The Ghoost of The Mausoleum

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The Ghost Girl of Mausoleum

It was quiet, eerie night of October 28, 2003. The stars glistened and illuminated the
distant sky. The wind howled like a wolf, causing the trees to dance mournfully. The branches hit
numerous objects making a scratching noise that sent chills down my spine. My friends and I
were walking home from the thriller, Play it to Death, Long Time Dead. I shuddered,
remembering everyone involved with djin dying and the djins glowing, red eyes filled with
I glanced at my watch. It read 11:34. My curfew was at the mysterious midnight. The
only way to reach home on time was to go through the cemetery. The question is did I make it
home at all? Maybe Im the ghost retelling the story. (Yes the ghost, not a ghost)
Anyways I told my friends about my curfew and my idea of going through the cemetery.
They looked at me as if I were insane. I guessed that they were still shaken by the movie and
they thought I was going to get killed by a mystic creature. They attempted to convince me not to
go, but I wanted to make my curfew. We came to the decision to split apart and go our separate
At the entrance of the cemetery was a very strange figure. As I got closer, I realized it was
a plump old lady wearing tattered black dress, a purple shawl, and witchs hat. On her wrinkled
face was a very large nose, and perched upon it was a pair of round spectacles. She looked at me
with her black eyes and she was smiling and her yellow teeth were showing. That old lady
looked so unreal then, like an over- sized doll. Very mysterious.
I walked past her, pretending I didnt notice her. As I walked down the rocky path a cold
blast of wind hit me. My hair blew in all directions and I shivered violently. I wished I had
brought my jacket. All of a sudden, it stopped, just like that.
It was quiet at first, and then I heard a crunching noise. I slowly turned around to see the
old lady. She had stepped on an empty bag of chips. And she was still smiling. We stood there,
looking at each other. I couldnt read her expression, but I bet she could see the terror on my
face. Was this old lady going to kill me?
She laughed, but her mouth didnt move. Even though she was about ten yards away, she
lunged at me with her arms out reaching for me. I screamed and ran. I ran and ran. I looked over
my shoulder. The old lady was right behind me. Man, those old woman legs were fast!
I maneuvered around tombstones, I jumped over graves. I looked behind me. I
lost her. For now. I looked for somewhere to hide.
Over here! a faint voice yelled. I saw a small girl perched on a mausoleum. Even from
a distance, you could tell her skin was pale and she was wearing a faded white dress. When I
reached the gray building, the girl vanished into thin air. I opened the iron doors and entered. I
closed it behind me then hid behind the coffin.
I began to the movie I saw earlier. If the old lady found me, I thought Will she strangle me? I
regretted splitting up with my friends and entering the graveyard. Suddenly I felt cold hands on
my neck. I turned to see the old ladys wrinkled face in mine. She was still smiling that diabolic
grin. She laughed a hollow and I was terrified. I was truly terrified, and I felt the increasing

volume and beating of my heart. Suddenly her face went out of focus and I began to see stars.
I blacked out.
When I woke up again, I was in my own bed. I sat up. Sun was streaming through the
curtains. Was it all a dream? I heard my door swing open. My brother, Luke, walked in.
Youre finally awake? he asked.
What happened? I inquired.
He went on about how he knew that I would cut through the cemetery so he wore a
costume to scare me. He didnt mean for it to go to far. I got out of bed and kicked him. That
really didnt help me. (I suck at kicking) The image of the pale girl on the mausoleum came to
my mind, so I asked Luke about her. He stared at me then answered.
Long ago a girl, who was only wearing a nightgown, was being chased by some boys.
She ran into a graveyard. She hid in an area with no graves. Huge mistake. They found her, and
killed her. The made a mausoleum for her and thats where she rests. Years later, another girl
named Shona was being chased by people wanting to kill her. She ran into the girls mausoleum.
The girl with the night gown suddenly appeared over the coffin. She hated the fact that another
girl was about to get killed in her graveyard. She got very angry, so chased the people who were
chasing Shona. They were arrested for attempted murder.
Legend has it that when someone is in danger in that graveyard, the Ghost Girl of the
Mausoleum will rescue that person
So it turns out that old lady was just my brother, and I didnt die. I didnt make it home
on time either. Im not a ghost retelling the story Or am I?

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