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Persuasive Essay Outline

1. Attention Grabber: Statistic-Secondhand smoke causes almost 50,000 deaths in adult
nonsmokers in the United States each year, including approximately 3,400 from lung
cancer and 22,700-69,600 from heart disease. (American Lung Association)
2. Although smokers are the ones directly inhaling the smoke from their cigarettes, they
put everyones life in jeopardy. Those around them are not given the choice as to whether
they will inhale the toxic air. With the increasing evidence of the dangers of smoking and
second-hand smoke, there is no longer a place for smoking in society.
3. Thesis-It is imperative that the federal government bans the sale of cigarettes to
promote the safety of its citizens.
Concession and Rebuttal:
1. Smokers believe they have the freedom to smoke as the U.S. provides freedom of
choice; therefore, as citizens, they have the right to smoke if they so choose.
2. Nonetheless, their freedom to smoke impedes other citizens liberties as they do not get
to choose whether or not to inhale air contaminated with second hand smoke that may be
harmful to their health.
3. According to, 3,000 nonsmoking adults die of diseases caused
by exposure to second hand smoke every year.
4. If given the freedom to choose, an individual would not put their health at risk and
choose to breathe second hand smoke.
5- 8. Repeat process with a 2nd concession and rebuttal
9. In order to protect all citizens, the federal government must eliminate the sale of
cigarettes within American society.
Body Paragraphs:
Paragraph #1-More importantly, smoking-related problems among children require they
be protected by the law.
1. behavioral problems
a. Karl Hill, a research associate professor at the University of Washingtons Social
Development Research Group states, If your parents were smokers it is a double
whammy because you are more likely to use drugs in general and even more likely to
smoke cigarettes." ( Hill and
Jennifer Bailey, a UW research scientist, conducted a study exploring smoking, heavy
drinking and marijuana use across three generations. Their findings indicate that the
children of a parent who uses any of these substances are more likely to smoke, binge
drink or use marijuana in adolescence and adulthood.
b. Children whose parents smoke in their presence are being set up to repeat the same
behavior or even worse, turn to harder drugs. Consequently, a childs behavior may be
damaged by their parents smoking habit.
c. The researchers also found a link to child behavior problems such as conduct disorder
(getting into fights, stealing), attention deficit disorder (lack of focus, can't sit still or
maintain attention) and oppositional defiant disorder (problems with authority).

d. If the child does not end up acquiring their own smoking habit, their behavior in
general is harmed. They are at a disadvantage to succeed in life while their parents freely
practice their personal freedom.
2. life-long health issues
a. College students who were exposed to high levels of environmental tobacco smoke
(ETS) as children maintained higher blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, and heart rate
at rest and during psychological stress compared to students who grew up with low levels
of ETS (
b. The tobacco smoke in the home environment has a lasting effect on the children who
inhale it. As adults they cannot escape the harm the second hand smoke causes.
Life is full of challenges and obstacles, parents who smoke only create more problems for
their children. If parents are incapable of modeling appropriate behavior, the
government must intervene and not allow adults cigarette smoke to be a detriment to a
childs future.
Paragraph #2- In addition to protecting the health of innocent children, the environment
needs sheltering from the destructive smoke cigarettes produce.
1. pollution
a. ETS has been shown to produce more particulate-matter (PM) pollution than an idling
low-emission diesel engine.
b. With the increasing depletion of air quality and the ozone, banning cigarettes can aid in
safeguarding the environment for future generations.
c. Aside from the emission of smoke, the packaging used for cigarettes defiles the
ecosystem: 2 billion empty cigarette packs and 50 billion cigarette butts with nonbiodegradable filters are disposed of each year.
d. The governments prohibiting the sale of cigarettes will undoubtedly save resources
that can be used to benefit society rather than wasting them to satiate individuals
injurious addictions.
Cigarettes are destructive to society.
The government must intervene for the wellbeing of all of its citizens.
Contact local elected officials
Participate in local clean up days (beaches, city parks) to properly dispose of
cigarette butts
Contact the local health department to report public places that do not follow the
law about smoking restrictions

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