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In order for us to be encouraged the following five highlights will guide us.
1. Do not lose your faith (Heb. 10:35). To throw away your faith or lose confidence in your
faith is to lose your reward. Our spiritual victory depends on our faith. Peter had the
victory of walking on water because of his faith. When we lose our faith we begin to
walk in fear, the thing that makes you drop your faith makes you pick up fear. Faith is the
opposite of fear. Fear can be defined as false evidence appearing real. In our lives as
children of God we can walk in victory all the time as long as we are firm in our faith.
When we lose our faith like Peter we will drown in our problems and difficulties so do
not lose your faith.
2. Do not be weary in well doing (Gal. 6:9). God knows that we may go through situations
of having being a giver over and over again without getting the resultant blessing you
expect. In giving of our tithes, offerings, first fruit, evangelism, welfare and availability
to work in Church, God encourages us not to be weary because in due season (Gods
season) we will reap. Sometimes difficulties come and they make us feel like quitting
however, do not be tired, do not quit, do not get fed up, because there is a time and season
for everything ordained by God (Eccl. 3:1).Before a man faints he gets weary, when you
faint you fall and you are outside the grace. Cornelius gave much alms and was always
praying and these were kept in Gods memory and God eventually sent an angel to
deliver to him his blessings (Acts. 10:1-4).
3. Do not be in a hurry to decide your destiny: It is God who has chosen us and ordained
us to bear fruit (Jn.15:16). We must be very careful because every time we take a decision
outside Gods will it will come back to haunt us. Jesus is the author and the finisher of
our faith, which means that He is the writer and the reader of our lives. In Jesus hands we
are His bestselling and favorite book. Oftentimes we feel like finishing our race
ourselves, Elijah had given up his destiny and wanted to die but, God knew that He was
still going to take him very far (1 Kings 19:4, 7).When you are in a hurry to decide your
destiny you take the hands of God off where He wants to take you and choose for
yourself what you want to be. We should let Gods perfect will always be complete in us
and not be hasty in deciding our destinies because God still has a lot of work for you to
do. After Jesus was crucified Peter went back to fishing which was not Gods destiny for
him, he however was eventually restored back to being Jesus disciple.
4. Do not feel forsaken (Is.40:27-31). No matter what we are going through we must not
feel forsaken, because God is there with us and promises us strength when we are weak,
fresh vision when we seem to be losing focus. God never forgets, He is ever mindful of
us, no matter how prolonged our difficulties may seem (Ps. 115:12).

5. Do not forget Gods timing. Even Jesus understood that there was a timing (John
2:4).What kills many is the haste to bring to now what God has ordained for later. We
need to stop fretting and wait for Gods time. Abraham almost missed it completely when
he did not wait for Gods time, but he eventually received his child of promise. That
blessing you are waiting for will be the test of your faith. Situations will come that that
will try you, that not having money, a husband or a wife, a car, but one day that word will
come round and become came because you would have overcome (Ps. 105:19).
Beloved do not be weary, be encouraged because there is a God in Israel and He is not unmindful
of you He knows you for who you are.

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