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Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)

Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

The information about the questions discussed during the classes you can find e.g. in the
following literature:

Michael Vince- First Certificate Language Practice with key, Macmillan.

Raymond Murphy- English Grammar In Use- Intermediate, Cambridge (2012).

In order to find some additional, advanced information and more details you can also refer to
Martin Hewings- Advanced Grammar In Use, Cambridge (the next level of the above book),
which is recommended to prepare students for CAE or CPE exams.

Key points:
see also Appendix no. 2
1. Tense changes are usually necessary after a past tense reporting verb.
2. Words referring to time and place also change in indirect speech.
3. Indirect questions are of two types. Yes/No questions are reported with if and Wh- questions are reported
with the question word. The verb is not put into a question form in an indirect question.
4. Indirect speech is often introduced by a reporting verb. These verbs are followed by a variety of
grammatical constructions. A good dictionary will include this information.
5. Indirect speech may also involve paraphrasing the main points of what was said.

1. Rewrite below sentences using REPORTED SPEECH.

a) I dont know her very well, he said.
He said ____________________________________________________________.
b) The performance was rather boring, they told me.
They told me _______________________________________________________.
c) Im going to change my job, said Jeff.
Jeff said ___________________________________________________________.
d) Weve been here before, they said.
They said__________________________________________________________.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

2. Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

3. Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech, beginning as shown.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

4. Rewrite each sentence as indirect speech, beginning as shown.

5. Put the correct form of either say, tell or ask in each space.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

6. Put the correct form of one of the verbs in the box into each space.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

7. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

8. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which
should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be
there, write the word in the space.

9. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION- Complete the second sentence so that it has a

similar meaning to the first sentence. Use an appropriate word.
a) Your mother has just left, the doctor said. THAT
The doctor said, ______________________________.
b) My aunt said, that she hadnt eaten all chocolates. DENIED
My aunt _____________________________________ all chocolates.
c) Mr Jones denied having any connection with the affair. SAID
Mr Jones ________________________________________ the affair.
d) I wont go to university.- John said to me. TOLD
Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013
Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

John ______________________________________ university.

e) My mother told us to take our shoes off. INSISTED
My mother ________________________________________ our shoes off.
f) I dont allow anyone to repair my car. I do it myself. HAVE
I refuse ___________________________ by anyone. I do it myself.
g) Please, dont say anything to Paul, said the girl to her mother. NOT
The girl begged her mother _________________________________ Paul anything.
h) Youve passed your driving test, Jack! Well done!, said Carol. CONGRATULATED
Carol __________________________________ his driving test.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

1. Rewrite below sentences using REPORTED SPEECH (remember about the sequence
of tenses).
a) Ive lived in Moscow since 2008, Tom said.
Tom said, that __________________________________________________________.
b) I will be working on this project tomorrow at 5 p.m., Mary said.
Mary said, that _____________________________________________________________.
c) I painted this fence 3 days ago, Patrick said.
Patrick said, that ____________________________________________________________.
d) I was reading a book, when somebody broke my window, Jenny said.
Jenny said, that _____________________________________________________________.
e) Im very busy right now, Mark said.
Mark said, that ______________________________________________________________.
f) Im going to France next week, Anna said.
Anna said, that ______________________________________________________________.

2. Rewrite each sentence as direct speech.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

3. Complete the sentences. Use the number of words given in brackets.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

4. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

5. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

6. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

Appendix no. 2

Wyrniamy mow niezalen (Direct Speech) oraz mow zalen (Reported

Speech/Indirect Speech).
Mowy zalenej uywamy do przekazania tego, co powiedziaa dana osoba bez
dokadnego cytowania jej sw. Jest ona uywana nie tylko w jzyku mwionym, ale
take w jzyku pisanym- czsto w takich formach pisemnych jak artyku,
raport/sprawozdanie oraz historia.

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski


1) Podstawow rnic gramatyczn pomidzy mow zalen a mow niezalen jest fakt, i
w mowie zalenej czas gramatyczny uyty w wypowiedzi ulega cofniciu:
Present Simple Past Simple
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Past Simple, Present Perfect Past Perfect
Past Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous pozostaje TAKI SAM (nie moemy cofn

Zmianie ulegaj take czasowniki modalne, ktre posiadaj swoj form przesz. A zatem:
can could
will would
may might
shall should
Pozostae czasowniki modalne pozostaj w wikszoci przypadkw bez zmian.

