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Home Remedy Topic: Sinus Infections

9 home remedy submissions for Sinus Infections

Submitted by Psycomp at 2011-01-07 04:42:54

Discovered by students at the University of Ottawa (Ontario - Canada). Fight sinusitis

by eating Manuka honey. I've tried Manuka honey from Australia and from New
Zealand and found that the one from New Zealand is more effective for some reason.
Manuka honey has been found to be 20X more effective than the antibiotics
prescribed by doctors.
All you have to do is eat a teaspoon of Manuka honey twice a day and watch your
sinusitis completely leave within 48 hrs. It may take longer if your sinusitis is caused
by a virus.
If you find it too sweet, then dissolve the honey in a warm cup of water or tea or use it
as a spread on toasts.
2 comments | rating: 4 (27 votes) |


Submitted by Gene at 2010-02-22 11:20:32

This remedy was given to me in the early nineties and was very effective:
In a pot:
3cups of water plus extra for absorption by herbs;
Bring to boil - turn off heat;
Put in pot for each cup: one teaspoon each of St. Johns Wort, Plantain, and Stinging
Nettle (Echinacea can be used in place of Plantain)(use fresh herbs not prepackaged
Let steep for 3 to 6 minutes;
Drink a cup and then the remainder whil still fresh.
There is no second day for hte infection. It is usually gone in a few hours: relief is
Now, the caveat: the above is my experience with fresh bulk herbs; I currently going
through a sinus infection for hte first time in years; I no longer have access to bulk
herbs but must rely on capsules and teas: the capsules were ineffective and only
when I doubled up the teabags did they begin to cure the infection; still, it is nothing
like the results from fresh herbs. And, unlike with fresh herbs, using prepackaged

teas has taken three days and going.

I consider the effectiveness level to be as follows:
1. teas from fresh herbs
2. teas from extracts
prepackaged teas
4. commercial capsules
0 comments | rating: 5 (15 votes) |


Submitted by kannan at 2010-02-01 04:19:06

This nasal spray was introduced to me by a friend when traveling in China. Since
then, I highly recommend this spray to all friends who struggle with sinus headaches
or infections. I also use this for prevention before flying, going out to public places,
or if Im around a sick person. If you already have sinus congestion, this spray will
clear it out, enabling prescription nose sprays to be more effective. You can check
out the site at.sinofreshstore
1 comments | rating: 4 (27 votes) |


Submitted by Emily at 2009-12-10 09:27:31

Sinus Buster - I have had recurring sinus infections for years and have tried many
prescription medicines and even more OTC (especially natural remedies). I tried
Sinus Buster and within 30 minutes I felt relief and the next morning the infection
(huge big glob of green mucous) got rinsed out with my daily neti pot rinse.
1 comments | rating: 5 (16 votes) |


Submitted at 2009-02-26 02:20:00

Drink about a shot glass full of Noni juice several times a day. It can be found at any
GNC or health food store. Tastes terrible, but will cure a sinus infection in no time.
17 comments | rating: 5 (22 votes) |


Submitted by Amy at 2009-02-07 22:26:52

I've got two words for you...Neti Pot!

7 comments | rating: 5 (36 votes) |


Submitted by Melanie at 2008-01-25 12:09:51

Garlic is a proven natural antibiotic. After a few days of taking garlic pills or 2 garlic
cloves a day, my infection is typically gone. I use this for my family and have had
friends use it with great results. It can't hurt to try either.
3 comments | rating: 6 (35 votes) |


Submitted by Shawnna at 2007-12-13 22:06:20

I am currently treating my sinus infection WITHOUT antibiotics for the very first time,
and am pleasantly surprised at how effective and fast the treatment has been. Here's
what I've been using: oil of oregano (place drops under tongue for a few seconds,
then drink a cup of water -2x/day); grapefruit seed extract (dissolve a few drops in a
cup of water - 2x/day); apple cider vinegar (2 Tbs in 8oz of water - 2x/day, plus 1/4
cup in 16oz water in the middle of the day).
I have also used an OTC nasal spray to supplement this. When I started my
treatment, I had lots of sinus pain and pressure, congestion and the beginning of a
toothache caused by my inflamed sinuses. It's been four days and my symptoms
have almost disappeared! Not only did I avoid antibiotics, which are over-prescribed
and can harm the body, I also saved $$ by avoiding a doctor visit and prescription
I purchased the oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract and organic apple cider
vinegar at a local health food/nutrional store.
0 comments | rating: 5 (30 votes) |

