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Technological developments in our daily lives today, demanding society
paradigm shifts to technology culture in everyday life. The use of technology
is not only used in the office and even home use of technology has been
used in educational institutions. In other words, dealing with technology not
only to formal activities such as shopping centers, banks, factories and so on
the contrary has been pervasive in our daily lives. Now, the use of
information and communication technology (ICT) is seen as a technology
that is very close in community life. This rapid change is the impact of
globalization in the field of information technology as well as a catalyst for
the use of the computer during the learning process carried out in schools
across the country.
Those who want the world he should have knowledge, anyone who wanted
Hereafter, then he also must have knowledge and those who want both the
world and the hereafter he shall be required to be knowledgeable

Based on the study Computer Technology Research, stated that an individual

will be able to save 80 percent of what they see, hear, and do simultaneously









communication technology (ICT) can provide a teaching and learning process

more interesting, creative, innovative, and provide a more effective learning
experience for students.
Globalization is an ideology of cultural change, social, and political triggered
by the rapid progress of ICT. In this context, globalization causes his form
concept of a world without borders, the concept of liberalization edict,
concepts global learning, the concept of global change and so on Abd.Rahim
(2005). This change gives the same impression there are positive and
negative to the community in state building. Profession teacher also trapped
in this affect the trends and ideologies in centuries 21st. ICT gives a great
impression to the top thrust changes and management of education systems
in the developing world such as Malaysia. With MSC embodiment, insight ICT
is spur Malaysia become a developed country and a competitive power in
accordance with the challenge of globalization and technology era edicts.
The information revolution that occurred due to advances ICT provides new
challenges to the teaching profession, as well as progress. This place should
be used to enhance the prestige of the teaching profession who was in his

breath changes to -21. According to Ward & Peppard (2003), ICT refers to
technology (hardware, software, and networks sharaflogistics). Something
real (tangible) such as personal computers, servers, routers, cables and
something that is not real (intangible) such software.
Development of new education in ICT knowledge requires a shift the role of
education and the teaching profession. Developing countries need more
many teachers who have specialized knowledge in the field of information
communication (ICT). Teacher education training also requires a paradigm
shift for produce teachers who are qualified and able to educate and
developing societies and countries. Abdul Rahim (2005) states that
globalization, which extends the concept of a borderless world is a challenge
the teachers how to design teaching and learning and the world education
can be developed from a global perspective that involves adjustment
curriculum, scheduling of learning, exploration and control of information
through ICT supervision, and effective role in advancing education teacher.
According to BG Yaxley (1991), teaching is an act that aims to bring about a
change in beliefs, values and meanings. He also believes that teaching is an
intellectual activity. it involves thoughts, feelings and judgments. For
example, the interaction between teachers and students and among
students. Learning is the process of information acquisition and the
knowledge, skills and behavior and attitude formation and trust. Lifelong
learning process applies the human person. The learning process applies
everywhere and at any point in time. Learning will lead to a change in a

person. The dictionary defines learning as a process of learning to acquire

knowledge and undergo training. Hjetland (1995) states THAT Technology
can make-our Easier lives. Everyday tasks are simplified. He also stated how
technology can facilitate the task and improve the performance of teachers
as the use of technology for learning teaching work. K-Economy is a key issue
suggested by our Prime Minister, then it should knowledge of technology
intimation is important for teachers in shaping future generations. Winston
Churcil state empire in the future is the empires of the mind and thoughts. To
develop the thoughts and minds of students in particular, the approach to
teaching and learning in schools need adapted into thinking research, gather
information, analyze data to encourage creativity and motivation. Teaching
approach traditional kickbacks notes should be erased from the minds of
teachers but amended to provide knowledge and skills in order to get
Ellington, Percival and Race (1993) explains that the use of computers in
education has some strengths and weaknesses of its own which is to as a
teaching and learning techniques that emphasize the role of the individual.
Crowded authors declare force the use of computers in education is broader
learning objective; learning which also may be done alone and gets Feedback
immediately through an interactive approach; and allows simulation of the
learning experience carried out continuously. When the weakness of the use
of computers in teaching and learning process is also intimation and
communication technology (ICT) requires teachers who are good at

computers, or at least feel happy using Buttons board, it is difficult to get the
material is based on a computer that is appropriate and available, and their
efforts form learning material is based computer requires high proficiency
(Ellington et al. 1993).
Challenges of globalization demands that developing countries supply
energy that has the characteristics of K-worker, literate and proficient in ICT,
able compete at the local level and at the global level, it even has its own
identity and high competitiveness. ICT can help to ease the implementation
of the curriculum effectively. Learning is no longer focused on teaching
methods in the classroom alone. The use of ICT technologies should be fully
exploited in order to have a positive impact on student learning. The use of
learning modules in the form of CD-ROM, multimedia, simulation and so on
require appropriate infrastructure.
National development in the 21st century focused on the development which
involves the development of ICT infrastructure and the Multimedia Super
Corridor. This policy will put Malaysia as a developing country that has the
most advanced ICT skills and catalyze the development of electronic media,
economic, social and education. The role of information technology in
national development is clearly stated in the Seventh Malaysia Plan (19962000). According to this policy: "The advent of the Information Age has been
a major contributor to the success of international competition has put the
information technology (IT) in a prominent position in the country's socio-

