Parashah 45 Va'Etchanan (I Pleaded)

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Parashah 45: Va'etchanan (I pleaded)

Parashah 45: Va'etchanan (I pleaded); Deuteronomy 3:23 through 7:11.

Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Isaiah 40:1-26.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Matthew 4:1-11; and 22:33-40; Mark 12:28-
34; Luke 4:1-13 and 10:25-37; Acts 13:13-43; Romans 3:27-31; 1 Timothy 2:4-
6; James 2:14-26.

Summary & Overview

Deuteronomy 3:23 | Moses Views Canaan from Pisgah
Deuteronomy 4:1 | Moses Commands Obedience
Deuteronomy 4:41 | Cities of Refuge East of the Jordan
Deuteronomy 4:44 | Transition to the Second Address
Deuteronomy 5:1 | The Ten Commandments
Deuteronomy 5:22 | Moses the Mediator of God's Will
Deuteronomy 6:1 | The Great Commandment
Deuteronomy 6:10 | Caution against Disobedience
Deuteronomy 7:1 | A Chosen People

Last week we looked at the spirits that pull try to pull you into the valley of death
as well as the tactics of the Serpent creating a counterfeit kingdom within the
Kingdom of YHVH and get YHVH people to work for him without them knowing
it. In this week's Parashah, Moses is continuing to recap the Commandments
to the "new generation."
The name of this Torah Portion is Vaetchanan that means, to be gracious to,
besought, to be favoured, to be pitied, to show favour, to be fair. This is the
opening statement where Moses pleaded with YHVH to allow him to enter the
Promised Land, and YHVH said no. This word is first found in Scripture in Gen
33:5 where Jacob met up with Esau after 20 years. Jacob answered Esau after
his question regarding his family, saying, these are the children YHVH
graciously given your servant (Jacob). This happened right after the
welcoming kiss of Esau, that is a term that points a time in the future called the
Great Tribulation, that will happen before the of Messiah, Who will come to
Connecting this thought back to the context of this Torah Portion, we find a
picture where a leader (Moses) is pleading with YHVH, to enter the Promised
Land and have mercy on him, but YHVH said no. This sounds very harsh, but if
we connect the dots to last Weeks study, you will see the symbolism of Moses,
representing a leader in YHVHs Kingdom, pleading with YHVH to enter the
Kingdom. YHVH said no because these leaders allowed the five spirits to use
them, through whom a counterfeit kingdom was built. They misled and used
YHVHs people to accomplish this vision of the Serpent, and now they face the
same punishment the Serpent will receive. We find a similar verse in Matt 7:21
where the leaders pleads with Yshua to allow them into the Kingdom, but
Yshua said no!
Matt 7:21-23 Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter
the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in
heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many

wonders in Your name? 23 And then I will declare to them, I never knew
you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!
We see the same harsh words similar to what was given to Moses (I do not
imply the Moses is not saved only use symbolism), and this is repeated by
Yshua accusing these leaders as being lawless, just as he accused the
Pharisees of being lawless.
Q What does lawless really mean?
To be lawless is connected to the previous
statement of I never knew you, and this gives us
the second witness if you like, to accurately define
lawlessness. To know someone has to do with a
relationship, it has a deeper meaning that relates to
intimacy between man and his wife within marriage.
We are the Bride of Messiah, and the same language
of spiritual intimacy applies here. One part of being
lawless is not to have an intimate relationship with
Q How do we have intimacy with Yshua before seeing Him face to face?
This is where the second part of Yshua statement comes in; He is the Word
that became flesh and then went back to His Father, becoming the Word
again, because we do not see Him anymore, we only have His Words. This
does not mean that He is not God manifested in the flesh, but His Word is the
only tangible thing we have from Him today, apart from His Spirit.
It is the Holy Spirit that makes the Father and the Son echad or one, and it is
the same Spirit that makes us and Yshua echad or one with Him. He is the
Word (Torah), and if we have both His Word and His Spirit, then we can have
an intimate relationship with Him, that allows us not to be lawless.
There is another angle to look at this term lawless, and that is looking at
another verse where Yshua used the word lawless, that is found in the
context of the 7 Parables that explain the Kingdom concept. The term lawless
is found in the Parable of the tares.
Matt 13:41 The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will
gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice
lawlessness, 42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire.
Those who practice lawlessness will be sought out from within the Kingdom of
YHVH and be pulled out like tares and cast into the furnace of fire. The tares
grew in between the good wheat that produced a crop. The Enemy came and
sowed seeds or tares among the wheat (infiltrated YHVHs Kingdom), and
grew up with the wheat. YHVH allowed this for the sake of the wheat. This
links to last weeks study where the five types of false spirits came and looked
for open doors within the people of YHVH, to sow their evil seed. Those people
will be sought out within the Kingdom and be taken out from among the harvest
and cast into the furnace of fire. This means the term lawlessness is defined
by those five open doors that allowed people to be used by the Serpent to
build a counterfeit kingdom, with all the counterfeit aspects to mislead YHVHs
people (wheat).