Submitted by Tom at 2007-06-12 08:28:45


This method helps to keep a cold from turning into a sinus infection. It also helps a bit
with congestion.
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 tablespoon distilled vinegar
1 cup boiling water
Dissolve/dilute the salt and vinegar in the boiling water. This solution can then be
used either with an atomizer (a recycled Afrin nose spray bottle is what I used) or put
up in a dropper bottle.
Obviously you let it cool!
I've used this as a nose spray to help with colds and to help prevent sinus infections.
I've also used it as a prophylactic method before going on outings with crowds during
cold season. I've still gotten the occasional cold but don't seem to get them as easily.
The saline is easy on the sinuses and the vinegar creates a slightly acidic pH. My
guess is that sinus bugs don't like the pH shift.
Give it a try. I've had good luck with it and used to get sinus infections as a result of
having a cold nearly every time. I also used to get sinus infections from swimming.
Those are also history.
4 comments | rating: 5 (51 votes) |


ndian home remedies for sinus problems


Does your head constantly feel heavy? Do your eyes hurt to the point of nausea? If
you have been diagnosed with sinusitis, or inflammation of the sinuses, here are
some effective and simple home remedies to reduce common sinus problems.

How does sinusitis occur?

Sinusitis occurs when the mucous membranes that line the sinuses get inflamed.
Sinus problems can affect all age groups and are common in children. The
symptoms include a runny nose, constant sneezing and headache. It is sometimes
associated with mild fever, breathing difficulties and vomiting. Infections are the most
common cause of sinusitis.

Simple home remedies for sinus problems

Include pungent foods like onion and garlic in your daily diet.

Boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and drink when warm.
Fenugreek leaves have long been valued as a cure for sinusitis.

Tie a teaspoon of black cumin seeds in a thin cotton cloth in a pan of hot water
and inhale.Heat a pan of water, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and inhale.

Bathe in warm water to which a few drops of eucalyptus oil or leaves have
been added.

Eat a paste of tulsi leaves (Ocimum sanctum) and honey early in the morning.

A well-balanced diet and regulated healthy lifestyle keep your immune system strong,
and reduce bouts of sinus. Avoid dust, pollen and cold foods. Protect yourself with
warm clothes in the cold. Simple breathing techniques in yoga (Pranayama) are also
helpful in keeping the sinuses clear.

Causes & Symptoms of Sinusitis

Sinusitis can be described as an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the para-nasal sinuses. In
simple terms, it can be defined as the over secretion of mucus by the membranes lining the nose and
throat. The most common symptoms of sinusitis are constant or excessive sneezing, low grade fever,
running nose, headaches, blockage of one
or both nostrils, and pressure around the
eyes, head, and face. Lack of appetite and
difficulty in breathing are the other symptoms of sinusitis. However, sinusitis can be cured by resorting to
some natural ways of treatment. In the following lines, we have listed some of the home remedies for
Home Remedy For Sinusitis

Raw vegetable juice is beneficial in treating sinusitis. Combine 300 ml of carrot juice, 100 ml of
cucumber juice, 100 ml of beet juice and 200 ml of spinach juice and drink on a daily basis.

Consuming fruits rich in Vitamin A is effective in sinusitis. One of the richest sources of the
vitamin is mango. So, patients suffering from sinus should have lots of mangoes. Other food
products rich in Vitamin A include pumpkin, leafy vegetables, egg yolk, tomatoes, papaya,
carrots, curd and whole milk.

Roast 100 grams of cumin seeds and mix them with 200 grams of pure ghee. Consume daily. It
is one of the most effective ways to cure sinusitis.

Take a tsp of black cumin seeds and tie them in a thin cloth. Inhaling from the cloth would be
effective in reducing sinusitis.

Boil a tsp of fenugreek seeds in half a glass of water, until the decoction reduces to half.
Consuming 3 to 4 cups of this tea would help in expelling all the toxins, increasing the
perspiration rate and thereby reducing fever, along with sinusitis.

Pungent smelling vegetables, like onion and garlic, are helpful in curing sinusitis. Inhaling their
smell would also prove to be beneficial.

