm/day/animal) and
the aqueous seed oil (4ml/day/animal) of B. nigra for ten days and the
standard drug Albendazole at the single dose 5-7.5mg/kg bd. wt improves

the haemoglobin and the total erythrocyte counts of the helminth infested
goats. These treatments also causes decease in the neutrophils,
eosinophils, lymphocyte and monocyte counts of the helminth infested

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