These are:
Bringing death to YHVHs Spirit and His Gifts.
Bringing death to the Word, reducing the Water
of the Word to only droplets of dew.
Establishing a counterfeit kingdom within the
Kingdom of YHVH.
Facilitation a counterfeit presence, replacing
the Presence of YHVH.
Allowing counterfeit gifts that replaced Gifts of the Spirit of YHVH.
Building a counterfeit House of God
Introducing a counterfeit king, also known as the Anti-Messiah (in place
of Messiah).
Partaking in these things makes you guilty of lawlessness, replacing all
YHVHs things with a counterfeit. Not to be lawless is to ensure you are
working under the right Authority, serving His purpose and not the enemys, and
to have an intimate relationship with His Word with the help of His Spirit.

Did Moses make it into the Kingdom?

Matthew 17 describes the transfiguration of Yshua
on a high place or mountain and with Him
appeared Moses and Elijah. Moses was present,
and that means that he made it. Moses is also
referred to as the name that relates to the Torah
because he was the one YHVH used to give the
Torah. These three figures on the mount of
transfiguration represent a truth that can be
explained by the Menorah Pattern. Yshua is the
main Branch, the main essence of His being and
the work He came to do. Yshua consists of the
physical manifestation of the Word, God Who came in the flesh to die for us.
Then there is another aspect of Messiah represented by Moses, who represents
the Torah or the one Who gave the Torah, Yshua is the Torah, the Word of
YHVH Who became flesh and dwelled among us. This is YHVHs Instructive
Words, as represented by Moses on one of the side branches of the Menorah.
On the opposite branch to Moses is Elijah, that represents the Prophets or
prophetic Words, representing Yshua speaking or revealing His Fathers will for
man in a future application or time. You need all three to embrace the fullness
of Messiah, His Blood and Body that was sacrificed for us (main branch and
foundation), the Torah or Words that instruct us so that we can walk as He
walked, in Holiness. Then the prophetic words or future promises revealed by
Messiah to us.
Another important principle we see here is that no one makes it to the Promised
Land without Yshua. Even Moses had to encounter Yshua before he could
enter and then appeared with Yshua on the mount of transfiguration as a sign
to us.
Why did YHVH say no?

Moses was disobedient driven by anger and struck the rock twice. YHVH held
Moses to a higher standard because he was the top authority figure. YHVH is
stricter with leaders because they reproduce themselves by setting an
example and have the ability to influence people and speak into their lives. This
means that leaders will receive a greater judgement just like adults are held to
higher standards as children.