Steam is effective in curing sinusitis. It opens the nasal passage by draining the sinuses and
making mucous flow easy.

Avoid cold items and oily stuff. They trigger the upper respiratory diseases, instead of lessening

Gargling with salted lukewarm water is beneficial in treating sinusitis. For this, add a pinch of salt
in a glass of lukewarm water and gargle with it.

Prepare ginger or cinnamon tea and drink it when it is slightly on the hotter side. It is helpful in
curing sinusitis.

How to Cure Sinus Infection With Home Remedies?

By Rick Missimer | Skin Conditions | Rating:

Thousands of people suffer from sinus infection without being aware about it. Sinus hits
approximately 15% of the population worldwide. Common cold prevailing for more than 4
weeks should be an indication for sinus infection.
Lets discuss some home remedies to cure sinus infection.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a well known old folk home remedy for curing sinus infection. All you
need to do is intake 3 to 4 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar after mixing it in a glass of
water. This will not only eradicate sinus infection, but also cure common cold and mild flue.
Remember to follow this method for a week, if you experience positive results, however,
stop this method if you arent noticing any ease within a day or two after use.
Steam Inhalation
Steam Inhalation is another great resource to ease oneself from the pain and infection. Boil
water in a small container to a point it eliminates steam. Cover your face with a cloth, and
lean over the passing vapors. Inhale the vapors for around 10 minutes. You will find relief
instantly after following this method. One can also include Vicks Vapo-Rub in the water to
reap maximum benefits from this method.
Lemon contains many anti viral substances which can combat the sinus infection, which is
why drinking lemonade aids in the healing process. It also makes you feel calmer. Use fresh
lemon for this purpose.
increase Water Intake
Water intake is the simplest natural remedy for sinus cure. Sinus can often result into
headaches. Water hydrates the body, thus taking care of the mucous responsible for
blocking your sinus and causing frequent headache.

If you arent hesitant towards herbal treatments, then you can try Oregon grapefruit for
treating sinus infection. Although this works as a great tool to combat this infection, its not
recommended for pregnant ladies.
Olive Oil
Olive oil has been well known for its healing properties since ages. Take a few drops of olive
oil and rub it within both your hands. With the oily hands, massage the facial areas above
and around the eyes and nose to let your nose start running. This allows you to blow your
nose, and eliminate the cause of sinus.
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is another popular option you can use, if you do not want to take any antibiotics.
Simply add a few drops of Oregano oil in your juice or water few times in a day. Use this
trick for some days, and watch the sinus run away.
These are some so called old age wisdom tips that one can follow to eliminate sinus
infection. All the above remedies require very low or no cost at all. They have been proved
to work well for individuals affected by the sinus infection. If you were not aware about any
of these remedies, then hunt your kitchen cabinet to find most of the resources needed to
get started. These home remedies will help you successfully eliminate the troublesome
sinus infection easily and quickly.

June 21st, 2011 | Posted by James in Sinus Infection - (1 Comments)

One of the most common ailments that people face during allergy season and in the cold winter months is
a sinus infection. Inflammation of the sinuses and nasal passages are typically the result of a sinus
infection. Medicinal treatment options are available; however, there are a number of effective home
remedies for a sinus infection as well. More people have become interested in natural home remedies for
sinus infection because it allows them to avoid unnecessary over the counter or prescription medications.
The most common symptoms of a sinus infection include sinus headaches in the temple area or around
the eyes, nasal congestion, sore throat, watery eyes, and fever. If you have any of these symptoms, it

