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Name: Tosha Brown


Please answer the questions in the space provided. Please type your answers and submit it
to the Drop BOX by 11:30 pm on the due date.
You may use the textbook, PowerPoint slides, and reliable Web Pages (No Wikipedia!) This is
NOT a group assignment.
1. What is name of highest court in Georgia? Supreme Court
2. In what state judicial district is Clayton County located? 6th state judicial district
3. What federal district court is located in Atlanta? Federal district court for the northern district
of Georgia
4. The federal court of appeals for Georgia and 2 other states is located in which circuit? 11th
circuit with Florida and Alabama
5. What is the difference between what federal district courts and federal courts of appeal do?
Federal district courts are trial courts and have general jurisdiction and Federal courts of appeal
are appellate courts they do not have general jurisdiction they have appellate jurisdiction to
review the cases if they choose from the federal district court (trial courts)
6. In which books or official sources could you find a U. S. Supreme Court decision? Supreme
Court Reporter and the United States Supreme Court Reports
7. Decisions from what general types of courts are considered precedent? Every court except
supreme court and appellate courts.
8. What do you call the person who brings a lawsuit? Plaintiff
9. What is the difference between jurisdiction and venue? Jurisdiction is what court will
hear the case and the Venue is where you actually go to court
10. What types of cases may be heard in federal court? According to the U.S. courts web site,
examples of federal cases are those involving crimes under federal statutes; cases that apply
only to federal property; cases that arise under treaties; cases involving interstate and
international commerce, bankruptcy, securities and commodities regulation; disputes between
states; and habeas corpus cases. Federal courts also have diversity of citizenship jurisdiction
where the parties to the case are from different states.

11. What is meant by a directed verdict? a directed verdict is an order from the presiding
judge to the jury to return a particular verdict
12. What is the purpose of discovery in a civil trial? For the prosecution and the defense to
present their evidence
13. When can a Georgia Court hear a case involving federal law? If the citizens are from the
same state there would be no diversity jurisdiction.
14. What is meant be a Judgment N.O.V.? When is the motion for one made? Judgment
notwithstanding the verdict, many statutes and rules require that the moving party must have
previously sought a directed verdict, and that the grounds for the JNOV motion be the same or
nearly the same as those for the directed verdict.
15. Must Supreme Courts hear all cases appealed to them? If not, what cases do they hear?
No, they hear courts dealing with federal laws and only if the panel decides to hear them if they
decide against hearing the case the lower court ruling stands.

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