Yshua Tempted in the Wilderness

When Yshua was tempted, He quoted the Torah, and two of the quotes came
from this Torah Portion. We are all tempted just like Yshua was tempted, and
we will now look at His responses as He quoted from the Book of Deuteronomy.
Before Yshua was tempted, He was led into the Wilderness.
Q Why the wilderness and why do the wilderness exist?
Isa 14:16-17 Those who see you will gaze at you,
They will ponder over you, saying, 'Is this the man
(the Devil) who made the earth tremble, Who
shook kingdoms, 17Who made the world like a
wilderness and overthrew its cities, Who did not
allow his prisoners to go home?
The first test came to man in the Garden of Eden when the
Serpent tempted Adam and Eve, which they failed, and
something powerful happened to YHVHs Creation as a
consequence. This negative impact caused a part of
YHVHs Creation to fall into a state called the wilderness.
The Serpent made the world a wilderness through
tempting man, caused sin to enter, and resulted in a curse that transformed
YHVHs Creation. This is similar to the tactic Balaam used as we studied
previously. The Devil does not have the power; he uses words (lies) to influence
man that will cause a negative force or curse to be released to contain or
eliminate sin. The negative consequences of sin are like ditches that are dug
around a fire that stop it from devouring everything around it.
Spiritual Insight: When Yshua was tempted, it was in the place that was
created by the Serpent, so that He (Yshua) could restore the place of the
curse (wilderness), back to the paradise or garden it used to be. The key was
to pass the tests and overcome the temptation with the Word of YHVH. Every
test that is passed or every temptation that is resisted releases a powerful
force or blessing, that will restore that part of YHVH Creation, the test took
place in.
Personal Application: This principle relates to us as well. If you are not
tempted, nothing will change in your life; no negative or positive impact will
be in your life. We can call this the comfort zone. When you are tempted
and fail the test, powerful negative consequences will ripple through your life
and cause you to deteriorate physically, spiritually and emotionally. You will
experience these adverse consequences as attracts by Satan or curses.
When you are tempted and pass the test, the same principle holds true and
powerful positive impact will touch those areas associated with the theme of
the test, affecting and restoring your life in a positive way. You will
experience these things as blessings.

The temptation is the package that will deliver something great into your
life if you stand the test and not fall. Count it all joy when you fall into various
temptations because you have the ability to change things for the good if, you
stand the test and not fail. [James 1:1-2]
Another way of looking at these tests is that nothing will be restored or
changed without a trial or temptation in your life. YHVH allows temptations so
that He can change you and without temptations, you will stay the same; an
inferior sinful person that is bound in a fallen state. To set you free, you have
to go through these tests, and through the power of His Word, you can
neutralise every attack or temptation of the Opposer. This is how Yshua
overcame the attacks of the Devil in the wilderness, standing through these
temptations, speaking His Word into those situations.
Matthew 4:1-4 Then Yshua was led by
the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted
by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and Test 1: This is the area
forty nights, he was hungry.3 The where you will be tempted
tempter came to him and said, If you are internally to expose who
the Son of God, tell these stones to become you really are.
bread. 4 Yshua answered, It is written:
Man shall not live on bread alone, but on
every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Yshua could have quoted numerous verses from other parts in Scripture, but
He chose to quote from the Book of Deuteronomy.
Q Why was the Book of Deuteronomy chosen?
In last weeks Torah Portion, we learned that everything that is repeated is
underlining its importance. Moses repeats the Torah to the people of Israel after
40 years of experience, walking in Torah, making this Book more part of
Mosess life than the first time he received it from YHVH. It was as if Moses had
a lot of time to meditate on the Torah and gives us the idea that Moses and the
Torah became one after 40 years. There are a richness and depth to the Book
of Deuteronomy that makes it different to the Books of Exodus and Leviticus.
Another reason is found in the number 40; Yshua quoted from this Book after
enduring 40 days in the Wilderness, and Moses repeats the Torah in this Book
after 40 years in the Wilderness, see the connection? That links the passage
where Yshua was tempted with the Book of Deuteronomy and this context and
Hebrew Study Tip
Whenever someone quoted from the Books of the Torah, they did not have
chapter and verses, they quoted a phrase within the passage they want to
reference, and the people who listened had to know the whole passage
that contains that reference, to understand the teaching.
The first temptation was followed by Yshua quoting from Deuteronomy chapter
8, that is in next weeks Portion.
Deut 8:2-3 Remember how the YHVH YOUR ELOHIM led you all the way
in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you to know what
was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.

