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Goal Setting and Deligation

Goal setting
Goal setting is the process through which the targets are defined to create
value. Goals will decide where you want to go and what you need to do to
get there. For example reaching the break even point within three years from
the start of Fly_Serendib is a goal.
Goals can be catagorized as unit goals,Individual goals and Stratagic
goals.The stratagic goals represent the organizational level .Therefore all the
unit and individual level goals should align with the stratagic goals to
achieve the organizational level goals. Also,the goal development should be
progressed towards organization starting from the individual.
The goals are possible to be developed using techniques such as, brain
stroming and seeking outside input. That can be done either by answering a
set of questions which guide goal setting or by focusing on getting
information from special areas that which would help the process.
When developing
goals, they should be prioratized according to the
importance to the company, while consolidating overlapping goals,if any,into
a one large goal.There,priortizing short term goals rather long term ones,
maintatning balance between qualitative and quantitative goals should be
Making tha goals SMART (Specific,Time-limited, Action-oriented,Realistic and
Measurable) is also important. for example, Fly_Serendib's goal to achieve a
profit of XXXX$ by 31st March 2017 is a SMART goal.
Then to accomplish the developed goals,they should be properley tracked so
that to focus on"Specific goals".There, avoiding pitfalls and fostering
achivement will direct the track.
Finally, the goals should be evaluated.For that, continuing the cycle of
Reviewing, Updating,Reviising and Modifying can be used. With this,the
impact could be identified and so that lessons could also be learnt.
As a whole, the total process of Goal setting consists of the four main steps
Setting,Developing ,Accomplishing and Evaluating of Goals.

Delegation is a person (Most probably a manager) transfering responsibility
of carrying out an assignment to another person(A surbodinate). There, the
accountability for maintaining established standards is tranfered.
Eventhough delegation has some argivements, it has been a must in today's
busy business context.So it develops and improves Trust,Team bonding ,
Produtivity and many more positive points within the organization.
The four steps; Envisioning (Leader himself) as a leader, Keeping a track of
daily records,Integrating deligation in to current schedule and Asking the
team to hold accountable to the leader can be followed to make the
deligaton process effective .
In addition, a propper preparation for the deligation is importent. There, Why,
How,What and To whom to deligate could be clarified.For example the CEO of
Fly_Serendib deligating respective tasks to few department heads,
demonstrates "To whom " the delegation is. As a result, selecting the 'RIGHT
PERSON' to perform a task as expected is the ultimate goal of deligation.
Once preperation is over,the communication of the assignment to the
assigned party is required. Also, the asignee should be granted an adequate
authority in decision making based on his competency and within possible
Finally, a continious monitoring and supporting process should be established
assignment,Poviding support, Handling reverse delegation ,Resolving
problems and Stepping back with reflection would makeit a success. For
example, the CEO of Fly_Serendib conduting continious progress meetings
weekly with the Operations Manger of the airline will support operations
manager in his assignment.
in conclution, delegation is the final result of the successful completion of all
above; to transfer responsibility to subordinates.

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