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BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

Assessment cover sheet

In order for your assessment to be marked you must complete and upload all
tasks and this cover sheet via the AAMC Training Group portal. Your assessment
tasks must be uploaded in an electronic format i.e. Word, Excel, PDF or Scan. Please see
the step-by-step instructions in your Member Area on how to upload assessments.

Course name:

Assessment name:
BSBOHS303B Assessment

Surname: LYU

Given name: JIACHEN

Address: 25 Henning Avenue, Lynbrook, VIC


Phone (work): 0431792520

Phone (home):

Current occupation: Compliance Officer

Industry: Finance

Length of service in industry: 1.5 Years

When you upload your assessment you will be asked to confirm that your assessment submission to AAMC
Training is your own work and NOT the result of plagiarism or excessive collaboration, and that all material
used from any third party has been identified and referenced appropriately. AAMC Training may conduct
independent evaluation checks and contact your supervisor to discuss your assessment.

Checklist of attachments:
Option A

National Recognition and supporting documentation

Option B

Task 1 Workplace project

Task 2 Short answer
Task 3 Workplace project
Task 4 Case study

Please indicate style of course undertaken:

Face to face

Trainers name:

Once your assessment has been successfully uploaded it will be pending review with your
nominated course assessor. Your assessor will mark your assessment and you will receive an
email advising you if you have been assessed as satisfactory. If you are marked as not yet
satisfactory you will be contacted and asked to provide additional information or re-visit the
assessment and re-upload your amended case study or written tasks.
Please contact our head office if you need assistance with your assessment:
Office: +61 8 9344 4088 Fax: +61 8 9344 4188 Email:

Assessment V4.2

AAMC Training Group


BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

BSBOHS303B Assessment
OPTION A Application for National Recognition
You may have already received competency from the FNS10 Financial Services Training
Package for the unit listed below. If you are satisfactory in this unit of competency,
please complete Option A Application for National Recognition and upload, along with
supporting documentation to receive National Recognition for these units.
If you have not attained this unit of competency, please print the Option B Written
assessment tasks section of this document and complete as required.








Units of competency for National Recognition:

Unit code

Unit name

BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

I have read the National Recognition Policy and understand that if this application is successful that I will
be given automatic exemption in the relevant units of competency as detailed above. I understand that I
will only receive automatic exemption for these units upon successful submission of a statement of
attainment for each unit.
I have supplied a *certified copy of my statement of attainment for the units which I am claiming
recognition. (If your qualification was obtained through AAMC Training, an uncertified copy will be
sufficient as AAMC Training can confirm the authenticity of your units of competencies.)


*Copies of documents provided in support of an application, or other purpose required by the National Law, must be
certified as true copies of the original documents. For a list of persons who can certify documents:
Certified documents must:

Be initialled on every page by the Authorised Officer.

Annotated on the last page as appropriate e.g. I have sighted the original document and certify this to be a
true copy of the original and signed by the Authorised Officer.

List the name, date of certification, and contact phone number and position number (if relevant) and have the
stamp or seal of the Authorised Officer (if relevant) applied.


AAMC Training Group

Assessment V4.2

BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

OPTION B Written assessment tasks

Specific resources for assessment must ensure:

access to relevant information on compliance requirements such as:


organisational policies, standard operating procedures, procedures and plans

relevant legislation, regulations, licensing requirements, codes of practice, standards

access to relevant internal and external data files

access to appropriate computer resources needed for the management of identification

and rectification of breaches in compliance requirements.

Task 1 Workplace project

To complete this task you may use the templates at the rear of this assessment or download
them from AAMC Trainings Useful Resources.

Identify three (3) hazards in your workplace. To do this you will need to conduct a work
area inspection using a workplace inspection checklist. If your workplace does not
have a checklist you may use the template provided. If you are struggling to find three
hazards in your workplace, fictitious hazards may be invented.
Please find the checklist

Workplace Inspection Checklist - Office


DATE: 13-01-2016

LOCATION: 333 Collin St, Melbourne


No Comments


Are they clean and readable?

Is the material changed frequently?

Is there loose material, debris, damaged flooring or worn carpeting?

Certain parts of the carpet in the

accounting department are worn

Are the floors slippery, oily or wet?


Are they clear and unblocked?

Are stairways well lighted?

Are the aisles marked and visible?

Are guards, screens and sound-dampening devices in place and

Is the furniture safe?

- worn or badly designed chairs

There are three out of 60 chairs

are broken in the office.

- sharp edges on desks and cabinets

- poor ergonomics (keyboard elevation, chair adjustment)

Assessment V4.2

AAMC Training Group


BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

Are ladders safe, well maintained and properly affixed?

Is all fire control equipment regularly tested?

Is fire control equipment appropriate for the type of fire it must control?

Is emergency lighting in place and regularly tested?

Do buildings conform to relevant standards with respect to use,
occupancy, building services, and plumbing facilities?

Are the following structures built to ensure safety?

- swinging doors

- floor and wall openings

- ladders, stairways and ramps

- guardrails

Does air exchange rate meet standard requirements?