3 He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with
manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you
that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes
from the mouth of YHVH.
YHVH led Israel into the wilderness to test them just like Yshua was led into the
wilderness to test Him. YHVH "caused them to hunger just like Yshua was
caused to hunger by His Father. There are four reasons why YHVH allows you
to be tested:
To see what was in your hearts, what is your initial response.
He will test to see if you will still walk according to His Word, adhering to
His Commandments, during this time of pressure.
To see if you will stay humble, still submitting to YHVHs authority, or will
you rebel and move out under His authority.
Lastly, He allows test to teach you something very valuable that you can
apply in your life later on.
Personal Application: Every time you are tested, the test will reveal the
essence and depth of your relationship with Him; what is really in your heart,
what your first spontaneous reactions will be, and if you will stay humble and
know your place in the relationship during this time. Thirdly, He tests you to
see if you will still honour His standards and walk in His ways, even if it
becomes difficult to do so. Are you at least trying you best or is it too hard?
It is crucial to understand that the temptation will reveal the area in your life
YHVH is currently working on, the things He wants to change, He will
challenge. We are His workmanship, and He is actively sculpting you like
potters clay to create a beautiful vessel that will contain Him, His Word and
His Ways.
Think for a minute what challenges you are currently facing, and try to
pinpoint the area He is dealing with in your life that is not in line with His
Word. With this understanding, we should allow Him to work in us and do a
perfect work so that we can be changed and our relationship with Him
becomes stronger and stronger. If you cooperate with Him, then the duration
of the test will reduce. For example, are you challenged by finances, maybe
you are an impulsive spender or have an issue with greed and
stinginess? Are you challenged through a broken or bad relationship,
perhaps there is a root of bitterness or un-forgiveness in either or
both parties that need to be resolved?

Test and Trial Triggers.

There are two reasons why tests are triggered in our lives; the first reason is
that all have fallen areas or gaps in your life that need to be restored. Every
challenge you face is related to one or more of these gaps that need
addressing, and the way to fix them is through testing and trials related to
your fallen areas. YHVH chooses which area needs addressing first, and He
prioritises these trails to build you up and close the gaps as you pass these
tests. This is similar to the example where Yshua was tested in the place that
was affected by sin (wilderness) to restore it back to its former glory.

The second reason for being tested is related to your desires. YHVH is the
Creator and wants to bestow all His blessings upon us as a good Father would.
We are all vessels that have the capability to receive. The question is, is your
vessel large enough to contain your desires? Any desire you have can be met
but sometimes you are not ready to receive and the blessing you desire, might
be too big for your vessel and will corrupt you, bringing chaos to your life. For
example, if you have not learned to work wisely with money or are stingy,
having a self-centered and self-serving attitude, then riches will corrupt you
because you will not be able to handle it. Your vessel is then too small and
have to be stretched before you can receive that desire. How is your vessel
expanded to allow blessings into your life without corrupting you? The way
YHVH does this is first to give you the opposite of what you desire, challenging
the limits of your vessel, to stretch you and prepare you to receive the blessing
that you will be able to handle.

Dark Cloud - Silver Lining

Deut 8: 7-9 For the YHVH YOUR ELOHIM is bringing you into a good
land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, that flow out of
valleys and hills; 8 a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and
pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; 9 a land in which you will
eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing; a land whose
stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig copper.
Reading further from Deut 8, the passage Yshua quoted from, we find the
reference to bread and stones, but in the context of the blessings that will follow
if you live from every Word that comes from YHVH. This passage highlights
what is on the other side of the temptation, the paradise after it is restored
after you pass the test and not fall when you are tempted.

Yshua Tempted at the Temple

Matt 4:5-7 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city,
set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him,
If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is
written: He shall give His angels charge over you, and,
In their hands, they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your
foot against a stone. 7 Yshua said to him, It is written
again, You shall not tempt YHVH YOUR ELOHIM.
It was as if the Devil took Yshua to Church, to the place where
you assemble with other believers to worship YHVH. This is one
of the areas where the Devil will definitely tempt you, at the place
where you worship YHVH.
Q Why did he take Yshua to the pinnacle of the Temple, why
not a high cliff?
There is an ancient prophecy that is recorded in Test 2: This is the area
the Jewish writings that when Messiah comes, He
where you will be tempted
will come from the Mount of Olives and go to the
Pinnacle of the Temple and from there He will in the Church or place of
descend in plain view of the people. The Devil is Worship tempted by false
actually tempting Yshua to fulfil this prophecy to doctrines.

