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2 Matrix Operations
1. Matrix Addition
If A = [aij] and B = [bij] are matrices of the
same size, then the sum of A + B is the matrix of
the same size obtained by adding the
corresponding entries of the two matrices. In
A + B = [aij + bij]

IMSP, UPLB, College Laguna

Matrix Operations
Properties of Matrix Addition:
i. A+B = B+A
ii. A + (B+C) = (A+B)+C
iii. There is a unique m x n matrix O such that
A+O = A for any matrix A. The matrix O is
called the m x n zero matrix.
iv. For each m x n matrix A, there is a unique m x
matrix D such that A+D = O.
IMSP, UPLB, College Laguna

Matrix Operations
2. Scalar Multiplication
If A = [aij] is any matrix and r is any scalar,
then the scalar product rA is the matrix obtained
by multiplying each entry of A by r. In symbols,
rA = [r aij]

IMSP, UPLB, College Laguna

Matrix Operations
Properties of Scalar Multiplication:
If r and s are real numbers and A and B are
matrices, then
i. r(sA)= (rs)A
ii. (r + s)A = rA+sA
iii. r(A+B)=rA+rB
iv. A(rB)=r(AB)=(rA)B

IMSP, UPLB, College Laguna

Matrix Operations
3. Matrix Subtraction
If A = [aij] and B = [bij] are matrices of the
same size, then the difference of A - B is the matrix
of the same size obtained by adding the negative of
B to A. In symbols,
A - B = A + (-B)
= [aij + (- bij)]
= [aij - bij]

IMSP, UPLB, College Laguna

Matrix Operations
4. Matrix Multiplication
If A is m x p matrix and B is p x n matrix, then the product AB
is the m x n matrix C whose entry cij in the ith row of the jth column
can be obtained by adding the products of corresponding entries of
the ith row vector of A and the jth column vector of B. In symbols,


aik bkj

cij ai1b1 j ai 2b2 j ... aipbpj

where 1im, 1jn

In general,

IMSP, UPLB, College Laguna

Matrix Operations
Properties of Matrix Multiplication:
i. If A, B and C are o the appropriate sizes,
then A(BC)=(AB)C.
ii. If A, B and C are of the appropriate sizes,
then A(B+C) = AB + AC
iii. If A, B and C are of the appropriate sizes,
then (A+B)C = AC + BC.

IMSP, UPLB, College Laguna

Matrix Operations
5. Transpose of a Matrix
If A is m x n matrix, then the transpose of A =
[aij], denoted by AT, is the n x m matrix whose first
column is the first row of A, whose second column is
the second row or A, whose third column is the third
row of A, and so on. In symbols,
AT = [aji]

IMSP, UPLB, College Laguna

Matrix Operations

Properties of Transpose
If r is a scalar and A and B are matrices, then
i. (AT)T = A.
ii. (A+B)T = AT+ BT
iii. (AB)T = BT AT
iv. (rA)T = rAT

Remark: A matrix A = [aij], is called symmetric

if AT = A.

IMSP, UPLB, College Laguna

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