2) Zmianie (co naturalne) ulega take zaimek osobowy:

Mary said: I feel sick. / Mary said (that) she was sick,
a take zaimki wskazujce:
this that
these those

3) Kolejne rnice zostaj wprowadzone w okreleniach czasu:

today that day
Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013
Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

yesterday the day before

last week the week before [etc.]
tomorrow the next day / the following day
next week the following week [etc.]
now then
6 years ago 6 years before

4) Zmianie ulega dodatkowo okrelenie miejsca:

here there
in this building in that building


1) Pytania oglne (Czy?) tworzymy poprzez uycie cznika IF. Obowizuje szyk
twierdzcy i podstawowe zasady dotyczce mowy zalenej, nie wystpuje znak zapytania.
Have you eaten dinner yet?, he asked me.
He asked if I had already eaten dinner.
2) Pytania szczegowe (Gdzie ?, Kto? itp.) tworzymy uywajc jako cznika
zaimka pytajcego. Obowizuje szyk twierdzcy i podstawowe zasady dotyczce mowy
zalenej, nie wystpuje znak zapytania.
Where did they put my keys?, she asked her brother.
She asked her brother where they had put her keys.
Do tworzenia pyta (oprcz czasownika ask) mog by uywane take inne czasowniki, np.
inquire (pyta, dowiadywa si) lub want to know (chcie wiedzie).


Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

W konstruowaniu zda z uyciem mowy zalenej (jak w przypadku prawie wszystkich

zagadnie gramatycznych w jzyku angielskim) mamy do czynienia z kilkoma wyjtkami, w
ktrych pierwotny czas wypowiedzi nie ulega zmianie.

Czasu nie zmieniamy, gdy:

mamy do czynienia z raportem/cytowaniem czyich sw w momencie mwienia/w

czasie teraniejszym:
My brother says hes coming tomorrow at 5 p.m.

w przypadku, gdy cytowane sowa s zawsze prawdziwe- czsto w przypadku

czasownikw statycznych wyraajcych preferencje:
His girlfriend said she loves him endlessly.


w przypadku cytowania nakazw uywamy czasownika tell, po ktrym nastpuje

Take it back immediately!, he said.
He told me to take that back immediately.

w przypadku cytowania prb uywamy czasownika ask, po ktrym nastpuje

Send this letter today, please, she said.
She asked me to send that letter that day.

Jedn z najczciej mylonych kwestii zwizanych z mow zalen s czasowniki raportujce,
a konkretnie zapamitanie, jak konstrukcj posiada kady z nich. Podstawowe dwa
czasowniki raportujce to say oraz tell, ktre przybieraj nastpujce konstrukcje:
say sth
say to sb
say sth to sb
tell sb
Konstrukcje innych, najpopularniejszych czasownikw raportujcych w jzyku angielskim
przedstawione s w poniszych tabelkach (rdo:

verb + gerund
Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013
Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

accuse sb of doing sth


admit doing sth


apologise to sb for doing sth


boast about doing sth

chwali si

complain about

skary si

confess to doing sth

przyznawa si

deny doing sth


insist on sb's doing sth


suggest doing sth


warn sb against doing sth


object to sb's doing sth

sprzeciwia si, protestowa

verb + to do
advise sb to do sth


agree to do sth

zgadza si

allow sb to do


ask sb to do sth

pyta, prosi

beg sb to do sth


claim to do


command sb to do


decide to do sth


demand to do

da, domaga si

forbid sb to do


invite sb to do


offer to do sth


order sb to do sth


persuade sb to do sth

przekona, namwi

Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

promise to do sth


recommend sb to do sth

poleca, zaleca

refuse to do sth


remind sb to do


tell sb to do sth


threaten to do sth


urge sb to do sth

usilnie namawia, ponagla

warn sb not to do sth


verb + THAT clause

add that


admit that


agree that

zgodzi si

assure sb that


claim that


complain that

skary si

confirm that


confess that

przyznawa si

decide that


deny that


doubt whether/if


estimate that


explain that


inform sb that


point out that


promise sb that


promise that


Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

Top-Link Language School

Kurs przygotowujcy do egzaminu FCE (B2)
Use Of English
Jakub Matuszewski

reply that


say that


suggest that sb should do sth


tell sb that


warn sb that


Okres zaj: luty-sierpie 2013

Wymiar zaj: 25 x 90 minut
Konsultacje- sobota 14.15-15.00 (sala 14)

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