reveal Himself as the Messiah, that could have avoided Him much suffering,
supernaturally descending from the Temple. In this temptation, the Devil uses
Scripture to fight back with the sword of the Word. He quoted Ps 91:11 but not
verse 12 where it said that you would trample on the head of the serpent. This
is quite ironic for him to quote this passage because it reveals his destiny after
being defeated. Then Yshua quoted from Deuteronomy chapter 6, from this
weeks Torah Portion.
Deut 6:16-19 You shall not tempt YHVH YOUR ELOHIM as you
tempted Him in Massah. 17 You shall diligently keep the Commandments
of YHVH YOUR ELOHIM, His testimonies, and His statutes which He has
commanded you. 18 And you shall do what is right and good in the sight
of YHVH, that it may be well with you, and that you may go in and
possess the good land of which YHVH swore to your fathers, 19 to cast out
all your enemies from before you, as YHVH has spoken.
Massah means temptation and is the place where Israel tempted YHVH when
they probably said, God, if You are here, and if you are real, do a miracle.
Q - How many of us had tempted YHVH by similar words when we faced a
difficult situation?
Are we tempting YHVH in the same way when we go after Evangelists and
Prophets who perform signs and wonders, trying to test if YHVH is real? We
should believe in YHVH and not in miracles. Massah comes from the root word
nasa that means tempt, and this is found in Gen 22:1 where YHVH came to
Abraham and tempt him by asking him to offer up Isaac, his only son. This is a
picture of the real miracle that was done by our Father, Who offered up His only
Son, Yshua, Who died for us and through Him, came the miracle of salvation,
not the miracle of descending from the roof. Yshua is the Miracle, and not
the sign or wonder that comes from His hand. Yshua proved Himself as the
Messiah through laying down His life, not through doing miracles. Seeking the
hand of Yshua (miracles) instead of the Person Yshua is the same as tempting
YHVH at Massah.
Miracles only meet a need; it does not necessarily promote maturity and
wisdom. If you seek wisdom and want to grow up spiritually, you need YHVHs
Word (Yshua), not miracles. Miracles do not have a good track record of
changing and maintaining peoples faith. An example of this is where only one
of the ten lepers came back to Yshua. Yshua Himself said that it is an evil and
adulterous generation that seeks after signs and wonders. [Matt 16:4] Miracles
are good and have a place in reaching and helping people, but should never be
elevated above YHVH, desiring the supernatural instead of the supernatural
God Who is behind the miracles.
Personal Application: When you have a need, your desire should be to
move closer to YHVH and to be changed, not to have your needs met or to
have your situation changed. Desiring anything above Him adds no value to
your relationship with Him. YHVHs desire is to reveal Himself to you and He
hides in situations to get your attention. If you only focus on the outcome,
you will miss Him completely. When you are faced with difficult times, ask
Him to reveal Himself to you, so that you can meet Him in that situation, even
if He does not provide an outcome.

The outcome is there and will come, it is behind the dark cloud, but YHVH
is within the dark cloud, and you should be ready to meet with Him as you
go through difficult times.
Yshua quoted from Deut 6:16 but before this passage, in Deut 6:4-9 contains
the Hebrew text that is placed inside the Mezuzah. The Mezuzah symbolises a
Bondservant of YHVH and is a sign of the Threshold Covenant. (Please read
the teaching on Passover). This is also the same passage Yshua quoted when
He was tempted by the Pharisees regarding the Greatest Commandment. They
tempted Yshua in the Temple, the same way the Devil tempted Him on the roof
of the Temple, and you will be confronted with the same tests.
Matt 22:35:40 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a
question, testing Him, and saying,36 Teacher, which is the great
Commandment in the Torah? 37 Yshua said to him, You shall love
YHVH YOUR ELOHIM with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all
your mind. 38 This is the first and great Commandment. 39 And the
second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. 40 On these
two Commandments hang all the Torah and the Prophets.
The irony of this passage is that some Teachers and Pastors quote from this
passage in Matthew to teach that the Torah is done away with and replaced by
the Commandment of love. Matthew 22 is a quote from the Book of
Deuteronomy that is repeating the Torah, emphasising its importance,
especially in showing your love towards YHVH through obeying the
Commandments. This is one of the tests you have to pass, do you believe
Matthew in the context of Deuteronomy 6 or in the context of todays doctrines?
Fundamental Principle: The ground rules regarding doctrines are; they
should be confirmed by two or more witnesses or verses, they should never
contradict any other passage in Scripture, and they should never be
formulated from verses that are grey areas, that can be interpreted in
various ways that can create contradictions.
Relating these tests in the church to last weeks study on the spirits that
infiltrated the church, shows us that there will be many tests and temptations
wherever YHVHs people are because the enemy will come and test you where
you worship. If you pass the test in the church, then there will be a powerful
spiritual thing happen in your life that will do a deeply spiritual work within you,
restoring your land or your inner nature, so that you can become more like

Blessings vs. Miracles

Deut 6:10-11 So it shall be, when YHVH YOUR ELOHIM brings you into
the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not
build, 11 houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out
wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not
plantwhen you have eaten and are full
After they had entered the Promised Land, YHVH promised them four things;
cities, houses, wells and orchards. One of the main reasons they received these
promises is because the miracles stopped as soon as they entered the land.
promise. The cloud protected them during the day; now they have houses.