Is the system free of sources of contamination (asbestos, microorganisms and dust fumes)?

Is humidity at standard level?

Does ventilation control smoke and fumes?



Have all dangerous substances been identified?

- chemical, physical and biological properties

- adverse health effects

- exposure levels for workers

- correct handling methods

Have the proper authorities carried out tests?

Are test results made available to all safety committee members, to

employee safety representatives and employees?

Have substitutes been requested?

Are dangerous substances properly labelled?

Are washrooms and food preparation areas clean?

Is there adequate provision of the following?

- toilets

- showers

- potable water

- clothing storage

- changing rooms

- field accommodations

- lunchrooms

Are measures in place to prevent the spread of disease?

Do entry and exit procedures provide workers personal security at night?

Are emergency (evacuation, fire, bomb threat) procedures in place?

Are lamp reflectors clean?

Are bulbs missing?

Are any areas dark?


AAMC Training Group

Assessment V4.2

BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

Are materials neatly and safely piled?

Are passageways and work areas clear of obstructions?

Are extension cables used extensively?

Are electrical or telephone cords exposed in areas where employees


Are any potentially dangerous machines properly guarded?

Is electrical wiring properly concealed?

Is the fixed electrical subject to routine inspection and test?

Is portable electrical equipment subject to routine inspection?

Does any equipment have sharp metal projections?

Are wall and ceiling fixtures fastened securely?

Are paper and waste properly disposed of?

Are desk and file drawers kept closed when not in use?

Are office accessories in secure places?

Are materials stacked on desks or cabinets?

Are file cabinet drawers overloaded?

Are filing stools or wastebaskets placed where they might be tripping



Once you have identified the hazards; complete a risk assessment using a risk


Risk description what can
happen and how it can happen




Optional comments

Risk identified



3. Now complete a hazard alert form/report outlining one of your identified hazards,
root cause/ subsequent implications and minimize the risk by using the hierarchy
of controls, i.e. what control methods have been recommended. Please note there are
examples of hazard alert form / tracking log in the AAMC Training useful resources or
within the learning material you may use as a guide.

Task 2 Short answer questions

Provide a brief outline on how you plan to ensure/support/contribute to ongoing
evaluation/monitoring of new hazards and those currently identified.

Assessment V4.2

AAMC Training Group


BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment


Task 3 Workplace project

1. What are an employers legal responsibilities for OH&S in the workplace? As part of your
response; ensure you name the Health and Safety Act and regulations. You may wish to
access this website to support your response. In addition review employer responsibilities
for your state:

Adequately induct, inform, train and supervise staff to ensure safe OHS practices are
understood and upheld by all team-members.

Consult with all employees regarding any decision relating to OHS in the workplace

Provide all appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) required to ensure

workers can complete their job safely. Train workers in the correct use of the

Monitor and evaluate OHS systems and procedures to ensure that workers are
adequately protected from workplace hazards

Provide adequate facilities for the welfare of employees. This covers everything from
providing suitable toileting facilities to conducting risk assessments on plant and

Be aware of employers legal obligations and meet those obligations in full.

Acts and regulations about OHS in the state I live, namely Victoria, which should be followed
in daily operations, are summarized as follows:
The acts are linked to PDF copies held at Victorian Law Today.
Accident Compensation Act 1985
Accident Compensation (Occupational Health and Safety) Act 1996
Workers Compensation Act 1958
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
Dangerous Goods Act 1985
Equipment (Public Safety) Act 1994
Mines Act 1958
Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013


AAMC Training Group

Assessment V4.2

BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

Regulations set out mandatory requirements under the Acts and are linked to PDF copies
held at Victorian Law Today.
Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2011
Dangerous Goods (Explosives) and (Transport by Road or Rail) Amendment Regulations
Dangerous Goods (HCDG) Regulations 2005
Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2012
Dangerous Goods (Transport by Road or Rail) Regulations 2008
Equipment (Public Safety) Regulations 2007
Magistrates' Court (Occupational Health and Safety) Rules 2005
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007
Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations 2014
Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation (Savings and Transitional) Regulations

2. Review the health and safety policies and procedures of your company or another
company available via the internet i.e.; Woolworths provide OH&S Safety Policies on their
website for contractors. Comment on why you believe it is important for an
employer/company to have organisational policies, standard operating procedures and
plans in place.
After reviewing the OH&S policies from Melbourne University, I found it important
important for an employer/company to have organisational policies, standard operating
procedures and plans in place based on following reasons
Improving the workplace climate
It is well known that employees perform better in a workplace whose staff has high
motivation and morale. Significant contributors to high motivation and morale among
staff are freedom from the risk of physical or psychological pain and disease such as pain
resulting from injuries joint or muscle pain back pain stress anxiety or depression. Good
OHS performance in workplaces is linked to improved morale reduced sick leave and
improved retention of staffs. Putting effort into OHS is an excellent way to demonstrate to
staff that the leadership team cares about their wellbeing - resulting in fewer
injuries greater job satisfaction increased motivation and better industrial relations as
well as better employee performance.
Meeting community expectations
Workplace communities expect that workplace leaders will ensure that people who come
into the workplace will go home at the end of the day as healthy as they arrived.