may be beneficial to consider some home remedies for sinus infection* before taking medications. Home
remedies for sinus infection are becoming a much more popular option for curing this common ailment.
This could be the result of a number of factors. Whether you are looking to take a more natural approach
to healing your body or you are interested in home remedies for economic reasons, there are several
options that you can consider.
The following home remedies for sinus infection can be administered with products that you already have
in your home or that you can quickly find at your local drug store or grocery store. These five home
remedies for sinus infection have proven to offer the best holistic, natural treatments.
#1 Home Remedies for Sinus Infection Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has proven to be an excellent option for people that are looking to treat their sinus
infection without medications. Apple cider vinegar can be consumed in capsule or liquid form, and a
steady regimen has been shown to reduce and eliminate the symptoms of a sinus infection. It is important
to begin taking apple cider vinegar as soon as you realize that the symptoms are present in your system.
Allowing your body to fight the infection early can help make the healing process much quicker and much
less painful.
The mucous in your nasal passages will begin to thin once you begin taking apple cider vinegar, and this
is why it is such a great remedy. Apple cider vinegar is undeniably one of the best home remedies for
sinus infection. At the onset of symptoms, mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 8 ounces of
water, and drink the mixture quickly. This will allow you to consume just enough to begin thinning the
mucous in your head, and you should notice your symptoms decrease.
#2 Home Remedies for Sinus Infection Steam
In addition to apple cider vinegar, you may also want to loosen the mucous in your nasal passages by
breathing in steam vapors. There are several ways that you can do this. One of the easiest ways to
benefit from the steam is to position your face over a bowl of hot water so that you can inhale the steam.
You could also place a hot washcloth over your face or sit in the bathroom with the hot shower running.
#3 Home Remedies for Sinus Infection Saline Rinse
Irrigating your nasal passages will also help you clear out the mucous, which will lessen the effects of the
sinus infection. Depending on the severity of your congestion, you should rinse your sinuses with saline
solution regularly until your symptoms have cleared up.
#4 Home Remedies for Sinus Infection Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract is a wonderful home remedy, and you can add a few drops to your nasal solution
to help clear out your sinuses. Herbal home remedies for sinus infection like grapefruit seed extract have
been proven to lessen the severity of symptoms and speed up the healing process. You should only use a
small amount of this solution, as it is a very potent natural antibacterial agent.
#5 Home Remedies for Sinus Infection Cayenne

The final of the top 5 home remedies for sinus infection is cayenne pepper. Drink a glass of water with a
teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and you will be able to feel the benefit of this natural healing agent.
These home remedies for sinus infection are effective at helping to eliminate all of the symptoms that are
associated with inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages.

Sinus infection remedy steam:

A cold, allergies, or the flu can all lead to nasal congestion and a sinus infection, and there are several
ways that you can help your body naturally fight off an infection. Steam is an excellent sinus infection
home remedy that will loosen the phlegm (or mucous) that has developed in your nasal passages. The
build up of mucous is what causes the majority of the symptoms associated with the cold.
A natural sinus infection home remedy will allow you to take a more holistic approach to healing so that
you can treat your symptoms without visiting the doctor or taking medications. Steam has been used for
many years as a method to help lessen the severity of cold symptoms, and it is still an effective and
inexpensive sinus infection home remedy.
A steam treatment will help you relieve your sinus infection. As a natural sinus infection home remedy,
you can complete steam treatments frequently throughout the day if that is convenient. It is safe to inhale
steam vapors regularly, and it is recommended that you use this as often as you think your body needs it
while you are experiencing symptoms of sinusitis.
When you have a sinus infection, this home remedy can help you clear your sinuses and loosen the
mucous. To use this sinus infection home remedy, begin your day by taking a hot shower. Later in the day,
you can hold your head over a hot bowl of water. Cover your head with a towel so that you can inhale the
most steam into your nostrils, and then repeat at least 3 times (or as often as is convenient). You may
also want to put a hot washcloth over your nose and mouth or sit in the bathroom with the shower running
as hot as possible. By using this sinus infection home remedy, you will be able to cleanse your nose much
easier and remove the built up mucous.
Sinus Infection, Sinus Infection Home Remedy, Steam Treatment

Sinus infection home remedy saline

Many people are beginning to search for a natural sinus infection home remedy that will ease the
symptoms commonly associated with sinusitis. Rinsing your nasal passages with a saline solution is a
beneficial treatment option for those that are experiencing symptoms of sinusitis like headache, nasal
congestion, sore throat, or fever. A sinus infection home remedy of saline solution is completely safe to
use as often as is convenient. The solution consists of a saltwater solvent that can be sprayed into the
nose to prevent the build up of phlegm in your nasal passages.
A saline rinse will allow you to cleanse your sinuses of secretions that cause infection, so it is often good
to perform this sinus infection home remedy to prevent sinusitis from occurring. However, if you are
already experiencing symptoms, you can perform a saline rinse regularly so that you can easily drain your
sinuses. This sinus infection home remedy can be found at most local grocery stores or drug stores, but
many people often already have saline rinse in their homes.
It is also possible to create your own saline sinus infection home remedy by adding between and 1
teaspoon of salt to a pinch of baking salt and a cup of warm water. The salt should be non-iodized, and
this is one of the most effective ways to help reduce your symptoms and treat your sinus infection. A
home remedy of saline solution will allow you to drain mucous that may be infected, and you will notice
after you have used the solution for some time that the mucous turns a clear or white. This type of
mucous is healthy and means that the infection is healing. When searching for a sinus infection home
remedy, irrigating your nasal passages with saline rinse is one of the most important steps that you can
take to remove the mucous from and ease the congestion/pressure that you are experiencing.