Instead of travelling in tribal arrays, they now have cities and lands to live in.
Instead of the water that came from the rock, they have chiselled cisterns and
wells. Instead of the supernatural food falling from the sky each day, they had
orchards with trees and vineyards. The miracles physically stopped, but the
essence of the miracles became embedded in their lives through the blessings
YHVH provided.
The theme of this chapter is to make sure that your obedience to YHVH is the
number one priority in your life and all these things (blessings) will be added to
you. When you focus on YHVH, and He is your main desire, then all these
things the Devil took from man by introducing sin, will be restored and given
back to YHVHs people.
Matt 6:31-34 Therefore do not worry,
saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we
drink? or What shall we wear? 32 For after all
these things the Gentiles seek. For your
heavenly Father knows that you need all these
things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and
His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you.34 Therefore do not worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its
own things. Sufficient for the day is its own
Trouble is the word that comes from the root word kakos that means harm,
bad, evil things, that can be associated with all the things that can tempt you
every day. Seek and put YHVH first, overcome temptations and pass every test,
then YHVH will give you all the things He promised and restore everything the
Devil has stolen.
Joel 2:25-27 And I will restore to you the years that the locust has
eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my
great army which I sent among you. 26 And you shall eat in plenty, and be
satisfied, and praise the name of YHVH YOUR ELOHIM, that has dealt
wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. 27 And you
shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am YHVH YOUR
ELOHIM, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.
This verse once again emphases the fact that YHVH is in control, He allows the
locusts to come upon your land for the very purpose to change you. He is also
the One that will restore all you have lost IF your focus has changed back to
Him, away from the THINGS you wanted, that caused the locusts in the first
place. You cannot have both sides of your bread buttered, and you cannot
focus on riches and focus of YHVH at the same time. There is currently a
doctrine that teaches this, feeding on peoples greed, leading you into the
valley of death.
Matt 6:24 No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one
and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon.
Mammon is the word mamonas that means treasure and riches. Remember
that riches can be a blessing but awaits you behind the dark cloud, which
you will receive if you have changed so that it will not corrupt you.

If it is YHVHs will for you to have riches to support the Kingdom, then your
vessel will be stretched before He gives you that blessing, so that you will not
be corrupted by it. Only ask YHVHs will to receive the blessings with your name
on it.

Yshua Tempted on the Mountain

Matt 4:8-10 Again, the devil took Him up
on an exceedingly high mountain and
showed Him all the kingdoms of the world
and their glory.9, And he said to Him, All
these things I will give You if You will fall
down and worship me. 10 Then Yshua said
to him, Away with you, Satan! For it is
written, You shall worship YHVH YOUR
ELOHIM, and Him only you shall serve.
Yshua responded, quoting from this passage in Deuteronomy 6.
Deut 6:10-13 So it shall be, when YHVH
YOUR ELOHIM brings you into the land of
which He swore to your fathers, to Test 3: This is the area
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you where you will be tempted
large and beautiful cities which you did not
build, 11 houses full of all good things, which by worldly things tempted
you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you by lack or tempted by
did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which obsessions. Do you serve
you did not plantwhen you have eaten YHVH or things / Satan?
and are full 12 then beware, lest you forget
YHVH who brought you out of the land of
Egypt, from the house of bondage. 13 You shall fear YHVH YOUR ELOHIM
and serve Him, and shall take oaths in His name.
Yshua quoted this passage and emphasised the importance to only worship
and fear YHVH, not to serve any other gods. The verses that preceded this
quote is the passage that is placed inside a Mezuzah, and the Mezuzah
symbolises the attitude of a Bondservant, someone, who loves YHVH with all
his heart, soul and strength, and obey all the words YHVH Commanded which
are written in his heart. We have looked at this verse previously, and it
describes the things that will be given to you as a result of serving and worship
YHVH, passing the temptations that come your way. Yshua was tempted here
to worship the Devil, to gain the blessings promised in Deuteronomy 6, and to
worship the Devil is similar to worship and serve other gods.
Q What can these other gods look like?