economic development. IT has been recognized as strategic enabling

technologies to support economic growth and also improve the quality of life
of its inhabitants. In the Sixth Malaysia Plan (FMP), substantial investments
were channeled to providing basic IT infrastructure as a step towards
establishing a network of facilities and services that sophisticated. "
In the Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001-2005), efforts towards to further develop
and promote ICT policy priority for achieving the following objectives:
Positioning Malaysia as a center for ICT and multimedia at the global
Upgrading and improving the infrastructure for communication
improve accessibility

throughout the country with the aim of bridging

the digital divide.

Improving human resource development in the field of ICT for
increase the supply of highly skilled manpower and knowledgeable.
Promoting e-commerce and increase the use of enable Malaysia to
compete more effectively in the market global.
Foster the development of local capabilities in creating content.
Expanding MSC flagship applications to further enhance MSC
development momentum.
Fostering the creation of critical ICT-based SMEs.

Promote R & D activities for non-hardware factor for progress ICT and
information era that will provide benefits to individuals, organizations
and society.


The use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and
learning (P & P) in schools by students is a strategic driver to support and
contribute directly to the growth and economic development of a country.
More emphasis on efforts to increase the use of ICT in various sectors,
especially the education of the students. Changes have occurred in which
technology should be an essential tool in schools. Havelock and Zlotolow
(1995) asserts that most people do not like change. They want to continue
what exists despite the need for the change seen by outsiders is very
significant. Thus, the use of ICT in teaching and learning can increase
students' understanding because when using ICT, three of the five senses
will be used. Vision, hearing and sense of touch are the key role during ICT
used in the process of teaching and learning in schools. According to
research, the concept of understanding and knowledge acquired by students,
75% derived from the senses of sight, 13% of the senses of hearing and
balance 12% of the other senses. The results of this study showed that the
two senses of sight and hearing are the most important sensory channels
once in learning, especially in secondary school and primary school.
According to Welsh (1997), many students use both these senses to obtain
knowledge of science and master certain skills. Thus, when teaching aid that

ICT is used to stimulate the senses of sight and hearing play an important
role in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom.
Learning is the student's own efforts and the teacher cannot learn for
students. By Lim (1998) students need to build a knowledge based on their
experiences. At the same time students will build their self-concept based on
past experiences. Computer software irrespective of the level of ability.
Topics may be reproduced without involving other partners because this
method is individualized learning. Teachers are no longer the main source for
knowledge but teachers act as mentors who help students to gain
knowledge. The use of multimedia and internet sidings to overcome the
costs of providing materials to teach and learn. The emergence of ICT era
appeared very deep impression in the education system in our country. The
use of ICT in schools is the main agenda in an effort to make all schools in
Malaysia, smart. Bester is a school that got an infrastructure of information
technology (IT), there is a connection to the Internet and using ICT in
teaching and learning process is a challenging task. Internet facilities have
been provided to all schools through School net and should be used by
teachers in conducting various activities such as communicating via e-mail,
exchanging information and educational materials, handle game-related
courses, surveys, get references and other. This study was to examine the
effectiveness of the use of ICT in teaching and learning.


To achieve the aims and objectives of this study, some research questions
(a) How the students attitude towards the ICT application in teaching
and learning activities?
(b)How ICT application can enhance student understanding in teaching
and learning activities?



This study will try to achieve the following objectives:

(a) To examine the students attitude towards the ICT application in
teaching and learning activities.
(b) To explore how ICT application can enhance student understanding
in teaching and learning activities.


The study on attitudes toward computer use among students during teaching
and learning conducted to identify the level of acceptance and supplies they
use information technology in education. The results of this study will enable
the Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Centre and especially
Computer Services Division to develop policies and implementation of a
computer program for all subjects. Furthermore, the results of this study will
enable the Ministry of Education developed the modules needed to
implement computer-aided teaching and learning especially. It also allows
the parties concerned to provide the appropriate computer software with

teaching and learning. Results of this study hoped to build a graphical

software tutorial and at the same time it helps teachers and students in
teaching and learning process. In addition, this study also capable of
providing the results of projects that is useful to teachers in planning
strategies to implement quality learning methods computer aided teaching
and learning. The use of open source software (open source) in the education
system in Malaysia is still considered new, it requires continuing projects and
active involvement. Therefore, it is hoped that this project will inspire
students to make this software as the main focus in the use of technology in
teaching and learning.


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