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Pujiyanto. 2007.

Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami.Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
PenebarSwadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Pauland R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara).2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F.,A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beveragequality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. PlantPhysiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan PengembanganPertanian30 (1):1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica)asAffected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto.2007. Pemanfaatankulitbuahkopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
Pujiyanto.2011. Use of sub-surfacesoil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matterwicks. Pelita Perkebunan27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan PengembanganTanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
padaLahanKering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitiandan PengembanganTanahdan
Agroklimat.Bogor.216 him.
Quartin,V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura:O problema
do frio. In: Proceedingsof the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa,p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
PenebarSwadaya.Depok.212 him.
Robertson,G.P., E.A. PaulandR.R.Harwood.2000.
Greenhousegases in intensiveagriculture:
contributionsof individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset PerkebunanNusantara).2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan.
Runtunuwu,E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos,J.C.F.,A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira,R. H.S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyamaand P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivationof perennialherbaceous
legumes in weed managementin coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
AgriculturalScience and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta,C. Ducatti,A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros.2004. Seasonal changesin
vegetative growth and photosynthesisof


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera,O. Brunini,E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda,L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
andbeveragequalityof coffee beans.Braz.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene,R. Pupalieneand
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. AgronomyResearch 7(Special
issue I):485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadapperubahansifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapiperubahaniklim. JurnalPenelitian
danPengembanganPertanian30 (1):1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar,M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
ArabicaCoffee (Coffea arabica)asAffected
by SupplementalDeficit Irrigation.Int. J.
Agric.Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmaradan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
PerkebunanKopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng,C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang.2004. UtilizationOf Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
InternationalSoil Conservation
OrganisationConference13 th- Brisbane,
July2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino,K. andSuratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami.Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
PenebarSwadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Pauland R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara).2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F.,A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beveragequality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. PlantPhysiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan PengembanganPertanian30 (1):1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica)asAffected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami.Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
PenebarSwadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Pauland R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara).2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F.,A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beveragequality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. PlantPhysiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan PengembanganPertanian30 (1):1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica)asAffected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of

Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Nomor , Juni

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. 2004. Teknologi Konservasi
pada Lahan Kering Berlereng. U. Kumia,
A. Rachman dan A. Dariah (ed.). Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
Agroklimat. Bogor. 216 him.
Quartin, V.L., J.C. Ramalho, P.S. Campos e M.A.
Nunes. 2004. Aimportancia da
investigagao na cafeicultura: O problema
do frio. In: Proceedings of the le Coloquio
sobre Agricultura, Sociedade e
Desenvolvimento Rural em Angola.
Instituto Superior de Agronomia Press,
Lisboa, p. 64-72.
Rahardjo, P. 2012. Panduan Budidaya dan
Pengolahan Kopi Arabika dan Robusta.
Penebar Swadaya. Depok. 212 him.
Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul and R.R. Harwood. 2000.
Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture:
contributions of individual gases to the
radiative forcing of the atmosphere.
Science 289:1922-1925.
RPN (Riset Perkebunan Nusantara). 2011. Prediksi
Anomali Iklim El Nino/La Nina di
Indonesia dan Antisipasinya Pada
Tanaman Perkebunan. [10Juli2013].
Runtunuwu, E and A. Kondoh. 2008. Assessing
global climate variability under coldest
and warmest periods at different
latitudinal regions. Indon. J. Agric. Sd.
Santos, J.C.F., A.J. da Cunha, F. A. Ferreira, R. H. S.
Santos, N. S. Sakiyama and P. C. de Lima.
2013. Cultivation of perennial herbaceous
legumes in weed management in coffee
plantation on the cerrado. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology B 3:
Silva, E.A., F.M. DaMatta, C. Ducatti, A.J. Regazzi
and R.S. Barros. 2004. Seasonal changes in
vegetative growth and photosynthesis of


Arabica coffee trees. Field Crops Res.

Silva, E.A., P. Mazzafera, O. Brunini, E. Sakai, F.B.
Arruda, L.H.C. Mattoso, C.R.L.Carvalho
and R.C.M.Pires. 2005. The influence of
water management and environmental
conditions on the chemical composition
and beverage quality of coffee beans. Braz.
J. Plant Physiol. 17(2):229-238.
Sinkeviciene, A., D. Jodaugiene, R. Pupaliene and
M. Urboniene. 2009. The influence of
organic mulches on soil properties and
crop yield. Agronomy Research 7(Special
issue I): 485-491.
Sumirat, U. 2008. Dampak kemarau panjang
terhadap perubahan sifat fisik biji kopi
Robusta (Coffea canephora). Pelita
Surmaini, E., E. Runtunuwu dan I. Las. 2011.
Upaya sektor pertanian dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pertanian 30 (1): 1-7.
Tesfaye, S.G., M.R. Ismail, H. Kausar, M. Marziah
and M.F. Ramlan. 2013. Plant Water
Relations, Crop Yield and Quality of
Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) as Affected
by Supplemental Deficit Irrigation. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 15(4): 665-672.
Trenberth, K.E. 1997. The Definition El Nino.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 78(12): 2771-2777.
Wibawa, A., F. Yuliasmara dan dan R. Erwiyono.
2010. Estimasi Cadangan Karbon pada
Perkebunan Kopi di Jawa Timur. Pelita
Perkebunan26(l): 1-11.
Yahmadi, M. 1973. Pengaruh kemarau panjang
terhadap tanaman kopi. Menara
Perkebunan 41(5):235-240.
Yi-bin, H., T.Long-fei, Z. Zhong-deng, C. En, and
Y.Zhao-yang. 2004. Utilization Of Arachis
pintoi in red soil region and its efficiency
on water-soil conservation in China.
International Soil Conservation
Organisation Conference 13 th- Brisbane,
July 2004. p.1-4.
Yoshino, M., Urushibara-Yoshino, K. and Suratman,
W. 2000. Agriculture production and
climate change in Indonesia. Global
Environmental Research 3:187-197.


Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

Pujiyanto. 2007. Pemanfaatan kulit buah kopi dan

bahan mineral sebagai amelioran tanah
alami. Pelita Perkebunan23(2):159-172.
Pujiyanto. 2011. Use of sub-surface soil water in
Robusta coffee field through organic
matter wicks. Pelita Perkebunan 27(3):191203.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanah dan
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Volume 1 3 Nomor 1 , Juni 201 3 : 35 - 52

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