1. Another way to look at this is to ask the question, are you worshipping the
Devil indirectly when you seek the things or
blessings, without meeting the requirements?
To receive the blessing, we should first serve
YHVH and secondly, pass the tests that
precede these blessings. It is like finding a
shortcut to get to the blessings. Seeking
only the hand of YHVH, focussing only on the
blessings behind the trials, is a form of idol
worship, and in this context, serving other gods or even serving the Devil.
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 explains. Hear, O Israel: YHVH YOUR ELOHIM, is one
YHVH! 5 You shall love YHVH YOUR ELOHIM with all your heart, with all
your soul, and with all your strength. You will serve the Devil with your
soul, occupying your mind, thinking continually of the things or
outcome. You will worship the Devil with your heart, longing for that
outcome or blessing with all of your being. You will serve the Devil with all
your strength, doing everything in your power to get the blessing. We tend
to change this verse to the following though our actions when we face a
Hear, O Israel: YHVH your Elohim is one YHVH! 5 I love (my new
job, financial outcome, blessing on my business, a new house,
healing) with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my
If your focus is more on your need than on the One who can provide it,
then you can fall into the trap of serving yourself or the Devil. The greatest
commandment in Satanism or Devil worship is Do thy own will, and is
supported my secular songs by Devil worshipping artists, follow your own
heart. Your need can become your God and following your will and
your heart is another form of Devil worship. This might be the reason why
some peoples prayers arent answered because they pray for the
outcome according to their own will and desires.
2. The second example of serving other gods or idols is when you are
already blessed. Anything you prioritise above
YHVH, making these things your primary
focus, will convert these blessings into
gods or idols. You might be blessed with a
great job or Business, and spend all your time
there. When you are with family and friends,
then that is all you can talk about. It might be
that you are blessed with a beautiful vehicle.
You spend a fair bit of money to pimp it, taking up most of your time,
bringing it and maintaining it to perfection. When you have a conversation
with someone, this topic will always feature. The same goes for anything
that you are blessed with, that becomes an obsession. These obsessions
will become the gods you serve, and the idols you worship, and it will
become your next trial because YHVH is a jealous God.

3. The third type of devil worship or being tempted to serve
and worship the devil, is fear. The thing you fear is the
thing you worship. The word says that we should fear
YHVH and Him alone. We all know that this fear has to do
with respect and reverence, but fearing someone or some
situation causes anxiety that will occupy your mind and
soul, your thoughts and feelings, and will take away your
strength. All these areas we must be given to YHVH as a
token of our love and service to Him.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of
fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made
perfect in love.
John 14:15 If you love Me, you will keep My Commandments.
Fear has a spiritual connection to it, and there is a spirit that sits behind fear.
This spirit is driven out through your the love towards YHVH.
How does this work? To love YHVH is to do His Commandments. Deut 6:6 says
that we must have His Commandments in our hearts, experiencing His shalom,
bound to our hands, seen in all our actions (strength), and be as frontlets
between our eyes, have it in our minds and thoughts all day long. His
Commandments will then fill all these areas that are usually occupied by fear,
preventing us from loving YHVH.

The Faith of our Father Abraham

Abrahams first trial was to have his need met.
Q - Did he seek YHVH in the process while he was
waiting for the promise to come to pass, or did he fail the
Abraham failed because his focus was on the outcome
and in his own strength he went into Hagar, and she
gave him a son. This son became a trial later on, and he
had to let the mother and her child go to resolve family
The next trail Abraham faced was when YHVH gave him
a son as promised. This blessing was tested, and
YHVH told Abraham to offer up Isaac. Abraham passed this test and proved,
that this time the blessing did not become an idol or god which he served
with all his heart, mind and strength. Passing this test changed Abraham, and
YHVH revealed Himself to him. Abraham was one of the people who met with
YHVH face to face and was declared righteous as a result of him passing the
test.. We all think that his faith declared Him righteous, it is true, but faith has a
deeper meaning; it is actually about passing the tests every time, proving that
your primary focus is still on YHVH, regardless of the situation you face or the
blessings you have, you still choose to put Him above all these things, just like


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