Assessment V4.2

AAMC Training Group


BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

Furthermore workplaces have a responsibility to model healthy and safe workplaces for
their employees who are the employers and employees of the future.
Reducing costs
Improving a workplace's OHS performance has a direct impact on its budget. Lower sick
leave rates reduce the need to engage more OHS officers; and better staff retention
lowers recruitment and replacement costs. In addition good OHS performance reduces
the risk of public liability claims and has the potential to reduce WorkCover premiums.
Meeting legal obligations
The legal requirements in relation to health and safety are set out in the Occupational
Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act) and the Occupational Health and Safety
Regulations 2007. All employers have a legal obligation to provide a healthy and safe
workplace so far as it is reasonably practicable to do so.

Task 4 Case Study

Read the following scenario regarding hazardous substances, and answer the corroborating
Scenario: The following incident has just occurred in your office:
It started when the drain in the kitchen got blocked. Your colleague (Jenny) was sent
out to buy Drano. The Drano fixed the drain up and staff went about their normal
work duties. About two weeks later Daniel, who was on paternity leave, came into the
branch. He had his two year old daughter Chloe with him. Whilst Daniel was chatting
with one of the people in the office, Chloe (his daughter) came out of the kitchen with
the open tin of Drano in her hands.
Chloe was alright, she hadnt eaten any of it. But it could have been really serious.

1. Complete an incident report to report this occurrence. You can either use your own
companys incident report forms or use example found in the learning guide or Useful
Please find the incident report form in the appendix.
2. Who would you report it to? Why?
I reported the incident to my supervisor (OHS manager) and we ended up getting a
lockable cupboard and training everyone on the procedures for hazardous chemicals.

3. Explain your workplace emergency first aid procedure in dealing with this situation.


AAMC Training Group

Assessment V4.2

BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

Seek immediate medical help

Try and identify the poison if possible

Check for signs like burns around mouth, breathing difficulty or vomiting

Induce vomiting if poison swallowed

In case of convulsions, protect the person from self injury

If the vomit falls on the skin, wash it thoroughly

Position the victim on the left till medical help arrives

4. Explain the recommendations you would make for storing and using hazardous chemicals
(such as Drano) in your workplace.

Where possible do not store chemicals in kitchens, keep them in a designated area for
storing chemicals

Ensure all hazardous substances are stored in a secure location

Do not store hazardous substances on a shelf above head height

Maintain clear separation of storage of hazardous substances from non-hazardous


Ensure that all hazardous substances are kept in undamaged containers with secure
caps or lids


Workers should obtain and read instructions for use, consult the Safety Data Sheets
(SDS), and know safe handling precautions to take before working with a hazardous

Labelling and identification

Record details of all hazardous substances kept

Maintain file of SDS for all hazardous substances used / stored by the workplace

Assessment V4.2

AAMC Training Group


BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

Ensure that all hazardous substances are clearly marked

Dispose of all unidentified substances appropriately


Provide workers with instruction in dealing with spillages of hazardous substances,

including the name of contacts to arrange clean up

Warn others to stay clear of spillage site

Workers should obtain and read instructions for use, consult the MSDS, and know safe
handling precautions to take before cleaning up a hazardous substance spillage

Dispose of food which has been, or is suspected of, being exposed to hazardous

First aid treatment

Treat contact with unknown substances with caution until substance is identified

Ensure first aid officers have information about treatment for skin or eye contact
with, and for inhaling or accidentally swallowing, hazardous substances used at the


AAMC Training Group

Assessment V4.2

BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

Workplace Inspection Programme - Guidelines

It is highly desirable that a programme be set up to monitor and inspect the workplace. Such
an inspection programme will:
Enable control measures to be checked
Enable work practices to be observed
Permit the monitoring of risk management performance
Provide a mechanism for identifying hazards
An inspection programme should initially identify the areas to be inspected and the frequency
of inspection. Someone should be made responsible for carrying out inspections.
For each area to be inspected, a checklist should be prepared. The checklist should include
the most significant hazards and the controls that are expected in the area. It should include
not only physical features such as checking that guards are in place and goods are being
stored in the correct areas, but should also include checks to see that the correct working
practices are being followed.
The checklist should be edited to reflect your workplace and the hazards that it might contain.
Inspection Records
When inspections are carried out, a copy of the relevant checklist should be taken with you.
Each item should be ticked or crossed as appropriate and comments recorded if needed.

Assessment V4.2

AAMC Training Group


BSBOHS303B Contribute to OHS hazard identification and risk assessment

Hazard report form

Worker to complete

Please print clearly

Location: 333 Collin St, Melbourne

Date: 14-01-2016

Name: Jiachen Lyu

Reported to: OHS Manager


Employer to complete





Discussed at staff meeting / OHS committee

Date: 14.01.2015

Discussed at staff meeting / OHS committee

Date: 14.01.2015



Employer XXX


Worker XXX


AAMC Training Group

Assessment V4.2

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