Sinus infection home remedy grape

fruit seed extract:
The common cold, the flu or allergies can trigger the onset of a sinus infection. Grapefruit seed extract
(GSE) is a sinus infection home remedy that has been proven to promote a quick recovery by killing the
fungi and other bacteria that are responsible for producing the infection. Grapefruit seed extract is a
healthy, natural sinus infection home remedy that can be used frequently to alleviate your symptoms and
promote good health.
Studies have shown that grapefruit seed extract not only has antifungal and antibacterial properties, but it
also reduces inflammation. Inflammation of the nasal passages is the result of a sinus infection, so the
continued use of grapefruit seed extract can be effectively used to treat your sinus infection. A home
remedy is often the best alternative to over-the-counter medications or prescription antibiotics.

For the best results from this sinus infection home remedy, use grapefruit seed extract in a nasal rinse
solution. Many people use a neti pot to cleanse the sinuses. You could also put a few drops of GSE in a
small cup of warm water. After you have added the grapefruit seed extract to the water, you should inhale
as much of the solution as possible. You can repeat this process up to three times a day or as often as
you find convenient so that you can treat your symptoms with a sinus infection home remedy.

It can be challenging to find a sinus infection home remedy that will actually work to relieve your
congestion. For those who prefer natural alternatives to medications, cayenne pepper is an excellent
sinus infection home remedy. This treatment works to cleanse the sinuses and treat the infection, so it is
often one of the most effective remedies to use. Natural therapies give you the option to avoid the
doctors office and over-the-counter medications.
When people are treating their sinus infection, a home remedy like cayenne pepper may not even spring
to mind. Cayenne pepper is known as a stimulant that will enhance your blood flow and open up your
breathing passages. You can use a bit of cayenne pepper (about one teaspoon) in a cup of hot water to
help alleviate your symptoms and ease your congestion. You should drink this solution three times per
day at least. You can pair this sinus infection home remedy with other known remedies to generate the
quickest response from your body. You can also purchase capsules that contain cayenne pepper if you
would rather swallow a pill by mouth. By aiding your body in naturally treating the infection with a sinus
infection home remedy, you will be able to feel better and avoid an unnecessary trip to the doctors office.

Apple cider vinegar:

Finding a sinus infection home remedy that will help you alleviate your symptoms and improve your health
is much simpler than it seems. Apple cider vinegar has traditionally been used to treat a number of
common ailments, and it is a very helpful sinus infection home remedy. A sinus infection generally occurs
when mucous accumulates in your nasal passages, and it is also characterized by a number of other
symptoms that will accompany the congestion. Since there is technically no cure for sinusitis, many
people are turning to a sinus infection home remedy like apple cider vinegar to assist in natural healing.
Apple cider vinegar is an effective sinus infection home remedy because it thins the mucous that builds
up in the nose. The potassium found in ACV is said to help reduce mucous production. To effectively treat
a sinus infection, a home remedy like apple cider vinegar will make it much easier for your system to clear
up all of the symptoms associated with the infection. Taken regularly, apple cider vinegar will help you
recover from nasal congestion, sinusitis, or any other symptoms associated with the common cold.
Many people decide to take apple cider vinegar on a daily or weekly basis. If you are not taking ACV
regularly, then it is important to begin consuming it as soon as you notice that you have symptoms of a
sinus infection. This home remedy gives you a natural alternative to over the counter medications, and it

may also prevent you from having to see a doctor for prescription medications. Once your symptoms
begin, mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a full 8-ounce glass of cool or warm water. Drink this
mixture 3 times a day, and you will begin to see an immediate improvement in your symptoms. As a sinus
infection home remedy, apple cider vinegar is one of the best treatments that you can find.

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