Active Healing Brochure

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Infrared Sauna
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Blood Pressure
Weight Loss
Skin Care
Pain Relief

Pulsed ElectroMagnetic
Field Therapy

Arthritis & Inflammation
Bone Density
Seizures & Epilepsy
Depression & Anxiety
Sleep Disorders

Mind Alive
Mindfulness & Relaxation
Anxiety & PTSD
Reactive Attachment Disorder

Infrared light (experienced as

heat) is the invisible part of the
suns spectrum with the ability to
penetrate human tissue, giving
soothing, natural warmth. It is
naturally occurring from the sun
and is the basis
for Su n l ig hten
sauna therapy.
Sunlightens Solocarbon infrared
technology is therapeutic because
it is 95-99% efficient at heating the
body directly rather than simply
heating the air. It works to raise the
core body temperature to produce

a deep, detoxifying sweat at the

cellular level where the majority of
toxins reside. Sunlighten Infrared
sauna benefits are also great
for relaxation, weight loss,
blood pressure and pain relief.
S u n l i g h t e n
infrared saunas
generate a sweat
7x more detoxifying than a
traditional sauna, can burn as much
as 600 calories in a 30 minute
session and are shown to reduce
both systolic and diastolic blood

Our bodies are electrical. The only

thing which cannot be accounted
for at the time of our death is the
electrical current which keeps our
bodies running. Every process of
the body is electromagnetic and
it is therefore
beneficial to all
processes of the
body to make
sure this electrical system receives
a healthful charge periodically.
Steady electromagnetic fields
will interfere with the bodys
ability to maintain health, but a
pulsed electromagnetic field will

re-energize the electromagnetic

c a p a c i t y o f t h e b o d y. T h e
Swissbionic Omnium1 system used
at Active Healing is what is known
as Intelligent Magnetic Resonance
Stimulation. These are earthbased frequencies
which are pulsed
into the body in
accordance with
the biorhythm clock of the user.
Benefits of PEMF include reduction
of pain and inflammation, improve
blood circulation and pressure and
accelerate bone and tissue repair.

The brain has a phenomenon

known as the frequency following
effect. Simply put, the brainwaves
are capable of synchronizing with
an outside stimulus. The speed of
our brainwaves determines the
s t at e of o u r
When you are
in a deep sleep
your brainwaves are firing between
.53 hz; dreaming happens
between 47 hz; relaxed alertness
between 811 hz; focused attention
between 1215 hz; and 1830 hz

is indicative of increasing levels

of stress. Using an audio-visual
entrainment device it is possible
to synchronize the brain with the
use of both an auditory and visual
stimulus to achieve a specific state
of mind. You
can improve
anything from
your sleep to
your focus with AVE. Essentially,
it is possible to give someone the
benefits of skilled meditation in a
brief 30 minute session.

Sargent L. Goodchild
Founder & Executive Director
2 Enon St Beverly MA 01915

The body has

a remarkable

We are all endowed with

this potential, but for me it
is deeply personal. I would
not be able to experience the
phenomenal life that I have,
were it not for this healing

By the time I was 9 years old, a scary progression of mounting

diagnoses, including epilepsy, and tremendous amounts of
medications derailed hope for my future. Fortunately, my
parents refused to give up.
After being considered uneducable and diagnosed with
epilepsy, I was able to achieve complete health through a
program now most frequently referred to as neurological
reorganization (NR). NR allowed my parents to facilitate specific
developmental skills I was missing to trigger organization of
primitive parts of my brain. Within a short period of time, I was
both medication and seizure free.
At 25, I was able to realize my passion for helping children and
families using the same tools which had been used to help me. I
began working as a practitioner of NR during which time it has
been my privilege to bring these same techniques to hundreds
of families around the country, and to help children access that
same recovery potential.
20 years later, Active Healing has evolved to include additional
services to benefit the entire family. I believe, you are endowed
with a remarkable healing potential and I am eager to help you
access it for yourself, and for your children.

The Sonix platform uses sound

as a unique way for you to benefit
from whole body vibration
(WBV). Unlike any other WBV
system on the market, the Sonic
Life device uses frequencies
of sound to vibrate the plate.
Through sound, an enormous
spectrum of vibrations can be
utilized to facilitate healing.
The benefits of sonic WBV far
outweigh conventional methods
of vibration which are limited
by their mechanical nature. The vibrations generated by a Sonix
WBV plate stimulate your bodys cells, blood vessels, bone density
and overall strength.

Sonic Life
Whole Body

Sonic frequencies can be used to stimulate the immune system,

resonate in different organs, tissues and muscles, eliminate
delayed onset muscle soreness from a workout or increase overall
energy. Other frequencies can be used to stimulate detoxification
pathways, boost the immune system or stimulate fat loss. No
matter what frequencies are utilized the Sonix WBV platform
prevents the fluids of the body from stagnating, massages the
lymphatic system and improves detoxification pathways all of
which are important aspects of maintaining or creating vibrant
health. At Active Healing, we believe Sonix WBV enhances the
amazing effects of both the IonCleanse by AMD foot baths and
Sunlighten infrared sauna.

Weight Loss

Bone Density

A long walk on the beach is

therapeuticmentally and

by AMD
Foot Bath

The benefit of a barefoot walk

along the beach is that your
body absorbs millions of
negatively charged ions which
alkalize the blood and tissue.
Additionally, all those ions
contribute to a sense of peace
and relaxation.

The IonCleanse system by A Major Difference (AMD) creates

precisely the same environment as a walk along the beach,
only more powerfully because your feet are in direct contact
with the ions being manufactured in the water.
Place your feet in the water, turn on the unit and within second,
millions of ions enter your body and begin to neutralize these
tissue acid wastes. Fat and mucous residues found in the water
after bathing reflect the wastes that have left the body during
the 20-30 minute session. Studies have shown the IonCleanse
by AMD helps eliminate a wide spectrum of heavy metals.
Active Healing clients and families of all ages (4 and up) have
benefited from regular use of the IonCleanse by AMD.

Autism Spectrum Disorders
pH Level Balance

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